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The Metal Thread

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Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
TheLastCandle said:
Yeah, I'll be waiting for this one then.

Also, you are most welcome! MetalGAF needs to stand united and proud.
I hate the font. change it to cannibal corpse font and I'll buy one. Oh and can you add " and Christian metal outta here"


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.

I've been spinning Tombs - Path of Totality a lot for the past couple weeks and holy fuck this is modern metal done right. An amalgam of modern sludge, black metal, post-rock, post-hardcore, and grind, this seamlessly blends all of the aforementioned genres into a pretty unique listening experience. Brutality and atmosphere, technicality and minimalism, this album is very dynamic and stays engaging throughout. The drumming's fucking awesome. I don't normally pay attention to drumming but the driving pulse creates this hypnotic groove permeating throughout all the songs. It still has your typical blastbeats but the drumming here's above average and definitely fits the music. The bass tone is so unique. It sounds thick and mired down; almost as if someone were striking the strings of a contrabass with a shoe. I dunno if this album's really as awesome as I'm saying (I like to think so and this kind of shit is right up my alley) but this year's been so lacking in great releases that this is more than a welcome listen.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I liked their last album, but haven't listened to that one yet (it's sitting on the table next to me, waiting). I saw them a year ago, and they played all new (at that time) material and it bored me to tears — sounded very monotonous/repetitive and not in the good way. Not sure how many of those songs made their way onto this new album (I think they also released a split in the last year). I just don't think they're a very good live band, though, evidenced by the fact that I saw them a year earlier and didn't really dig it.

I'll try to listen to this one soon, though... I've heard quite a bit of praise for it.


Gvaz said:
People listen to that dribble?

Next you're going to tell me people older than 14 like Avenged Sevenfold
Ugh. Knew that was going to happen. Thought people warmed up to trivium. Oh well.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
vatstep said:
I liked their last album, but haven't listened to that one yet (it's sitting on the table next to me, waiting). I saw them a year ago, and they played all new (at that time) material and it bored me to tears — sounded very monotonous/repetitive and not in the good way. Not sure how many of those songs made their way onto this new album (I think they also released a split in the last year). I just don't think they're a very good live band, though, evidenced by the fact that I saw them a year earlier and didn't really dig it.

I'll try to listen to this one soon, though... I've heard quite a bit of praise for it.

Yeah I frankly never listened to them before. You may be quite possibly right that their first two albums sucked. I was really wary since this is their 3rd LP since 2009. Cranking out that much material in such little time sometimes doesn't give me much faith in a band.


I think dribble works just as well, since that's what comes out of those fan's mouths (because of the lack of brain cells)

or rather that's what they do


Gvaz said:
I think dribble works just as well, since that's what comes out of those fan's mouths (because of the lack of brain cells)

or rather that's what they do
Wow. So because it's not all super death, black, progressive bullshit the fans are dumb?


Nah, i just consider it mainstream crap. I've legitimately tried to listen to it but I couldn't enjoy even a single song.

Fans (can) pretty much ruin everything for me, so even if the new album was any good I wouldn't bother with it anymore because of that.

off topic but somewhat related to your statement, Probably the only line I've ever liked from that silly band MSI was the line "i like my coffee black just like my metal" if only because it's true :)


Phobophile said:
I dunno if this album's really as awesome as I'm saying

It is. Previous stuff isn't really worth checking out imo which is why I almost passed this one over, but I'm glad I didn't.
wow, didn't know Amorphis was that huge and radio friendly in Finland. I guess it makes sense with the drastic changes in direction over the years.

what about bands like Demilich and Demigod? :p
Giant Robot said:
wow, didn't know Amorphis was that huge and radio friendly in Finland. I guess it makes sense with the drastic changes in direction over the years.

what about bands like Demilich and Demigod? :p
I wish they would play stuff like that on a regular basis :(
There's a special show on the rock station dedicated to extreme metal on thursdays 8pm to 10pm where they might show up but they're not played regularly like amorphis, children of bodom or crap like avenged sevenfold.
RDreamer said:
I absolutely love Amorphis, but unlike everyone else I mostly love the stuff from Eclipse on. Silent Waters is my favorite, I think. Their new one this year, The Beginning of Times was slightly disappointing, but still good.

I'm in the exact same boat as you, Silent Waters is a great album. Early Amorphis is good too (especially Tales from the Thousand Lakes) but they just sound like a completely different, better band now.
Anyone here into Skin Chamber? They were one of the very few bands that got industrial metal right (no wonder since it was a side project by members of experimental legends Controlled Bleeding). They only released 2 albums and then called it quits because they didn't want to water down their sound. They were about to start recording a 3rd album in 2008 but one member died of a sudden heart attack. Their sound is similiar to early Swans and Streetcleaner era Godflesh but more devastating. It's amazing to think that these records were released by roadrunner considering how shit they are now.

Here are som tracks from their first album Wound:
Swollen Underground
Sucked Inside
Slice of God

Here are some tracks from their second album Trial:
Bleached Bones
Torturous World

Sorry for the bad quality youtube links.
New Edguy video! Woooooo!


I rather enjoy it. I'm in the minority that likes the newer, rockier Edguy stuff just as much as the double-kick-a-plenty power metal of old, so this is a tasty treat for me. Sort of Avantasiaish, with the extremely catchy chorus and what have you. I like. Video is exactly what I would expect from them as well after hearing the premise.
TheLastCandle said:
New Edguy video! Woooooo!


I rather enjoy it. I'm in the minority that likes the newer, rockier Edguy stuff just as much as the double-kick-a-plenty power metal of old, so this is a tasty treat for me. Sort of Avantasiaish, with the extremely catchy chorus and what have you. I like. Video is exactly what I would expect from them as well after hearing the premise.

Came to post the same video. I quite like it, too.


Check out the sweet care package you get from Ice Dragonhttp://icedragon.bandcamp.com/ for $10.

That's a patch, two buttons, cassette tape of the album and scroll with the lyrics all in a velvet pouch. You also get the digital download, of course.

The stuff was packed in old tattoo magazines.


Spectacular Dr Dawg said:
I wish they would play stuff like that on a regular basis :(
There's a special show on the rock station dedicated to extreme metal on thursdays 8pm to 10pm where they might show up but they're not played regularly like amorphis, children of bodom or crap like avenged sevenfold.

Reading that, I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only person in here that loves bands like Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for my Valentine? I don't know, but I always thought they were pretty great for a mainstream bands. They're also not afraid to experiment and change their sounds. It kinda pisses me off when people compared them to stuff like Billy Talent and Green Day.


Azuran said:
Reading that, I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only person in here that loves bands like Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for my Valentine?

Nope, I dig them too man. My taste in metal is fairly wide.


Azuran said:
Reading that, I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only person in here that loves bands like Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for my Valentine? I don't know, but I always thought they were pretty great for a mainstream bands. They're also not afraid to experiment and change their sounds. It kinda pisses me off when people compared them to stuff like Billy Talent and Green Day.
I like them a lot too man. My favorite metal band I listen to currently is Trivium.
I actually used to be VERY into Avenged Sevenfold before their self titled album dropped. I've seen them 5 or so times live, and they are very good in concert as well.

I just hate that s/t album with a burning passion.


EDIT: Nevermind, it's actually Barlow, some sites seemed to indicate that the new singer would be there.

EDIT2: Great performance, Barlow was in top form for sure.
Doomshine said:
EDIT: Nevermind, it's actually Barlow, some sites seemed to indicate that the new singer would be there.

Barlow did a great job, and got the send off he deserved, in front of thousands of screaming fans at Wacken. Pretty awesome stuff. The SW Trilogy smoked.

And now... Sepultura. What exactly am I to expect from this? I don't like anything by them post-Arise.


Redmond's Baby
Damn, they had this for all three days and they are finishing today :(

Kreator will be next thing live at 21:45 local time. Worth watching, according to my friend they rocked hard on MetalCamp.

Also, on tuesday they will show recordings from Avantasia, Airborne and Blind Guardian. And maybe even from Apocalyptica and Motorhead. AKA the highlights of WOA 2011
DrM said:
Also, on tuesday they will show recordings from Avantasia, Airborne and Blind Guardian. And maybe even from Apocalyptica and Motorhead.

Delicious. Will definitely attempt to catch that. I saw them and assumed it was tomorrow. Tuesday will make it difficult but maybe I can sneak in a watch at work. I hope so. Avantasia and Blind Guardian. \m/

Also, on the Wacken stream right now is Dir En Grey, and it's dangerously close to being the worst fucking thing I've ever heard in my life.


Redmond's Baby
Time schedule for Tuesday Highlights (times are local, GMT+2 IIRC)

19:00-20:30 Avantasia
20:30-21:30 Airbourne
21:30-23:00 Blind Guardian

Apocalyptica and Motorhead are still without time slot, but this can change.

Holy crap, Dir En Grey are atrocious


Redmond's Baby
TheLastCandle said:
I'm pretty sure the crowd has no idea what the fuck is going on. And neither do I.
I would stand there and listen to them


10 large beers and 5 schnapps shots. :D


TheLastCandle said:
Delicious. Will definitely attempt to catch that. I saw them and assumed it was tomorrow. Tuesday will make it difficult but maybe I can sneak in a watch at work. I hope so. Avantasia and Blind Guardian. \m/

Also, on the Wacken stream right now is Dir En Grey, and it's dangerously close to being the worst fucking thing I've ever heard in my life.
What is this shit. :lol
edit: Yet I can't stop watching. :(


Redmond's Baby
Kreator will soon begin on Wacken stream

EDIT: Great stream, very good sound, no lagging at all.
Well, this uh... "medieval metal" stuff that's on Stream right now is actually scaring me. It's so completely out of tune that my ears are trying to cut themselves off at this point. Uuuuuuugh.
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