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The Metal Thread

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A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Giant Robot said:
Don't know what's the latest trend these days, but the last couple of years has been an onslaught of Sludge and Post-Metal stuff. It seemed like every week some new Sludge/Post-Metal band would release albums, very reminiscent of the early death metal days. Good thing it has died down significantly.

The modern sludge movement hit its peak in like 2007. The past 3 years have seen watering-down of music and just too much fucking crap. Yeah we get it; a lot of modern sludge has a shit ton of post-rock but a lot of these bands are churning out crap that's just monotonous, downtempo post-rock and it all sounds the goddamned same. And bands like Baroness and Torche have either altered their sound to make it Pitchfork-friendly or their songwriting hasn't been as strong.
Gaspode_T said:
IMO one trend is sort of 'lab crafted' or hand picked metal bands (think Backstreet Boys)

This one band Mutiny Within is like that, a bunch of unquestionably talented young kids but obviously were kind of hand picked for the roles instead of coming together from a truly metal background...Mutiny Within are nearly being crammed down the throats of the entire concert going population as well, their record label is doing a great job getting them on nearly every major tour lately as opening act.

Another example of this is Amaranthe. They are being pushed very hard in Japan, feature a female singer that looks somewhat like a singing metal Shakira or something...and two other guys who have the same sort of 'I actually am going to church on Sundays and was a straight A student' smell about them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y25snz83ms

I saw Mutiny Within open for Sonata Arctica once, good fuck were they bland. Lead singer was a super thin dude who must have been 17 or something. Bleh.

I remember bringing Amaranthe up in a different thread once because of exactly what you just said. That band seriously seems like some sort of science experiment gone awry. Elize Ryd is monstrously hot, but that band is just fucking silly. It's like some sort of weird Dance/Power/Death hybrid band.
All Im saying is I love me some metal. \==/ Im a huge fan of Meshuggah, Threat Signal, Living Sacrifice, Lamb of God, Omnium Gatherum, Mercenary, Fear Factory, Divine Heresy and Pagans Mind.
RyanReedyMusic said:
All Im saying is I love me some metal. \==/ Im a huge fan of Meshuggah, Threat Signal, Living Sacrifice, Lamb of God, Omnium Gatherum, Mercenary, Fear Factory, Divine Heresy and Pagans Mind.

Yeaaah, buddy! \m/
So, some samples from the new Edguy album have leaked, it sounds pretty good to these ears! I'm one of the folks that actually likes their new direction, but I do definitely prefer Hellfire Club and back. If these samples are representative of the new album then I suppose it's a mix of the two eras. Sounds good!



You should check this guys out


If you like cradle of filth, dimmu borgir, children of bodom... you will love this.



Speaking of Cradle of Filth, did anyone else really like their new album? I thought it was a good return to form. It's still no Vempire or Dusk, but I thought it was pretty great!

EDIT: HOLY FUCKBALLS! I'm listening to Battle Beast's album Steel, and they have a fucking song about Berserk and now my pants are soaked with jizz.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
I know it's already been mentioned, but the new Symphony-X is fucking amazing.

Also, the new Kamni album is killer as well. Fans of stoner/sludge need to check it out.


jmdajr said:
So what are the up and coming metal trends these days? Kind of lost track after metalcore/new wave of american heavy metal/trend

New bands trying to sound exactly like NWOBHM.


Doomshine said:
New Falkenbach also came out this year. I think I need to listen to it some more, but it hasn't really grabbed me so far.

All in all quite a mediocre album, but there's something about the opening track that makes me listen to it again and again.


I just noticed how awesome the lyrics to Týr's Shadow of the Swastika are.

"Make sure you count me out of the ranks of your inbred morons With your sewer gas and kiss my Scandinavian ass "


Flynn said:
New bands trying to sound exactly like NWOBHM.

Hey I love Holy Grail, they are awesome live too! This trend I am okay with

Actually I'm not sure if they are exactly NWOBHM as much as Florida Traditional Metal with Hair and British Influences or something like that :p


Thanks to Angrymetalguy.com's reviews I have so much new metal on my iPhone that I had to make a list so I could remeber them all! \m/
Chorazin said:
Thanks to Angrymetalguy.com's reviews I have so much new metal on my iPhone that I had to make a list so I could remeber them all! \m/

I've actually just started reading his blog again thanks to seeing you post about it. Definitely interested in this Battle Beast band. Will check out after work.


TheLastCandle said:
I've actually just started reading his blog again thanks to seeing you post about it. Definitely interested in this Battle Beast band. Will check out after work.

I liked it a lot, but you'll prolly like it a lot more since you're a pretty big fan of that 80s/Euro metal. The singer's got some pipes on her. My friend who plays in an 80's metal cover band said "Holy Blackie Lawless' sister!" when he heard her.

Also, he reviewed Steelwing's Lord of the Wasteland a long time ago, and I checked out some of their tracks, you'd prolly like them a lot too. That kid's got a great vocal range!
Chorazin said:
I liked it a lot, but you'll prolly like it a lot more since you're a pretty big fan of that 80s/Euro metal. The singer's got some pipes on her. My friend who plays in an 80's metal cover band said "Holy Blackie Lawless' sister!" when he heard her.

Also, he reviewed Steelwing's Lord of the Wasteland a long time ago, and I checked out some of their tracks, you'd prolly like them a lot too. That kid's got a great vocal range!

Yeah, while I like basically all metal when done well, my love of the genre mainly lies in power/trad metal, so yeah this stuff sounds right up my alley as far as I can tell. I shall jump in after work.

Also, the idea of a woman sounding like Blackie Lawless is both intriguing and terrifying.


Was just curious if anyone was picking up the remaster of Peace Sells today. I'm debating on getting it, as I've never owned the original. Would this be a good or very bad thing?

Can't wait for the new Decapitated today. What I have heard so far is pretty amazing.

Also, if I have started DJing a streaming metal show once a week, would it be bad of me to promote it in here?


TheLastCandle said:
Yeah, while I like basically all metal when done well, my love of the genre mainly lies in power/trad metal, so yeah this stuff sounds right up my alley as far as I can tell. I shall jump in after work.

Also, the idea of a woman sounding like Blackie Lawless is both intriguing and terrifying.

I like all metal too, but mostly Power/Folk stuff. Trad is close enough to Power that when it's done well, I'm all for it!

HammerOfThor said:

Hahaha, from that article:

"It was really important to make that record in the way we did because of the chaotic internal vibe at that time: 'St. Anger' was a statement, 55 minutes of brutality packed onto a CD, proving to ourselves that we still had the spark. 'St. Anger' was fun but we don't need to make that album again"

One lie, one truth: at least that makes it neutral!
Chorazin said:
I like all metal too, but mostly Power/Folk stuff. Trad is close enough to Power that when it's done well, I'm all for it!

Folk and Prog would definitely be my two other favorite genres. I like your style, dude. Folk has been coming on very strong for the last few years for me.

And as for Peace Sells, it's absolutely worth owning. It's definitely a metal classic, although it's probably 3rd for me in quality in terms of Megadeth's first 4.


To me, at least. :)


So I just gave Battle Beast a listen and Holy Fucking Shit, this sounds amazing!

I usually don't bother with these new bands with classic sounds because I tend to lose interest once the novelty wears off, but this sounds really good so far. I'm definitely checking out the full album.

...and damn those vocals are great!


Right now I'm listening to Crimfall's As The Pain Unfolds... I thought this was gonna be a folk metal album, but it's more like a symphonic folk sound? I guess? They're hard to pin down.

Doomshine said:
So I just gave Battle Beast a listen and Holy Fucking Shit, this sounds amazing!

I usually don't bother with these new bands with classic sounds because I tend to lose interest once the novelty wears off, but this sounds really good so far. I'm definitely checking out the full album.

...and damn those vocals are great!

Glad to see I could help bring some attention to them! I'll also recommend Steelwing's Lord of the Wasteland to you as well, some more awesome classic sound from them!


Gaspode_T said:
Hey I love Holy Grail, they are awesome live too! This trend I am okay with

Actually I'm not sure if they are exactly NWOBHM as much as Florida Traditional Metal with Hair and British Influences or something like that :p

Check out Christian Mistress. Their singer Christine Davis sounds exactly like Budgie's Burke Shelley.

I caught them with a band called Gypsyhawk who are going more the Maiden thing with the dual guitar attack -- though their vocalist is going for a more gruff thing.


Wow a Washington band too, too bad I don't live in Seattle anymore or I would have been able to see them live!

Speaking of Seattle bands, there's one Witchburn that was always fun to see as an opener, they are hard rock/metal with a violin twist and features the singer of a pretty famous "All girl ACDC cover band" Hell's Belles
http://www.reverbnation.com/witchburn She can belt one out, you probably won't be able to miss them if you go to concerts at El Corazon (which the drummer is the owner of....)


Gaspode_T said:
Wow a Washington band too, too bad I don't live in Seattle anymore or I would have been able to see them live!

They run with Slough Feg and Witch Mountain so if you live on the West coast they'll get to you eventually.


Nope, I'm in Tokyo LOL

Wow Witchburn is being featured for Pain in the Grass, they must have gotten more popular in the last year: http://kisw.radiotown.com/pitg2011/lineup.html Damnit I always wanted to see Chevelle live too :| :| Concerts in Tokyo have sucked so much lately

Next metal shows here are Unearth in Oct and then Anthrax/Hellyeah in Nov...Besides Loud Park that's all...sigh...

There are some cool Japanese bands, like this one Crossfaith...the #1 comment is pretty spot on LOL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Vkm2nMM3-Q
So, a while back I was in this thread posting disappointment in Kamelot's newest album, "Poetry for the Poisoned". A switch in my brain must have flipped since then, because I am actually very much enjoying my listen of it today.

It is without a doubt their darkest, and most moody album. It's tinged with electronic and gothic elements, which is a far cry from the speedy double-kick anthems of yore. I suppose I must have come to terms with the fact that I wasn't gonna get The Black Halo again, and started enjoying this for what it is.

And, to be honest, Kamelot's appeal was never their speed, it's the swirling melodies, catchiness, and Khan's ridiculously awesome voice. All of which are in this album. I dig. Sad I didn't give it more of a chance when it came out.
glaurung said:
Stumbled over this little newcomer a few days ago.

Amaranthe - Hunger

Actually found it over at Gaijin Gunpla blog.

This band is undeniably manufactured and soulless, but they definitely have hooks. I won't deny that some of their songs get my head bobbing from time to time, but it makes me feel dirty.

Also, Elise Ryd isn't hard on the eyes.


TheLastCandle said:
This band is undeniably manufactured and soulless, but they definitely have hooks. I won't deny that some of their songs get my head bobbing from time to time, but it makes me feel dirty.

Also, Elise Ryd isn't hard on the eyes.

It's like they smooshed Korn, generic deathcore, and a Mariah Carey wannabe into a band.

3 singers, really?
frogg609 said:
It's like they smooshed Korn, generic deathcore, and a Mariah Carey wannabe into a band.

3 singers, really?

I don't really hear the Korn (Edit: or Mariah Carey for that matter), but otherwise I don't disagree. Bands that have 2 dedicated singers are generally excessive and gimmicky, so 3 just pushes it over the edge.

So yeah, listening to the newest Hammerfall album. It's actually not bad at all, which is a welcome surprise considering they have been rather mediocre for quite a while now. The whole zombie theme has never appealed to me, but luckily it only manages to worm it's way into a few of the tracks on here. The cover art had me worried this was some sort of Dawn of the Dead concept album or what have you.


That Angrymetalguy website seems awesome, thanks for linking to that. I love websites that actually have good writing, it's a rarity these days. bnrmetal.com is my other favorite that is written with an obvious "human touch" (I don't know how to describe it, but he writes because he loves metal not because of some agenda or getting paid to do it).

Also 0.5/5 review doesn't stop their video from getting 650K views on YouTube :p Metal labels must be in a strange position, I really like Metal Blade etc but metal is getting so compartmentalized that it is losing its mass appeal.


Yeah I got to see them live at Thrash Domination last year...they are pretty much the Japanese Metallica LOL, people went crazy for them. Dude has an awesome singing voice too, all songs are in English so people should seriously check Outrage out.

Ahhhh, I really just hope they add some teeth to the Loud Park lineup, Whitesnake...give me a break. The European mega festivals are making me cry with jealousy.


Wahhh, lucky! I doubt they'll ever tour outside of JP, though stranger things have happened I guess. If I could afford it, I'd fly over there specifically to see them play. And yeah, I suppose Japanese Metallica is kinda apt. I dig Loudness a lot too but, I kinda wish Outrage had attained their amount of popularity instead >_>


I don't know the history too well, but I remember reading something like Outrage members had a lot of personal problems/infights/member changes which always seems to hold some bands back

Speaking of underrated metal bands, Accept was one of the best bands I've ever seen live. Showmanship that upstaged almost everyone else I saw that day. I heard they are still touring the world, check them out if you can.


I'm not too clear on their history myself since it's all basically written or spoken in Japanese :/ They've been around since the mid-80's, had 2 singers and I think everyone else has remained the same. First singer only ever recorded demos and Naoki Hashimoto, 2nd singer, recorded w/them from '87 to '97 I think. Naoki left, Outrage continued as a 3 piece putting out a few albums and EPs more in a stoner/sludge vein, Naoki came back in 2007 and they have since released 1 studio album and 2 double live albums + DVD about the reunion and concert. Whew...

Yeah, I remember Accept from way back when, never got into them though. I think everyone knows the song Balls to the Wall :p I saw they got the former singer of TT Quick singing for them now and I remember his stuff with those guys. Pretty good singer. I'll have to listen to Blood of the Nations sometime, I keep forgetting :/
Blood of the Nations is a really great album. Tornillo does a damn fine job on vocals as well. The reception to this comeback has been very positive, which you almost never see when a band replaces their singer from the most classic era of their existence.

Teutonic Terror is such a cool song. \m/


Haha. Just checked out Outrage. Shit is fuckin garbage. I cant believe I get shit for liking metalcore when 'real' metal fans think trash like this is good.

Sounds like seriously weak-ass 'Kill em All'-era Metallica.


Seanspeed said:
Haha. Just checked out Outrage. Shit is fuckin garbage. I cant believe I get shit for liking metalcore when 'real' metal fans think trash like this is good.

Sounds like seriously weak-ass 'Kill em All'-era Metallica.
Fuck 'real' metal fans. Listen to what you want. You don't need to listen to obscure black metal to be a metal fan.


Seanspeed said:
Haha. Just checked out Outrage. Shit is fuckin garbage. I cant believe I get shit for liking metalcore when 'real' metal fans think trash like this is good.

Sounds like seriously weak-ass 'Kill em All'-era Metallica.

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion and I certainly don't expect everyone, or even most, to agree with what I think is good. If you gave them a fair shot, good on you and I'm glad you at least listened :D

However, I don't like -core music of any stripe really but, I wouldn't disrespect the bands nor their audience or the taste of their audience by calling it 'shitty' and 'fuckin' garbage' because really, that's too easy to do. *shrug* Do as you will man, I'll do the same :D
Hey guys, I've been following this thread for a long time and got a lot of great recommendations, so now I can post I'd like to throw one out there, too.

I've been listening to Enbound's debut "And She Says Gold" for the past few weeks and, whilst I'm sure it's an acquired taste, I've been having a lot of fun listening to it. It's a good melodic "power" metal band, and the new record has been worming its' way into my head like crazy. Has anybody else heard it?

Squeals of War
Combined The Souls


Seanspeed said:
Haha. Just checked out Outrage. Shit is fuckin garbage. I cant believe I get shit for liking metalcore when 'real' metal fans think trash like this is good.

Sounds like seriously weak-ass 'Kill em All'-era Metallica.
So it sounds like Metallica when they were at their hungriest and rawest? Might have to check them out then!
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