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The Metal Thread

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That would be bloody fantastic. I'm just not sure how likely it is that musicians would want to talk to a no-name like myself. Definitely something I'll try for though, as it would probably be the best thing on the site

Just use a bit of bluster if you have to. Ambush them at gigs where you can just lie about how big your site is too.

Start with some of the smaller bands and work your way up to the bigger ones. Better to hone your interview skills as well.

I would love to help you out, but I live in Australia and there is a bit of a dearth of metal bands of much note here at the moment.


Most of the bands that are actually good wouldn't care. The kind where you need to get to them through a manager are usually pieces of shit anyway.
No, im not trolling. I really think Load is an excellent album.


I don't really rate Metallica. like I said earlier, they've been irrelevant since Justice.
but their bloody semen albums are uninspired generic rock.


Someday we'll make a timeline of the metal thread and pinpoint the times when the inevitable Metallica debate returns. There has to be some kind of pattern.


I can't believe ...And Justice For All is so universally praised here on gaf. I mean, most of the songs are pretty good but the bass is sorely missed. I don't know about the rest of you, but I like the bass to be audible when I listen to metal.

My favourite Metallica albums are Kill Em All and Ride the Lightning. I liked Master of Puppets as well, but the rest of their albums post-Master range from mediocre to terrible, IMHO.


I never understood that hate for Load. Its a great album. Just not metal.

There's a lot of metal influence in the music, and from a production perspective it has a heavy sound. But I agree it's a tough sell as a metal record; it's more true to the nebulous 'alt rock' genre. It's more Foo Fighters or Soundgarden than anything else.


There's a lot of metal influence in the music, and from a production perspective it has a heavy sound. But I agree it's a tough sell as a metal record; it's more true to the nebulous 'alt rock' genre. It's more Foo Fighters or Soundgarden than anything else.
I've always felt it was a decent album if you could disconnect it from the Metallica name. If they had released the album under a "ghost band" name, I think the reception overall (maybe not in the metal community) would have been vastly different.


the new The Faceless CD is awesome - completely unexpected progression of their sound (different instruments, interesting arrangements, a lot of singing), but I'm really digging it



Boris has been all over the place and super unpredictable, but then they come out with songs like this on mediocre albums which makes up for it: Boris - Aileron

Crushingly beautiful. I wish they made more entire albums like this.

got to see that live earlier this year. so fucking good!
I really do hope their next album is more drone/doom.


That would be great, but while I have had a music theory class and know a decent amount about the history of metal I definitely don't think I'm knowledgable enough to tackle something like that without bullshitting my way through parts of it.

I really want the site to be humorous, so I'm trying to come up with additional sections that would lend itself to dark, metal-themed comedy

One of those "Old people listen to" sort of deals could be funny. It could be random people or it could be just one person you know that isn't into metal. You can see if they ease into it or are just constantly repulsed with comedic results.


got to see that live earlier this year. so fucking good!
I really do hope their next album is more drone/doom.

Same here. I was kinda disappointed in their last two albums. Didnt really float my boat. Saw them live with Russian Circles opening and holy fuck that was an awesome show.


After really enjoying Versus The World, I went ahead and listened to Amon Amarth's next four albums...

Amon Amarth - Fate Of Norns


Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Released: 2004

Rating: 3/5

A pretty solid album, but I found myself getting bored at times because most of the songs sound very similar, primarily due to the extensive amount of tremolo picking on this album. On their other albums, they use tremolo picking a bit more sparingly, but that's what you'll usually be hearing throughout this album. This also isn't quite as heavy as their other albums.

Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side


Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Released: 2006

Rating: 4/5

This album is quite a bit more varied than Fate Of Norns, and there are some very good songs here. However, the first half of the album is a bit weaker than the second half, even though it's still quite good. The last song on the album, "Prediction Of Warfare", might be the best song I've heard from this band.

Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God


Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Released: 2008

Rating: 4/5

Every song on this album delivers with the exception of "No Fear For The Setting Sun", which is very standard song that doesn't really add anything to the album. With that said, the title track provides this album with the strongest opener since "Death In Fire" back on Versus The World. The melodic leads are definitely more prominent on this album, and this results in the songs being a bit more distinguishable than before.

Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising


Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Released: 2011

Rating: 4.5/5

This album is strong the entire way through and there's a good sense of flow here. This might be the best album out of the five I listened to. I'm assuming fans were slightly less enthused with this album because the songs aren't quite as memorable after the first listen, but I feel that's because the songwriting is a bit more complex and varied than before. The songs here change up more often than on previous albums.

I probably won't bother listening to their first three albums. Now it's on to Strapping Young Lad!
After really enjoying Versus The World, I went ahead and listened to Amon Amarth's next four albums...

I probably won't bother listening to their first three albums. Now it's on to Strapping Young Lad!

the fuck?

Once Sent From The Golden Hall is fucking great.


the fuck?

Once Sent From The Golden Hall is fucking great.

I listened to it just for you...

Amon Amarth - Once Sent From The Golden Hall


Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Released: 1998

Rating: 4/5

This is rawer and more aggressive than their later work. There is also a lack of choruses, which makes for a fresh listen compared to the proceeding albums, as the band relies more on keeping the songs fresh instead of repeating a sing-a-long chorus. However, each song may not be as memorable, even though the album is quite strong the entire way through.


I just can't listen to Sunn O))), or drone in general. I'm sure it'd be easier if I was under the influence of something, but right now it's just music that puts me to sleep.


Amon Amarth is my favourite band but even I can admit that they make pretty much the same album every time nowadays. Once Sent is my favourite album by them, even got my copy signed at one of their concerts. Seen them live about 5 times or so, and they're amazing every time.


I just can't listen to Sunn O))), or drone in general. I'm sure it'd be easier if I was under the influence of something, but right now it's just music that puts me to sleep.

The time I saw Sunn O))) felt to me like doing drugs without being on them. The prolonged physicality of the loudness and the setting really sent my mind places. It was a very interesting show not for what was going on onstage, but what was going on in my head.

Also: People who don't like Boris make me sad. They are one of my favorite live bands.


The time I saw Sunn O))) felt to me like doing drugs without being on them. The prolonged physicality of the loudness and the setting really sent my mind places. It was a very interesting show not for what was going on onstage, but what was going on in my head.

Also: People who don't like Boris make me sad. They are one of my favorite live bands.

Live can be a deal changer, I'll admit. I really wasn't feeling Tyr and then I saw them live when they were with Korpiklaani and I totally changed my mind. Their live performance was amazing. I'm sure sitting there with a wall of sound from a drone metal band would be awesome, but it's not something I'm enjoying just sitting there in my chair or while driving (where I listen to a lot of my music).


Amon Amarth is my favourite band but even I can admit that they make pretty much the same album every time nowadays. Once Sent is my favourite album by them, even got my copy signed at one of their concerts. Seen them live about 5 times or so, and they're amazing every time.

Yeah, I love their sound, as they provide the heavier side of Melodeath, but they tend to recycle certain ideas. They said they try to simply improve their sound every album instead of revolutionizing it, which they've done a pretty good job of, but at this point I think the fans would be open to something different for the next album.
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