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The Metal Thread

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animlboogy said:
This is a discussion board, man. We're here to discuss, and not liking or liking something can have some very complex, interesting reactions to write about. That's what music journalists and fans often do. We really care about this stuff. It's not just about thumbs up or down. And I don't see where anybody is pigeonholing you personally. The track you posted has taken the brunt of the criticism, as well as your introductory, inflammatory post.

Again, I think you're bringing in wider resentment from other metal communities into this thread, which really doesn't have the same issues as the comments thread on some trve kvlt blog somewhere.
Discussion is fine. But it seems most of the discussion is about how bad my tastes in music are. I came to share my interest in a certain band and my tastes get shit on. Which is fine, dont get me wrong. I can take it and I dont expect everyone to love it. I started discussing it and now its run full circle into somehow it was ME being the one shitting on people's tastes all along. I made one quick comment about not liking most of the stuff posted in this thread, and it seems thats all you guys have against me. You want to act like like I should have gone further to justify that comment, but fuck that. I just dont like the stuff. Power metal, old school metalcore, most death metal, Megadeath and on and on - I just dont like the stuff. It wasn't what I was here to talk about in the first place anyways. I'm not trying to insult anyone. If you feel insulted because somebody doesn't like your sort of music, then you need to grow some tougher skin. What I dont like is the superiority complex many metal fans have when it comes to metalcore and this whole discussion is just further reinforcing my opinion.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Delightful Oonsk said:
Looks like you're more into their old stuff. What did you think of The Panic Broadcast? I got into them way late and thought that album was amazing after not liking Figure Number Five so much.

Agreed. It was more of a return to their older style but still keeping it modern. The new drummer they got, Dirk, has seriously been a boon to the band's style.


animlboogy said:
Following that comment up in the very same post with something you explicitly knew would get you some shit was a recipe for trouble.
You're probably right. But ignoring the elitist reactions to my posting that, perhaps some lurkers might find out about a good metalcore band(for those that like the genre), and thats worth it for me.

I've learned my lesson for sure. If I want to like metalcore and talk about it, I need to not talk bad about other forms of metal even though I could talk bad about other forms of metal if I didn't like metalcore. Doesn't make any sense to me, but I know this now. Thanks.


animlboogy said:
Continuing the jackass routine, I see. You're going to be a dick no matter how I respond, unless I admit to either being a metal elitist or I talk about liking that band? I'm not sure what you wanted the response to be.

You can try to paint what I said as confusing somehow, but it's really fucking simple: Fans of something will come out of the woodwork and talk to you if you haven't pissed all over yourself first.
You've made way too big a deal out of this, dude. One little harmless comment and you've exaggerated the importance of it to no end, to the point of calling me a prick and whatnot. But yea, I'm the jackass in all this. Whatever. Again, hopefully somebody out there might like what I posted. Good night.


animlboogy said:
I dunno man, I honestly tried to be helpful even with the aggression that was inherent to a response to your posting style.
My posting style? :/ You act like every comment I make here on GAF is similar or something. Again - it was one little comment that you've taken and ran with and made this whole god damn thing where you're calling me a prick and a jackass. Over pretty much fucking nothing. Relax on that, will ya? I haven't been half as aggressive and insulting as you have.
animlboogy said:
Anyway, back on track.

This weekend has been POSSESSED and DISMA. I've probably never spent so many hours listening to just various forms of death metal as I have today.

fuck yes. Death metal weekend for me as well. I just re-discovered Therion's "Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas" album again. I've totally dismissed that album when it came out because of how it was slowly becoming less traditional blasting death metal and more symphonic/traditional metal.

Therion - Dawn of Perishness
^^^ haha yea man. GODFLESH is timeless to me. Just about every imagery Justin Broadrick uses is pretty damn captivating.



Giant Robot said:
fuck yes. Death metal weekend for me as well. I just re-discovered Therion's "Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas" album again. I've totally dismissed that album when it came out because of how it was slowly becoming less traditional blasting death metal and more symphonic/traditional metal.

Therion - Dawn of Perishness

I bought this album purely for the album cover. I was then completely blown away by the music and life was good.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Giant Robot said:
^^^ haha yea man. GODFLESH is timeless to me. Just about every imagery Justin Broadrick uses is pretty damn captivating.


Agreed. Even his imagery in his shoegaze/experimental band Jesu is fuck-awesome!
Giant Robot said:
the fuck is going on in this thread lately?
more metal please.

Arghoslent - Mob of the Howling
Say what you will about their views. Their talent is undeniably fucking awesome. Patiently waiting for their new album by the end of year/early next year.

Damn that was great, never heard of this band before. I especially liked the groovy intro, even though the whole song was excellent...but yeah, bands like this always leave a bad taste in my mouth when I think about the hatred behind the music. It's never stopped me from listening to something like Burzum, but still...blah.
animlboogy said:
Can't relax with all this false metal I'm listening to.

"Metalcore? In my black metal? It's more common than you think!"
I love the metallic punk that has been coming out in the last decade. I Can't get enough of stuff like this.
I should try to revive the punk thread.

And this really has been a good year for death metal. Some albums that haven't been mentioned:

Miasmal - ST (CD version comes with their ep and demo so it's basically their whole discography.)
Toxic Breed
Blissful Cannonades

Morbus Chron - Sleepers In The Rift
Lidless Coffin
Through the Gaping Gate, Coughing in a Coffin

Acephalix - Interminable Night
Interminable Night

Cianide - Gods of Death
Forsaken Doom

I'd also like to mention Deceased - Surreal Overdose. It's not a Death metal album but a Death/Trash album with some NWOBHM style melodies and it's damn good.
Cloned (Day of The Robot)
Dying in Analog
nitewulf said:
i used to love Falconer and Dreamtale:



any similar modern bands around....hopefully a bit more "serious"?

I can do my best to come up with something for ya man.

As far as Falconer, they are pretty unique and don't have that many bands that are comparable. Closest I can think of personally is probably Wuthering Heights, which are a Folk/Power/Prog mesh. You might dig 'em.


Dreamtale on the other hand, should be easier.


Also, wtf at the drama happening in this thread over the past page or so. Usually we do a damn good job of not being the typical internet metal community here. Rest assured, if we all decided to wake up and be dicks we could find no less than 20 bands a piece that we all dislike (or worse) in this thread and bring it to the forefront of the conversation. Let's never do that. That way I can continue discovering new stuff as well as discuss the stuff I do enjoy with as little tomfoolery as possible.


RDreamer said:
I'm probably the biggest PT fan around, but I wouldn't call them metal. They're not. Not even really remotely. The only albums that had a bit of metal to them are FOABP, and The Incident, and those pieces were only small pieces, really. The overwhelming majority of their discography is rock, and not even heavy rock in most places. So, yeah, Grace for Drowning, while completely amazing and my favorite album of the year, isn't metal. There are a few pieces of metal riffs in Raider II maybe, but it's pretty much 100% prog rock.

Personally my favorite is The Great Misdirect, but I know I'm pretty well alone in that feeling...
The Great Misdirect is my favorite as well.


TheExodu5 said:
The Great Misdirect is my favorite as well.

Finally someone else that agrees! I actually had a hard time getting into them with Colors and Alaska. Colors has some awesome spots and I really like it now, but it's still too jumbled and hard to follow. I mean usually I'm liking the songs as they go, but it just blends together a bit too much times. With Misdirect I feel they really dialed back the insane technical stuff enough that I could really start to remember some of the songs. That and the flow of the album is great. And Desert of Song is freaking amazing.


You say the insane technical stuff was hard to remember some of the songs but I could hum along with Alaska and tell you which song was what :|


Gvaz said:
You say the insane technical stuff was hard to remember some of the songs but I could hum along with Alaska and tell you which song was what :|
There's memorable parts here and there, but its never put into a cohesive context. It feels like they could mix and match parts in songs with other songs and it would have been the exact same album. Nothing flows.

Crazy technical stuff doesn't have to be so disjointed sounding, which I dont think a lot of bands(and fans) realize. For example, The Human Abstract mix great technical parts with great songwriting ability.

Spectacular Dr Dawg said:
And since Broadrick was mentioned I'd like to plug Graymachine - Disconnected. It's probably the best thing he's done in a long time.
Vultures Descend

anything Broadrick gets his hands on turns to gold. I prefer Jesu a lot more as its something completely different and original, while still being Broadrick, i.e. nihilistic, bleak, pummeling, blissful as fuck.

I can't believe I hadn't heard of Violator until now. Probably because of the shitty 2nd wave of retro thrash overload, but this band nails it. Sounds like a cross between old Kreator and "Beneath The Remains" era Sepultura.

Violator - After Nuclear Devastation
Violator - The Plague Never Dies (LIVE)


Giant Robot said:
I can't believe I hadn't heard of Violator until now. Probably because of the shitty 2nd wave of retro thrash overload, but this band nails it. Sounds like a cross between old Kreator and "Beneath The Remains" era Sepultura.

Violator - After Nuclear Devastation
Violator - The Plague Never Dies (LIVE)

oooo, yes that is more like it. None of those newer Thrash bands I have heard have done anything for me. This though, I could get behind like Lethal (Swe).


nitewulf said:
i used to love Falconer and Dreamtale:



any similar modern bands around....hopefully a bit more "serious"?
Sorry, I got a little caught up and missed this post...

TheLastCandle did a pretty good already so I'll just throw in some bands that are maybe not exactly like those, but hopefully you'll enjoy some of them:



^Don't be fooled by the beginning, it's power metal.

Giant Robot said:
anything Broadrick gets his hands on turns to gold. I prefer Jesu a lot more as its something completely different and original, while still being Broadrick, i.e. nihilistic, bleak, pummeling, blissful as fuck.

I can't believe I hadn't heard of Violator until now. Probably because of the shitty 2nd wave of retro thrash overload, but this band nails it. Sounds like a cross between old Kreator and "Beneath The Remains" era Sepultura.

Violator - After Nuclear Devastation
Violator - The Plague Never Dies (LIVE)
I'm not a big Jesu fan. I liked Heartache and the ST but the later stuff isn't for me.
I liked the Power Electronics stuff he did as White Static Demon. He seems to have been doing a ton of stuff under different aliases/projects that are less known so I guess I should check those out.


I've been listening to the new Cynic EP nonstop the past couple of days, and man, it is really outstanding. Out of the three full length tracks I can't really decide on a favorite. I think the Carbon-Based Anatomy might be the most solid all the way through, but 1:40 to 2:10 during Elves Beam Out is an incredible highlight on the EP, and the last chorus of Box Up My Bones gives me chills every time I listen to it. As of now I've listened to Box Up My Bones the most.

The 3 ambient tracks on the album are also quite nice, but the only time I really listen to them is if I'm listening through the entire EP all the way through, which is quite often so far, since the whole thing is only 23 minutes long. But I don't think I'd pick them out and listen to 'em individually.

Only downsides to the EP are that it's a bit too short, and the expected lack of Tymon. I'm curious to see what Paul and Sean come up with for the next full-length album next year. Hopefully they'll find someone to replace Tymon and get some growls in it! Either way though, I don't think Cynic is even possible of releasing a disappointing album, growls or no growls.
Spectacular Dr Dawg said:
I'd also like to mention Deceased - Surreal Overdose. It's not a Death metal album but a Death/Trash album with some NWOBHM style melodies and it's damn good.
Cloned (Day of The Robot)
Dying in Analog

man, I loved Deceased right around Blue Prints For Madness, Fearless Undead Machines, and Supernatural Addiction. Their later stuff tends to be overproduced and I can't get over that. They kinda just lose the old heavy metal feel and sounds more like an In Flames thing, ugh.


Well, after a dozen listens of Opeth's Heritage, I'm still in love. It may very well be my favorite album to date. My only criticism is that some of the songs lack cohesiveness...there are a few jarring transitions (like the one halfway through Folklore). Still, the composition and musicianship are absolutely top notch. I still can't believe how many people are dismissing this new drummer...he's fantastic. The lead guitar is absolutely incredible, and maintain's Opeth's signature sound throughout.

We'll see what I think of the album a few months down the road...


TheExodu5 said:
Well, after a dozen listens of Opeth's Heritage, I'm still in love. It may very well be my favorite album to date. My only criticism is that some of the songs lack cohesiveness...there are a few jarring transitions (like the one halfway through Folklore). Still, the composition and musicianship are absolutely top notch. I still can't believe how many people are dismissing this new drummer...he's fantastic. The lead guitar is absolutely incredible, and maintain's Opeth's signature sound throughout.

We'll see what I think of the album a few months down the road...

Has there really been anyone dismissing the new drummer? In fact even most of the people dissing the new album usually tend to say that Axenrot is one of the highlights of the disc.

And my friend just sent me this band. It's some pretty good post metal stuff like isis. I liked it.
Giant Robot said:
man, I loved Deceased right around Blue Prints For Madness, Fearless Undead Machines, and Supernatural Addiction. Their later stuff tends to be overproduced and I can't get over that. They kinda just lose the old heavy metal feel and sounds more like an In Flames thing, ugh.
I haven't heard any of their earlier albums yet. I should check them out at some point.

I just bumped the punk thread if anyone is interested in trying to keep it alive so I don't end up posting a bunch of punk in here haha.

What do you get when you mix equal parts Dystopia and Iconoclast?

One of the most eagerly anticipated metal tours of 2012.

"I'm excited to tour with SYMPHONY X," ICED EARTH founder Jon Schaffer said. "They're phenomenal musicians and very cool guys. This co-headliner tour will be a great experience for the fans. It is also way overdue for us to play a proper tour of North America. Get ready!"

SYMPHONY X guitarist Michael Romeo echoes Schaffer’s enthusiasm.

“We are very excited about the upcoming North American Tour with Iced Earth,” Romeo said. “We first met Jon & the guys a few years back and they were really cool. When the idea of a Co-Headline tour surfaced, we thought it would be awesome. The fans can expect a night of great music from both bands. We look forward to seeing you all real soon!”

The three-month, 30+-date, co-headliner tour begins January 31st in Hartford, Connecticut, and concludes March 10th in Clifton Park, New York.
At that point, ICED EARTH will continue another week – without SYMPHONY X – for five more dates.

Pre-sale tickets go on sale exclusively on Oct 31st via these websites:


::head explodes::


Lamb of God have set January 24th, 2012 as the release date for Resolution, the follow up to their Grammy nominated album Wrath. Resolution, produced by Josh Wilbur, will feature 14 songs and will come in a deluxe softpak with artwork by longtime art director Ken Adams. The album was recorded in various studios in Virginia and New York.

Pre-orders for the new album will begin today at www.lamb-of-god.com/resolution and will feature multiple premium bundles. On November 15th, the band will announce the first leg of what will be a 2 year world tour.

RESOLUTION tracklisting:
01. Straight for the Sun
02. Desolation
03. Ghost Walking
04. Guilty
05. The Undertow
06. The Number Six
07. Barbarosa
08. Invictus
09. Cheated
10. Insurrection
11. Terminally Unique
12. To The End
13. Visitation
14. King Me

Awesome way to kick off 2012.
TheLastCandle said:

What do you get when you mix equal parts Dystopia and Iconoclast?

One of the most eagerly anticipated metal tours of 2012.

"I'm excited to tour with SYMPHONY X," ICED EARTH founder Jon Schaffer said. "They're phenomenal musicians and very cool guys. This co-headliner tour will be a great experience for the fans. It is also way overdue for us to play a proper tour of North America. Get ready!"

SYMPHONY X guitarist Michael Romeo echoes Schaffer’s enthusiasm.

“We are very excited about the upcoming North American Tour with Iced Earth,” Romeo said. “We first met Jon & the guys a few years back and they were really cool. When the idea of a Co-Headline tour surfaced, we thought it would be awesome. The fans can expect a night of great music from both bands. We look forward to seeing you all real soon!”

The three-month, 30+-date, co-headliner tour begins January 31st in Hartford, Connecticut, and concludes March 10th in Clifton Park, New York.
At that point, ICED EARTH will continue another week – without SYMPHONY X – for five more dates.

Pre-sale tickets go on sale exclusively on Oct 31st via these websites:


::head explodes::

Fuck yes.

djsandman said:
Lamb of God have set January 24th, 2012 as the release date for Resolution, the follow up to their Grammy nominated album Wrath. Resolution, produced by Josh Wilbur, will feature 14 songs and will come in a deluxe softpak with artwork by longtime art director Ken Adams. The album was recorded in various studios in Virginia and New York.

Pre-orders for the new album will begin today at www.lamb-of-god.com/resolution and will feature multiple premium bundles. On November 15th, the band will announce the first leg of what will be a 2 year world tour.

RESOLUTION tracklisting:
01. Straight for the Sun
02. Desolation
03. Ghost Walking
04. Guilty
05. The Undertow
06. The Number Six
07. Barbarosa
08. Invictus
09. Cheated
10. Insurrection
11. Terminally Unique
12. To The End
13. Visitation
14. King Me

Awesome way to kick off 2012.

Fuck yes!


Ville Vänni has left Insomnium :(

Terrible news for the band, hopefully it won't have a huge impact on their sound. At least he left the band on a high note. One For Sorrow is their best album imo, just beating ATWW.


UnKn0wNx3nt1ty said:
Ville Vänni has left Insomnium :(

Terrible news for the band, hopefully it won't have a huge impact on their sound. At least he left the band on a high note. One For Sorrow is their best album imo, just beating ATWW.
Sucks, but it was his decision and I don't think he wrote that many songs for the band so I hope it won't have a big impact.

I have no complaints about his replacement though: Markus Vanhala from Omnium Gatherum, excellent choice.
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