I have a question for you blokes. I've been mulling over the idea of creating my own blog for a while now (the originality... I know!), and I just recently decided that creating a metal blog could be damn good fun.
Creating the blog would serve two primary functions:
1. I'm a public relations major. As some of you may or may not know, the vast majority of public relations work is writing. Writing press releases and news releases, designing messages, saying the right things to the right audiences. Having a blog will get me practice with all of those things. Not only will I be meticulous with how I write each piece, but since I'm a senior in my major, I know quite a few tips and tricks I could utilize to promote the blog and gain a following. If I am able to mount some sort of notable readership base, my blog would make an excellent portfolio piece, demonstrating that I know how to effectively target and engage populations.
2. I love metal. It is more than a hobby for me. In fact, it's the closest thing to a religion that I have. By doing this project I would be able to explore, reflect, and learn more about one of my prime passions in life.
I would comment on anything metal related that interests me. Reviews, upcoming releases, news, opinion pieces, educational pieces (history of a certain aspect of the metal genre or of a band), etc. I would also probably have guest writers if there is any interest, as I am only one over-worked college student who probably won't have as much time to devote to this project right away as I'd like. Even some of my GAF bros could write a feature piece! Providing the article passes my rigorous professional standards, that is
What do you guys think? I'm sure the market is over saturated enough with metalheads making shitty metal blogs. The difference is that mine wouldn't be shitty (at least not objectively). Does what I just described sound interesting to anyone? Would any of you guys read it? And don't be polite. If you guys think nobody would read it, tell me. The only metal blog I occasionally read is angry metal guy, so I really have no idea what the landscape at large for this niche type of blog is.
Gracias for any feedback on this idea