A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Giant Robot said:Don't know what's the latest trend these days, but the last couple of years has been an onslaught of Sludge and Post-Metal stuff. It seemed like every week some new Sludge/Post-Metal band would release albums, very reminiscent of the early death metal days. Good thing it has died down significantly.
The modern sludge movement hit its peak in like 2007. The past 3 years have seen watering-down of music and just too much fucking crap. Yeah we get it; a lot of modern sludge has a shit ton of post-rock but a lot of these bands are churning out crap that's just monotonous, downtempo post-rock and it all sounds the goddamned same. And bands like Baroness and Torche have either altered their sound to make it Pitchfork-friendly or their songwriting hasn't been as strong.