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The Metal Thread

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Eventhough I'm not continuing with the band, I think there's a great material on the upcoming album. It'll be interesting to follow from the outside what comes further ahead. In many ways it feels like ending a long-term relationship, but nothing lasts forever. As an appropriate coincidence, the beginning and the end landed almost on the same date. A devilish symmetry, perhaps.

When we find a rehearsal place, we'll get things moving with BD, and the old school goregrind project I mentioned here some time ago.
I have no doubt Viktor will deliver some great music going ahead, still, it'll feel weird without you. It'll be interesting to see what kind of vocalist they'll get. Tough act to follow though...

Looking forward to hearing more about this goregrind project, always been a huge grind fan.


I have no doubt Viktor will deliver some great music going ahead, still, it'll feel weird without you. It'll be interesting to see what kind of vocalist they'll get. Tough act to follow though...

Looking forward to hearing more about this goregrind project, always been a huge grind fan.

We'll see if they find another freak for a vocalist. ;)

When we have some news, or material available, I'll post it here.


Sad news about Enochian Crescent, but best of luck in your new projects Melchiah!

Thanks. Actually the announcement resulted with a rehearsal place for my other band, which is great as we can now finally start working properly on a new material and rehearsing the older tunes, and our booking agent can start arranging gigs for us. It's been almost three years since our last gig and rehearsals. =/
Yeah, the album is a bit of a shock to the system, simply because of how much of a departure it is from their previous works, but there's some awesome songs here - I think Yellow is the stronger of the two, but there's no song I've actively disliked so far.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Yeah, the album is a bit of a shock to the system, simply because of how much of a departure it is from their previous works, but there's some awesome songs here - I think Yellow is the stronger of the two, but there's no song I've actively disliked so far.

I think Blue was a bigger shock. Red aligned the compass, but it made sense since Baroness was going from 2 EPs to a full length. Blue really turned it to 11. Y&G is moving more in that direction, and is totally logical and expected.
Eventhough I'm not continuing with the band, I think there's a great material on the upcoming album. It'll be interesting to follow from the outside what comes further ahead. In many ways it feels like ending a long-term relationship, but nothing lasts forever. As an appropriate coincidence, the beginning and the end landed almost on the same date. A devilish symmetry, perhaps.

When we find a rehearsal place, we'll get things moving with BD, and the old school goregrind project I mentioned here some time ago.

Looking forward to hearing this.


I think Blue was a bigger shock. Red aligned the compass, but it made sense since Baroness was going from 2 EPs to a full length. Blue really turned it to 11. Y&G is moving more in that direction, and is totally logical and expected.

I'm listening now I can I can already tell you, if you didn't like Blue, prepare to HATE this record. That said, it's one of the best things I've heard all year.


It begins...




As I remember there being a couple of GAFfers, who were interested in my band Enochian Crescent, I might as well post these announcements here.

Bummer. Oh well, shit happens and life goes on. So as it stands, the other guys will be fulfilling any outstanding obligations/contracts for EC as EC and then once done will rename the band and then move forward under that name, yes? I'll have to give Black Dawn another listen on YT, I barely remember what it sounded like and I didn't buy any of those CDs >_>

Keep us updated on other projects that arise and good luck :D


Passing metallic gas
I'm listening now I can I can already tell you, if you didn't like Blue, prepare to HATE this record. That said, it's one of the best things I've heard all year.

Yea its gonna be a pretty tough pill to swallow. Its essentially a record of mostly slow material.


Looking forward to hearing this.

I'll post here when something comes up.

Bummer. Oh well, shit happens and life goes on. So as it stands, the other guys will be fulfilling any outstanding obligations/contracts for EC as EC and then once done will rename the band and then move forward under that name, yes? I'll have to give Black Dawn another listen on YT, I barely remember what it sounded like and I didn't buy any of those CDs >_>

Keep us updated on other projects that arise and good luck :D

Yep, that was our agreement. The problem with the old album of BD (and a couple of EC's for that matter) is, that we don't have the rights to re-release it, and paying the license to the label who bought the catalogue from our now-defunct old label is too costly. So, it's pretty much stuck in limbo. A couple of Finnish underground labels have been interested in re-releasing it on CD and vinyl, but apparently at least the latter is out of question due to the costs. Which of course sucks. So, I've got no problem if people download it from somewhere, as it's not available anywhere outside of Ebay. At least that way people get to hear it.

Here's some selected BD songs from different eras.

1993 demo: Forever Rotting Nazarene
2000 album (featuring the founding guitarist of Rotten Sound, for those interested): Pitbound (the 4th Trial of Acolyte)
Of Blackest Witchcraft
2005 EP: Ihr Gesicht Ist Weiss (live)
2008 studio sessions: Faceless

It appears the EP tracks have been removed from YouTube for some reason.


Yep, that was our agreement. The problem with the old album of BD (and a couple of EC's for that matter) is, that we don't have the rights to re-release it, and paying the license to the label who bought the catalogue from our now-defunct old label is too costly. So, it's pretty much stuck in limbo. A couple of Finnish underground labels have been interested in re-releasing it on CD and vinyl, but apparently at least the latter is out of question due to the costs. Which of course sucks. So, I've got no problem if people download it from somewhere, as it's not available anywhere outside of Ebay. At least that way people get to hear it.

Here's some selected BD songs from different eras.

1993 demo: Forever Rotting Nazarene
2000 album (featuring the founding guitarist of Rotten Sound, for those interested): Pitbound (the 4th Trial of Acolyte)
Of Blackest Witchcraft
2005 EP: Ihr Gesicht Ist Weiss (live)
2008 studio sessions: Faceless

It appears the EP tracks have been removed from YouTube for some reason.

Finishing up the business aspects of EC sounds fair, as long as they take on more/make new ones in the meantime :p

Huh, how much do they want for rights to that stuff? Hopefully the asking price isn't more than something reasonable. Then again, I have no clue how they decide the value of something like that. I may see about grabbing the BD CD some time later (had a trip to the ER last week that will likely cost me a ton of $$$). Downloads hold very little value to me and if I'm going to have a digital version, I want to make it myself from the CD I bought. The music industry may be heading down the road to a completely digital download future, however I'm not going to help pave it by buying that crap.


Huh, how much do they want for rights to that stuff? Hopefully the asking price isn't more than something reasonable. Then again, I have no clue how they decide the value of something like that. I may see about grabbing the BD CD some time later (had a trip to the ER last week that will likely cost me a ton of $$$). Downloads hold very little value to me and if I'm going to have a digital version, I want to make it myself from the CD I bought. The music industry may be heading down the road to a completely digital download future, however I'm not going to help pave it by buying that crap.

I don't know exactly how much, but according to my friend who runs a label, the cost of licensing a CD version of it would be pretty much +/-0 saleswise in the best case scenario. Which means re-releasing it could actually cost more than it will ever make.

Your mention of ER reminded me of the medical costs of the branding. In total it cost over 500€ for me. Nothing comes for free.

I'm in the same boat when it comes to digital downloads. I want something tangible, and I'm definitely not looking forward to a digital-only future.


I never understood the love for SYL and "City". A song called "Oh My Fucking God" ......?

The song names, is that really what you're gonna complain about? ...

What I like about SYL and Devin in general is the intensity of the music. His trademark "wall of sound" manages to be incredibly deep and complex but at the same time very perceptible.

Listening with a good pair of earphones is recommended...


I haven't liked anything Devin Townsend has put out in the last 5 or so years since disbanded SYL.

City is probably my favorite thing he's done. Crazy, fast, loud, industrial metal that still has some great hooks behind it. Terrific album.

I never understood the love for SYL and "City". A song called "Oh My Fucking God" ......?

The lyrics in SYL are stupid but who cares? You can't understand anything he says anyway for the most part. Being eccentric was kind of his "thing".

The song names, is that really what you're gonna complain about? ...

What I like about SYL and Devin in general is the intensity of the music. His trademark "wall of sound" manages to be incredibly deep and complex but at the same time very perceptible.

Listening with a good pair of earphones is recommended...

yea, that makes a little bit more sense. Wall of sound with intricacies.
I normally don't complain about lyrics or song titles, but when "Oh My Fucking God" is the chorus and repeated in such a way it kinda loses it for me.


yea, that makes a little bit more sense. Wall of sound with intricacies.
I normally don't complain about lyrics or song titles, but when "Oh My Fucking God" is the chorus and repeated in such a way it kinda loses it for me.

I think knowing more about Devin really helps you appreciate his stuff. He pours so much of his personality into everything.


More goodness.

You must be on a massive Stoner/Doom kick :p If you haven't heard these guys, give them a shot :)

Valkyrie - Withered Tree

Karma To Burn - Twenty

Acrimony - Tumuli Shroomaroom

These guys aren't Stoner or Doom but, some of their music gives me that similar vibe:
Sólstafir - Melrakkablús

Well if those albums stay obscure/OOP long enough, maybe sufficient demand will arise and then offset the costs of licensing/buying the rights and production costs for another release later :)

Erm yeah, I will consider myself lucky if my bill is ~$500 haha. US healthcare here and I currently have no insurance, so I'm thinking that bill is going to hurt when it finally comes. :/

As it is, if an artist/band release an album digital only ... I pass on it put of principle. Don't care if I ever hear it and if I do it will be on youtube hah. Also, cassette releases piss me off too :p I gave away all of my tapes years ago and no longer have any means to play them.

As for Devin/SYL, he/they never clicked for me either. I do like the cover SYL did of Exciter though :D


Well if those albums stay obscure/OOP long enough, maybe sufficient demand will arise and then offset the costs of licensing/buying the rights and production costs for another release later :)

Erm yeah, I will consider myself lucky if my bill is ~$500 haha. US healthcare here and I currently have no insurance, so I'm thinking that bill is going to hurt when it finally comes. :/

As it is, if an artist/band release an album digital only ... I pass on it put of principle. Don't care if I ever hear it and if I do it will be on youtube hah. Also, cassette releases piss me off too :p I gave away all of my tapes years ago and no longer have any means to play them.

Possibly, and I was talking with a label friend this weekend about re-releasing it, let's see how it turns out.

I've heard that the medical treatment is extremely expensive over there. And I thought my expenses were huge. =D I would have saved a lot though, if I had went to the state hospital, but I was willing to pay more for a better treatment, and chose an independent one. Plus, going to the state one might have resulted in some negative side effects, like being sent to a psychological evaluation. =)

Actually, one small label from Finland has been wanting to re-release the 1993 demo on cassette, but I'd like to have it on CD as well, as many people (including me) don't have cassette players anymore. I still have all the old demo tapes I've bought in 1990-1995 though.


Japan is in some major drought of metal shows ... I feel so idiotic for not going to more shows when I lived in Seattle, was being spoiled and didn't realize it. People complain so much about El Corazon there but the # of great shows I saw at El Corazon trumps anything here.

The only upcoming announced Tokyo shows are:

Napalm Death/Nasum/Pig Destroyer (August) http://club-quattro.com/shibuya/schedule/detail.php?id=1134
Unisonic/Gotthard (September) http://www.creativeman.co.jp/artist/2012/09unisonic/
Cannibal Corpse (October) http://club-quattro.com/shibuya/schedule/detail.php?id=1227

There are usually some shows added at last minute but this is pretty bleak.
Japan is in some major drought of metal shows ... I feel so idiotic for not going to more shows when I lived in Seattle, was being spoiled and didn't realize it. People complain so much about El Corazon there but the # of great shows I saw at El Corazon trumps anything here.

The only upcoming announced Tokyo shows are:

Napalm Death/Nasum/Pig Destroyer (August) http://club-quattro.com/shibuya/schedule/detail.php?id=1134
Unisonic/Gotthard (September) http://www.creativeman.co.jp/artist/2012/09unisonic/
Cannibal Corpse (October) http://club-quattro.com/shibuya/schedule/detail.php?id=1227

There are usually some shows added at last minute but this is pretty bleak.

Guess i wont be making fun of the el corazon anymore...and dont any japans metal bandsplay near you> i know there alot (loudness, x japan, ,Onmyouza , Sex Machineguns, Galneryus, Concerto Moon, Versailles , Coffines, Gallhammer, Sigh, Maximum the hormon, born, OZ, D, moi dix mois... etc... + there's also visual ke genre i and the pop/rock bands...



Only album I'd need is Babylon Patralx :p Well, and the Black Dawn album, which isn't too difficult to find for now. A nice box collection would be cool of all releases/recorded material, though probably prohibitively expensive to put something like that together.

Mmm yes, hospitals are crazy expensive here :/ Not looking forward to the bill when it gets here in a week or 2. Haha, well since you put it that way, I can understand why you'd choose a private/independent hospital even with the increased cost of care :p

Cassettes were good for their time but, CDs made them completely obsolete in my opinion and are worthless outside of nostalgia or ideas for a throwback release. Vinyl is better suited for that anyway, yet both being analog sources will deteriorate and go to shit so I avoid them.

Thanks, this is great stuff.

I'm not too big on Stoner, there are some good bands I do like though. Most of it seems too samey for me :( I really like Sheavy though, I imagine you're familiar with them already?

So I bought www.metalverse.com on a whim. Maybe I'll make a blog of it or something with reviews and all the good stuff.

Anyone wanna help out?

I'd offer but, I suck at writing for reviews or editorials/blog posts :p I might be able to help with something on the image front though maybe if you need help with that. I know a thing or 2 about photoshop :D
I'd contact MetalGuardian. He's been talking about starting a metal blog
Haha, somebody remembered! Excellent.

As much as I'm sure HammerOfThor will be able to create an excellent metal website, I have a lot of ideas in regards to what I'm working on. I'm still hoping to be able to launch a blog before the end of the year, but I had an unexpected surgery come up so we'll see what happens.

HammerOfThor, I would definitely like to invite you to my virtual metal castle though down the road though for some collaborative writing and a supper of dragon flesh and pagan blood


Only album I'd need is Babylon Patralx :p Well, and the Black Dawn album, which isn't too difficult to find for now. A nice box collection would be cool of all releases/recorded material, though probably prohibitively expensive to put something like that together.

Cassettes were good for their time but, CDs made them completely obsolete in my opinion and are worthless outside of nostalgia or ideas for a throwback release. Vinyl is better suited for that anyway, yet both being analog sources will deteriorate and go to shit so I avoid them.

There's been some talk about releasing the Telocvovim trilogy as a box a while back, but I can't say anything concrete about it at the moment, as the licensing is still up in the air.

Completely agree, and the same goes pretty much for the vinyls as well, as far as I'm concerned. I still like the larger covers, but they're just too much trouble, and I don't even have a vinyl player anymore. Although I still have kept some of the old vinyls, like the two first ones of Carcass. ;)


There's been some talk about releasing the Telocvovim trilogy as a box a while back, but I can't say anything concrete about it at the moment, as the licensing is still up in the air.

Completely agree, and the same goes pretty much for the vinyls as well, as far as I'm concerned. I still like the larger covers, but they're just too much trouble, and I don't even have a vinyl player anymore. Although I still have kept some of the old vinyls, like the two first ones of Carcass. ;)

HMM, if that ever happens, I'll pick it up fo'sho.

Yeah, I dig the large cover format of vinyl too, that's about it. I don't have a turntable anymore either so yeah :p I have a few vinyl albums floating around somewhere too collecting dust and taking up space. Nothing too remarkable, original Maiden Japan and a couple Misfits albums are probably the most noteworthy *shrug*


Korpiklaani, Moonsorrow, Tyr, Metsatoll and others coming to my local venue in September. Can't wait to see Tyr again, they were awesome a few years back with Korpiklaani.


HMM, if that ever happens, I'll pick it up fo'sho.

Yeah, I dig the large cover format of vinyl too, that's about it. I don't have a turntable anymore either so yeah :p I have a few vinyl albums floating around somewhere too collecting dust and taking up space. Nothing too remarkable, original Maiden Japan and a couple Misfits albums are probably the most noteworthy *shrug*

I'll let you know if the idea ever comes a reality.

The only ones I've kept are those, that were significant to me when I was younger. Sold all the rest about ten years ago.
Lately I'm sort of addicted to III: So Long Suckers by Reverend Bizarre. What a massive album, more than 2 hours of (traditional) doom.


It also reminded me of what a great year 2007 was. So many great albums

Shining (depressive black metal) http://youtu.be/Ka3YQdNhRbk
Primordial (folk) http://youtu.be/wkEwokis-O4
Alcest (shoegaze/black metal) http://youtu.be/uTM9x-fEMwo
Wolves in the Throne Room (atmospheric black metal) http://youtu.be/GP05u1UeBUA
Deathspell Omega (black metal) http://youtu.be/z16FO961zDY
The Ocean (atmospheric sludge) http://youtu.be/O7d9bbZ3EBQ
Between the Buried and Me (progressive metal) http://youtu.be/FNdRh2un5eg

and the rest:
Alchemist (progressive metal) http://youtu.be/_WNzzdjhl38
Lifelover (depressive black metal) http://youtu.be/I-m4oSPBDTE
Sigh (symphonic black metal) http://youtu.be/jkvta2ISSFs
Rotting Christ (melodic black metal) http://youtu.be/ck1OdW_asew
Pain of Salvation (progressive metal) http://youtu.be/JrHVmksnV9k (lol)
Pig Destroyer (grindcore) http://youtu.be/qencaBUfBoY
Novembers Doom (death doom) http://youtu.be/TxOLSWJLeyo
Watain (black metal) http://youtu.be/uosmDmruCVs


I'll let you know if the idea ever comes a reality.

The only ones I've kept are those, that were significant to me when I was younger. Sold all the rest about ten years ago.

Would be appreciated :D

Same for me hah. Like Kiss - Alive II, Ozzy - Live EP, Judas Priest - Rocka Rolla aside from the ones I mentioned in the other post or random 7"s I got as bonuses from pre-orders...
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