Apparently someone was taping:
Yep thats it. I was right by that guy taping. As they were playing it I remember thinking, "This is super catchy."
Apparently someone was taping:
Apparently someone was taping:
I started working on mine over spring break but then landed a paid internship which I've had to devote my free time to instead. I'm going to be studying abroad in the Fall semester, and I have a decently sized group of people who will be following that, so my plan is to get a bunch of content written for my metal blog over the summer and then launch the two blogs simultaneously at the end of August for cross-pollination of audiences. I can have a lot of material in the pipes so I can provide frequent updates, since I'm sure I won't be staying in and writing on my laptop much while I'm on a four month Euro trip.EDIT:
Also, does anyone here blog about metal? I know some have talked about starting such a thing.
Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
Found on the rather poignant Essential Thrash Albums over at The Gauntlet.
Brutal album.
The Gauntlet posted an Essential Death Metal list. That site's becoming my go-to metal site. MetalSucks is alright but they rarely cover the tr00 shit.
Remember when Southern Lord did the promotion where if you ordered Sleep merch at 4:20 on 4/20 then you got a special gift?
Well, that special gift is a very limited t-shirt....
The shirt says DOPESMOKER 4:20 if it's hard to read. I shrunk it 50% from the e-mail.
Remember when Southern Lord did the promotion where if you ordered Sleep merch at 4:20 on 4/20 then you got a special gift?
Well, that special gift is a very limited t-shirt....
The shirt says DOPESMOKER 4:20 if it's hard to read. I shrunk it 50% from the e-mail.
Ooh. My package just got mailed. I hope I get the shirt.
How the hell did your order get mailed? I thought they weren't shipping until the first week of June?!
I was never into metal until I discovered Mastodon a few months ago and I realized there must be a niche here for me. The Hunter got me into them, but Leviathan and Crack the Skye are the records that really impressed me.
Been recommended Baroness, love them too. Looking forward to their new album.
So, metal-gaf, are there other bands I should give a chance now? I'm really looking for more records like Leviathan : fast paced, with a ton of great riffs.
So, metal-gaf, are there other bands I should give a chance now? I'm really looking for more records like Leviathan : fast paced, with a ton of great riffs.
^^^ Luck you then.
Wasn't aware that Torche put out a new album and signed with Volcom?!? The fuck?!
Listened to whatever new song they put up and now I'm going to completely bail on them. Sucks because they used to be so fucking good.
Dude! The new Torche is good! For the most part anyway. I got a copy on clear vinyl and love it. Those riffs....
I was never into metal until I discovered Mastodon a few months ago and I realized there must be a niche here for me. The Hunter got me into them, but Leviathan and Crack the Skye are the records that really impressed me.
Been recommended Baroness, love them too. Looking forward to their new album.
So, metal-gaf, are there other bands I should give a chance now? I'm really looking for more records like Leviathan : fast paced, with a ton of great riffs.
You probably want to check out other sludge bands like....
Black Tusk
High On Fire
Ok....some of that isn't exactly sludge, like Sleep is stoner metal....but you should like it.
Also, I threw in a couple of slower bands in there, but still great riffs.
Remember when Southern Lord did the promotion where if you ordered Sleep merch at 4:20 on 4/20 then you got a special gift?
Well, that special gift is a very limited t-shirt....
The shirt says DOPESMOKER 4:20 if it's hard to read. I shrunk it 50% from the e-mail.
Southen Lord Facebook said:The "SLEEP 4:20 free gift giveaway" deal is on once again! Today at exactly 4:20 [Pacific Standard Time (PST)], order what's left of the awesome Sleep merch and we will send you a super radical gift! Get ripped, blast tunes, horde snacks and best of luck to ya:
I was never into metal until I discovered Mastodon a few months ago and I realized there must be a niche here for me. The Hunter got me into them, but Leviathan and Crack the Skye are the records that really impressed me.
Been recommended Baroness, love them too. Looking forward to their new album.
So, metal-gaf, are there other bands I should give a chance now? I'm really looking for more records like Leviathan : fast paced, with a ton of great riffs.
If anyone wants this shirt, order some Sleep merch at exactly 4:20 PST/7:20 EST today.
How exactly do you go about ordering it at exactly 4:20? Just checkout at 4:20 or add it to your cart at 4:20? Actually, is there a clock they go by or something? I guess the OS clock is good enough?
I don't really like time released things, but I'm going to bite on this.