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The Metal Thread

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Seanspeed said:
Hey, I'm a metalcore fan, so my opinions are hardly gonna matter much in a thread like this, but I just wanted to put out there the change that occured with In Flames for anybody reading the thread, especially the person who was looking for good melodic death stuff.

I wasn't trying to put down your opinion, necessarily.

Yeah, I probably should have put it was a bit of a change. I wouldn't say the change from Colony to Clayman was quite as drastic as And Justice for all to The Black Album was for Metallica. Actually, thinking about it it's not even really in the same ballpark as that change. But it is a bit different. In Flames was pretty good about having a clear path they were following throughout their years. When you sit down and look at their discography it all kind of makes sense.
I've heard a LOT of melo-death in my time and it honestly doesn't get much better than In Flames' The Jester Race and Omnium Gatherum's Spirits And August Light. The two classiest, most powerful and most unique melo-death albums that exist, in my opinion.

As an added bonus, OG are still pumping out quality melodic death with modern, but not "nu" tinges; I wish the same could be said for IF...

Anyway, feast your ears on this. I dare you to find faults in its melodies and structure.



RDreamer said:
Yeah, I probably should have put it was a bit of a change. I wouldn't say the change from Colony to Clayman was quite as drastic as And Justice for all to The Black Album was for Metallica. Actually, thinking about it it's not even really in the same ballpark as that change. But it is a bit different. In Flames was pretty good about having a clear path they were following throughout their years. When you sit down and look at their discography it all kind of makes sense.
True. The change from Whoracle to Colony was probably bigger than Colony to Clayman.

But from Lunar Strain to Whoracle all felt pretty similar in scope, so I dont think there was much change there in style. It was only after that where they started to make changes. It also happened to occur when their popularity was rising. A coincidence? I wont say, but the words 'selling out' definitely come to mind.
Seanspeed said:
True. The change from Whoracle to Colony was probably bigger than Colony to Clayman.

But from Lunar Strain to Whoracle all felt pretty similar in scope, so I dont think there was much change there in style. It was only after that where they started to make changes. It also happened to occur when their popularity was rising. A coincidence? I wont say, but the words 'selling out' definitely come to mind.

"Selling out" is definitely a fitting term here, unfortunately. I'd also like to point out that on top of losing such beautiful music from IF, we also lost Anders in his prime. The death vox on TJR are probably the best I've ever heard; gutteral, raspy, somewhat incoherent and did I mention gutteral? Perfect.

Ah, man. How the greats fall.


mickcenary said:
I've heard a LOT of melo-death in my time and it honestly doesn't get much better than In Flames' The Jester Race and Omnium Gatherum's Spirits And August Light. The two classiest, most powerful and most unique melo-death albums that exist, in my opinion.

As an added bonus, OG are still pumping out quality melodic death with modern, but not "nu" tinges; I wish the same could be said for IF...

Anyway, feast your ears on this. I dare you to find faults in its melodies and structure.

Damn, that is great stuff. I cant fault its melodies or structure, but I think the vocals were put far too much in the background in the mix. <---this coming from a guitarist!

Thanks for the recommendation!


I would hesitate to call it selling out. I mean really, if you could say that through Whoracle they had one sort of sound and after that they went different, then the differing key there is Glenn Ljungström. He left after Whoracle, and Gelotte stepped up to guitar and started writing. Now, I'm not saying it couldn't have been an overall sellout thing, but I kind of hesitate to really think they sat down and said "let's do this for money." I'd be more inclined to believe that Jesper was already leaning that way (which you could see in the previous albums), and Gelotte and his writing together just produced more and more work that would go in their more modern direction. Add to that Anders getting writing credits after Soundtrack to Your Escape, and things just make a lot of sense.
Seanspeed said:
Damn, that is great stuff. I cant fault its melodies or structure, but I think the vocals were put far too much in the background in the mix. <---this coming from a guitarist!

Thanks for the recommendation!

Ha. Well, I meant in a musical sense, but yes, I'm sure there are faults in the mixing. And no problem! These guys should not be missed by anyone even remotely interested in melo-death. The rest of the album is fantastic, too; some of the melodies are weep-worthy.

On another note - and I guess this speaks for me not following IF post Clayman - I had no idea that Stromblad had left permanently, or of his alcohol problem. That's kinda sad.

Maybe not for his recent work, but for what he has done = metal god.

Seanspeed said:
Fuck man. I grow tired of arguing over this. I just miss old In Flames.

There's an argument over this?! Come now. Let's not be idiots.


I always thought there was those who liked new In Flames (90s kids) and those who liked old in flames (80s kids). It depends on your perspective.

However them collaborating with Pendulum and saying their new album "goes against the hard rock formula" when they're a metal band sure isn't something I want to hear.
Off the top of my head I think I can only name one band that took a nosedive in quality to the same degree as In Flames and that is Queensryche.

Makes me want to hold my copies of The Jester Race and Operation: Mindcrime and weep myself to sleep.


Lard said:
Really want to see Slayer, as I've never seen them, but the rest of the Sunday lineup is meh.
Whoa dude, Exodus and Testament are anything but meh. Hell, I'd say they're much better than Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax.


So any GAF members that saw Converge in Paris the other night? Supposedly a great show.

EDIT: Wait, am I in the wrong thread?
Was Nate back? I heard they canceled the rest of the U.S. tour because of illness. Saw them a couple times last year, fucking killed it.


TUROK said:
Whoa dude, Exodus and Testament are anything but meh. Hell, I'd say they're much better than Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax.
I'd say Slayer is better than Testament and Exodus, but the rest of what you say is true, though I am certainly a big fan of Testament.
Hydranockz said:
Anyone like Andromeda here?
Here is a pretty mellow song by their standards (I think)

A heavier/faster one.

I'll be honest, I only heard of them after they had most of that album released for the Rock Band Network. Pretty amazing stuff though.

Ew, man. You bring the awesomeness of Andromeda in here and promote them with something from THE IMMUNITY ZONE?!


Only joshin'. I'm honestly not a fan of that album, though; 'Ghosts on Retinas' is the only good song, in my opinion.

Anyway, I'm sure you have done so already, but you should really check out the albums Extension of the Wish and Chimera, in that order. Fantastic progressive metal.

Reverting slightly back to the melodic death side of things, who here is familar with early Anata? The Infernal Depths Of Hatred album, to be exact. Melo-death with more "death" in it; the melodies/harmonies are fucking great. The opening to 'Slain Upon His Alter' = godly (satanly).



Azuran said:
Just started listening to melodic death metal and I absolutely love it. At The Gates, In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Wintersun, and Children of Bodom (they're melodeath right?) are quickly becoming some of my favorite bands.

Any other melodeath bands or songs that I should listen too? I'll pretty much listen to anything as long as it's good.

Thanks in advance guys.
Gvaz said:
Prolly since 2009 or so?

The only albums I've heard in OmegaDragon's list at the moment are the Shining, WITTR, and Darkspace albums.

Will check back on the others though, I enjoy all those other bands. Except for Code, Destroyer, and the ruins of beverast which I've never heard of before.

Deströyer 666 ise a pretty awesome black/thrash band. I'd recommend the album Phoenix rising, at least give I Am The Wargod a listen, such a great track!

Code (or <code>) plays atypical black metal, people tag it as experimental or avant-garde but I wouldn't really call it that. I really like the use of clean vocals (by Kvohst from Dodsheimgard). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD4qV9TamOU and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p71Mfd_5_i4

The Ruins of Beverast is atmopheric black metal. That album I mentioned has some death/doom elements

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Why aren't more people fans of Scott "Wino" Weinrich?


He's been in so many amazing, genre defying Doom bands (like St Vitus and The Obsessed) that his name should be whispered with reverence. This guy is a fucking god.

Here, I'll post a couple of tracks so you can see what I'm babbling about:

St Vitus - I Bleed Black

The Obsessed - Back to Zero
So I'm just now getting through a full playthrough of the new Falconer album, "Armod".

Definitely a departure from their earlier stuff. A lot more folk has been thrown in, and the metal moments seem to be slightly more aggressive than before. Also, all of the lyrics are in Swedish for this one. The power metal majesty is still definitely there, but spaced between eruptions of tremolo picking and solemn acoustic bits.

It's a grower so far, at least compared to the other Falconer releases which usually grab you by the balls with their epic hooks and sing-a-long choruses. I like it a lot so far, but I do miss the more soaring moments of Mindtraveler or even Catch the Shadows off of Northwind.
Witchfinder General said:
Why aren't more people fans of Scott "Wino" Weinrich?

He is a legend. Got to meet and have a drink with him when Shrinebuilder was around. I think he doesn't get as much recognition cause he's not as charismatic as say someone like Matt Pike.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Giant Robot said:
He is a legend. Got to meet and have a drink with him when Shrinebuilder was around. I think he doesn't get as much recognition cause he's not as charismatic as say someone like Matt Pike.

He really reminds me of Henry Rollins, a professional ignored by the media who simply wants to make great music and doesn't care about being a spotlight whore.

And now for something completely different:


I just bought Stuck Mojo's Rising from iTunes. I originally heard of Stuck Mojo when a song from the aforementioned album ("Trick") was featured on a Shock Records Australia compilation album. Now Rap and Metal is usually a fucking awful combination but Rising is one of the few exceptions because aside from the crushingly tasty riffs the singer does more than just rap.
just picked up the re-issue of Autopsy - Mental Funeral on vinyl. Fucking perfect death metal band. Flawless death metal and the most ugly sounding recording. And they are headlining a show here in the Bay Area next month!

Also picked up the new Boris - Heavy Rocks (2011) album on vinyl. It's quickly surpassing Smile and Pink for me. People should give this album a second chance.


Giant Robot said:
just picked up the re-issue of Autopsy - Mental Funeral on vinyl. Fucking perfect death metal band. Flawless death metal and the most ugly sounding recording. And they are headlining a show here in the Bay Area next month!

Definitely one of the best death metal records ever made. I think I also have the vinyl somewhere. I'm also going to see them play next month. AFAIK, it's the first time they're playing in Finland.

In case you're interested, my friend's industrial metal band, Havoc Unit, made a cover of Autopsy's song, Dead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJD79qj9SDo
I really like how they handled the vocals (they were recorded with a cell phone), instead of trying to imitate Reifert.


TheLastCandle said:
So I'm just now getting through a full playthrough of the new Falconer album, "Armod".

Definitely a departure from their earlier stuff. A lot more folk has been thrown in, and the metal moments seem to be slightly more aggressive than before. Also, all of the lyrics are in Swedish for this one. The power metal majesty is still definitely there, but spaced between eruptions of tremolo picking and solemn acoustic bits.

It's a grower so far, at least compared to the other Falconer releases which usually grab you by the balls with their epic hooks and sing-a-long choruses. I like it a lot so far, but I do miss the more soaring moments of Mindtraveler or even Catch the Shadows off of Northwind.

I want to love it, and perhaps it will be a grower instead of front loaded, but the fact that it's all in Swedish just makes things sound so odd. I love Mathias' vocals, always have, their debut album is pretty much perfect, so to hear that heavy Swedish accent for Swedish lyrics on the new album, just makes things feel off.

The bonus tracks being a few tracks done in English makes sense and I love them a hell of a lot of course.


Since all this talk about melodeath, I've found myself listening to a lot of Finnish/Swedish stuff lately and I came across my old Dimmu Borgir stuff. I forgot how good they used to be.

Its a crime that this song hasn't been used in some movie at some point:

Det Nye Riket - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfhDSnJ5Upg

So god damn(heh) dark and somber.


Damn, Allegaeon is a sick band. Check out their album Fragments of Form and Function and also the self-titled ep. Talking about melodeath; listen to the album Cimmerian by Templestowe as well. This band is unsigned, can you believe that?

And last year i have discovered that the band Dissection isnt death, they just have a new name; Thulcandra.

Favorite albums this year:

1. Primordial - Redemption at the Puritan's Hand
2. Demonical - Death Infernal
3. Septic Flesh - The Great Mass
5. Nervecell - Psychogenocide
5. Benighted - Asylum Cave
6. Deafheaven - Roads To Judah
7. Cult Of Erinyes - A Place to Call My Unknown
8. The Black Dahlia Murder - Ritual
9. Sylosis - Edge Of The Earth
10. Altar of Plagues - Mammal


Obsidian said:
Damn, Allegaeon is a sick band. Check out their album Fragments of Form and Function and also the self-titled ep.

If you checked them out based on my recommendation, you're welcome! They're fantastic, their album was easily near the top of my list last year just because it came from nowhere and it slays. Love that guitar tone as well, so meaty and heavy.

h3nriqu3 said:
What do you guys think of the new Symphony-X album?
I'm listening to it for the first time at the moment.

Yeah, been listening to it nonstop the past few days, fantastic album.


Man, I'm really impressed buy the new November's Doom, this shit is awesome. A real leap forward for their sound and talent, I think.
finally got around to picking this up.


Hooded Menace's sophomore album "Never Cross The Dead"
Fucking awesome doom/death metal. First album came out of nowhere and this follow up is just as good and a bit more consistent. Think old Stockholm Swedish death metal sound playing Candlemass/My Dying Bride type riffs. Melodic, heavy, and evil.

Hooded Menace - Never Cross The Dead
Just received Symphony X's new album "Iconoclast" and gave it my first listen. Its a bit similar to Paradise Lost sound wise, but it has a lot of hints and touches from past albums as well. All in all, I think its gonna grow on me even more.

One thing though, if you plan on getting the album, do yourself a favor and get the special edition with the 5 bonus tracks. I dont know what the hell they were thinking, but those tracks should have been on the main album.


Finally got a chance to see Baroness live, and it was glorious!

Such a great show. Also got the pick up the red album vinyl on the cheap.
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