Witchfinder General said:So what's your thoughts on the suggestions? Did you like 'em all? Hated some?
They're nearly all amazing. I don't know what was keeping me away from this music all these years.
Now it's just a matter of systematically adding this stuff to my library and becoming more familiar with it.
I think Entombed stuck out for the mellower guitar solo bits at the end of the track.
Death stuck out to me quite a bit. I've been curious about them for a while now and your suggestions really cemented that for me.
I have fond memories of Napalm Death because they appeared on this awesome Alternative Tentacles comp covering the Dead Kennedys. Will have to check out more from them.
"Jesus Cries" by Edge of Sanity feels all kinds of epic -- and kind of emotional too. Really impressed by that.
The bass in Atheist really does stick out. I like that -- the song has an almost proggy, free-jazz feel in parts that reminds me of what I like about Orthrelm and stuff like that.
Gonna need more time to solidify my thoughts about all the songs. But there wasn't a single stinker in any of the suggestions on the YouTube playlist.
I'm super grateful for your suggestions.