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The Metal Thread

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Metalcore is a fusion of two genres: Core and metal.

Some metalcore bands are more core than metal while some are definitely metal.
Plenty of metalcore bands on Metal Archives as well.
Yeah, if they lean more towards metal than hardcore, they're considered metal.

I totally agree. Metal isn't just dark atmosphere and speedy tremolo.

And the bolded is straight toe-tappin.
If you don't think that atmosphere is an integral part of metal, I don't know what to tell you. I said nothing about speedy tremolo, plenty of great metal without tremolo picking of any kind.

I just see it as a huge disservice to both people looking for new music and for your own ears to be dismissing bands based on a tag. There are generic bands in all genres, but considering the amount of influences a band can display despite being listed as a specific genre, trying to say a band is/isn't metal seems absurd to me - especially when the genre in question has the word metal in its name.

The sounds you're trying to distinguish as metal and non-metal aren't as far apart as you make them seem, and you come off as confusing "most metalheads" with "people that also think like me." If what you wrote is your definition of metal music, a number of bands (that aren't labeled metalcore) don't meet the criteria despite being, without a doubt, metal.

To show you how absurd this all seems to me (from wikipedia):

By your thinking, metal isn't even metal even though it has metal in the name - it's all just rock anyways.

I think the music world knows more than the "metal community" - metalcore is metal. And ultimately, comments like Tess3ract's (he was even completely wrong at labeling the band) and yours should have no place here because we've all used different genres of music as gateways into new forms of music. Running this thread by "the metal archive standard" stifles discussion of an extremely diverse genre.

Exactly. The tree is as big as you make it.
I understand why dismissing bands based on a tag is a stupid thing to do. I'm not doing that. I can enjoy BtBAM, but can't stand Dillinger Escape Plan or Protest the Hero. That's just my personal taste. Metal differs from other genres in that the fans and the community are very picky, and dictate the genre and culture to an extent unlike any other music community.

The differences I detailed are pretty clear cut. Metalcore and metal are too completely different beasts, and people can like both, or just one, whatever sounds good to their ears. But it's my opinion that they should be treated as entirely different, because they do have huge differences.

I feel like I'm missing your point on the Wikipedia thing, metal is obviously derived from rock, but it has obviously become a completely different thing. I do understand how ridiculous this is to you though, I imagine it's painfully irritating to hear from elitists that metalcore sucks because it isn't "brutal" enough or whatever. Genres and music can't objectively be bad, but certain subgenres aren't for everybody. I will never enjoy breakdowns and autotuned choruses, they just are not enjoyable for me. But I understand why people into Black Dahlia Murder of Killswitch Engage or The Devil Wears Prada won't ever enjoy the Immortal and Darkthrone albums that I love. And that's fine.

Tess3ract's screamo comment was incorrect, and I can't stand people just branding everything they don't like as screamo, so I get that that post was misguided. I like the spirit of your post, but at the same time, I'm sure you can understand why I feel that metalcore differs so much to metal that it is an entirely separate entity. Where does it end? Do we start talking about nu-metal, or Attack Attack!, or Whitechapel? In all honesty, if I hadn't just had a conversation on this same thing on Facebook after someone posted C'est La Vie and dubbed it "the best kind of metal" earlier that day, there's no way I would have started this conversation at all. I deal with people like that on a regular basis, much like you deal with stupid, quibbling metal elitists like myself, and that's why our opinions differ so heavily. For every mouthbreathing metal-archives moron you deal with, I deal with someone who just listens to metalcore or mallcore, but dubs it metal. Thus, I get recommendations for A Day To Remember because someone "heard I like metal too," and it drives me crazy.

This will be my last post on this subject, because I'm shitting up a great thread for an argument that is doing more harm than what I'm arguing against in terms of taking too much thread space. If you or anyone else with an opposing viewpoint want to take this to PM's, I'd be more than happy to do so.
Been listening to a lot of Iron Maiden lately, specifically, Somewhere in Time - I feel this album often gets ignored, being stuck as it is between the far more popular Powerslave and Seventh Son, but, despite the lack of any material penned by Bruce, the album has over the years become a big favourite of mine. There isn't really a bad track throughout, and songs like 'Sea of Madness', 'Stranger in a Strange Land' & 'Alexander the Great' strike me as particularly underrated, while 'Wasted Years' has to be one of my all-time favourite Maiden tracks. Also, the album cover rules;


Iron Maiden - Alexander the Great

Iron Maiden - Stranger in a Strange Land

Iron Maiden - Sea of Madness


Been listening to a lot of Iron Maiden lately, specifically, Somewhere in Time - I feel this album often gets ignored, being stuck as it is between the far more popular Powerslave and Seventh Son, but, despite the lack of any material penned by Bruce, the album has over the years become a big favourite of mine. There isn't really a bad track throughout, and songs like 'Sea of Madness', 'Stranger in a Strange Land' & 'Alexander the Great' strike me as particularly underrated, while 'Wasted Years' has to be one of my all-time favourite Maiden tracks. Also, the album cover rules;

Yep, one of my faves by them. Only track I skip is Heaven Can Wait, too repetitious for its own good :p Probably my favorite Maiden cover too with all kinds of neat 'easter eggs' to find strewn about the artwork. I really wish Derek Riggs would go back to doing the art for Maiden, and that he would abandon his penchant for creating art on a computer :/ He's much better with a paint brush than he is with a stylus/mouse >_>


Yeah, if they lean more towards metal than hardcore, they're considered metal.

If you don't think that atmosphere is an integral part of metal, I don't know what to tell you. I said nothing about speedy tremolo, plenty of great metal without tremolo picking of any kind.

I understand why dismissing bands based on a tag is a stupid thing to do. I'm not doing that. I can enjoy BtBAM, but can't stand Dillinger Escape Plan or Protest the Hero. That's just my personal taste. Metal differs from other genres in that the fans and the community are very picky, and dictate the genre and culture to an extent unlike any other music community.

The differences I detailed are pretty clear cut. Metalcore and metal are too completely different beasts, and people can like both, or just one, whatever sounds good to their ears. But it's my opinion that they should be treated as entirely different, because they do have huge differences.

I feel like I'm missing your point on the Wikipedia thing, metal is obviously derived from rock, but it has obviously become a completely different thing. I do understand how ridiculous this is to you though, I imagine it's painfully irritating to hear from elitists that metalcore sucks because it isn't "brutal" enough or whatever. Genres and music can't objectively be bad, but certain subgenres aren't for everybody. I will never enjoy breakdowns and autotuned choruses, they just are not enjoyable for me. But I understand why people into Black Dahlia Murder of Killswitch Engage or The Devil Wears Prada won't ever enjoy the Immortal and Darkthrone albums that I love. And that's fine.
Ignore the wikipedia thing - it was meant to be off the wall because that's how I viewed your argument.

I'm just saying it's not as clear cut as you make things seem. I love The Devil Wears Prada, The Black Dahlia Murder, and Immortal - all of them completely different, but all of them at the most basic level are metal. The generalizations you're making with some of these bands/genres are a huge disservice to fans both new and old of metal. I can almost guarantee that none of us started listening to music with metal - we've all used what we've heard as gateways into new things. The same works with metal and all of its sub-genres, and this thread is the perfect place for that.

Just as a quick recommendation for you because you mentioned The Black Dahlia Murder and I see them dismissed quite often because of some of the bands they were lumped with when they first released:
Riffs galore, nice intro and middle break that sets a mood, beautiful solo, and dripping with black metal influences (that chorus)!

Tess3ract's screamo comment was incorrect, and I can't stand people just branding everything they don't like as screamo, so I get that that post was misguided. I like the spirit of your post, but at the same time, I'm sure you can understand why I feel that metalcore differs so much to metal that it is an entirely separate entity. Where does it end? Do we start talking about nu-metal, or Attack Attack!, or Whitechapel? In all honesty, if I hadn't just had a conversation on this same thing on Facebook after someone posted C'est La Vie and dubbed it "the best kind of metal" earlier that day, there's no way I would have started this conversation at all. I deal with people like that on a regular basis, much like you deal with stupid, quibbling metal elitists like myself, and that's why our opinions differ so heavily. For every mouthbreathing metal-archives moron you deal with, I deal with someone who just listens to metalcore or mallcore, but dubs it metal. Thus, I get recommendations for A Day To Remember because someone "heard I like metal too," and it drives me crazy.

This will be my last post on this subject, because I'm shitting up a great thread for an argument that is doing more harm than what I'm arguing against in terms of taking too much thread space. If you or anyone else with an opposing viewpoint want to take this to PM's, I'd be more than happy to do so.
So from what I'm gathering... your main problem comes from the inability of others to differentiate the music you listen to and the music they listen to. Metal bands you dislike are being lumped in with metal bands you do like, and it bothers you.

Please, continue to post if you have anything else to share - I enjoy the discussion, and it's only shitting up the thread if it becomes uncivil. If it prevents comments like Tess3ract's from discouraging new discussion then I'm all for it.


Maybe I shouldn't have lumped The Black Dahlia Murder in with the rest of them. My point there was that there are loads of people into them that aren't into any other metal. I actually have a Black Dahlia Murder album, "Miasma," which I listened to a few times and found to be alright. That said, I don't really enjoy the band. That song was decent too, but not my cup of tea. Still, I'd give them a good degree of respect for what they do, which is quite different from the other metalcore acts I've heard. I understand they've toured with Nile too, who are one of my guilty pleasures.

Perhaps I'm being ignorant in that I've only heard the popular metalcore that people just getting into the scene enjoy. I could understand how that is as ignorant as people who don't like Burzum and disregard black metal, or people who don't like Cannibal Corpse (like myself) and thus don't delve into the greatness that is death metal.

I understand it's a bit childish of me to lump things into subgenres, but years of people recommending me the latest fad scene of music even remotely related to metal has forced me into thinking that way. Obviously you know more about the subject than I do, so I'm all ears. If you could link me various metalcore acts you're into, I'd love to give them a listen and at least sample what the genre has to offer. Initially, I treated you with no respect because I associated you with those that only listen to the popular, "trendy" side of metalcore and nothing else, and for that I really apologize, because you do know your shit, and make a good point.


Maybe I shouldn't have lumped The Black Dahlia Murder in with the rest of them. My point there was that there are loads of people into them that aren't into any other metal. I actually have a Black Dahlia Murder album, "Miasma," which I listened to a few times and found to be alright. That said, I don't really enjoy the band. That song was decent too, but not my cup of tea. Still, I'd give them a good degree of respect for what they do, which is quite different from the other metalcore acts I've heard. I understand they've toured with Nile too, who are one of my guilty pleasures

That word reminded me of an excellent old Austrian death metal band of the same name, that I haven't listened to in ages. Here's a track from their 1992 album Changes: Drowning in Blood


Hilarious seeing the Maiden posts because I was going to post that I've been digging out my old Maiden cds as well for my summer time metal fixes.

Always love that these albums have stood the test of time and still sound absolutely awesome.

Pretty bummed I am missing them live this year. I'll be out of town at my friends Wedding... I guess that's not a bad thing, but still!


Pretty bummed I am missing them live this year. I'll be out of town at my friends Wedding... I guess that's not a bad thing, but still!

maiden while awesome live should really mix up their set lists a bit. would it kill them to play Alexander the Great live?


maiden while awesome live should really mix up their set lists a bit. would it kill them to play Alexander the Great live?

They've done a pretty good job or mixing it up the past few years. Playing all of aMoLaD, the Somewhere in Time Re-Tour, the past tour supporting Final Frontier, and this tour will be echoing Made In England, so they're doing a good job I think. But yes, they certainly have the staples they always seem to play.

I'd love a B-set tour as well, of random tracks.


I'm really not sure why BTBAM is being lumped in with Black Dahlia Murder, Attack Attack, Dillinger Escape Plan, Suicide Silence, and Whitechapel... It's almost as if you really aren't familiar with progressive metal(core).
And I didn't say that it doesn't need atmosphere - you're cherry picking - I said that there can be more to metal that just dark atmosphere.
LOL and yeah, I don't listen to fucking auto-tuned chorus with wub wub wub layers and breakdowns.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member

So, Circus Maximus' long-awaited new album, "Nine", is out. I suggest anyone interested in progressive metal check it out, as well as their first two albums.

I've been a fan of CM since I first heard "Isolate", and I feel that that is still my favorite album of theirs. "Nine" is good, though, and some of the songs are amazingly awesome. The first single, "Reach Within" (which oddly enough isn't fully on YouTube), is ok but doesn't exactly represent the rest of the album. Anyhoo, give it a spin, the full album is on Spotify and iTunes.

Here is a full track, "I Am", which I found on the tube: Circus Maximus - I Am


Rather than dis people for their shitty taste lets keep giving them better alternatives. That's what I love about this thread. So many passionate metal fans sharing the stuff they love.


They've done a pretty good job or mixing it up the past few years. Playing all of aMoLaD, the Somewhere in Time Re-Tour, the past tour supporting Final Frontier, and this tour will be echoing Made In England, so they're doing a good job I think. But yes, they certainly have the staples they always seem to play.

I'd love a B-set tour as well, of random tracks.

Not necessarily in this order, but!

1. Prowler
2. Burning Ambition
3. Phantom of the Opera
4. Ides of March
5. Another Life
6. Twilight Zone
7. Prodigal Son
8. Drifter
9. I've Got The Fire
10. Total Eclipse
11. Revelations
12. Still Life
13. Sun And Steel
14. To Tame A Land
15. King Of Twilight
16. Alexander The Great


17. Nodding Donkey Blues
18. Black Bart Blues
19. Sheriff Of Huddersfield

* Totally not serious


Maybe I shouldn't have lumped The Black Dahlia Murder in with the rest of them. My point there was that there are loads of people into them that aren't into any other metal. I actually have a Black Dahlia Murder album, "Miasma," which I listened to a few times and found to be alright. That said, I don't really enjoy the band. That song was decent too, but not my cup of tea. Still, I'd give them a good degree of respect for what they do, which is quite different from the other metalcore acts I've heard. I understand they've toured with Nile too, who are one of my guilty pleasures.

Perhaps I'm being ignorant in that I've only heard the popular metalcore that people just getting into the scene enjoy. I could understand how that is as ignorant as people who don't like Burzum and disregard black metal, or people who don't like Cannibal Corpse (like myself) and thus don't delve into the greatness that is death metal.

I understand it's a bit childish of me to lump things into subgenres, but years of people recommending me the latest fad scene of music even remotely related to metal has forced me into thinking that way. Obviously you know more about the subject than I do, so I'm all ears. If you could link me various metalcore acts you're into, I'd love to give them a listen and at least sample what the genre has to offer. Initially, I treated you with no respect because I associated you with those that only listen to the popular, "trendy" side of metalcore and nothing else, and for that I really apologize, because you do know your shit, and make a good point.
I completely understand where your frustrations are coming from with those kinds of people, but I also understand that most of them are coming from a good place. A lot of genres I listen to now were an acquired taste over hours of listening, so it's understandable for people to be put off by certain sounds on first listen. That's not to say that you'll always grow to like things, but it only takes one band/song for someone to completely fall in love with something new, and that's why this thread is awesome and I got worked up over this conversation.

A lot of my friends are relatively new to the genre, and I know it's a process. Any time they talk about a band they're digging, I'm always recommending bands that share elements of those bands but take the music in a different direction. Some hits, some misses, but it's all about exposure.

PM me or post some of your favorite bands, and I'd be more than happy to suggest some bands within and outside of those genres that you might dig.


It's perfectly fine to listen to what you want to listen to, but no one here was forcing music on anyone. Someone simply posted that they enjoyed a band and wanted to know more about them, and instead of saying "I don't like them because..." or being quiet and continuing discussion elsewhere, they were labeled (wrongly) and dismissed by some people.

You don't have to be ashamed of what you listen to, but that doesn't give you the right to tell others that the music they listen doesn't belong here just because it doesn't fit the narrow view held for a vast genre of music.

I see what's occurred here. You didn't read my previous post, and have assumed I'm arguing against what you're arguing because of a tangental reply I made to a comment by someone else.


I see what's occurred here. You didn't read my previous post, and have assumed I'm arguing against what you're arguing because of a tangental reply I made to a comment by someone else.
Ah, you're right, I didn't see that post. And I wasn't referring to you specifically with the comment I made, so I apologize if it came across that way.


Ah, you're right, I didn't see that post. And I wasn't referring to you specifically with the comment I made, so I apologize if it came across that way.

No worries; I was pushing both sides of the pendulum. I'm all for being exposed to new things, but I always rail against the notion that anyone ought to listen to anything they're not interested in.
I think we just set the record for the most civil metal discussion on the internet :p

Anyways, recommendation time!
I've been listening to the new Diablo Swing Orchestra. A delightful mix of symphonic/prog/avant-garde metal with swing as usual. It seems they toned down the opera vocals on this album compared to the other two. Give them a listen!

Guerilla Laments
Voodoo Mon Amour

From older albums:

And since we were talking about non-metal that's usually associated with metal, how about some grind? Here's some Nasum




I think we just set the record for the most civil metal discussion on the internet :p

Anyways, recommendation time!
I've been listening to the new Diablo Swing Orchestra. A delightful mix of symphonic/prog/avant-garde metal with swing as usual. It seems they toned down the opera vocals on this album compared to the other two. Give them a listen!

Guerilla Laments
Voodoo Mon Amour

From older albums:

Wow! Great stuff.


Not necessarily in this order, but!

1. Prowler
2. Burning Ambition
3. Phantom of the Opera
4. Ides of March
5. Another Life
6. Twilight Zone
7. Prodigal Son
8. Drifter
9. I've Got The Fire
10. Total Eclipse
11. Revelations
12. Still Life
13. Sun And Steel
14. To Tame A Land
15. King Of Twilight
16. Alexander The Great


17. Nodding Donkey Blues
18. Black Bart Blues
19. Sheriff Of Huddersfield

* Totally not serious

i'd pay money to see that, but Bruce really doesn't handle the D'ianno material very well imo.


i'd pay money to see that, but Bruce really doesn't handle the D'ianno material very well imo.

Yeah I know :/ Hell, Di'Anno doesn't handle the Di'Aanno material very well either these days heh. Still, those first 2 albums, love 'em to death. Every bit as good as the Bruce material and better in some cases. No hate for Bruce though, cool cat.


Yeah I know :/ Hell, Di'Anno doesn't handle the Di'Aanno material very well either these days heh. Still, those first 2 albums, love 'em to death. Every bit as good as the Bruce material and better in some cases. No hate for Bruce though, cool cat.

Totally agree. Killers is probably my favourite Maiden album.


Totally agree. Killers is probably my favourite Maiden album.

I could have a different fave Maiden album depending on the day I was asked but, I'd say that Killers would probably be in the number 1 spot more often than any of the others :p Still, they do have an enviable discography '80-'92 (omitting No Prayer For The Dying >_>)


I could have a different fave Maiden album depending on the day I was asked but, I'd say that Killers would probably be in the number 1 spot more often than any of the others :p Still, they do have an enviable discography '80-'92 (omitting No Prayer For The Dying >_>)

Yeah, they were definitely a ridiculously consistent band. I love every album from s/t to Seventh Son, and I think Brave New World is pretty good too.

I'd be lying if I said I enjoy listening to their newer stuff, though :-(


I'm pretty psyched for this tour. I haven't seen Maiden since '88 -- the exact tour that they're recreating. Also my wife is now REALLY into Maiden so this will be her first time seeing them.


I properly want to go see Sabaton in november, they haven't played Ireland in a while, or I think even ever, and I've never seen them, and especially with this new album a live show will be amazing
I'm loving this Maiden talk. I only got into them about... six months ago?... and they immediately became one of my favorite bands. I have pit tickets for their July 5th show in Chicago. So unbelievably stoked. I just wish they had an opener that was better than Alice Cooper, but I've never seen him before either so it will be cool just for the novelty factor

From all the live videos I've seen it seems like they go all out for their performances
I just wish they had an opener that was better than Alice Cooper, but I've never seen him before either so it will be cool just for the novelty factor.

Count yourself lucky, I've seen Maiden with FAR worse support than Alice Cooper - Trivium and Bullet for My Vallentine, for example. At least you can be guaranteed Alice will put on an awesome stage show, even if you aren't the biggest fan of his music.

Best Maiden support I've see has to be in 2000 on the Brave New World tour, as they had Entombed and Slayer!

yacobod said:
i'd pay money to see that, but Bruce really doesn't handle the D'ianno material very well imo.

I think Bruce has a greater range than Di'Anno, and was always the better singer, but Di'Anno has some awesome moments on those first two albums that Bruce has never seemed able to replicate - the way Paul's voice ramps up into the chorus of Remember Tomorrow, for instance.


OK, due to this thread (I love you guys!) I recently got the new Kreator Album; Phantom AntiChrist. Needless to say, My impression is very recent so I need more time with it. However, so far its good. It hasn't blown my mind, but some of the guitar play is really great and I really like the vocals. The only problem with it si that it feels that its at high tempo all the time and does not let up or take some steam. That is why I found the song Your Heaven My Hell to be my favourite because it have some Melodeath attributes that sets it apart and the guitar solo is freaking amazing.


I'm loving this Maiden talk. I only got into them about... six months ago?... and they immediately became one of my favorite bands. I have pit tickets for their July 5th show in Chicago. So unbelievably stoked. I just wish they had an opener that was better than Alice Cooper, but I've never seen him before either so it will be cool just for the novelty factor

From all the live videos I've seen it seems like they go all out for their performances

They had Avenged Sevenfold and Lauren Harris when I saw them. I'd rather have seen Alice Cooper to be honest.
OK, due to this thread (I love you guys!) I recently got the new Kreator Album; Phantom AntiChrist. Needless to say, My impression is very recent so I need more time with it. However, so far its good. It hasn't blown my mind, but some of the guitar play is really great and I really like the vocals. The only problem with it si that it feels that its at high tempo all the time and does not let up or take some steam. That is why I found the song Your Heaven My Hell to be my favourite because it have some Melodeath attributes that sets it apart and the guitar solo is freaking amazing.

You're lucky. The other day I pulled out Kreator's "Renewal" album for the hell of it and I've been wanting to stab my ears out.

The most monotone shit ever...and most of the album is like this!


Animals as Leaders have had their equipment stolen. Lots of custom stuff.

Hey guys.

We've got some pretty terrible news to report. Upon returning home to our house in LA we discovered that we'd been robbed while were out on tour. The thieves were able to get away with Javier's Chevy Blazer and all of the equipment we didn't have on tour with us. 10 guitars in total. This includes many of our one of a kind custom instruments (Stranberg,Rick Toone ) as well as amplifiers, PA equipment and personal items.

This is beyond devastating. We know so many of you have been beyond supportive with Javier's legal troubles. We may need more of your help now to potentially find some of these one of a kind instruments that may pop up on Ebay, Craigslist, pawn shops, used music stores etc.

We're adding an album containing photos and detailed descriptions of the stolen gear to our profile. Please take a look and keep your eyes open for anything that looks close to this stuff. I truly think that with your help we have an exponentially better chance of tracking some of this down.

Tosin, Javier
Posted here: http://www.facebook.com/animalsasleaders/posts/10151024994136639

Pictures here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151024982956639.481444.103314901638&type=1
This creeped up on me...
Hell, I saw Joey DeMaio earlier this week at the Metal Hammer UK Awards and I don't remember him even mentioning it.

The promotion for this album is fucking horrid, but the album itself is actually quite good. Raw and heavy, almost doomy at times. Definitely missing some of the pomp and chest thumping, but still very good.

So, Circus Maximus' long-awaited new album, "Nine", is out. I suggest anyone interested in progressive metal check it out, as well as their first two albums.

I've been a fan of CM since I first heard "Isolate", and I feel that that is still my favorite album of theirs. "Nine" is good, though, and some of the songs are amazingly awesome. The first single, "Reach Within" (which oddly enough isn't fully on YouTube), is ok but doesn't exactly represent the rest of the album. Anyhoo, give it a spin, the full album is on Spotify and iTunes.

Here is a full track, "I Am", which I found on the tube: Circus Maximus - I Am

Man, I was pretty excited downloading this, but after two listens, I'm not feeling it as much as I did Isolate. It's way less hooky and way less powerful. When CM nail it, though, they nail it.


The promotion for this album is fucking horrid, but the album itself is actually quite good. Raw and heavy, almost doomy at times. Definitely missing some of the pomp and chest thumping, but still very good.

Huh, I'm intrigued.

But yeah, I thought someone was joking when they said a new Manowar album is out this month, I checked Metal Archives and didn't see it there either so I just assumed it was misinformation.
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