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The Metal Thread

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I think I maybe the only one who can not get into Gojira. My friend is swearing by the band, but the more I listen to them (on youtube) the more I despise them. They radiate certain Nu-metal vibe from what I can interprit.

I dont really care for them either. They have a kind of mechanical sound i dislike, and for some reason i keep getting Fear Factory vibes from them, which doesnt help. :lol
So why is there no plug.dj (gaf?) metal room yet? How about meeting there from time to time and share some metal love? Maybe you all use turntable...That's not available here in europe, though.



Everything about the song is so right. Billys voice, Skolnicks solos, the pacing, the sound.

And since the first single is usually one of the weaker songs, I can't wait to hear the rest.
The new Ulver, Childhood's End, owns so much, even though its not metal at all. But if you love 60s/70s psychedelic rock its worth a listen.


They have a pretty unique sound that might not appeal to you, but I don't see any nu-metal comparisons.

Do you dislike Meshuggah by chance? Maybe the whole focus on rhythm just isn't your thing.

Maybe that is the reason. and yes, I can't seem to enjoy Meshuggah for the same reason.


New Agalloch is awesome. I really wish it was part of a full length CD though.

They have a pretty unique sound that might not appeal to you, but I don't see any nu-metal comparisons.

Do you dislike Meshuggah by chance? Maybe the whole focus on rhythm just isn't your thing.

I can't get into Gojira as much and I think this is part of it. They're pretty good for a chuggy band, like Meshuggah, but they just don't do a whole heckuva lot for me. I feel like there's not enough variety, and definitely not enough melody. Meshuggah I can get into a bit more because it's so pointedly different than anything else in that regard, and the focus on rhythm is laser sharp. I realize Gojira isn't actually nu-metal, but I get what he's saying. I kind of get an odd vibe like that too.


I can't get into Gojira as much and I think this is part of it. They're pretty good for a chuggy band, like Meshuggah, but they just don't do a whole heckuva lot for me. I feel like there's not enough variety, and definitely not enough melody. Meshuggah I can get into a bit more because it's so pointedly different than anything else in that regard, and the focus on rhythm is laser sharp. I realize Gojira isn't actually nu-metal, but I get what he's saying. I kind of get an odd vibe like that too.
Gojira definitely has a more organic sound that usually revolves around slight variations. It's a sound I can't tolerate for extended periods, but it's a unique experience to crank up and soak in a album's worth of material.

I definitely recommend checking out their newest even if you weren't a huge fan in the past though. I've always appreciated certain aspects/songs from them, but something about their sound as a whole on this CD does it for me on almost every track.

I'm not a fan of the other bonus track, but this one should've made its way onto the release:


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
The new testament song is so fucking good it hurts.


I fuckin dig! Love that agression element missing from "The Gathering" album. So far so good.

anyone listen to the new gojira yet?

Yeah. Sounds like shit. Almost every song sounds the same ala Iced Earth and there's several songs you have to wait over 1-2 minutes til you hear a different hook/riff/etc. Lame. However, there are few songs like Liquid Fire, The Fall and Born in Winter that stand out. So that's ok. So if you're expecting any catchy/heavy/etc material ala From Mars to Sirius, look elsewhere.
I'm surprised to see so many people down on Gojira. I've never been able to get into their previous releases, but I'm finding their new album to be killer. Maybe it's because I haven't burned out on their style yet since I don't spin them very often


Stella Natura -- an outdoor, extreme metal fest. Sept 21st - 23rd in Soda Springs, CA

Confirmed artists:

Aerial Ruin
Aluk Todolo (FR)
Arktau Eos (FI)
Ash Borer
Blood Axis Only American show this year
Burial Hex
Circulation of Light
Funerary Call (CA)
Hooded Archer
Ironwood (AU)
Lasher Keen
Lux Interna
Menace Ruine (CA)
Pyhä Kuolema (FI)
Sangre de Muerdago (ES)
Servile Sect
The Sterling Sisters
Sutekh Hexen
The Lindbergh Baby
Will O' The Wisp

Tickets are pricey and almost gone but the prospect of camping a really beautiful place while listening to loud, ugly music is very appealing.


Gojira definitely has a more organic sound that usually revolves around slight variations. It's a sound I can't tolerate for extended periods, but it's a unique experience to crank up and soak in a album's worth of material.

I definitely recommend checking out their newest even if you weren't a huge fan in the past though. I've always appreciated certain aspects/songs from them, but something about their sound as a whole on this CD does it for me on almost every track.

I'm not a fan of the other bonus track, but this one should've made its way onto the release:

Yeah I already checked out their newest one a few times. It's unique and it's ok for once in a while. It's kind of how I feel about Meshuggah. It's something cool to crank once in a while, but I just can't do it a lot. The songs started to sound kind of samey throughout. Nothing really stood out or differentiated itself from the rest of the album to me.
Just seen on Metalsucks that Randy Blythe has been arrested in Prague for manslaughter! Apparently stemming from some onstage altercation in which the victim later died.


Any Carcass fans around? I've been into their stuff over the years (and pretty much anything with Bill Steer in it) but man recently I've been obsessed with the Necroticism album. I know Heartwork's the fan favorite these days and I think that album is also incredible but something about the riffs on Necroticism...


Here's them playing Lavaging Expectorate and Exhume to Consume live. Ugh man if only I was born a decade earlier :(


Any Carcass fans around? I've been into their stuff over the years (and pretty much anything with Bill Steer in it) but man recently I've been obsessed with the Necroticism album. I know Heartwork's the fan favorite these days and I think that album is also incredible but something about the riffs on Necroticism...


Here's them playing Lavaging Expectorate and Exhume to Consume live. Ugh man if only I was born a decade earlier :(

Yeah, Necroticsim is great. Need to buy it again, one of the many albums I've managed to lose due to a ton of moving :/ I did get to see them on their 1994 tour (Life of Agony opening along with Monster Voodoo Machine and Seducer), Carlo Regadas was on guitar then. I do have pictures from that show somewhere...

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Hey, metalgaf what are the five best albums so far this year ?
I'm ashamed to say I've been kinda out of the loop.
Hey, metalgaf what are the five best albums so far this year ?
I'm ashamed to say I've been kinda out of the loop.

Some of the best is yet to come (new DOWN, Cathedral :O ) but:


My favourite album of the last few years! Absolutely relentless and brutal stuff! The new Meshugga has been praised as well. For a different flavour try the new Torche album (Harmonicraft) and the new Baroness (Yellow&Green). Both go into a more soft direction...not my kind of music but I can see why people are digging it.


The Sun of Moloch: The Darkest Fyre

The Sun of Moloch: The Sublimation of Sulphur's Essence Which Spawns Death and Life

Ave Shamash! Ave Antu! Ave Sekhmet!
From the deepest womb of the world we shall summon forth the flaming beast!
After the complete merging of ‘In Utter Darkness’ to thy hearts, WRATHPRAYER reveal you the solemn words of the flickering flame. A sacred union of nine elements which incarnate the telluric current of Death and Obscurity in a ceremony of 40 minutes.

This is the ultimate essence of the Sun-God, embodied in the flesh pillars for our temple.
The matriarchal fusion of deity, victim and spirit…all in one through the Sulphur’s possession of the self. Behold the entheogenesis of fyre!

Invokes pleasant memories of Incantation.
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