It's good. Nothing more/less. New Opeth on the other hand... kinda shitty.Mr. Paer said:I want to hear what other people think of the new Dream Theater album! Come on people!
It's good. Nothing more/less. New Opeth on the other hand... kinda shitty.Mr. Paer said:I want to hear what other people think of the new Dream Theater album! Come on people!
Fleet_of_Foot said:Kind of odd that Dream Theater made a pretty heavy album while Opeth is going the opposite direction. And I only mention those two particular bands because they've both got albums coming out.
After listening to the new Dream Theater, I like it. But it seems really different from Black Clouds and Silver Linings. It's hard to describe why. I think Petrucci's guitar tone sounds really different for whatever reason, especially during some solos. And like I say, with a few exceptions the whole album is pretty heavy, which is fine.
But going back to listen to The Count of Tuscany after listening to the new album, it's strikingly different in both feeling and sonically.
ajim said:Machine Head's new album 'Unto the Locust' FUCKING RULES! Holy shit!
Secks4Food said:Well damn, apparently they're too cool for Denver...and I agree with your criticism, though Watching From A Distance is damn tough act to follow.
Here's a post of mine from on of the 'what are you listening to' threads... it kinda reminds me of Warning, except much more melancholy:
Seraphis Cain said:Oh, also, the Drudkh/Neige collaboration Old Silver Key will be releasing their debut album "Burnt Letters" today. Pretty excited for it, myself.
I know, there's something about their music that comes across as really genuine and honest. I hate when it feels like a band is forcing it or intentionally pandering to a certain crowd.Chorazin said:I've been listening to Moonsorrow's discography over the past few days, holy fuck these guys are incredible! Anyone who's not listening to them is really missing out.
shamanick said:Can anyone recommend some good proggy but heavy stuff?
Bootaaay said:While Heaven Wept - proggy, doom-tinged metal, really liked their latest album;
Protest the Hero - technical prog metal stuff, pretty awesome;
The Ocean - progressive post-metal band from Germany;
Not really into prog but you might like Edge of Sanity's Crimson. The vocalist from Opeth does some vocals on it.shamanick said:I haven't really kept up with the scene, but I'm interested in finding new bands. I was really into the 80's thrash bands back in the day, now the only metal bands I really listen to are Opeth and Mastodon. Can anyone recommend some good proggy but heavy stuff?
shamanick said:I haven't really kept up with the scene, but I'm interested in finding new bands. I was really into the 80's thrash bands back in the day, now the only metal bands I really listen to are Opeth and Mastodon. Can anyone recommend some good proggy but heavy stuff?
Flynn said:The second record by Bosse-de-Nage (SF USBM) is easily one of my favorite records this year. My CD finally arrived and I've been listening to it non-stop.
Full album stream here if you're curious.
Fugu said:I'm always looking for new bands to listen to and I figure this might be a decent place to get a recommendation. I'm looking mostly for experimental/avant-garde stuff, the more dissonant the better. Any ideas?
Phobophile said:Thanks for the rec. There's usually a 50-50 chance I'll like modern black metal but this first track is already promising. There's plenty of orthodox black metal aesthetic intertwined with the modern BM nuances.
Late to the party here, but I listened to the stream and it blew me away. For 4.50 on Amazon MP3 it's a steal. Thanks for posting.Flynn said:The second record by Bosse-de-Nage (SF USBM) is easily one of my favorite records this year. My CD finally arrived and I've been listening to it non-stop.
Full album stream here if you're curious.
Fugu said:I'm always looking for new bands to listen to and I figure this might be a decent place to get a recommendation. I'm looking mostly for experimental/avant-garde stuff, the more dissonant the better. Any ideas?
Experimental/avant-garde is kind of vague but maybe you might enjoy the Ved Buens Ende album in the post above you.Fugu said:I'm always looking for new bands to listen to and I figure this might be a decent place to get a recommendation. I'm looking mostly for experimental/avant-garde stuff, the more dissonant the better. Any ideas?
Haha, yeah Skullflower are awesome. Have you checked out their latest album Fucked on a pile of corpses? It's got some black metal influences on it. Sounds very cool, as long as you like power electronics that is haha. Doesn't seem to be many tracks from it on youtube though.Seraphis Cain said:Holy fuck, someone besides me who likes Skullflower's Annihilating Angel.
Spectacular Dr Dawg said:Haha, yeah Skullflower are awesome. Have you checked out their latest album Fucked on a pile of corpses? It's got some black metal influences on it. Sounds very cool, as long as you like power electronics that is haha. Doesn't seem to be many tracks from it on youtube though.
Hanged man's seed
I've only heard "On the Backs of Angels", but the drums, while proficient and structurally sound, dont work for me at all. Portnoy had such a uniquely contrasting snare and bass drum sound and Mangini not only doesn't capture either element of DT's signature drum sound, but also manages to sound weak overall. I dont like it at all.Mr. Paer said:Mangini's drumming is phenomenal, which is to be expected. Portnoy is a drumming god, but Mangini displays just as much talent here as Portnoy ever has. The percussion is tight, interesting, and fits perfectly with the songs.
Strafer said:The new record is great.
(Anthrax album cover)]
Seraphis Cain said:I heard a couple tracks from that recently. Now, I'm not really a big thrash fan, but what I heard...didn't really sound very thrash-y at all. Is this like the least thrash album Anthrax has done or something?
True. If you want experimental music you should look into some old-school industrial.Fugu said:It is, indeed, kind of vague. However, such is the nature of experimentation.
Thanks for the recommendations guys, I'm working through the list now.
Bootaaay said:Speaking of black metal, any recommendations for bands that sound like these guys, Draugsang;
Kinda slower-paced, atmospheric black metal without the crazy blast beats.
djsandman said:Anybody got any new sludge lately? I'm looking forward to the new Mastodon and Rwake in a couple of weeks.
Doomrider said:I don't know if this has been pointed out yet or if you're even interested, but Amazon UK has 30 second samples of all the tracks from The Hunter. I'm not sure I like "Creature Lives" but everything else sounds pretty fucking awesome.
If you want experimental, I don't know of anyone better than Kayo Dot/maudlin of the Well. They have a few dissonant songs (__on Limpid Form), but I'm not sure if they're metal enough for you.Fugu said:I'm always looking for new bands to listen to and I figure this might be a decent place to get a recommendation. I'm looking mostly for experimental/avant-garde stuff, the more dissonant the better. Any ideas?
Strafer said:The new record is great.
Seraphis Cain said:I heard a couple tracks from that recently. Now, I'm not really a big thrash fan, but what I heard...didn't really sound very thrash-y at all. Is this like the least thrash album Anthrax has done or something?
hyduK said:
This guy is simply amazing. If he was working on Time maybe it'd be out by now.
Azuran said:YES! Nice to see they still haven't lost it. I kinda lost faith in them so this was a nice surprise.
Anthrax hasn't played thrash since Persistence of Time. They change their sound when Joey left, and John Bush joined the band.
Sad but trueAzuran said:Time is the Duke Nukem Forever of music.
Holy shit, awesome.hie said:I'm sure this has been posted, but this shit is blowing my mind:
Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats
Highly recommended for fans of melodic stoner-ish doom rocking. I think they sound like an even better version of Witch, whom I dig...
SpartanForce said:Holy shit, awesome.
acquiring this now, that song was pretty sickhie said:I'm sure this has been posted, but this shit is blowing my mind:
Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats
Highly recommended for fans of melodic stoner-ish doom rocking. I think they sound like an even better version of Witch, whom I dig...
SpartanForce said:Holy shit, awesome.
Flynn said:The second record by Bosse-de-Nage (SF USBM) is easily one of my favorite records this year. My CD finally arrived and I've been listening to it non-stop.
Full album stream here if you're curious.