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The Metal Thread

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Is anyone listening to Brendon Small's Galaktikon? I thought it was a pretty decent effort.

My manager blasts this shit all the time at work (along with Dethklok, Powerglove, all those kind of goofy bands)...it's not bad, just nothing I would actively listen to.

Also, just wanted to say that Panopticon song from a couple pages back is sooooo good, it's definitely where my head is at musically...unusual instruments, really energetic and upbeat, but it's all icing on a delicious black metal cake...tasty!


Come to me......


I have officially been sold on Protest The Hero. Kezia is an amazing piece of work, anyone know if any of their other albums exceed or at least match up quality wise to their first one?

Yes!! Listen to Fortress NOW!! I saw these guys live back in 2009 with The Human Abstract -- both bands fucking tore it up. Some very talented guitarists.


Yeah, yeah. And metalcore isn't Tr00 metulz. Between "The Metal thread" and "The Punk thread" PTH easily fits in here... ...as well as in the punk thread.

And oh yeah, got inspired to check out what all the broohaha surrounding PTH was about. That "Bloodmeat" song is some seriously entertaining stuff.


I frankly don't give a shit about the recent Heavy Blog Is Heavy article. I would just like to point out the stupidity of the following image:

Speak English Or Die is barely 29 minutes in length. But the uneducated quip is more important than the implication or content, isn't it? Music (and all performances in general) are rhetorical experiences. An opinion validated does not affect the experience for the performer or the audience. I'm glad services like Bandcamp are offering affordable and frill-less avenues for musicians to expose their work because it lets me as a fan of music hear music more. Now if heavy metal "journalists" would only realize talking about music is attempting to appreciate it with the wrong sense.


Yeah, yeah. And metalcore isn't Tr00 metulz. Between "The Metal thread" and "The Punk thread" PTH easily fits in here... ...as well as in the punk thread.

And oh yeah, got inspired to check out what all the broohaha surrounding PTH was about. That "Bloodmeat" song is some seriously entertaining stuff.

Great track... Palms Read and Sequoia Throne are personal favorites from that album.




Any other "famous" metal bands on pledge music? I know Timo Tolkki got his new solo album successfully funded there, would be cool to see if other bands could do it this way.

Ehh, City of Fire which features Burton C Bell, Terry Sho Murphy, Byron Stroud and 2 others I guess. They've already got their project funded though. Not sure of any others, seems like it's mostly Indie and other definitely not metal type of stuff :/

FaJ's project just started today with 60 days to go until the deadline, I imagine they'll make it :D


I don't know if you guys like this stuff, but god DAMN:


Windhand is fucking awesome. (Libusen is the best track, imo)

YES! I have been loving Windhand for a while. Glad they are starting to get some more recognition.

They will be on tour later this year around the eastern US and I plan on going to the DC show

aug 1- wash dc
2nd- philadelphia
3rd- new york city/brooklyn
4th- pittsburgh
5th- columbus
6th- cincinatti
7th- indianapolis/indiana looking for help
8th chicago
9th- madison
10th- appleton
11th- minneapolis
12th- iowa
13th- kansas city looking for help
14th st. louis
15th little rock
16th louisiana
17th tennessee
18th nashville
19th tba


YES! I have been loving Windhand for a while. Glad they are starting to get some more recognition.

They will be on tour later this year around the eastern US and I plan on going to the DC show

aug 1- wash dc
2nd- philadelphia
3rd- new york city/brooklyn
4th- pittsburgh
5th- columbus
6th- cincinatti
7th- indianapolis/indiana looking for help
8th chicago
9th- madison
10th- appleton
11th- minneapolis
12th- iowa
13th- kansas city looking for help
14th st. louis
15th little rock
16th louisiana
17th tennessee
18th nashville
19th tba

Looks like this band Flight of the Seraphim is playing with them on some dates. I like their demo.


Mathcore, metalcore, or prog, neither of which I, or most metalheads, would actually consider metal. I'm sure they're not on Metal Archives either.

Interesting. Between the Buried and Me aren't in the archives either. You probably wouldn't call them metal either :-/


Progressive metalcore isn't metal. While both genres share the phrase "metal" within their names, they're quite different, and are treated as entirely different genres by those in the metal community.

Thanks. I can gather that bands like btbam aren't stylistically the same as bands like Agalloch and Wretched -- but I still call them metal. I don't guess I've been exposed to too much outside of the progressive metal, metalcore, and sludge/stoner styles...


He is being snobbish, but Protest the Hero are in no way a legitimate metal band.
Mathcore, metalcore, or prog, neither of which I, or most metalheads, would actually consider metal. I'm sure they're not on Metal Archives either.
Progressive metalcore isn't metal. While both genres share the phrase "metal" within their names, they're quite different, and are treated as entirely different genres by those in the metal community.
legitimate metal? metalheads? metal community? Get out of here with that shit.

I'm guessing you're one of those people that dismiss bands based on their genre, image, or fanbase - and citing their 'Metal Archive status' as if the site is the holy grail certainly backs the guess up.


legitimate metal? metalheads? metal community? Get out of here with that shit.

I'm guessing you're one of those people that dismiss bands based on their genre, image, or fanbase - and citing their 'Metal Archive status' as if the site is the holy grail certainly backs the guess up.
Yeah, I am "one of those people" that organizes bands based on genre, especially if the thread is on a different genre.

If you like mathcore, mallcore, prog, whatever, good for you. But in a metal thread, I'd say it is fair to make a point when a band does not fit the genre being discussed. If you want to start a metalcore thread, go for it, more power to you. Read your first sentence again, making note that this is "The Metal Thread." Maybe you'll realize how ridiculous it sounds.


Yeah, I am "one of those people" that organizes bands based on genre, especially if the thread is on a different genre.

If you like mathcore, mallcore, prog, whatever, good for you. But in a metal thread, I'd say it is fair to make a point when a band does not fit the genre being discussed. If you want to start a metalcore thread, go for it, more power to you. Read your first sentence again, making note that this is "The Metal Thread." Maybe you'll realize how ridiculous it sounds.
I have nothing against organizing bands into the most specific genres, but trying to disassociate bands from the generic tag 'metal' just because it doesn't mesh with what you like is ignorant.

Please, list the criteria for being a "legitimate" metal band.


I have nothing against organizing bands into the most specific genres, but trying to disassociate bands from the generic tag 'metal' just because it doesn't mesh with what you like is ignorant.

Please, list the criteria for being a "legitimate" metal band.
Mesh with what I like, or what the metal community as a whole has decided is not metal? I've already said BTBAM are good for what they are. I would say labeling anything you want as metal regardless of the genre as a whole is much more ignorant.

It's simple, bands like PtH and BtBAM have a much greater influence from metalcore and mathcore than metal, and thus fit more to those genres than metal. This isn't hard. I may like mathcore bands like Don Cab and Hella, but I don't consider those metal. Simply adding a more annoying guitar tone and horrible, horrible screaming does not all of a sudden make it metal.

Maybe you haven't heard much actual metal, and thus you don't hear the clear distinctions between metal and metalcore. But there's a reason the majority of people in the metal scene do not consider those bands, along with Avenged Sevenfold, Suicide Silence, and other garbage of the same ilk to be metal. If you enjoy that kind of music, more power to you, but don't call yourself a metalhead, and don't call it metal. Because according to the fans of the genre and the genre itself, it isn't.


Mesh with what I like, or what the metal community as a whole has decided is not metal? I've already said BTBAM are good for what they are. I would say labeling anything you want as metal regardless of the genre as a whole is much more ignorant.

It's simple, bands like PtH and BtBAM have a much greater influence from metalcore and mathcore than metal, and thus fit more to those genres than metal. This isn't hard. I may like mathcore bands like Don Cab and Hella, but I don't consider those metal. Simply adding a more annoying guitar tone and horrible, horrible screaming does not all of a sudden make it metal.

Maybe you haven't heard much actual metal, and thus you don't hear the clear distinctions between metal and metalcore. But there's a reason the majority of people in the metal scene do not consider those bands, along with Avenged Sevenfold, Suicide Silence, and other garbage of the same ilk to be metal. If you enjoy that kind of music, more power to you, but don't call yourself a metalhead, and don't call it metal. Because according to the fans of the genre and the genre itself, it isn't.
People that like to associate themselves completely with a music community are usually the narrow-minded, elitist assholes that are bothered by things like a band's image and reflection on the genre than they are with the quality of the music. They also like to spread misinformation and hate to the people that are new to the thousands of bands that the tag 'metal' encompasses. 90% of what I listen to is metal of all different genres, but the metal community you're referencing certainly isn't the spokesperson for me.

You have yet to define 'metal' for me despite naming bands you think aren't.

I just did a quick scan of my last.fm for metal releases in 2012 that I've been digging and broke them down by as specific a genre as I could for 2 reasons:

1) I'll actually contribute to the topic with quality suggestions
2) To show you that I'm more offended by your ignorance than I am the bands/genres you're dismissing

more traditional progressive/melodic death
In Mourning - The Weight Of Oceans
Barren Earth - The Devil's Resolve

more modern progressive/melodic death
Wretched - Son Of Perdition
Slice The Cake - The Man With No Face

more traditional and melodic technical death
Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
De Lirium's Order - Veniversum
Spawn of Possession - Incurso

more brutal technical death
Beneath The Massacre - Incongruous
Dying Fetus - Reign Supreme

Jeff Loomis - Plains Of Oblivion

Paradise Lost - Tragic Idol

symphonic/melodic black
Carach Angren - Where The Corpses Sink Forever

modern progressive metal
Art By Numbers - Reticence: The Musical

Struck By Lightning - True Predation

The Burial - Lights and Perfections
Every Time I Die - Ex Lives
Forty Fathoms - In/Famous


People that like to associate themselves completely with a music community are usually the narrow-minded, elitist assholes that are bothered by things like a band's image and reflection on the genre than they are with the quality of the music. They also like to spread misinformation and hate to the people that are new to the thousands of bands that the tag 'metal' encompasses. 90% of what I listen to is metal of all different genres, but the metal community you're referencing certainly isn't the spokesperson for me.

You have yet to define 'metal' for me despite naming bands you think aren't.

I just did a quick scan of my last.fm for metal releases in 2012 that I've been digging and broke them down by as specific a genre as I could for 2 reasons:

1) I'll actually contribute to the topic with quality suggestions
2) To show you that I'm more offended by your ignorance than I am the bands/genres you're dismissing
Glad that you enjoy a good amount of quality bands! I'm still confused by your image thing that you keep pushing, that has nothing to do with it. Clearly you yourself can distinguish death metal from metalcore, so I'm not sure why you keep pushing for a definition, but sure, whatever.

I, and most other metalheads, see metal as a genre of emotive songwriting (often conjuring up anger, but also despair, anguish, etc.), dark atmospheres, certain instrumentation mostly focusing on the riff, etc. If this doesn't do, I'll write up a better definition at some point.

At some point in the nineties, bands formed a new scene that differs entirely from metal, called metalcore. This combines metal with hardcore, often at a ratio more favorable to the hardcore side. Gone is most of the atmosphere, in favor of a new screaming style, new subjects for lyrics, breakdowns (which are the most fucking stupid trend in music today, perhaps ahead of over-use of autotune), increased use of clean vocals, most of which are higher-pitched and whiny to my ears, and chugging without any real variations in riffs, or heaviness, but instead cold technical playing (which is mostly garbage).

It seems obvious then, that most of those that enjoy metal may hate metalcore, and vice versa. They do share common elements, but they are completely separate entities.

Someone who enjoys the dark, broody atmospheres of early Norweigan black metal, or the pummeling heaviness and anger of Swedish death metal, obviously see this as an entirely different genre, and rightfully so. Thus, the majority of the metal community have deemed metalcore separate from metal, as demonstrated in the apparently despised Metal-Archives, and metal communities around the world.


There are those who believe that prog metal bands like Protest the Hero and Between the Buried and Me aren't actually metal? Hilarious.

Prog metal is a sub-genre of metal. It's metal.


Not a fan of either band, but I'd say Protest the Hero and Between the Buried and Me belong in an all-inclusive Metal thread. In fact, I'd say that the Metalcore and Deathcore sub-genres ought to be welcome too. That's just me. People have even discussed a few Punk bands in here, in an "off-topic, but thought some of you might be interested" kind of way. I have zero interest in Punk music, but I don't have a problem with that.

End of the day, it's a matter of opinion where we choose to draw the line. Metal is no longer a single genre with well-defined qualifiers. It's a musical umbrella under which a great deal of stylistically disparate music falls. Too many bands (too may songs) are relevant to a broad, unbiased discussion of Metal for any kind of strict, exclusionary policy to maintain even a semblance of objectivity. We could get into qualifying sub-genres, and attempt to determine which bands that straddle various definitions qualify as on-topic on a case-by-case basis, but that seems like a fairly pointless endeavour. More to the point, it isn't really in the spirit of Metal-GAF, which generally regulates itself very successfully.

Unrelated, here's what I'm listening to these days:

Visceral Disgorge (Brutal Slam)

Throwdown (Groovy Thrash; Pantera TNG)

Viral Encephalitis (Progressive Black/Death)


Glad that you enjoy a good amount of quality bands! I'm still confused by your image thing that you keep pushing, that has nothing to do with it. Clearly you yourself can distinguish death metal from metalcore, so I'm not sure why you keep pushing for a definition, but sure, whatever.

I, and most other metalheads, see metal as a genre of emotive songwriting (often conjuring up anger, but also despair, anguish, etc.), dark atmospheres, certain instrumentation mostly focusing on the riff, etc. If this doesn't do, I'll write up a better definition at some point.

At some point in the nineties, bands formed a new scene that differs entirely from metal, called metalcore. This combines metal with hardcore, often at a ratio more favorable to the hardcore side. Gone is most of the atmosphere, in favor of a new screaming style, new subjects for lyrics, breakdowns (which are the most fucking stupid trend in music today, perhaps ahead of over-use of autotune), increased use of clean vocals, most of which are higher-pitched and whiny to my ears, and chugging without any real variations in riffs, or heaviness, but instead cold technical playing (which is mostly garbage).

It seems obvious then, that most of those that enjoy metal may hate metalcore, and vice versa. They do share common elements, but they are completely separate entities.

Someone who enjoys the dark, broody atmospheres of early Norweigan black metal, or the pummeling heaviness and anger of Swedish death metal, obviously see this as an entirely different genre, and rightfully so. Thus, the majority of the metal community have deemed metalcore separate from metal, as demonstrated in the apparently despised Metal-Archives, and metal communities around the world.
I just see it as a huge disservice to both people looking for new music and for your own ears to be dismissing bands based on a tag. There are generic bands in all genres, but considering the amount of influences a band can display despite being listed as a specific genre, trying to say a band is/isn't metal seems absurd to me - especially when the genre in question has the word metal in its name.

The sounds you're trying to distinguish as metal and non-metal aren't as far apart as you make them seem, and you come off as confusing "most metalheads" with "people that also think like me." If what you wrote is your definition of metal music, a number of bands (that aren't labeled metalcore) don't meet the criteria despite being, without a doubt, metal.

To show you how absurd this all seems to me (from wikipedia):
Metalcore is a subgenre of heavy metal
Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music
By your thinking, metal isn't even metal even though it has metal in the name - it's all just rock anyways.

I think the music world knows more than the "metal community" - metalcore is metal. And ultimately, comments like Tess3ract's (he was even completely wrong at labeling the band) and yours should have no place here because we've all used different genres of music as gateways into new forms of music. Running this thread by "the metal archive standard" stifles discussion of an extremely diverse genre.

Me personally, I have always associated Metalcore and Deathcore with the metal genre tree. But I can understand how a metalhead can hate having a band like Chelsea Grin under the same tree as Decapitated. I just stopped caring though
Exactly. The tree is as big as you make it.


Is there a difference between Progressive rock and Progressive Metal? They both seem to be interwined and lumped together is some fashion or another.


Not a fan of either band, but I'd say Protest the Hero and Between the Buried and Me belong in an all-inclusive Metal thread. In fact, I'd say that the Metalcore and Deathcore sub-genres ought to be welcome too. That's just me. People have even discussed a few Punk bands in here, in an "off-topic, but thought some of you might be interested" kind of way. I have zero interest in Punk music, but I don't have a problem with that.

End of the day, it's a matter of opinion where we choose to draw the line. Metal is no longer a single genre with well-defined qualifiers. It's a musical umbrella under which a great deal of stylistically disparate music falls. Too many bands (too may songs) are relevant to a broad, unbiased discussion of Metal for any kind of strict, exclusionary policy to maintain even a semblance of objectivity. We could get into qualifying sub-genres, and attempt to determine which bands that straddle various definitions qualify as on-topic on a case-by-case basis, but that seems like a fairly pointless endeavour. More to the point, it isn't really in the spirit of Metal-GAF, which generally regulates itself very successfully.

Unrelated, here's what I'm listening to these days:

Visceral Disgorge (Brutal Slam)

I totally agree. Metal isn't just dark atmosphere and speedy tremolo.

And the bolded is straight toe-tappin.


Why are there YouTube level comments in our beloved Metal Thread...music is music, Slipknot DJ slamming down hip hop style beats in the middle of their set is an epic moment. Any metal heads that refuse to listen to anything outside of their myopic view of what they think music should sound like are missing out on a lot of great things in life.


Why are there YouTube level comments in our beloved Metal Thread...music is music, Slipknot DJ slamming down hip hop style beats in the middle of their set is an epic moment. Any metal heads that refuse to listen to anything outside of their myopic view of what they think music should sound like are missing out on a lot of great things in life.

There is taste to be considered. Personally, I really don't like Metal where Urban fashion and hip culture is introduced. Give me some bloody Keyboard and flute effect into my Death Metal and I am in.


So where does Visual Key come in? Ther is this bllody guy I know who works for a Japanese english based magazine who swears that its Metal.


Why are there YouTube level comments in our beloved Metal Thread...music is music, Slipknot DJ slamming down hip hop style beats in the middle of their set is an epic moment. Any metal heads that refuse to listen to anything outside of their myopic view of what they think music should sound like are missing out on a lot of great things in life.

I don't agree. Being tolerant of the tastes of others is very important, but taste cuts both ways. No one should be ashamed of the things they dislike. I've had occasion to listen to a lot of hip hop music. Some of it I don't object to, but I've yet to be exposed to anything in the genre that I actively want to listen to by choice. I'm not going to waste my limited existence trying to enjoy things I don't care for, especially when there are so many bands I've never heard of who play music I already love out there.

There is taste to be considered. Personally, I really don't like Metal where Urban fashion and hip culture is introduced. Give me some bloody Keyboard and flute effect into my Death Metal and I am in.

You must hear this. Some of the best death-fluting in all of metal creeps into the last minute of this song: La Guerre des Anciens Combattants.


I don't agree. Being tolerant of the tastes of others is very important, but taste cuts both ways. No one should be ashamed of the things they dislike. I've had occasion to listen to a lot of hip hop music. Some of it I don't object to, but I've yet to be exposed to anything in the genre that I actively want to listen to by choice. I'm not going to waste my limited existence trying to enjoy things I don't care for, especially when there are so many bands I've never heard of who play music I already love out there.
It's perfectly fine to listen to what you want to listen to, but no one here was forcing music on anyone. Someone simply posted that they enjoyed a band and wanted to know more about them, and instead of saying "I don't like them because..." or being quiet and continuing discussion elsewhere, they were labeled (wrongly) and dismissed by some people.

You don't have to be ashamed of what you listen to, but that doesn't give you the right to tell others that the music they listen doesn't belong here just because it doesn't fit the narrow view held for a vast genre of music.
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