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The Metal Thread

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October 16th :)

holy shit, I love this stuff!
Nah. Next albums are Casualties of Cool and Ziltoid 2. We know how Z2 will be. It'll be like Z1, but more epic. Casualties of Cool was described like this: " … it sounds like haunted Johnny cash songs. late night music, completely isolated sounding and different than anything I’ve done. Che sings most of the leads, and it’s probably the truest reflection of who I am in life at this point."

Ziltoid is Devin's most progressive stuff...

In the Epicloud commentary, he said he was getting back to progressive metal and that Epicloud is not representative of what he is going to be doing in the future.


Hmm... Ziltoid does have an overarching concept, but I don't think that specifically makes it any more progressive. I suppose it does have those elements, I just don't necessarily think of it as being as progressive as some of his other albums like Terria, Infinity, or even Synchestra.
Hmm... Ziltoid does have an overarching concept, but I don't think that specifically makes it any more progressive. I suppose it does have those elements, I just don't necessarily think of it as being as progressive as some of his other albums like Terria, Infinity, or even Synchestra.

It's more than an overarching concept (which does make it more progressive, by definition), it's a narrative.

This has gotten silly. It's most definitely one of the best examples of progressive metal, Devin Townsend or not.


Since we're on the topic of Devin, I guess I'll post the last two albums I listened to:

Strapping Young Lad - Alien


Genre: Progressive Metal, Extreme Metal

Released: 2005

Rating: 4.5/5

This is my favorite album so far from this band. Not only is this a very consistent album, but it's more progressive and has a greater concern for pacing (partly due to the soft piece, 'Two Weeks', which provides a nice reprieve between the chaos). 'Skeksis' might be one of the most structurally interesting metal songs I've ever heard, while 'Shitstorm' vents Devin's anger in a very enjoyable way. In the middle of the song, there's a certain build-up and eventual climax that is very satisfying. Additionally, the occasional use of deep bass drops throughout the album is something I've never really heard before in this type of music, but I felt they were used sparingly enough to emphasize certain moments without becoming tiresome.

The Gathering - Nighttime Birds


Genre: Progressive Metal, Gothic Metal

Released: 1997

Rating: 4/5

Another extremely solid album from these folks. This album sees the band moving more towards progressive song structures, but overall, the sound is still very similar to the preceding album. Every song is enjoyable, but like with Mandylions, it will take quite a few listens to distinguish some of these songs, as this band can sound pretty 'samey'.


The album artwork for Wintersun's next album, Time I:


There's supposed to be eastern influences in these new albums, which seems to be reflected in the artwork and lettering. Also, two song snippets will be released in a couple days.


The album artwork for Wintersun's next album, Time I:


There's supposed to be eastern influences in these new albums, which seems to be reflected in the artwork and lettering. Also, two song snippets will be released in a couple days.

Finally, this had better live up to its predecessor


The album artwork for Wintersun's next album, Time I:


There's supposed to be eastern influences in these new albums, which seems to be reflected in the artwork and lettering. Also, two song snippets will be released in a couple days.

I won't believe it until its out. :) This is the equivalent of Duke Nukem.


New Katatonia is very disappointing. Not bad by any means but there are so few memorable tracks on it. It's a shame because they have been on a streak of stellar albums for as long as I can remember.

I feel like they got a little carried away with all the strings, synths, layers, and effects on this one. Something seems lost in the confusion.


New Katatonia is very disappointing. Not bad by any means but there are so few memorable tracks on it. It's a shame because they have been on a streak of stellar albums for as long as I can remember.

I feel like they got a little carried away with all the strings, synths, layers, and effects on this one. Something seems lost in the confusion.
Wait until a better quality version is out and give it a few more spins.


more money than God
New Katatonia is very disappointing. Not bad by any means but there are so few memorable tracks on it. It's a shame because they have been on a streak of stellar albums for as long as I can remember.

I feel like they got a little carried away with all the strings, synths, layers, and effects on this one. Something seems lost in the confusion.
Shame to hear. I've been on a Katatonia and Anathema kick lately.


New Katatonia is very disappointing. Not bad by any means but there are so few memorable tracks on it. It's a shame because they have been on a streak of stellar albums for as long as I can remember.

I feel like they got a little carried away with all the strings, synths, layers, and effects on this one. Something seems lost in the confusion.

I concur. Honestly it's their worst since Discouraged Ones, and one of their worst releases overall. It's still good music, just not quite as good as a lot of their other albums, unfortunately.


What is with this devin townsend guy? Ive looked up his music a few times and it seems completely unremarkable. This sort of stuff was played out by the 90s. When genres like crust punk / dbeat / powerviolence exist any kind of metal that calls itself extreme just seems laughable.


What is with this devin townsend guy? Ive looked up his music a few times and it seems completely unremarkable. This sort of stuff was played out by the 90s. When genres like crust punk / dbeat / powerviolence exist any kind of metal that calls itself extreme just seems laughable.

What stuff did you check out? If you're talking Strapping Young Lad (and it sounds like you could be), that stuff is good for what it is, but I could see not being particularly impressed with it. It's his solo work that is crazy amazing.


When genres like crust punk / dbeat / powerviolence exist any kind of metal that calls itself extreme just seems laughable.

"Extreme Metal" is used when a band is just as extreme as Death, Black, etc, but doesn't fit in those categories. It doesn't mean it's the most extreme form of metal. The two bands that are notorious for this categorization are of course Strapping Young Lad and Meshuggah.

I could just call Strapping Young Lad a Progressive Metal band or an Industrial Metal band, but then you'll expect something like Dream Theater or Nine Inch Nails, yet Strapping Young Lad can get much heavier than those bands.
What is with this devin townsend guy? Ive looked up his music a few times and it seems completely unremarkable. This sort of stuff was played out by the 90s. When genres like crust punk / dbeat / powerviolence exist any kind of metal that calls itself extreme just seems laughable.

I feel that way sometimes when listening to Devin. A lot of his stuff is rooted in the 90s.


I can definitely get why some people just aren't into Devin. Oh well. Doesn't stop me from trying to introduce his music to everyone I meet.


I like a lot of Townsend's stuff, but I also find a good chunk of it to basically be unlistenable.

When genres like crust punk / dbeat / powerviolence exist any kind of metal that calls itself extreme just seems laughable.
I find many genres to be pretty laughable to begin with. They should exist to help classify and describe, not wave your dick about.
Hi metal-gaf hop(?) this is my first post ever here and while I don't listen to much metal I would love to start. So I am asking the metal gaf overlords for some recommendations for some death metal bands.

I really like behemoth, not sure if there 'death' metal though, but anything similar would be greatly appreciated!


Hi metal-gaf hop(?) this is my first post ever here and while I don't listen to much metal I would love to start. So I am asking the metal gaf overlords for some recommendations for some death metal bands.

I really like behemoth, not sure if there 'death' metal though, but anything similar would be greatly appreciated!

If I want to dig into a certain genre, I usually type it into the rateyourmusic.com charts and listen to the top albums. These are the top 25 death metal albums according to them:




As you can see by the genre descriptions, you can sort the charts by something more specific if you're only into certain types of Death Metal, whether it be Technical Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, or Progressive Death Metal.


Finally got around to putting together some Maryland Deathfest 2012 playlists on youtube. These are full sets. They are not my videos but I just wanted to share what is already out there. These shows were awesome live and these videos help me re-live that awesome weekend.

YOB - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA56973A9BEFA5153

Nashgul - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A933E838FB8A10F

Nasum - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF82359F6AEBB84EE

Agalloch - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFAA7F70FD04B1590

Church of Misery - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8F605070EAEA287C

Electric Wizard - (First US show in 11 years) http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9D2A5DC5E98897A2

Noothgrush - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB46F8395CED050D4


^Wow, waaaaaaay too much Death and Opeth on that list.

Symbolic is also probably the least death-metaly album from Death too. I mean, it's great, don't get me wrong, but yeah... I also think it's kinda weird how Autopsy - Mental Funeral is ranked on here, but Severed Survival (a much better album imo) doesn't show up at all.

Vader's a pretty dead-on recommendation for "bands like Behemoth". At least i'd imagine they are, both bands being Polish and all. Never really listened to Behemoth much, but I do love me some Vader.


If I want to dig into a certain genre, I usually type it into the rateyourmusic.com charts and listen to the top albums. These are the top 25 death metal albums according to them:
As you can see by the genre descriptions, you can sort the charts by something more specific if you're only into certain types of Death Metal, whether it be Technical Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, or Progressive Death Metal.

This is an older list but I like a lot of what's in it.

Top 50 Extreme Metal albums.


Unfortunately all the album art pics seem to be busted. It's a great site if you are into more traditional metal.


Why, what kind of metal are you into Mr. Pablito?

nothing fancy, really. generally speaking if it's raw and aggressive, then it's right up my alley. tons of acceptions, of course. here's some favorites.

black metal

hades archer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JIjPePGUMA
already posted this one, but here it is again!






death metal





metalcoreish (not that kind)



infernal stronghold

these 2 aren't metal, but i really love them and they scratch a similar itch


satan's satyrs

i know i'm not completely out of place here. some of these were named (and i only skimmed 15 or so pages. i'm new!), and there's some general favorites that everyone shares that i also like. but yeah, that's me.

I find many genres to be pretty laughable to begin with. They should exist to help classify and describe, not wave your dick about.

i can agree with that to an extent. some genres don't need its own name (viking metal comes to mind), but for recommendations it's pretty useful. i can go "rec me some black metal," be looking for a particular type, but that's the only genre name i know. i could get names like blasphemy, negura bunget, or emperor. they'd all be right, but they sound pretty different.


Also, if you want to check out the best Death Metal albums that aren't too famous, then you can choose the 'Esoteric' option, which is great for more experienced Death Metal fans...

For example:



But yeah, rateyourmusic is a great site that seems to help a lot of people find music a lot faster. Just thought I'd share in case you guys didn't know about it yet. No, I do not work for them. lol


Hi metal-gaf hop(?) this is my first post ever here and while I don't listen to much metal I would love to start. So I am asking the metal gaf overlords for some recommendations for some death metal bands.

I really like behemoth, not sure if there 'death' metal though, but anything similar would be greatly appreciated!

morbid angel - altars of madness.
death - human, symbolic. i don't actually like death that much, but that's just me. tons love them.
immolation - close to a world below
suffocation - pierced from within

i'd probably go with symbolic first. if you're going to need to be eased into death metal, that's a good album for it i guess.
Hi metal-gaf hop(?) this is my first post ever here and while I don't listen to much metal I would love to start. So I am asking the metal gaf overlords for some recommendations for some death metal bands.

I really like behemoth, not sure if there 'death' metal though, but anything similar would be greatly appreciated!



morbid angel - altars of madness.
death - human, symbolic. i don't actually like death that much, but that's just me. tons love them.
immolation - close to a world below
suffocation - pierced from within

i'd probably go with symbolic first. if you're going to need to be eased into death metal, that's a good album for it i guess.

I don't think he needs to be 'eased' into death metal at all, considering he says he's already a fan of Behemoth.

our tastes in metal are exactly the same, and that's not stretching the truth one bit.

here are some of my favorite merch items to illustrate this:





that last one was a joke based on the subject of some guy trying to bootleg some RBC merch; never got to use it but there it is.


Also, if you want to check out the best Death Metal albums that aren't too famous, then you can choose the 'Esoteric' option, which is great for more experienced Death Metal fans...

For example:



But yeah, rateyourmusic is a great site that seems to help a lot of people find music a lot faster. Just thought I'd share in case you guys didn't know about it yet. No, I do not work for them. lol

That Electrocution album is awesome. I think I've heard Drawn and Quartered before, but the rest of that I'll need to definitely check out sometime.

RYM's a great site for cataloging your CD collection too.


nothing fancy, really. generally speaking if it's raw and aggressive, then it's right up my alley. tons of acceptions, of course. here's some favorites.

black metal

hades archer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JIjPePGUMA
already posted this one, but here it is again!






death metal





metalcoreish (not that kind)



infernal stronghold

these 2 aren't metal, but i really love them and they scratch a similar itch


satan's satyrs

i know i'm not completely out of place here. some of these were named (and i only skimmed 15 or so pages. i'm new!), and there's some general favorites that everyone shares that i also like. but yeah, that's me.

Only obscure Black & Death Metal for you it seems! The only band I have from there is Demilich, as you probably saw. I'll try and check out the others when I get a chance.
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