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The Metal Thread

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TheLastCandle said:
On the topic of Carcass, is it still completely uncool to like Heartwork? Because I think that album rules. It's quite delish.

I go through moments where I listen to Heartwork only on repeat, then Necroticism only, then Symphonies only, etc. Then I realize that almost all Carcass albums are so varied and awesome that they can stand on their own and/or very fucking awesome for Carcass.


SpartanForce said:

Not bad. =)

Here's some slower gore stuff, courtesy of Mangled Torsos.
Malignant Tumor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TLb8lNQqXQ

And of course one shouldn't forget Demilich.
Inherited Bowel Levitation - Reduced Without Any Effort:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUVihi_OcKI
And the Slimy Flying Creatures Reproduce in Your Brains (demo 1991): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmmH2AzF_vo
BTW, the singer isn't using the inhale technique.

Disgrace - Transcendental Dimensions (demo 1990): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXNmDZvme2w
Melchiah said:
Not bad. =)

Here's some slower gore stuff, courtesy of Mangled Torsos.
Malignant Tumor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TLb8lNQqXQ

And of course one shouldn't forget Demilich.
Inherited Bowel Levitation - Reduced Without Any Effort:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUVihi_OcKI
And the Slimy Flying Creatures Reproduce in Your Brains (demo 1991): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmmH2AzF_vo
BTW, the singer isn't using the inhale technique.

Disgrace - Transcendental Dimensions (demo 1990): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXNmDZvme2w
check some early Haemorrhage, its identical to early Carcass (these 3 songs that I posted are recent ones)
SpartanForce said:
Sounds good. Thanks for sharing.

Melchiah said:
Not bad. =)

Here's some slower gore stuff, courtesy of Mangled Torsos.
Malignant Tumor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TLb8lNQqXQ

And of course one shouldn't forget Demilich.
Inherited Bowel Levitation - Reduced Without Any Effort:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUVihi_OcKI
And the Slimy Flying Creatures Reproduce in Your Brains (demo 1991): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmmH2AzF_vo
BTW, the singer isn't using the inhale technique.

Disgrace - Transcendental Dimensions (demo 1990): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXNmDZvme2w
Hell yeah Demilich and Disgrace are awesome. Most of Demilich's material is available for free on their website.


Spectacular Dr Dawg said:
Hell yeah Demilich and Disgrace are awesome. Most of Demilich's material is available for free on their website.

Disgrace's Inside the Labyrinth of Depression demo is awesome, sadly Transcendental Dimensions is the only song available on YouTube. I still have the demo on cassette, but no player to play it. They re-recorded some of the songs on their debut album, but IMO they're far better on the demo. The vocals and sounds on the album just pale in comparison.

Thanks for the info. I'll have to download some of their earlier stuff. I've already got the album + the demo which was included as a bonus.



Riffage. <3


Good to see some fans of Eternal Elysium! I was on the verge of picking up Within the Triad last year from some dutch label, it was awfully pricy though (40 euros or something). But then I checked on Tradera (Sweden's equivalent of eBay) on whim and found it on auction for ~1 euro brand new, good times.

And to give a little tip about a doom band I've always been in to, check out these guys:

Ocean Chief - Praise Your Ocean Chief

Ocean Chief - Tor

Ocean Chief - Gathering Souls

Not the best of quality on youtube, but they also had three on their site in good quality.
Just wanted to pop in and say a couple things

First, this is the only GAF thread I get excited about now when I see there is a new reply. I've been incredibly pre occupied lately with real life shit (most of it positive, like my new girlfriend) that I've barely had time to post or lurk. But this thread I ALWAYS read, because I love my fellow metal GAF brethren. Also because probably half the metal bands I listen to now I've discovered through this thread over the past couple years

Second, I just listened to The Devil You Know by Heaven and Hell for the first time. As a huge Dio and Sabbath fan, I have no fucking clue why it took me so long to get around to it. But goddam, what a great album. Particularly Bible Black and Follow the Tears

Third, The first two tracks off of Agalloch's The Mantle are probably two of the most beautiful ambient metal pieces ever created

Fourth, Moonsorrow's song Huuto of their newest album may come right behind the two aforementioned Agalloch tracks. This is the first Moonsorrow album I've ever purchased, so what are some of their other essential albums?

Fifth, September is going to rule. New Mastodon AND new Dream Theater, my two most anticipated albums of the year. Crack the Skye and Black Clouds and Silver Linings are my my favorite albums by both bands, so I cannot wait to hear the follow ups. And I like what I've heard from the new albums thus far

Sixth, I particularly appreciate the regulars in this thread, especially TheLastCandle. I've always loved his posts because his musical taste is nearly identical to mine. But, that isn't to leave any of the other frequent contributors out. I've learned about a shit ton of excellent new bands from so many members in this thread, and I wanted to thank you all for that. Metal is one of the few things in life that I love and I'd be so undereducated about the genre if not for you all. This thread is my go to place for new music

Seventh, I'm very drunk right now. I italicized some album titles and not others. I'm not even sure if that's proper AP Style formatting. I'm also not proof reading this for spelling or grammar errors. I also don't know why I annoyingly started each paragraph with sequential numbering

Point of the post is, Long Live Metal-GAF \m/


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Doubt anyone cares...but I just chilled with the guys from Black Tide for the past 3-4 hours. Made friends and shit. Those guys are mad cool.


Mr. Paer said:
This is the first Moonsorrow album I've ever purchased, so what are some of their other essential albums?
This may not be the answer you were looking for, but: all of them. I maybe wouldn't start with V: Hävitetty because it might be a little too much at first.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Doomshine said:
This may not be the answer you were looking for, but: all of them. I maybe wouldn't start with V: Hävitetty because it might be a little too much at first.

I agree with this. All Moonsorrow is worth your time.

So lately I've been listening to a lot of 80's/90's metal, and I know this is going to come across as completely redundant and probably needless to say, but here goes anyway:

Queensryche's Operation Mindcrime is the mother fucking SHIT! Oh man, what a flash-in-the-pan, once-in-a-lifetime album of sheer badassery! The only thing that comes close, to me and my tastes, is Maiden's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album. Mindcrime's drumming is perfect, the vocals are perfect, the guitar and bass work is perfect, the lyrics are perfect. It really is mind-blowing how utterly awesome it is in every single way. Epic, thoughtful, soulful, head-banging, and just incredible.

Surely an album for the ages. It's unfortunate that they never recaptured that glory.


Has anyone else listened to Vader's Welcome to the Morbid Reich? First impressions for me are that it's fantastic. Very little over four minutes and it felt like they managed to cram what other bands might have in a ten minute song in most of them. Haven't tried to listen to the lyrics yet.

If Vader is considered horrible here then please educate me.
Mr. Paer said:
Fifth, September is going to rule. New Mastodon AND new Dream Theater, my two most anticipated albums of the year. Crack the Skye and Black Clouds and Silver Linings are my my favorite albums by both bands, so I cannot wait to hear the follow ups. And I like what I've heard from the new albums thus far

Dont forge Anubis Gate's new album which is out the same day as DT's. I know I recommended them once before(if you like progmetal).

Also, you should go into the relationship-age thread if you havent already. I'm sure some of them would like to know how you're doin.


I hate to keep posting stuff I find at Invisble Oranges, but False -- USBM from Minnesota -- are pretty wicked. They have a two-track, pay what you want EP.
Mr. Paer said:
I just listened to The Devil You Know

Moonsorrow's song Huuto of their newest album may come right behind the two aforementioned Agalloch tracks. This is the first Moonsorrow album I've ever purchased, so what are some of their other essential albums?

Sixth, I particularly appreciate the regulars in this thread, especially TheLastCandle. I've always loved his posts because his musical taste is nearly identical to mine. But, that isn't to leave any of the other frequent contributors out. I've learned about a shit ton of excellent new bands from so many members in this thread, and I wanted to thank you all for that. Metal is one of the few things in life that I love and I'd be so undereducated about the genre if not for you all. This thread is my go to place for new music

Seventh, I'm very drunk right now.

Point of the post is, Long Live Metal-GAF \m/

First thing's first!

The Devil You Know destroys faces! It was probably my favorite album of the year of it's release. Just absolutely crushingly heavy and rifftastic. A bunch of 60 year old men showing the metal world how it's done. Amazing.

Moonsorrow are so awesome, I'm glad to hear you are getting into them. Most people would probably agree that all of their albums are great, but to me their best album is definitely Kivenkantaja. The entire album actually gives off the Huuto vibe, so I think you'll really dig it. Right behind that one would be Voimasta Ja Kunniasta and then Verisakeet.

As for your post as a whole, well it was awesome! While it was especially awesome to be called out by name, this place really can be a treasure trove of new band info. As someone who has been listening to underground metal for a damn long time, this thread still tosses me new things that I've really liked and enjoyed. I've always admired how one of the threads with some of the most civilized discussions on GAF is about Metal.

Also, nothing goes along with Metal quite like some booze! Bro-fist, my good man, bro-fist.

Long live Metal-GAF indeed!

Diseased Yak said:
Queensryche's Operation Mindcrime is the mother fucking SHIT! Oh man, what a flash-in-the-pan, once-in-a-lifetime album of sheer badassery! The only thing that comes close, to me and my tastes, is Maiden's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album. Mindcrime's drumming is perfect, the vocals are perfect, the guitar and bass work is perfect, the lyrics are perfect. It really is mind-blowing how utterly awesome it is in every single way. Epic, thoughtful, soulful, head-banging, and just incredible.

Surely an album for the ages. It's unfortunate that they never recaptured that glory.

I will forever and always love Operation: Mindcrime. I'd easily say it's in my top 5-10 albums of all time. It's melodic/progressive metal perfection. Every song smokes, and it has some of the best hooks I've ever heard.

It makes watching what they have become in recent years even that much harder. I can't believe how far they have fallen.


I saw Queensryche open for Metallica on the initial AJFA tour. I wasn't crazy about their music, but their show was pretty awesome.


It wasn't that long ago that I had completely given up on Anthrax. I was tired of Scott and Charlie's shenanigans, drama and all around just being jerks. Not to mention the musical chairs being played with singers and those 2 (mostly Scott) really shitting on Belladonna.

Now it's 2011 and I've tried to avoid anything news/interview related about Anthrax for years, until Joey came back. I was still sour with that whole bunch, but Joey being back was the start of something good in my eyes. Then a few songs were streamed, The Devil You Know and Fight 'em till You Can't. Hey those were pretty good and got better the more I heard them. So, I think I'm slowly drifting back into being a fan having heard those and samples from the entire album which sounds very promising if you were ever into them when Joey was doing the singing.

Samples are here.

Most things I post here seem to get passed over or ignored haha, I imagine I won't get a lot of feedback or agreement so I expect this time to be not much different. Plus, with Anthrax being the way they have over the past 10 or so years, I honestly wouldn't blame anyone :p

Cautiously optimistic anyway!


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Flynn said:
High Spirits -- Another Night


[URL="http://youtu.be/1iHRAnIA2Yw"]Youtube of the title track.[/URL]

[URL="http://open.spotify.com/album/6D2snkZ2AeR8HlBJ5rk4Js"]Spotify link for the whole record.[/URL]

Not sure what this is called. "Trad?" Reminds me of the Scorpions.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm not gonna lie; I listened to this because of the Chicago skyline in the album cover. Not bad. Really rocking traditional heavy metal. I got a coworker who loves this kind of stuff, where hard rock and heavy metal cross paths, like Scorpions, UFO, Michael Schenker Group, etc. and I think he'd dig this.

Edit: apparently the dude behind this is also in Dawnbringer and Superchrist and formerly in Nachtmystium (lol). I can say that this project of his blows those out of the water.


Phobophile said:
Yeah I'm not gonna lie; I listened to this because of the Chicago skyline in the album cover. Not bad. Really rocking traditional heavy metal. I got a coworker who loves this kind of stuff, where hard rock and heavy metal cross paths, like Scorpions, UFO, Michael Schenker Group, etc. and I think he'd dig this.

Edit: apparently the dude behind this is also in Dawnbringer and Superchrist and formerly in Nachtmystium (lol). I can say that this project of his blows those out of the water.

Aw. I dig Nachtmystium. I think Black Meddle II had been in my car all summer.


Rapstah said:
Has anyone else listened to Vader's Welcome to the Morbid Reich? First impressions for me are that it's fantastic. Very little over four minutes and it felt like they managed to cram what other bands might have in a ten minute song in most of them. Haven't tried to listen to the lyrics yet.

If Vader is considered horrible here then please educate me.

Vader is coming to Japan with Watain this Fall!

I thought if anything those two bands were known for their controversies
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