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The Metal Thread

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Was reminded how much I love Gojira last night listening to these videos...incredible performance from them as usual, one of the top 5 metal bands in the world right now IMO. (Only bad thing about these vids is that the crowd is super lame and standing still, maybe they are shell shocked by how awesome the band is)

Lizard Skin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIn9SibLijs
Clone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skv4vioszuw
Backbone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBZtRtw-2cE
Indians http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRcI8pUYGaQ
A Sight to Behold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL-WMczrt1w
*The Art of Dying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAZLmfLk3l0
Drum Solo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAWmudQSA1s
Heaviest Matter of the Universe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBW5iDvkMHU
Flying Whales http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRIVJ7aLHTE
Toxic Garbage Island http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n0NBlXCPSA
Vacuity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rKqd_EcyFk
World to Come http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbr0NQKDSCo
*Oroborus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6qRFb2jisg

* = Face melting awesome
Orayn said:
Not as impressive as their best work, not not nearly as offensive as their last two albums. Still, it's nice that they've got a fresh start. To be honest, I was getting really fed up with Portnoy's lyrics, which seemed to get worse and worse.

The song feels like 'more of the same' to me. I wanted something a bit different. Dream Theater but different.


Galvanise_ said:
The song feels like 'more of the same' to me. I wanted something a bit different. Dream Theater but different.

I'm kind of getting that by listening to some other bands like Spheric Universe Experience, BTBAM and Cynic...

I just don't want them to change so much that they jump the shark in some strange direction. Certainly they can go overboard with keyboards and guitars and become some sort of jam band sounding thing very easily, the mix sounding so strange is what scares me the most about that single.
Gaspode_T said:
I'm kind of getting that by listening to some other bands like Spheric Universe Experience, BTBAM and Cynic...

I just don't want them to change so much that they jump the shark in some strange direction. Certainly they can go overboard with keyboards and guitars and become some sort of jam band sounding thing very easily, the mix sounding so strange is what scares me the most about that single.

The problem is that it still sounds like Portnoy is playing drums. Mangini was a very, very, very safe choice for a new drummer. I got the impression during the 'Spirit Carries On' videos that they wanted 'another Portnoy' instead of wanting someone who can do everything Portnoy can do and more.

My favourite DT album is Scenes From a Memory. Perfect blend of catchy singing, epicness, guitar solos and keys.

I fear now that Portnoy has gone, Rudess will just keyboard wank all the way through the new material. There were keys in the new single in places that didn't need to be there.


Well, I have completely spun the new In Flames now a bunch of times, and my initial opinion is about the same: it sucks for an In Flames album. The excellent guitar work of previous efforts took a backseat to a bunch of ballads and droning instruments.

I hope they are just in a lull and haven't lost their edge.
Cheech said:
Well, I have completely spun the new In Flames now a bunch of times, and my initial opinion is about the same: it sucks for an In Flames album. The excellent guitar work of previous efforts took a backseat to a bunch of ballads and droning instruments.

I hope they are just in a lull and haven't lost their edge.

I took the title 'Sounds of a Playground fading' to mean that they are not young any more and that their past is behind them. Given the personnel changes, there is very little chance of them releasing an album even close to one of the classics. Strömblad leaving was a massive, massive loss.


I dunno, I'm a little more lukewarm on the new Arch Enemy than the new In Flames...the new In Flames is a more consistently varied from song to song, Arch is almost...too predictable?

I agree that loss is huge, but Björn is cool too

In Flames get ragged on a lot but Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver was packed from wall to wall with kids going absolutely batsnot insane over them after last CD was released. They also joked during that tour about how people want them to play old school stuff but when they do everyone stands around like zombies. The new stuff sounds way louder and more aggressive live than the old stuff does, even songs I love like Clayman I kind of understand why they don't play every time these days.


I didn't see anyone mention the new Tyr album! :( I'm downloading it from iTunes as I type this, it'll take forever with my shitting reception here at work. Love these guys!
Gaspode_T said:
I dunno, I'm a little more lukewarm on the new Arch Enemy than the new In Flames...the new In Flames is a more consistently varied from song to song, Arch is almost...too predictable?

I agree that loss is huge, but Björn is cool too

In Flames get ragged on a lot but Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver was packed from wall to wall with kids going absolutely batsnot insane over them after last CD was released. They also joked during that tour about how people want them to play old school stuff but when they do everyone stands around like zombies. The new stuff sounds way louder and more aggressive live than the old stuff does, even songs I love like Clayman I kind of understand why they don't play every time these days.

The new Arch Enemy is mediocre. We are hearing the same melodies repeated again and again with them these days. They need to do something quickly. I was hoping that Chris Amott was going to have more influence on this album (and bring the goods) but there is very little on Khaos Legions that makes me want to listen to it.

In Flames can do as they wish, but they need only look at bands like Iron Maiden for guidance on how to keep young and old fans entertained. They vary their setlists, mix things up a bit and place songs in that setlist for every type of mood. If you look around a gig and see that people aren't moshing around all the time, its not a knock on the quality of the gig. People will come and see you regardless.

I for one always get a beer or two and stand towards the middle and soak it all in. The little fuckers down the front can mosh all they want. I'm still enjoying myself.

If the new In Flames are financially successful then they'll continue on as they are at the moment. If not then they'll need to try and re-engage with the fans that got them to where they are now. The newer stuff sounds a lot less Gothenburg to me. The last time I listened to an In Flames record and thought it was very Gothenburg was Reroute to Remain. Soundtrack was great and I loved it, but it felt heavier and synthier.

Ahh well.
Chorazin said:
I didn't see anyone mention the new Tyr album! :( I'm downloading it from iTunes as I type this, it'll take forever with my shitting reception here at work. Love these guys!

It's really good! If you enjoyed the last one in particular you should be golden! A delight.

Also, just checking in to say that yes, the new Symphony X crushes the world under it's mighty metallic girth. Fantastic. God damn, riff after riff after riff with amazing soaring vocals.



From reroute to remain and going forward the band has written songs made to be played in a live setting. It's true though, while the albums of old sound fucking awesome on the disc, being played live sometimes doesn't work too well. I'm not saying it doesn't work at all, but the new material just sounds better.

They interviewed Jesper and he said what happened to the band is like the opposite of Metallica. As far as Metallica goes no one wants to hear the new material only the old shit. For In Flames it's the opposite. The fans wanting to hear the older stuff are in the minority.

Hell I witnessed it live recently. The crowd reaction just isn't there.

However, back when In Flames was barely starting to tour the fans did go crazy for the shit off jester race and whoracle, but the fan base and audience was much smaller. At that point they were barely up to the Clayman album....

totally different now that the crowds are over a thousand and not say 100 people.
TheLastCandle said:
Also, just checking in to say that yes, the new Symphony X crushes the world under it's mighty metallic girth. Fantastic. God damn, riff after riff after riff with amazing soaring vocals.


Indeed its quite a juicy album. I loved Paradise Lost as well, even though a lot of die hard SX fans hated it. I thought it had some kickass riffs. Even Dominations main verse riff reminded me of Pantera-style grooves. Allen is also a powerhouse in the vocals department. Love that guy.


Gaspode_T said:
They also joked during that tour about how people want them to play old school stuff but when they do everyone stands around like zombies.
Well, when I saw them a few years ago it seemed like no one in the audience even knew the lyrics to the older songs except Only for the Weak.

I think I was the only one who was excited when Anders said they would do songs from The Jester Race and even Colony, but then again I'm one of those people who don't like the new sound.
Chorazin said:
I didn't see anyone mention the new Tyr album! :( I'm downloading it from iTunes as I type this, it'll take forever with my shitting reception here at work. Love these guys!
I've listened to it once and I'm enjoying it so far, but I kind of wish they would do some more songs in the vein of The Edge or a bit closer to the sound on Eric the Red in general.
Did anyone here go to that 7000 tons of metal concert? Its gonna be back again in Jan., I really wanna go. Depending on the band selection though.
jmdajr said:
From reroute to remain and going forward the band has written songs made to be played in a live setting. It's true though, while the albums of old sound fucking awesome on the disc, being played live sometimes doesn't work too well. I'm not saying it doesn't work at all, but the new material just sounds better.

They interviewed Jesper and he said what happened to the band is like the opposite of Metallica. As far as Metallica goes no one wants to hear the new material only the old shit. For In Flames it's the opposite. The fans wanting to hear the older stuff are in the minority.

Hell I witnessed it live recently. The crowd reaction just isn't there.

However, back when In Flames was barely starting to tour the fans did go crazy for the shit off jester race and whoracle, but the fan base and audience was much smaller. At that point they were barely up to the Clayman album....

totally different now that the crowds are over a thousand and not say 100 people.

They could pull a remake album out to engage the new fans with the old material. Arch Enemy did this where they totally re-recorded a lot of the old classics with Angela vocals and gave that a proper retail release. They've casually slipped live versions of older songs onto singles/albums too.

I'd imagine some of the older In Flames material with modern mixing and a bit of cleaning up would sound awesome. Its in their interests to try and maintain or up the value of their back catalogue as time goes on. That way if they do have a train crash of an album, they'll have something to lean on.

Again, Maiden have done this fantastically well. They've made compilation albums and featured DVD's with a lot of back catalogue on it.


jmdajr said:
From reroute to remain and going forward the band has written songs made to be played in a live setting. It's true though, while the albums of old sound fucking awesome on the disc, being played live sometimes doesn't work too well. I'm not saying it doesn't work at all, but the new material just sounds better.

They interviewed Jesper and he said what happened to the band is like the opposite of Metallica. As far as Metallica goes no one wants to hear the new material only the old shit. For In Flames it's the opposite. The fans wanting to hear the older stuff are in the minority.

Hell I witnessed it live recently. The crowd reaction just isn't there.

However, back when In Flames was barely starting to tour the fans did go crazy for the shit off jester race and whoracle, but the fan base and audience was much smaller. At that point they were barely up to the Clayman album....

totally different now that the crowds are over a thousand and not say 100 people.

edit: note I'm not one of those that hates In Flames for going soft just because I have to be 100% metal all the time. Heck I listen to pop music too. I can like Madonna, Michael, Jackson, Lady Gaga, and fucking (newish) Britney spears.... .. and then move to to Amon Amarth, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Cradle of Filth etc. And yeah.... cock rock is the equation.. why wouldn't it be.

So basically I'm fine with the style change as long as it works....but sometimes I feel it doesn't. Like back in the Clayman, Colony days....I felt their style worked 100% of the time. These days...not exactly... I just hope they can keep refining their product in ways I like.

edit: fuck I replied to my own fucking post!


Galvanise_ said:
They could pull a remake album out to engage the new fans with the old material. Arch Enemy did this where they totally re-recorded a lot of the old classics with Angela vocals and gave that a proper retail release. They've casually slipped live versions of older songs onto singles/albums too.

Shit dude, I was just thinking about this the other day when listening to Behind Space on Colony. I think it would be an EXCELLENT idea.

edit: just to add to the previous post

“We think all these songs are awesome.” Björn Gelotte categorically states. “It’s never been that we don’t like it, or that we try to deny our past, but when it comes to the live set it needs to be fluid, it needs to be sounding good and it needs to be well arranged and that is important for us. It’s what makes it interesting. We try to sound at our best every day and that’s kind of hard to do with those older songs because they were never written for a live environment. They were written right there, right then, and they were jammed in, basically, to get the most aggression, and the coolest mix between the aggression and the melodies as possible.”

“A lot of times when you listen to the old songs,” the guitarist continues, “you think ‘fuck, I really wanna play this song!’ and we try it. We rehearse it, we try it on a couple of shows, [we think] ‘nah, we need to work on it’ and we try to alter it a bit…and still it doesn’t carry the same punch and same attitude that’s necessary for live sets with us. It’s really hard to go back to that, but the possibility is there. [The early material] is super-important for me and I will never forget that. That’s part of evolving the music; you will always carry your roots with you, you just try to distil your craft or try to make everything you do a little bit better every time.”
HammerOfThor said:
Did anyone here go to that 7000 tons of metal concert? Its gonna be back again in Jan., I really wanna go. Depending on the band selection though.

I think if you go back a bunch of pages in this thread you will see a bunch of us talking about it. I probably would have done unspeakable things to have gone last year, as it had a good solid handful of a lot of my favorite bands, and a bunch of other great acts. Last year would have been the year to go for me, but this year is shaping up really nicely with Stratovarius, Moonsorrow, Nightwish, Hammerfall, and Eluveitie among others. Coroner seem like they could be cool to see too, I didn't even know they were still around.

I'd fucking LOVE to go. All the reviews of last year's cruise have been glowing.


Confirmed Asshole
TheLastCandle said:
Also, just checking in to say that yes, the new Symphony X crushes the world under it's mighty metallic girth. Fantastic. God damn, riff after riff after riff with amazing soaring vocals.
Yeah, it's pretty good.


TheLastCandle said:
I think if you go back a bunch of pages in this thread you will see a bunch of us talking about it. I probably would have done unspeakable things to have gone last year, as it had a good solid handful of a lot of my favorite bands, and a bunch of other great acts. Last year would have been the year to go for me, but this year is shaping up really nicely with Stratovarius, Moonsorrow, Nightwish, Hammerfall, and Eluveitie among others. Coroner seem like they could be cool to see too, I didn't even know they were still around.

I'd fucking LOVE to go. All the reviews of last year's cruise have been glowing.

You might know this. How's the new Hammerfall album?
jmdajr said:
You might know this. How's the new Hammerfall album?

I actually haven't heard it, aside from snippets from the new song. I love everything from Crimson Thunder and back, but they are VERY hit or miss since then. That said, I should give it a listen soon, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.


Speaking of new albums.... Apparently Morbid Angel has "jumped the shark." I have only heard a few samples but I can see how hardcore fans would be pissed. Personally, I would like to check it out fully just to see what all the outrage is about.


Ok, I've listened to Týr's The Lay of Thrym a second time... and I absolutely love it.

The only song I come close to skipping is Take Your Tyrant, but everything else is fantastic.

Anyone here listen to KromleK btw? What did you think of their latest: Finis Terræ?


The initial samples made me very skeptical, but I ended up really enjoying it, even if it was all over the place stylistically.


Insane Metal said:
It's really nice, my favorite songs from the album are "Die Alone" and "When Crows Descend Upon You".

Yeah, I fucking love When Crows Descend Upon you, the "I ride a pale horse named death" part makes me throw up the horns every time.

Hah. they replied to me on Twitter and said thanks when I said they wrote the best song about heroin since Mr. Brownstone. :lol
jmdajr said:
Speaking of new albums.... Apparently Morbid Angel has "jumped the shark." I have only heard a few samples but I can see how hardcore fans would be pissed. Personally, I would like to check it out fully just to see what all the outrage is about.

They jumped the shark back with Domination, then came back with Formulas, then officially back again with the Gateways album.
Hey all,

as a black male brought up around hippity hop, UK garage and stuff I've not really been around the metal scene. I create a thread about metal which gave me some good replies, but the key one was Slayer. I checked out Reign in BLood and though meh..Then I listened again and again and fell in love with the album. I then checked out South of Heaven and some more of their catalouge and thought their 80's stuff was the best

Anyway to cut a long story short Reign in Blood is in my favourite albums of all time already, but what other groups replicate their obnoxious loud sound? I checked out some Metallica and thought it was cool, but I haven't listening to Master of Puppets. Is it worth it? Are their anymore groups?

*rocks out to Criminally Insane*


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
FootNinja said:
My personal favorite is aluminum. It is so versatile and useful in everyday living.


Aluminum's low strength, low elastic modulus, and less than ideal ductility and low fracture toughness make it less of a jack-of-all-trade alloy. Steel's where it's at. Though not as light as magnesium, aluminum, and titanium alloys (Ti alloys have steel beat with its strength-to-weight ratio), with proper melt chemistry, heat treated steels can withstand stresses over 300,000 psi (you can only get about 1/3 of that with Al alloys). Not to mention, steel is a far better conductor of heat and electricity, and being ferromagnetic, you can use it on an induction burner. High Ni stainless steels are great for high-temperature applications and throw in a bunch of Cr and you've got excellent corrosion resistance. Though steel oxidizes rather quickly without protection, rust is much easier to clean off than aluminum oxides. If you're worried about the excess weight of steel, clever structural engineering can remove a considerable amount of unnecessary material.


So I've been on a Mercyful Fate/King Diamond kick for the last few days. Love both bands, used to listen to them a ton, gave them a break for a few years, and now their albums feel pleasantly fresh again.

This has led me to contemplate the grim and ancient metal dilemma: which is the better band?

On the one hand, Melissa and Don't Break the Oath - two of the greatest albums ever pressed. On the other, Andy LaRocque and Mikkey Dee; two musicians whose work is instantly recognizable and who respectively elevate lead guitar and drums to godly levels. I definitely miss LaRocque and Dee when I listen to Fate, but the more I listen to both bands' discographies, the more I gravitate towards Fate for consistency.

King Diamond's first three albums are incredible. Fatal Portrait, Abigail and Them are a trilogy of flawless awesome, arguably better than any single Mercyful Fate album. However, the following five albums are pretty inconsistent. Spider's Lullaby is solid, and Conspiracy has some amazing tracks, but I rarely feel compelled to listen to anything from the Conspiracy to Voodoo period all the way through. Too many skippables. House of God and Abigail II were both surprising returns to form as well as interesting evolutions of King's music, but Puppet Master and Give Me Your Soul are extremely weak in comparison.

By contrast, every Mercyful Fate album is incredible in its own way. Melissa and Oath are classics, but there's a lot to love about Shadows, Time, Into the Unknown and Dead Again. 9 is good, but I tend to feel it's the weakest of the bunch. Still stronger than King Diamond's weakest solo material.

I think it boils down to whether one values consistency over isolated bursts of quality, in which case I'd give it to Fate; or whether one pits the best work of both bands against each other, in which case I think King Diamond's first three albums just edge out Melissa, Oath and Dead Again. After Melissa and Oath, I have a hard time picking my third favourite MF album. Into the Unknown does not get enough love. I almost want to pit King's best three against Fate's best five albums, in which case I'm stuck in a stalemate.

Help me settle this issue once and for all, Metal GAF. If you have objectively bad taste and hate the satanic Gibb brother and his bizarre warblings, GTFO before a demonic ghost-baby possesses your new wife and eats her from the inside after having her push you down some stairs.

One track from an assortment of albums in order of release. I'm being deliberately conservative so that those who don't know the bands get a flavour for a variety of material, while those who want to weigh in have a chance to post more tracks from the best albums. Fight!

Mercyful Fate:

Curse of the Pharaohs (Melissa)

A Dangerous Meeting (Don't Break the Oath) Live Version only because YouTube failed me with the studio version. This recording doesn't come close, so I'll augment it with the only track from Oath on YT:

Come to the Sabbath (Don't Break the Oath)

The Old Oak (In the Shadows)

The Uninvited Guest (Into the Unknown)

Angel of Night (Time)

Since Forever (Dead Again)

King Diamond:

Dressed in White (Fatal Portrait)

Arrival (Abigail)

Twilight Symphony (Them)

Victimized (Conspiracy)

Six Feet Under (The Spider's Lullaby)

Waiting in the Dark (The Graveyard)

Fine. One picture.

Doomshine said:
Ok, I've listened to Týr's The Lay of Thrym a second time... and I absolutely love it.

The only song I come close to skipping is Take Your Tyrant, but everything else is fantastic.

i listened to it yesterday. i'm not too sure about it tbh. it may need a few spins but i wasn't feeling it upon first listen. something about the choruses. musically it's still pretty good but the vocals are a little annoying.


Aske said:
So I've been on a Mercyful Fate/King Diamond kick for the last few days. Love both bands, used to listen to them a ton, gave them a break for a few years, and now their albums feel pleasantly fresh again.


I took these pictures on the 9 tour. I actually had to scan them because they used something called film. God ol' disposable Kodak cam!


TheVarangian said:
i listened to it yesterday. i'm not too sure about it tbh. it may need a few spins but i wasn't feeling it upon first listen. something about the choruses. musically it's still pretty good but the vocals are a little annoying.

The choruses are the same gang vocal style they've been doing since day one. I like the album a lot, makes me feel like pillaging a English coastal village!


jmdajr said:

I took these pictures on the 9 tour. I actually had to scan them because they used something called film. God ol' disposable Kodak cam!

Awesome photos! The coat makes him look like he's on a Devil May Cry kick. I choose to believe that was the reason he wore it.

I was all ready to finally see King Diamond live in '08, but he cancelled the tour due to an injury. Given his recent health problems who knows if or when he'll tour again. One of the few artists I really like who I've never had a chance to see in concert.


Aske said:
Awesome photos! The coat makes him look like he's on a Devil May Cry kick. I choose to believe that was the reason he wore it.

I was all ready to finally see King Diamond live in '08, but he cancelled the tour due to an injury. Given his recent health problems who knows if or when he'll tour again. One of the few artists I really like who I've never had a chance to see in concert.

The show was BADASS. Everything just sounded perfect. A lot times I go to shows and the acoustics are just utter shit, but it was simply impeccable.


Regarding Mercyful Fate and King Diamond... I personally think King Diamond's albums are more consistent. Melissa and Don't Break the Oath are fantastic, but everything after that is hit and miss for me.

My favorite King Diamond song, and probably one of my top 10 songs of all time:

King Diamond - Black Horsemen

I think next on my list of albums I need to listen to will be Omnium Gatherum's latest.
I'd love some recommendations because I've got $30 Amazon credit burning a hole in my virtual pocket.

Bands I love (have all their albums already):
  • Porcupine Tree
  • Opeth
  • Symphony X
  • Agalloch
  • Ghost (they only have one album but I love it)

Bands I like (I have some of their albums, probably not interested in more):
  • Dream Theater
  • Blind Guardian
  • Devin Townsend
  • Ayreon
  • Candlemass
  • Katatonia
  • Septicflesh
  • Tyr

What I do not like:
  • Between the Buried and Me (I know people will recommend them)
  • Extreme thrashing
  • blast beats
  • growling (exception is Opeth)

I like melodic metal. I like good vocals and good production.
I really enjoy both Mercyful Fate and King Diamond, though I would probably give the nod to MF right now. I dunno, if I just finished listening to Abigail and Them you might get a different answer out of me, but Melissa is freshest in my memory.

Actually I'll do that right now.
Fleet_of_Foot said:
I'd love some recommendations because I've got $30 Amazon credit burning a hole in my virtual pocket.

I like melodic metal. I like good vocals and good production.

Based on what you love, give Evergrey and Pagan's Mind a shot.

Edit: Should probably include an album or two.


In Search of Truth
Recreation Day

Pagan's Mind:

Celestial Entrance


Fleet_of_Foot said:
I'd love some recommendations because I've got $30 Amazon credit burning a hole in my virtual pocket.

I like melodic metal. I like good vocals and good production.

You might like Amorphis..


Fleet_of_Foot said:
I do have one recent Amorphis album, it's ok. I saw they have a new one out. Is it any good?

Skyforger is supposed to be really good.

Ever heard of Therion? It's more like symphonic metal with Orchestras and the like. You might like em.


jmdajr said:
Skyforger is supposed to be really good.

Ever heard of Therion? It's more like symphonic metal with Orchestras and the like. You might like em.

I like Skyforger a lot, but they aren't like any of the bands on his Love list, they are more of a folk/pagan metal band.


jmdajr said:
I know you don't like growling vocals but I love Tales from a Thousand lakes....
My favorite Amorphis Album...

I have this one crazy album

Light of Day, Day of Darkness by Green Carnation.

The album is one 60 minute song. Pretty interesting.

edit: also really liked this album. Unless you can't stand a women vocalist....

Mandylion by The Gathering...

I remember when I discovered Opeth in like the late 90s they were lumped in a page dedicated to doom Metal. Katatonia was on there, along with this band and Therion.

We can all disagree on labels, I'm, just saying it's not too far off in similarity. It sure as heck isn't power metal or death metal.


jmdajr said:
edit: also really liked this album. Unless you can't stand a women vocalist....

Mandylion by The Gathering...

I remember when I discovered Opeth in like the late 90s they were lumped in a page dedicated to doom Metal. Katatonia was on there, along with this band and Therion.

We can all disagree on labels, I'm, just saying it's not too far off in similarity. It sure as heck isn't power metal or death metal.

Gods, Nighttime Birds by the Gathering is one of my favorite albums of all time. Anneke's voice was never better!
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