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The Metal Thread

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will learn eventually
Paganfest was awesome. All Bands were great, unofrtunately Týr only got 30 minutes.
4 songs and that's it. :mad:

Nevertheless Korpiklaani was absolutely AMAZING!


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Des0lar said:
Paganfest was awesome. All Bands were great, unofrtunately Týr only got 30 minutes.
4 songs and that's it. :mad:

Nevertheless Korpiklaani was absolutely AMAZING!

What songs did Tyr play? I'm hoping either The Edge or Regin Smidur.


Unconfirmed Member
Des0lar said:
Paganfest was awesome. All Bands were great, unofrtunately Týr only got 30 minutes.
4 songs and that's it. :mad:

Nevertheless Korpiklaani was absolutely AMAZING!

If Korpiklaani was on the US leg of the tour then I would have gotten tickets.
Saw "Symphony X" in Mokena, IL last night. Opening bands were "Into Eternity" and "Epica". Show was fuckin awesome. SX tore the place down as usual. Poor Into Eternity suffered tech problems for half their set. The singer's mic kept dying on him, so he and the guitar player shared a mic for a while. They were actually pretty funny and entertaining. I'd never heard of Epica before, but I was pleasantly surprised with them. I guess the lead singer on the tour is not their actual lead singer. That girl is sick with MRSA and sitting out the US tour. I liked the woman they had replace her though. I'm looking them up on Zune Marketplace and I'm thinking I actually liked the replacement singer's voice a little better! Ah well.

Anyway, SX just fucking rocked. I want to say they played like 80% of Paradise Lost along with a handful of older tunes from Twilight in Olympus, The Odyssey, and Divine Wings of Tragedy. Before the show, my gf and I ate at a Denny's right next to the venue. Mike LePond and Michael Pinella came in there with friends/family and had something to eat before the show. I really wanted to go say hello, but I thought what would I really say that would be relevant anyway? "Hey man, you guys are awesome! Is that a good burger? Anyway, you fucking RAWK DOOD!" I opted to just leave them alone and let them eat with their friends/family. Then on the way out, LePond was just standing out alone by the door, so I said hi and told him I was looking forward to the show, all the while not breaking stride. I really didn't wanna be "that guy" who fawns all over the band and looks like a groupie in front of his lady, y'know? LePond was super cool. I think everytime I have seen that guy he has been smiling about something. Good for him. :D

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Insane Metal said:


Warrel Dane - Praises to the War machine

Jesus, is this guy Talented.

Fuck, it's out?

I have to get it.

EDIT: I'm listening to tracks from his Myspace page.

So awesome.


will learn eventually
Phobophile said:
What songs did Tyr play? I'm hoping either The Edge or Regin Smidur.

Nope neither. Hail to the hammer, Ramund hin Unge, and i THINK Ragnarök and one or two songs I can't remember.
Also: Yep, that's right they played a total of maybe half an hour, in contrast to 1 1/2 hours Ensiferum. Half an hour Týr is FAR to little!


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Des0lar said:
Nope neither. Hail to the hammer, Ramund hin Unge, and i THINK Ragnarök and one or two songs I can't remember.
Also: Yep, that's right they played a total of maybe half an hour, in contrast to 1 1/2 hours Ensiferum. Half an hour Týr is FAR to little!

Well that's fucking bullshit.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
GIGANTOUR this Thursday Houston TX!

My copy of Opeth Still Life should be in the mail.


Tauntaun said:
Gigantour for me next week on Tuesday and Prog Nation next month! Also you people fail because you have not mentioned this years greatest metal album:




Im pretty sure its been talked about before.

This album is certainly more interesting than Catch 33 was, but I still find it slightly boring.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Ravager61 said:
Im pretty sure its been talked about before.

This album is certainly more interesting than Catch 33 was, but I still find it slightly boring.

Yeah I never got the whole appeal of Meshuggah. There's not much once you get past the loud chugging.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Phobophile said:
Yeah I never got the whole appeal of Meshuggah. There's not much once you get past the loud chugging.

Up to and including the amazing Destroy Erase Improve, Meshuggah were less chug-a-lug and instead displayed their Thrash roots proudly. From Chaosphere onwards Meshuggah decided to go after the whole crazy time signature thing.
Picked up a handful of stuff last week:

Abigor - Channeling the Quintessence of Satan
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
few Beherit albums
Belphegor - Lucifer Incestus
Lunar Aurora - Seelenfeuer & Of Stargates And Bloodstained Celestial Spheres
Nachtmystium - Demise
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
Pentagram - Pentagram
Thorns - Grymyrk
Tsjuder - Kill for Satan

All great stuff. I need more Black metal recommendations
Anyone listen to the album Enter the Grave by Evile? Their song Thrasher was included in Rock Band a few weeks back and I've been very high on this album ever since. It's very classic thrash of the Slayer variant. If you didn't know any better you'd think this was a new Slayer album.


fistfulofmetal said:
Anyone listen to the album Enter the Grave by Evile? Their song Thrasher was included in Rock Band a few weeks back and I've been very high on this album ever since. It's very classic thrash of the Slayer variant. If you didn't know any better you'd think this was a new Slayer album.

I haven't heard them before but I will have to check them out. I love me some thrash metal! A recent find and new favorite of mine is Earlyman. They have a very early thrash metal sound, sort of like really old metallica, with a vocalist that is closer to Ozzy and Bruce Dickenson..They are really riff heavy,totally rawk and are a pretty new band( only one album I think) \\nn//


Witchfinder General said:
From Chaosphere onwards Meshuggah decided to go after the whole crazy time signature thing.

Which blows my minds very often.

I also checked out that Warrel Dane solo album. he does much better stuff with his voice then "allowed" to due with Nevermore. Will buy when released.

Skyfire - Mind_Revolution. Not too many people appreciate Skyfire's contributions to the melodic power/death metal scene. Kalmah and Children of Bodom are generally viewed as the cornerstores of the hybrid genre. I think that Skyfire is superior to both groups, however. Mind_Revolution was their second album, and I challenge anybody who listens to it to find a single song they don't like on this album.

Old school thrash needs a greater presence in this thread. Evildead, Exhorder, Testament (especially Practice What You Preach and The New Order), Exodus, Kreator, Sodom, Dark Angel, and Destruction come to mind as some of the lesser known bands that were inspired by Metallica, Slayer, and Overkill (or, tracing it back further, punk music) and set out to create the ultimate punk-metal hybrid. Another excellent group in this genre, who only released one album, is Terrorizer. Their "World Downfall" is one of the single most headbang-worthy releases of 1989 and is considered to be the first legitimate grindcore album.
Razkolnikov said:
Old school thrash needs a greater presence in this thread. Evildead, Exhorder, Testament (especially Practice What You Preach and The New Order), Exodus, Kreator, Sodom, Dark Angel, and Destruction come to mind as some of the lesser known bands that were inspired by Metallica, Slayer, and Overkill (or, tracing it back further, punk music) and set out to create the ultimate punk-metal hybrid. Another excellent group in this genre, who only released one album, is Terrorizer. Their "World Downfall" is one of the single most headbang-worthy releases of 1989 and is considered to be the first legitimate grindcore album.

you win.
all hail thrash metal! Let's get some Bay Area thrash love in here. VIO-LENCE!

and Terrorizer's "World Downfall" is one of my favorite drum albums of all time. By far Pete Sandoval's best drum work. Way different style than his work in Morbid Angel, but this is fucking pulsating, rhytmic and is the holy grail of single foot blast beats. But i would disagree it being the first legitimate grindcore album. Napalm Death's first 2 albums far preceded World Downfall, even though Terrorizer has been around just a little after Napalm Death. They actually released a second album "Darker Days Ahead" which was Jesse Pintado's last album before he died about a couple years ago. This was the worst fucking thing i've heard in a while, pretty much ruined the whole Terrorizer legacy. I'm fucking dissapointed associating that new album with anything Terrorizer. fucking garbage.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Wtf not only can amazon not get me the Still Life remaster 'till the end of april or the beginning of may, their price is higher than BEST BUY of all places.

Best buy says "available at most stores" for cheaper than amazon, am i in bizarro world?


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
SaggyMonkey said:

This EP is pretty amazing. It'd only been on vinyl before, and just now brought to CD.

I fucking love this EP. This resurgence of epic heavy metal is amazing.

Giant Robot said:
you win.
all hail thrash metal! Let's get some Bay Area thrash love in here. VIO-LENCE!

Phobophile said:

And you call yourself a metal listener. :p

Isen Torr - Mighty & Superior
Thank you very much.

Does anyone know anything about Bodom re-releasing Something Wild and Hatebreeder on April 29th? I found them both on Amazon, supposedly enhanced, $13 versions available for pre-order but I can't find anything else.
Phobophile said:

No family, no funeral, no rosaries for
Slain on this hillside - MY SILENT GRAVE!

I sang that chorus part during one of their last live sets ever that was going to be on the Live cd. But they fucking did not include that song probably because i sounded terrible :lol :lol


I liked "Are you dead yet" and "Hate crew deathroll" better than "Blooddrunk". It#s not a bad album but just not as good imo.
To everyone mentioning CoB's new album: I've only listened through it once so far, and I wasn't very impressed. Nothing stuck out. I mean, that was only one listen, so I'll definitely give it another go, but I'm not expecting a whole lot. For clarity's sake, I've liked all of their albums so far, so I'm not someone listening with the expectation of hating it.
HitokiriNate85 said:
To everyone mentioning CoB's new album: I've only listened through it once so far, and I wasn't very impressed. Nothing stuck out. I mean, that was only one listen, so I'll definitely give it another go, but I'm not expecting a whole lot. For clarity's sake, I've liked all of their albums so far, so I'm not someone listening with the expectation of hating it.
I wasn't very impressed with Blooddrunk (the single) the first time I heard it. It definitely grew on me.


Redmond's Baby
Only one festival for me this year, Metalcamp
Probably for only one day (saturday), but it will be awesome (just praying for dry weather) : Finntroll, Meshuggah, Apocalyptica, Amon Amarth and Iced Earth.
DrM said:
Only one festival for me this year, Metalcamp
Probably for only one day (saturday), but it will be awesome (just praying for dry weather) : Finntroll, Meshuggah, Apocalyptica, Amon Amarth and Iced Earth.

dude, you are leaving out the CARCASS re-union! FUCK!
Carcass confirmed for Metal Camp AND Wacken. This is fucking insane.
Phobophile said:
Yeah no way in hell I'm buying a $20+ two-track EP before listening.

$20? It's $8 on that site plus $5 for S&H unless you live somewhere else... then slightly more. When it comes to S&H though, I don't think about it cause I tend to order more than one CD anyways.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Alright so I have had Behemoth's Demigod for quite awhile now and I love it. But I really need a new album by them, which one would any of you suggest I get?
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