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The Metal Thread

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Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Like I said, Black metal is not a music style (never has been), it's about the ideology. When the "Norwegian sound" became common, people assumed that's black metal, when in truth there's no BM sound, only the idea.



Like I said, Black metal is not a music style (never has been), it's about the ideology. When the "Norwegian sound" became common, people assumed that's black metal, when in truth there's no BM sound, only the idea.

Heh, this is how I feel about viking metal or pagan/heathen/whatever metal.
I just read an interview of Deafheaven, who claim to be black metal; "We don't agree with the idea, that black metal is supposed to be solely about Satanism." - How stupid can you be? It's the one genre, which is defined by ideology, and you want to say it's otherwise? Perhaps they should chooose another genre, as BM has always been defined by idea, more than music.

Regardless, once the music is out there, it's bound to become appreciated by those who don't share, or even care, about the ideology behind the music. Inevitably, some of those will be inspired by the aesthetics of the sound to create music that is similar. I don't see why this is a problem, yet you seem offended by the fact that a band would identify their sound as black metal without agreeing with the idea that it has to be thematically about Satanism to be defined as such. This also creates a genre definition problem - how would you classify a band that sounds, for all intents and purposes, very similar to a 'trve' black metal band, without sharing the genre's Satanist ideology?


There are tons of black metal bands that aren't satanic. And Deafheaven are awesome but they combine a few different musical genres, black metal being one of them. They don't claim to be a "black metal band." I'm not sure what you are going on about.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
There are tons of black metal bands that aren't satanic. And Deafheaven are awesome but they combine a few different musical genres, black metal being one of them. They don't claim to be a "black metal band." I'm not sure what you are going on about.

pretty much fuckin this.

Subjective response to a question. Anybody can play/incorporate BM elements in their music without mentioning satan.

Its fuckin idiotic and stupid to define and/or dismiss a subgenre of heavy metal because its driven with idealistic themes by some people in Scandinavia. Fuckin dumb backwards logic.


Wolves in the Throne Room are one of the best examples of a black metal band that isn't satanic that I can think of.

I've always liked the black metal that was more nature-based and pagan in their leanings, both in sound and lyrics, rather than being straight up about satan. So, I tend to go more for Wolves in the Throne Room, Agalloch, and Drudkh.
Recently revisited Ulvers Shadow of the Sun. Man, that is a solid album up and down. I always forget. EOS is a GREAT opening track. They went in a good direction.


I wouldnt call Ulver a black metal band, I prefer their non metal albums. Bergtatt is great though. I didnt like War of the Roses, pretty disappointing sadly. They are set to release another album in May, hope its better.


more money than God
OK, this is an embarrassing question, but there was this band I was listening to like a year ago or so, and now I can't even remember their name. The album cover had a drawing of angry looking priest on it. Irish sounding name, if I remember correctly. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


Loser slave of the system :(
Just booked a show with Hate Eternal in Dubai on May 11. Gonna tear it up! If anyone is around Dubai at that time, stop by!


OK, this is an embarrassing question, but there was this band I was listening to like a year ago or so, and now I can't even remember their name. The album cover had a drawing of angry looking priest on it. Irish sounding name, if I remember correctly. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Slough Feg - The Animal Spirits?



Hi Metal-GAF. First timer here.
From the looks of it, this isn't really a "core" thread but I thought I'd just post this anyway and try and get the word out on one of my local bands.
liked that song, then again people say I have no taste ^^

and I think quite some people on here like core bands, myself included, overall this place is a lot more relaxed (or at least appears so to me) than other metal forums/sub forums I have seen
liked that song, then again people say I have no taste ^^

and I think quite some people on here like core bands, myself included, overall this place is a lot more relaxed (or at least appears so to me) than other metal forums/sub forums I have seen

From my short time here this metal thread is indeed more chill than others. That being said, I'm not a fan of core music at all, but that guitar lead really made me think of Agalloch for some reason.
Hey guys, I've been away from the scene for a few months due to various reasons. Have there been any groundbreaking records I may have missed? I mostly listen to epic black (Bathory, Moonblood, Graveland, Branikald, Nocternity etc), atmospheric black (a la Paysage d'Hiver, Nachtreich) and basically all kinds of crap s long as they have a soul.


Hey guys, I've been away from the scene for a few months due to various reasons. Have there been any groundbreaking records I may have missed? I mostly listen to epic black (Bathory, Moonblood, Graveland, Branikald, Nocternity etc), atmospheric black (a la Paysage d'Hiver, Nachtreich) and basically all kinds of crap s long as they have a soul.
I imagine you've heard the new Drudkh album? I enjoyed that one a lot, but it got mixed reviews. High On Fire's latest just came out a few weeks ago if that's your thing, it got really well received universally. New Burzum leaked, but I wasn't too huge on it personally.

Aside from that, there's been Meshuggah's Koloss which I really enjoyed but doesn't sound like your genre, and Napalm Death's new album was pretty decent.

Nothing really groundbreaking though, unless I'm missing something. All good listens though.


Passing metallic gas
Ive been listening to Ghost every since seeing them at the show a few days go. I will say one thing. Having went in only really retaining a few of their songs prior to the show i did recall almost every song i didnt know when i listened to them after the show.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Hey guys, I've been away from the scene for a few months due to various reasons. Have there been any groundbreaking records I may have missed? I mostly listen to epic black (Bathory, Moonblood, Graveland, Branikald, Nocternity etc), atmospheric black (a la Paysage d'Hiver, Nachtreich) and basically all kinds of crap s long as they have a soul.

suggest more atmospheric/avant garde black metal bands plz.


Hey there! I've been listening to this album lately and I must say I really dig this kind of "retro" Black Metal.


Now, Diabolical, by Satyricon

Since my knowledge in Black and Death is pretty limited, I would like some recommendations of modern bands with a similar sound.


There's no that and this, or inbetween, it's either this or it's not. Simple as that.

I wonder what you think of the album in my avatar? Is it Black Metal, "Dark Metal," or something else? Since you are a Black Metal musician I am curious to know.
suggest more atmospheric/avant garde black metal bands plz.

I don't have my collection here ATM, but I'll try, with the few mp3s I have in my PC. Be advised, I am only mentioning music and do not adhere to any political or religious crap these bands may have stirred in the past.

The first Branikald demos & albums (up until Frost Vision / Hladavzor) are quite good in terms of primitive, raw atmosphere, so are all most of the bands in Blazebirth Hall such as Forest (this made me a fan), Raven Dark and Vargleide). If you want something more spacey, I recommend Darkspace, they're amazing. Then I have Corvus Corax (more medieval, not exactly metal, but you may like them), the early Darkestrah, Drudkh and Empyrium albums are atmospheric as fuck (each in their own way), you may also want to try Fanisk (especially the second album, it's a freaking amazing piece of work musically, again, please pay no attention to politics as you will lose in terms of music), then I have Fauna, Falkenbach, Forgotten Land, Gjallarhorn (the Italian band, amazing album, much more viking but still atmospheric), Acherontas (listening to Tat Tvam Asi now, hadn't listened to it for a couple of years), Graveland (the middle ones, the early ones are too amateurish and the last ones too repetitive), Green Carnation, Hagalaz Runedance (you will like these albums), Haggard, Hammers of Misfortune, Hate Forest, Hellveto, Invictus, Kataxu (Hunger of Elements has scarred me for all eternity), Kawir (Ophiolatreia), Legion of Doom, Leichengott, Lord Wind, Lunar Aurora, Lutomysl (De Profundis), Macabre Omen, Manes, Menhir, Mgla, Moonblood (Rehearsal 12, if you can find it...), Mortiis, Mournblade (awesome), Munruthel (more awesome), Nachtreich, Narsilion, Nocternity (Onyx), Nox Arcana, October Falls, Odroerir, Order of the Ebon Hand, Osculum Infame, Pagan Forest, Paysage d'Hiver, Spectral Lore (II), Summoning, Taake, Teurgia, The One, Trist, Ur Falc'h, Voidskald, Wardruna, Wongraven, Wyrd, Xasthur.

They're all atmospheric, but everyone does it differently and certainly not like power metal bands do it. For some strange misconception a few years back, so many bands thought atmosphere = stuff your music with keyboards and all started sounding like Nightwish, Sonata Arctica and basically a bunch of finnish bands, so I vowed to myself to find atmosphere without keyboards, or at least with keyboards done right.

Impressive list. Did you know Mgla and Lunar Aurora both have new albums out?

some bands I didnt see on your list:
Negura Bunget http://youtu.be/rGc_NszVq_4
Blut Aus Nord http://youtu.be/wWTkJXl-K_I
Nokturnal Mortum http://youtu.be/RYT1QTPZrxI
Ruins of Beverast http://youtu.be/P7TZdWD97sg
V:28 http://youtu.be/Mrfw2ZeKdtY
Ygg http://youtu.be/6R0M5hRynpA
Suns of the Blind (Darkspace member)

shoegaze inspired atmospheric BM:
Wolves in the Throne Room http://youtu.be/LZPpsZt1hrw
Woods of Desolation

When I was looking for those songs, I got an advertisement about ballet with Godflesh as the background music :O

These two, I didn't know. Both sound very good, will check them out and wow, thanks, I hadn't even noticed the new Mgla and Lunar Aurora albums. I also cannot be forgiven for forgetting to add Blut Aus Nord in my list (just for the unbelievable first album).

So much good and variable music. On the one hand you can have dark, raw, vulgar, in your face black metal such as Nattens Madrigal and on the other hand a piece of minimal, primitive, emotional music without real lyrics and a melody going on and on like Forest's Untitled or Drudkh's First Snow. :)


Ive been listening to Ghost every since seeing them at the show a few days go. I will say one thing. Having went in only really retaining a few of their songs prior to the show i did recall almost every song i didnt know when i listened to them after the show.

Their songs are definitely catchy. I saw them live in Toronto a few months ago and I enjoyed the show quite a bit.


not sure if there's any behold... the arctopus fans on here, but they just released their first track for their December 2012 album "horrorscension".


as expected, their new material is much more free wave (with the addition of Weasel Walter) and darker (which fits the title horrorscension). Their old material was a lot more jazzier/more scifi, but then again, it's hard to judge their new material based on one track.
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