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The Metal Thread

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djsandman said:
Sounds like you want another Ghost Reveries, which is one of my favorite Opeth albums.

Close. I would like Ghost Reveries with a bit less riff repetition, and a few more acoustic breakdowns. I love some of the composition in Ghost Reveries, but the song structure is predictable: riff1 x16, breakdown, riff2 x16, breakdown, riff3 x16, outro. It's probably one of Opeth's least interesting albums, musically, though it is what I would consider their most accessible album. Ghost Reveries has some incredible highs (especially the drums on the opening track), but it's weighed down by a lot of filler. But hey, don't get me wrong, even though it's not my favorite Opeth album, it's still one of my favorite albums. I'm a pretty big Opeth fan. D:

I guess I'm not the traditional Opeth fan. My favorite albums up until now had been Still Life, and Watershed. Yeah, Watershed. Heir Apparent is probably my favorite heavy Opeth track. I love Hessian Peel as well.

This latest album totally caters to my tastes. I'm loving it. A lot. It's replacing Damnation as my #3 album, I think.

But hey, I'm still in the honeymoon period right now. Talk to me after a month of listening and I'll let you know where I stand.


Went to Opeth/Katatonia last night, and it was amazing.

Katatonia was pretty great. I love that band. I missed a few songs, I think, but they played a good mix of stuff from Last Fair Deal Gone Down, Viva Emptiness, The Great Cold Distance, and Night is the new Day. I think the songs I saw were Criminals, Chrome, My Twin, July, The Longest Year, and Forsaker. I know I'm missing one or two, but I was really happy with that setlist. Chrome especially sounded amazing live. You really couldn't see Jonas' face ever, though. I felt like he was hiding from the crowd in his hair. That was kind of weird.

Opeth put on probably the best show of the 3 or 4 times I've seen them. I had to warn the people next to me who were hoping for some heavy songs off Ghost Reveries and stuff that the setlist would be only light songs. And, yeah, they didn't do any growling songs, but I think things got plenty heavy. Even those that really just came for some heavy songs left pretty happy from what I could tell. The crowd was really into it. There was absolutely no heckling or anything about the setlist. I personally loved the setlist.

The songs from Heritage really come more alive in a live setting, especially since they sound a bit heavier. There's more dynamics to it. And a lot of the things they added to the songs were pretty amazing. Axenrot did a really long drum solo in Porcelain Heart that everyone got into. Credence had an added section that was awesome. Throat of Winter was beyond amazing live. And they played A Fair Judgement! That's one of my favorite tracks. Closure was also pretty amazing, and I remember really liking the stuff the new keyboardist added to that and a few other songs. I feel like he could be a good addition to the band. He didn't really seem to get as "into" it as Per did, but the stuff he played and added was pretty good.

The light show was the best they've ever had, and the sound was pretty decent considering it was at The Rave.

Mike was still a great personality on stage, too. He joked with one guy wearing some 3D glasses for some reason "Hey you! Are we in 3D... right now?" He asked what room at the Ambassador Dahmer was in. He told us a lot about old bands, and talked about them. He also said he was in a hurry because it was his daughter's birthday and he had to call her. And lastly he taught us all a funny word in swedish... that Ketchup means.... Ketchup. lol.

So, yeah, if you can go to this tour and you're a fan of Opeth's non-growling stuff, do yourself a favor and go.


Damn...it's a shame none of my friends are Opeth fans...would have loved to go. But alas, the closest concert to me is in 2 days and is like 5-6 hours away. =\


I made a metal playlist for a friend/colleague on Spotify -- I tried to keep it to stuff I dug from the past couple of years. Some artists didn't have new material up yet and some (like a lot of Profound Lore's acts) weren't represented at all.


I'd love to see the kinds of playlists you guys would make with the same last two years goal in mind.


Leunam said:
Fucking Amon Amarth. Don't know why I didn't give them a try sooner since I always see their name thrown around.

Band kicks fucking ass. It's one of those groups where all the elements just blend together perfectly. I think it's a huge influence on the cartoon band Dethclocke.

Glad I saw them a couple of months back.


Flynn said:
I'd love to see the kinds of playlists you guys would make with the same last two years goal in mind.

Agalloch and Slough Feg get the thumbs up :)

I don't use Spotify, but I might be able to make a list like that if I did. Too bad I imagine most of the stuff I would throw in wouldn't be liked by most people more than likely :p Might be a little difficult too since last I heard, Century Media and Metal Blade records pulled, or will be pulling, their catalogs from it...
yacobod said:
really. i'd rank it above spiritual healing, which i think is a pretty dull and uninspired affair. and sound of perseverance is un-listenable to me, the only decent song on there is the judas priest cover. i really like human, leprosy, symbolic, and scream tho.

but, but, but JAMES MURPHY.

yea, Sound of Perseverance is ridiculous. I fucking hate that album. Control Denied is even worse.


Wait. There are people that... hate The Sound of Perseverance? What in the french fried fuck? That album is absolutely amazing.


RDreamer said:
Wait. There are people that... hate The Sound of Perseverance? What in the french fried fuck? That album is absolutely amazing.

Yeah I don't know how you can hate this if you consider yourself a fan of death metal. Heck, even the Painkiller cover rocks.


Anubis Gate - Anubis Gate

Surely been mentioned here before, yeah? Well let me mention it once more. Fucking slays me, metal album of the year thus far for me. Above Opeth, above Mastodon.
I really enjoy TSoP, too. Not sure what there is to hate, although I have heard the comment that Richard Christy can "over-drum" at times. He is a bit all over the place on that album. Still awesome, though.

That album tends to wrestle with Symbolic as my favorite Death album.

Now, Control Denied is a pretty odd beast. Tim Aymar was an interesting choice by Chuck as a vocalist, but I like his work in Pharaoh better. The Fragile Art of Existence never clicked for me, sadly.


1:45s in Scavenger of Human Sorrow, I've had this album but never listened to it till now. Yeah this is pretty badass. Kind of thrashy but not too much. Decently technical. Me likey.


TheLastCandle said:
I really enjoy TSoP, too. Not sure what there is to hate, although I have heard the comment that Richard Christy can "over-drum" at times. He is a bit all over the place on that album. Still awesome, though.

That album tends to wrestle with Symbolic as my favorite Death album.

Now, Control Denied is a pretty odd beast. Tim Aymar was an interesting choice by Chuck as a vocalist, but I like his work in Pharaoh better. The Fragile Art of Existence never clicked for me, sadly.

Feel the same. I wish they could remake that album with another Vocalist


Giant Robot said:
but, but, but JAMES MURPHY.

yea, Sound of Perseverance is ridiculous. I fucking hate that album. Control Denied is even worse.

maybe if all the songs were as good as the title track, i'd like it more.

i'm a bit taken aback by all the follow up support for TSoP, i still maintain it's terrible. it's all wank w/out any good song writing to back it up.
Dina said:
Anubis Gate - Anubis Gate

Surely been mentioned here before, yeah? Well let me mention it once more. Fucking slays me, metal album of the year thus far for me. Above Opeth, above Mastodon.
I'm not sure I like it more than Mastodon, but I will second your sentiment that it is incredible. If you like prog metal, buy this album. It's so, so good


Dina said:
Anubis Gate - Anubis Gate

Surely been mentioned here before, yeah? Well let me mention it once more. Fucking slays me, metal album of the year thus far for me. Above Opeth, above Mastodon.

It's not clicking with me at all :( I've listened to the album a few times, but it just seems so forgettable, and it's just getting lost among every thing else I'm enjoying. Perhaps it'll just be the sort of album that grows on me, just need to give it some more attention.

As for stuff that I haven't seen mentioned...

Borealis - Fall From Grace. Terrific prog/power/melodic stuff. And they're Canadian!!
jmdajr said:
Downloaded Dante Inferno from Iced Earths site with Stu on vocals.
Pleasantly surprised.


anybody like Steel Panther? Their live show is awesome! I guess you have to have a love for cock rock... but I dig it.

I love 'em! Can't wait for new album! :D
Dina said:
Anubis Gate - Anubis Gate

Surely been mentioned here before, yeah? Well let me mention it once more. Fucking slays me, metal album of the year thus far for me. Above Opeth, above Mastodon.

Yeah I make sure to insert my love for them whenever somebody asks about progmetal. If you haven't heard their last albums (The Detached, Andromeda Unchained) then do so now. Stay away from the first album(Purification) though.


Anyone else like Deathspell Omega, it's been a while since I listened to them and I'm listening to my favorite album by them "Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice" :>


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Gvaz said:
Anyone else like Deathspell Omega, it's been a while since I listened to them and I'm listening to my favorite album by them "Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice" :>

Absolutely. There aren't nearly enough black metal fans on GAF. Hell, I listened to SMRC, Fas, and Paracletus today. So brilliant listening to them on through.


RDreamer said:
Wait. There are people that... hate The Sound of Perseverance? What in the french fried fuck? That album is absolutely amazing.

It actually blew my mind. That's actually the first time I ever saw someone hating on it, and that's saying a lot.
Mr. Paer said:
My man. This is the song that caused me to get the entire Moonsorrow discography. Incredible band

A damn good place to start, good sir.

VKKM is really awesome, but Kivenkantaja, Voimasta Ja Kunniasta, and Verisäkeet all blow it away. Says a lot for the band's output.


Azuran said:
It actually blew my mind. That's actually the first time I ever saw someone hating on it, and that's saying a lot.

Yeah, I'm quite certain I haven't heard anyone that disliked it prior to now, either.


Phobophile said:
Absolutely. There aren't nearly enough black metal fans on GAF. Hell, I listened to SMRC, Fas, and Paracletus today. So brilliant listening to them on through.
Black metal fans, or black metal fans?


Lionheart1827 said:
Yeah I make sure to insert my love for them whenever somebody asks about progmetal. If you haven't heard their last albums (The Detached, Andromeda Unchained) then do so now. Stay away from the first album(Purification) though.

Purification is not on Spotify, so yay. I'll give those other two a good listen this weekend, but skipping through some songs it's not as catchy as AG is.
Gvaz said:
Anyone else like Deathspell Omega, it's been a while since I listened to them and I'm listening to my favorite album by them "Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice" :>
They're great. Fas has really grown on me as well, after initially being disappointed with it compared to SMRC. Listening to the entire trilogy back-to back is amazing.

Also, black metal rules.
animlboogy said:
Even some Slipknot fan was treated with some amount of welcoming and respect in here.

Speaking of SlipKnot, if you HAD to, would you rather listen to Slipknot + Iowa, OR Volume: 3 and All Hope Is Gone?
HammerOfThor said:
The chorus for Dystopia used to be my pickup line back in the day:

"If you try to resist me, you'll find me inhumane."

Back in high school I would just sing an IE Jon Schaffer riff to girls I found hot and they immediately ripped all their clothes off and jumped in my arms.

"jugjiggajug jugjiggajugjiggajug jugjiggajug jugjiggajugjiggajug"

Also, hey I like black metal too. I just don't keep up with it all that well because it's not really where my attention tends to go.

Do people still like Emperor or Immortal? Because I enjoy them both a lot.
animlboogy said:
You've got me and Dr. Dawg, at least.

Man, that Atriarch album is awesome. It's funny seeing all these people I was listening to years ago resurfacing in various forms of metal. Get Hustle --> Atriarch, Orthrelm --> Krallice, etc.
Yep. It's probably my album of the year so far.

Has anyone mentioned Negative Plane's Stained Glass Revelations? They've got a pretty interesting sound.
Angels Veiled of Bone
The One And The Many
Craft's new album Void was also good.
Come Resonance of Doom
The Ground Surrenders
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