why would you sub any sepultura album?
anyways, Nasum has an Los Angeles gig. but not venue announced. Here I thought of driving all the way to ventura just to see these guys..
It better be Echo.
why would you sub any sepultura album?
anyways, Nasum has an Los Angeles gig. but not venue announced. Here I thought of driving all the way to ventura just to see these guys..
Sounds like you need some Saint Vitus.I'm ok with growling.
Dark at dawn sounds pretty good, I'm gonna check more of their songs.
High on fire led me to Sleep (This blew me away http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3XYhXaPitE&feature=related )which led to Orange Goblin and Cathedral and I think they're all right up my alley.
Turns out they are something called 'Stoner rock'. I like this slow, sludgy feel more than the epic operatic. I also found this compilation and I'm really enjoying it:
Burn One Up!: Music for Stoners [1997] [Compilation]
1 Queens of the Stone Age - 18 A.D.
2 Karma to Burn - Ma Petit Mort
3 Fu Manchu - Asphalt Risin'
4 The Heads - Gnu
5 Spiritual Beggars - Monster Astronauts
6 Floodgate - Feel You Burn
7 Slaprocket - Holy Mother Sunshine
8 Leadfoot - Soul Full Of Lies
9 Celestial Season - Wallaroo
10 Cathedral - You Know
11 Acrimony - Bud Song
12 Blind Dog - Lose
13 Sleep - Aquarian
14 Hideous Sun Demons - Icarus Dream
15 Beaver - Green
Don't you love it when you find exactly what you were looking for? Thanks gaf and keep those recs coming.
You would be wise to substitute out those albums and trade them in for the far superior Beneath the Remains (which is a top 5 album in the thrash genre) and Schizophrenia.
First of all, yeah I'm a metal noob. I know my rock, so I'm not completely music illiterate, but metal not so much.
I was playing Nation Red and Killing Floor (zombie-shoot-shoot-kill-kill games, in case you don't know them) which have generic loopy "metal" for soundtracks. So I turned the music volume off and listened to this instead while playing:
The number of the beast
Reign in blood
White Zombie
The big 4 concert in Sofia
Could you please recommend something to add to my limited selection?
Arise is Sepultura's best, and destroys BtR.
If you don't like brutal thrash, then i'd guess i agree with you. Arise is watered down beneath the remains. The best song on arise wouldn't even make the top 5 on BTR. Rigorous scientific analysis has led me to conclude that arise has less riffs than the song from the past comes the storms.
I could list recommendations all day, and it's always AWESOME to see someone get deeper into metal and discover the depth of the genre, but it does take a bit of knowledge to really get the best suggestions out. There are plenty of 'gateway' bands that will lead to more and more bands.
My playlist today at work has been Kalmah, so I'll recommend them!
Kalmah - Bullets Are Blind
It better be Echo.
nicerdicer put up a nice list. If you don't mind some harsher vocals you might like Graves At Sea.You're right ShaneB, I'm aware I'm looking at the tip of the iceberg here. You gotta start somewhere right?
I liked the Kalmah song you recommended, so I listened to some more. I'm not sure I like this kind of 'melodic' (for lack of a better word) metal but thank you nonetheless.
Saint Vitus sounds a bit more like what I'm looking for, thank you Dr Dawg.
You're right ShaneB, I'm aware I'm looking at the tip of the iceberg here. You gotta start somewhere right?
I liked the Kalmah song you recommended, so I listened to some more. I'm not sure I like this kind of 'melodic' (for lack of a better word) metal but thank you nonetheless.
Saint Vitus sounds a bit more like what I'm looking for, thank you Dr Dawg.
You're right ShaneB, I'm aware I'm looking at the tip of the iceberg here. You gotta start somewhere right?
I liked the Kalmah song you recommended, so I listened to some more. I'm not sure I like this kind of 'melodic' (for lack of a better word) metal but thank you nonetheless.
Saint Vitus sounds a bit more like what I'm looking for, thank you Dr Dawg.
The number of the beast
Reign in blood
White Zombie
The big 4 concert in Sofia
Could you please recommend something to add to my limited selection?
Thanks!Dr Dawg said:SoulPlaya has posted lots of doom metal so check out his posts.
gibson theater plz.
also, how the hell is BTR "brutal" thrash!? come on son if there's any safe label to give BTR is prog/thrash.
I think me and you may have similar tastes. Here's some more recommendations:nicerdicer
Ufomammut ------- Very heavy but very very interesting, me likey.
Church of Misery------- These guys are sick. Will definitely keep listening.
Bongzilla-------Ooooooh yeah. pssssssst. Just what the doctor ordered.
Kyuss and Boris I had already heard and I like them.
Arsis------- Very interesting, will listen to more of their songs.
Bruce Dickinson ------ Really liked it, more than I expected. Didn't even know he had a solo career.
Kreator-------wtf is the drummer doing?? Sounds a bit like Sepultura to me and has that 90s metal vibe I like. Really good.
Pale Divine------Damn, instant favorite.
Bookmarked that playlist and will listen to it tomorrow.
Thanks a lot metalgaf
IB]I don't see Beneath The Remains as anything proggy about it.[/B] It's almost borderline death metal with deep roots of thrash. Hell, John Tardy of Obituary and Kelly Schaeffer of Atheist lend their voices on the album. All the hallmarks of thrash riffing are there i.e. string skipping, intricate right hand picking, etc. Pretty much Brazil's answer to Slayer and Vio-Lence's "Eternal Nightmare" album.
Arise on the other hand....pretty uneventful and dry. I can barely listen to that album anymore. They seemed to know they've exhausted what they were doing after Arise. Chaos A.D. was the biggest step for them and is pretty great for what it is.
Bruce Dickinson ------ Really liked it, more than I expected. Didn't even know he had a solo career.
Kreator-------wtf is the drummer doing?? Sounds a bit like Sepultura to me and has that 90s metal vibe I like. Really good.
Came here to post thisNew Every Time I Die Video is HOT
Now I'm glad I pre-ordered the vinyl/cd/mp3 package before even hearing anything.
I think me and you may have similar tastes. Here's some more recommendations:
Black Pyramid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aAOwA4Ozhw
Heavy Eyes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHlBwO5F-RM
Orchid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LEmp9NDCNs
Uncle Acid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjO5PuXJO48
Graveyard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cfXN4qCt1I&feature=related
EDIT: One more, Witchcraft-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnOz4udTY5Q
New Sonata Arctica album "Stones Grow Her Name" to be released May 18th.
I'm excited, and after hearing some of the song titles, terribly worried. At the same time.
Shitloads of Cash or something right? Album art was really cool... I'm expecting someting very mainstream as a single and hopefully some great songs tucked away on the album.
"Shitload of Money" and "Don't be Mean" would be the main offenders, though I won't let it judge my actual opinion of the music. I don't find the titles "cheesy" (and as anyone who follows this thread can tell I couldn't give any less of a shit about supposed "cheese"), they are just bizarre.
Initial reports suggest it's varied, but probably their most midpaced album... so we'll see how that goes. I still love this band, regardless of their change in direction.
Holy shit! Most anticipated album of the year right here for meHehe, just in time: High on Fire's new album is called De Vermis Mysteriis and will be released on april 3rd. Birthday of my girlfriend.
First of all, yeah I'm a metal noob. I know my rock, so I'm not completely music illiterate, but metal not so much.
I was playing Nation Red and Killing Floor (zombie-shoot-shoot-kill-kill games, in case you don't know them) which have generic loopy "metal" for soundtracks. So I turned the music volume off and listened to this instead while playing:
The number of the beast
Reign in blood
White Zombie
The big 4 concert in Sofia
Could you please recommend something to add to my limited selection?
Hail Finland![/QUOTE]
Well, expected from Scandinavia. The real surprise for me is Iceland being so high and Japan being so low. And they must be just including bands with record labels or something; Mexico has plenty of small, no-name metal bands, we should be at least in orange!
Bruce Dickinson ------ Really liked it, more than I expected. Didn't even know he had a solo career.
Well, expected from Scandinavia. The real surprise for me is Iceland being so high and Japan being so low. And they must be just including bands with record labels or something; Mexico has plenty of small, no-name metal bands, we should be at least in orange!
Wildfire II and Wildfire III, as well as the puppet figure on the cover suggests a nod towards Reckoning Night... I hope...
Mexico has plenty of small, no-name metal bands, we should be at least in orange!
Is Overkill........
Overkill = *bows* Those dudes never disappoint me
Definitely getting some more Kreator. About Dickinson albums, should I start with his Best of compilation or go straight to Chemical wedding?
(And dude, if that's you in your avatar, you totally look like Matt Cameron (Pearl Jam's drummer))
holy shit, gorgoroth. I think I had heard of them before:
And this was one of my favorite songs when Vehemence were together:
Basically, God was Created, was amazing.
It's been awhile since I've listened to brutal music. Mostly listen to Slipknot. (Shhhh-ush.)
Well, expected from Scandinavia. The real surprise for me is Iceland being so high and Japan being so low. And they must be just including bands with record labels or something; Mexico has plenty of small, no-name metal bands, we should be at least in orange!