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The Metal Thread

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A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Outstanding album. Definitely better than Black Future.

Check em' out live if you can, great performance.

Really? I'll have to check it out again. I gave it a couple spins and found it to be just a retread of Black Future and didn't feel fresh.

I am tempted to go to this.

GO! GO! GO ! GO! Sunno)))))) puts on a great show

also Apparently Swans is touring again...


OK, I've listened to a lot of metal albums recently. As you can see, I'm still somewhat of a metal noob, but I thought I'd let you guys know what I've been listening to anyway...

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas


Genre: Black Metal

Released: 1994

Rating: 4/5

This is considered one of the quintessential Black Metal classics, and while I feel it's slightly overrated due to the suicide and murder of two of the band members, it's still a great album and solid representation of what Black Metal is all about.

Demilich - Nespithe


Genre: Technical Death Metal

Released: 1993

Rating: 4/5

This is one of the most unique albums you'll ever listen to. First of all, the vocals are one-of-a-kind. No other vocalist sounds like this guy, as he basically emits a deep incomprehensible burping sound. But it makes sense in the grand scheme of things as the music is very twisted, so the overall product is something very cosmic and interesting. Definitely go into this album with an open mind.

Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell


Genre: Heavy Metal

Released: 1980

Rating: 4.5/5

This is Black Sabbath's first album with Dio on the mic and it's arguably their best album, with every song providing quality. The opener, "Neon Knights", sets the tone from the start that Sabbath is now more uptempo and less doomy than before. It's a really fun song, but my personal favorites are the title song and "Die Young". Both of these songs include some progressive, atmospheric elements that I really enjoy.

Black Sabbath - Mob Rules


Genre: Heavy Metal

Released: 1981

Rating: 4.5/5

There's nothing different here, as this is basically a continuation of Heaven And Hell, but that's certainly not a bad thing, as I feel it's on the same level. "Sign Of The Southern Cross" is a 7-minute epic that quickly became one of my favorite Sabbath songs, mainly due to the badass main riff.

Dio - Holy Diver


Genre: Heavy Metal, Power Metal

Released: 1983

Rating: 4.5/5

This album was the beginning of Power Metal. There's not much to say here, as this is just an extremely solid heavy metal album, mainly due to Ronnie James Dio's powerful vocals, the exhilarating pacing, and memorable songwriting.

Dio - The Last In Line


Genre: Heavy Metal, Power Metal

Released: 1984

Rating: 3.5/5

This is basically a poor man's version of Holy Diver. It's worth checking out though, as there's a few great songs on this album, most notably the title song, which is often considered Dio's best song. Most of the other songs are still fun and exhilarating, if not slightly less memorable.

Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?


Genre: Thrash Metal

Released: 1986

Rating: 4/5

Here you'll find a very solid and satisfying thrash album, but none of the songs are particularly mind-blowing. Every song is good though and there's a decent sense of variety.

Megadeth - Rust In Peace


Genre: Thrash Metal

Released: 1990

Rating: 4.5/5

This album basically takes what Peace Sells did, but went to another level. The longer songs on this album are especially great.

Megadeth - Countdown To Extinction


Genre: Thrash Metal, Heavy Metal

Released: 1992

Rating: 4/5

This was Megadeth's attempt at mainstream success. The songs are slower and there's a greater emphasis on vocal melodies. Overall, it sounds tamer than previous releases, but it's still a very enjoyable listen for what it is.

Megadeth - Endgame


Genre: Thrash Metal

Released: 2009

Rating: 4.5/5

Considered Megadeth's best album since Countdown To Extinction, this album brings back the speed that Megadeth fans love, all while incorporating a more modern sound. This is my personal favorite of the four albums I listened to.

Amon Amarth - Versus The World


Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Released: 2003

Rating: 4.5/5

This band really clicks with me. Brutal, epic, and melodic. Some of the faster songs end up sounding a bit similar, but there's still good variety here. I especially love Johan Hegg's vocals, as he might be the best death vocalist I've come across yet. He uses many different pitches and they all sound perfect.


So when is Necrophagist coming out with a new album.
No one knows, and I stopped caring after all of the delays and lack of updates.

Check out Spawn of Possession's newest if you haven't already though - it's as good as tech death gets.


Have many metal bands (preferably folk metal) come out with acoustic or softer albums? I just got Manegarm's Forest Sessions and just love the way it sounds.


Have many metal bands (preferably folk metal) come out with acoustic or softer albums? I just got Manegarm's Forest Sessions and just love the way it sounds.

Eluveitie released one about three years ago. If you like acoustic folk you should check out neofolk/pagan folk bands like The Moon and the Nightspirit, Hagalaz Runedance, Nechochwen.
Watevaman said:
Have many metal bands (preferably folk metal) come out with acoustic or softer albums? I just got Manegarm's Forest Sessions and just love the way it sounds.

Definitely check out 'Kveldssanger' from Ulver if you haven't already. Great acoustic-folk. Also, try 'The White EP' by Agalloch.

And a few random neofolk/dark ambient bands that may be to your liking;

Ainulindalë - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gtVAF22yyw
Nebelung - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iti1K50yUPQ
Nest - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eihs8V6Qcmc
Neun Welten - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaJgDaYWvaM
Svafnir - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94rz1SQdjek
Tenhi - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9OxfDTsXrk
Vàli - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbCijPVR7MM
Vergissmeinnicht - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SehvL4p7jfs


Have many metal bands (preferably folk metal) come out with acoustic or softer albums? I just got Manegarm's Forest Sessions and just love the way it sounds.

You'll want Skyforger's Sword Song. Exactly what you're asking for: a pure folk album by a (fantastic) folk metal band. Check out the rest of their discography too, especially Latvian Riflemen.


Passing metallic gas
Ive been on a pretty big High on Fire kick lately. I really hope Mike can get it together. It feels like theyre on the verge of getting the respect they deserve.
Have many metal bands (preferably folk metal) come out with acoustic or softer albums? I just got Manegarm's Forest Sessions and just love the way it sounds.

Kveldssanger is a must. The other recommendations are also very nice.

Empyrium used to play folk/doom metal and transitioned to dark/neo folk for their last two albums.

Also try out Death in June



Not really a fan of their music, as folk isn't one of my favorite genres, but I found their live performance more appealing due to the percussions that added more power to the sound, and I adore some of their lyrics.

Hullo Angel

Well hullo angel
A gift and a smile
Well hullo angel
As we walk a crooked mile

And a twisted man leans on twisted sticks
With children's laughter hanging on swings
Well hullo angel
And the skipping row turns
Whilst little bodies twist in carousel swirls

Well hullo angel
It's the end of the world
Well hullo angel
At the end of your tether
Well hullo angel
Time for sleep
Well hullo angel
Time to cry

That which is falling should also be pushed
That which is crawling should also be crushed
Just because you people were (kinda) scratching metal&prog.

Do any you know Motorpsycho? It's a danish (or was it norwegian?) band with roots in heavy 90s rock but they went more and more progressive/jazzy/fusiony with the years without loosing the heavy parts. What makes them standout is the great songwriting. Their newest album may be one of their best yet. They also absolutely rule live!
Want to know what it sounds like to have a talented rockband collaborate with a jazz ensemble for a concept album? :)

Death Defying Unicorn

Into the Gyre

I know it's completely different but in a way it could be something different for people who liked stuff like Opeth's more mellow/proggy albums.


Black Sabbath[/B] - Heaven And Hell


Genre: Heavy Metal

Released: 1980

Rating: 4.5/5

This is Black Sabbath's first album with Dio on the mic and it's arguably their best album, with every song providing quality. The opener, "Neon Knights", sets the tone from the start that Sabbath is now more uptempo and less doomy than before. It's a really fun song, but my personal favorites are the title song and "Die Young". Both of these songs include some progressive, atmospheric elements that I really enjoy.


Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?

Megadeth - Rust In Peace

Megadeth - Countdown To Extinction

Megadeth - Endgame


Genre: Thrash Metal

Released: 2009

Rating: 4.5/5

Considered Megadeth's best album since Countdown To Extinction, this album brings back the speed that Megadeth fans love, all while incorporating a more modern sound. This is my personal favorite of the four albums I listened to.

When someone asks you what the best sabbath album is, and you say it is anything but the first five, you are insane.
When someone asks you what the best Iron Maiden album is, and you say it is anything but the first seven, you are insane.

When someone asks you what the best Testament album is, and you say it is anything but the first all, you are insane.

Also, it looks like Metallica's Black Album re-entered the Top 200 at #51....that came out of nowhere.


When someone asks you what the best Testament album is, and you say it is anything but the first all, you are insane.

Also, it looks like Metallica's Black Album re-entered the Top 200 at #51....that came out of nowhere.

Lol testament.

All of these bands suck compared to what neurosis has been doing for almost thirty years now without having a single album that is anything less than awesome.



That's why I said "arguably". For me personally, I would say Paranoid edges out the others. But Heaven & Hell is up there. It's different, but still great for what it is.

They're both fantastic albums, but I just enjoy the modern sound of Endgame. However, as time goes on, I can see Rust In Peace growing on me even more. The songs are definitely more memorable than Endgame's.


Endgame has some fantastic production.

13 is not so great. They were trying to go for a Symphony of Destruction type style and IMO it fell flat.



1.) ...And Justice For All
2.) Master Of Puppets
3.) Ride The Lightning
4.) Kill Em All
5.) The Black Album
6.) Load
7.) Death Magnetic
8.) ReLoad


1.) Rust In Peace
2.) Countdown to Extinction
3.) Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?
4.) Youthanasia
5.) Cryptic Writings
6.) The System Has Failed
7.) The World Needs a Hero
8.) Endgame
Hello fellow Metal-GAF brethren

I've mentioned this before, but I have been working on a metal website. It was originally going to be a blog, but I've since decided to class it up and shell out money for an actual .com url and a decent web template. Everything is still in the conceptual stage (because I had to scrap the original idea I was working with), but I'm making progress.

Before I throw some real life dollars at this thing though I want to make sure I have an idea of the type of content I'll be putting up. So I'm asking you guys, what types of things would you like to see on a metal website? I'm not going to do a "review and post news about everything metal" type site, because that's boring and there are plenty of other sites out there that can do that far more effectively than I could. The main appeal, I'm hoping, will be in my writing style. Though I rarely spend time developing well-constructed posts on NeoGAF (because I'm lazy and it won't aid me at all in life), my entire college major is writing-centric so it's something I'm certainly capable of. My goal is to make the both humorous and well-written.

Anyway, so far the current sections I have planned out are:

Metal Monday: Every Monday I highlight a certain song or band or subgenre and write about its badassery (or lack there of)

Reviews without a number system: These will only be albums I'm interested in sharing my thoughts on, and again, since I want the focus of the site to be on the writing I'm not going to quantify my thoughts with a numerical score. It's all in the wording baby

Metal Musings: My thoughts on something metal-related that isn't necessarily a specific song or band.

Online Diary: This is going to be a fictional character who likes metal writing entries as if it were a private, online diary. He'll probably be kind of a dopey and confused chap, and I'll upload youtube videos with audio of me reading the entry as if he were narrating it in his head (humor is half inflection when it comes to stuff like this)

A section where I take a metal song with god-awful lyrics, and take them seriously. I would be analyzing them as if they were profound pieces of art

I have a couple other sections floating around that I don't have all the details worked out yet, but those are the five sections I've decided on thus far. I probably won't actually launch the site unless I can come up with seven good ones, so I know I can have categories of content to write without going creatively bankrupt within the first month. I'm also going to be launching a facebook and twitter account (as well as the youtube channel), and use all of my public relations skills (PR is my major) to try and make it a successful sight. I can then use it as a portfolio piece when searching for jobs. But something like Metal Monday is good because it's memorable (due to the alliteration) and keeps a set date each week of new content, hopefully ensuring people will eventually learn to check back each week if they enjoy it.

I'll also probably make the twitter account something like tweeting only Metal Haiku's. I want to do something unique to each medium in order to play upon the strengths of whatever format I'm using.

I haven't discussed these plans with anybody, so somebody please stop me if all of this sounds like a horrendously embarrassing waste of my time.

And if anyone has any other ideas for additional sections they would like to see, let me know


Something oriented to making metal music, or analyzing musical components of a song? That includes history, influences, to straight up theory/technique.
Something oriented to making metal music, or analyzing musical components of a song? That includes history, influences, to straight up theory/technique.
That would be great, but while I have had a music theory class and know a decent amount about the history of metal I definitely don't think I'm knowledgable enough to tackle something like that without bullshitting my way through parts of it.

I really want the site to be humorous, so I'm trying to come up with additional sections that would lend itself to dark, metal-themed comedy


Hello fellow Metal-GAF brethren

I've mentioned this before, but I have been working on a metal website.

I really like what those cats do at Invisible Oranges. They lost their best writer, but I think there's a lot to learn from them about the way they spread out content.



1.) Rust In Peace
2.) Countdown to Extinction
3.) Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?
4.) Youthanasia
5.) Cryptic Writings
6.) The System Has Failed
7.) The World Needs a Hero
8.) Endgame

What about So Far, So Good... So What!?

1.) ...And Justice For All
2.) Master Of Puppets
3.) Ride The Lightning
4.) Kill Em All
5.) The Black Album
6.) Load
7.) Death Magnetic
8.) ReLoad
Load is better than the black album. Load is a really solid album which is underrated because it was made by Metallica. Even Reload has some decent songs. Death Magnetic is horrible.


And if anyone has any other ideas for additional sections they would like to see, let me know

How about this...interviews with metal musicians where instead of asking the same boring questions about music, you ask them questions about world events or politics.

For example, asking a question like, "what is your opinion on current events in Syria?"

The potential for comedy is enormous and you are likely to at least get some unique and interesting answers.

Edit: preferably you would do phone interviews, or interviews in person. You definitely need to be able to ask follow up questions.
How about this...interviews with metal musicians where instead of asking the same boring questions about music, you ask them questions about world events or politics.

For example, asking a question like, "what is your opinion on current events in Syria?"

The potential for comedy is enormous and you are likely to at least get some unique and interesting answers.

Edit: preferably you would do phone interviews, or interviews in person. You definitely need to be able to ask follow up questions.
That would be bloody fantastic. I'm just not sure how likely it is that musicians would want to talk to a no-name like myself. Definitely something I'll try for though, as it would probably be the best thing on the site

On a different note, why is nobody talking about this album?


It's brilliant. By far my favorite album so far this year (excluding the Blind Guardian compilation that came out in January, but I'm not sure if that counts)

It's like they've distilled their decades of wisdom and musical mastery into one glorious disc.

I actually didn't like it my first few spins, but it got such great reviews that I decided to keep listening until it clicked. Now I can't get enough of it. Definitely my favorite Rush album since their glory days


I don't care how much hate St. Anger gets, Sweet Amber is one of their greatest songs.

And on another topic - has anyone been following the recent Katatonia updates? I wasn't completely sold on the first track they released from the new CD, but the snippets from the entire album have my expectations through the roof.

Lethean is incredible:


Load gets a lot of shit for being a Metallica album, but it really is a fantastically written and produced piece of work.

Not even kidding, Load is the only Metallica album I'll listen to these days. Can't stand Lars' shitty drumming on anything more up-tempo or complex, but the pace and mood of Load lends itself to percussive simplicity. He doesn't have to reach beyond his capabilities only to miss the mark. He's actually the only drummer I've ever heard who is so inept that he ruins a band who would otherwise be incredible. I've heard other bad drummers, but they've always been in bad bands. Amazing to think what Metallica could have been if they'd had someone like Dave Lombardo behind the kit.

But yeah, Load is an interesting album. Bleeding Me, Outlaw Torn, Thorn Within, Hero of the Day...those are some legitimately great tracks. Shame Re-Load doesn't come close in terms of songwriting.
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