For the fellow lazies, like I: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=103269996401302&topic=257DrM said:Iced Earth are giving away free Dante's Inferno with Stu Block as free download on their FB profile
For the fellow lazies, like I: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=103269996401302&topic=257DrM said:Iced Earth are giving away free Dante's Inferno with Stu Block as free download on their FB profile
DrM said:Iced Earth are giving away free Dante's Inferno with Stu Block as free download on their FB profile
Flynn said:My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are both opera fans -- they're really into the vocalists, they go to tons of operas and personally know their favorite singers (I guess it is pretty easy to get access to these guys).
Anyway, they've just gotten into Rammstein which seems weird at first, but it's a bit about crushing on Till Lindemann and being into his singing. But they're going all out. In the spring they're gonna fly to the UK and see three shows (my wife
So, I'm wondering if you guys have any suggestions for other bands they might dig. These bands don't have to sound like Rammstein, in fact I was thinking some power metal or symphonic or whatever might be up their alley. I guess the key here is that the vocals have to be superb. I think cookie monster stuff will be a hard sell.
Orayn said:Woo! Seeing Kamelot (with Fabio!) and Alestorm on Friday at Station 4 in St. Paul!
I was quite surprised with his performance. Quality wise, of courseTheLastCandle said:Listening right now, and Stu sounds GREAT. Hot damn, hype building for the new album.
The Spacepope said:Black Pyramid split up. Fuck.
I wonder if they'll still release Black Pyramid II.
Secks4Food said:Bububut half of us in the thread just heard about them a couple pages back![]()
Just picked up tickets for their Orlando show today. Hyped!Orayn said:Woo! Seeing Kamelot (with Fabio!) and Alestorm on Friday at Station 4 in St. Paul!
Phobophile said:If it's not as good as their last LP, then it's not that good. They'll never top Diadem of 12 Stars.
Chorazin said:Yikes....AngryMetalGuy got his hands on Oprth's new album. You can almost feel how sad he is writing the review.
1. Sudden Death
2. Public Enemy No. 1
3. Whose Life (Is It Anyways?)
4. We the People
5. Guns, Drugs & Money
6. Never Dead
7. New World Order
8. Fast Lane
9. Black Swan
10. Wrecker
11. Millennium of the Blind
12. Deadly Nightshade
13. 13
HammerOfThor said:Megadeth's Public Enemy No. 1 is streaming here:
No bad, typical Megadeth.
Megadeth's 13 Track list:
WTF??? two of the tracks, Black Swan and Millennium I instantly recognize from previous albums!! Kinda strange...
EDIT: NWO too wtf....
Gritesh said:Not sure how respected In this moment are in the metal scene as I am not THAT involved in the scene, but.
Holy hell at the singer!
That is all.
Phobophile said:Well your first sentence makes absolutely no sense, but I'm assuming you're talking about the vox on the Megadeth track. Sounds like typical shitty Mustaine to me. I really like Rust in Peace but I sure as hell ain't listening to it for Dave's crooning.
Gritesh said:Huh?
The band: In This Moment, the singer is super hot?
HammerOfThor said:Megadeth's Public Enemy No. 1 is streaming here:
No bad, typical Megadeth.
Megadeth's 13 Track list:
WTF??? two of the tracks, Black Swan and Millennium I instantly recognize from previous albums!! Kinda strange...
EDIT: NWO too wtf....
Witchfinder General said:![]()
Been listening to Dekadent's "Venera: Trial & Tribulation" and holy fuck is it amazingly epic.
Imagine if Emperor made an album with Devin Townsend.
Yes, they're that fucking good.
Also, I just heard a track from the new Primordial album. Woah. Anywhere I can buy a FLAC or WAV version of the album legally?
Well, they are ex-Warning. Also check Patrick Walker unplugged stuff on Youtube.Secks4Food said:It's basically like Warning except less bleak and more beautiful than Watching From A Distance, one of my favorite albums of the year for sure.
Secks4Food said:Then I'd imagine the track "Juular" from Deconstruction
But yeah this is pretty frickin' good, we need to start doing this more in the thread...just name drop a good album some people might not know about, add a song link and let the good music flow.
Here's what I've been jamming lately:
It's basically like Warning except less bleak and more beautiful than Watching From A Distance, one of my favorite albums of the year for sure.
Phobophile said:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=26323379&postcount=4758
They're on tour now. Gonna hit up the Chicago show in a couple weeks.
It's more atmospheric but lacks the stark emotion of Watching from a Distance.
Secks4Food said:![]()
Damn this is good. Unrelentingly sloooooow, crushing funeral death/doom occasionally spiced with other genres for flavor. It's deceptively melodic, beneath the ghost-like growling there are beautiful guitar harmonies, meandering basslines, and very tasteful, effective drumming. It's also very cathartic, there's a certain burden you take on while listening to this album. The whole piece is a concept album about the thought process behind suicide, and it unapologetically drags you through the lowest lows a person can feel. When the otherworldly choir rings out its final note in the album closer "The Irreparable Act", you feel a beautiful warmth wash across your body like everything's going to be okay. If you like doom metal at all you need Despond.
Great album! You should check out Pallbearer. The vocalist did some vocals on one of the tracks on that Loss album. They only have a demo out currently but there's a full lenght coming out soon. They were also nice enough to release their demo for free on their bandcamp page.Secks4Food said:Well damn, apparently they're too cool for Denver...and I agree with your criticism, though Watching From A Distance is damn tough act to follow.
Here's a post of mine from on of the 'what are you listening to' threads... it kinda reminds me of Warning, except much more melancholy:
Spectacular Dr Dawg said:Great album! You should check out Pallbearer. The vocalist did some vocals on one of the tracks on that Loss album. They only have a demo out currently but there's a full lenght coming out soon. They were also nice enough to release their demo for free on their bandcamp page.
Spectacular Dr Dawg said:Haha that's a different Loss. It seems like their music is available for free from their website. That's pretty nice of them.
I never thought Funeral Doom was for me, but I ended up really liking Ahab's The Call of the Wretched Sea.Secks4Food said:Thanks for that, I'm kinda new to the funeral doom scene
I'm more worried about that part to be honest.ShaneB said:Now it's up to Jon to actually write some good music.
Doomshine said:I'm more worried about that part to be honest.
ShaneB said:Little late, but the new Dante's Inferno mix puts to rest any issue I had with Stu being in Iced Earth (besides the fact that I wish Ripper was still in the band). I hated Into Eternity, but he slays on this.
Now it's up to Jon to actually write some good music.
Bootaaay said:Fuck, Heritage. I really don't know what to think of this album, it's so divisive to my ears. Which makes a change to be honest, as I was totally indifferent towards Watershed & Ghost Reveries. I feel the album gets a hell of a lot stronger in it's second half and it's only really The Devil's Orchid and I Feel the Dark that really let the album down, and it's a shame that those two tracks are right after the intro. I love Nepenthe and Folklore and Marrow of the Earth is beautiful, but a lot of the lyrics and vocal melodies throughout don't instantly grab me in the way I expect an Opeth album to. I hope that changes with repeated listens. So far I'd say it's their best since Damnation/Deliverance, but fuck, I really do not like those early tracks.
Mr. Paer said:![]()
This album. THIS FUCKING ALBUM! It is glorious.
Flynn said:The second record by Bosse-de-Nage (SF USBM) is easily one of my favorite records this year. My CD finally arrived and I've been listening to it non-stop.
Full album stream here if you're curious.
Chorazin said:I've been listening to Moonsorrow's discography over the past few days, holy fuck these guys are incredible! Anyone who's not listening to them is really missing out.
Mr. Paer said:I want to hear what other people think of the new Dream Theater album! Come on people!