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The Metal Thread

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Dom Brunt

The (oldschool, early 90s) screamo band Orchid beats the shit out of them.

Totally. Although this Orchid doesn't sound that bad either, just nothing too special imo. Makes me want to listen to Saint Vitus actually. And that artwork reminds me of Karma To Burn, which is nice.


Saw them live a year ago after about a decade's wait, damn it was good. Seriously such a good live band. Apparently they played here this year too and I didn't know :(


Krallice "Years Past Matter" -- stream and buy

Vinyl coming from Gilead Media soon-ish.


Pretty amazing. The other song "Take Me With You When You Die" is pretty brooding and doleful, if you ask me. Is this what Opeth's Heritage was supposed to be?

Didn't have the chance to hear the other song, to the youtube!

P.S. Not on youtube, finally found it on Spotify. And I like it better than It's Not Because of You.


Didn't have the chance to hear the other song, to the youtube!

P.S. Not on youtube, finally found it on Spotify. And I like it better than It's Not Because of You.

Yeah, probably should have clarified where I found it. I think I like the first one better. Good stuff, though. Thanks for the rec.


Someone uploaded a pretty high quality set of videos of the Napalm Death/Nasum/Pig Destroyer show in Tokyo

Pig Destroyer


Napalm Death

Was a pretty crazy show, I don't usually regret not wearing earplugs but Pig Destroyer's sound FX were so fing loud I can't even describe it, lots of guys around me were shoving fingers in their ears even though it is grindcore concert LOL.

Sounds pretty good, thanks for the heads up

Oh, this is my fave Pig Destroyer song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5i53m-YgCg

Loud Park 12 : http://www.loudpark.com/12/ Anyone coming? Slayer.

I'm not a big Pig Destroyer fan, but my favourite of Phanton Limb is Girl in the (or a?) Slayer Jacket

1349 seems a bit out of place in that (rather uninteresting) line up


Yeah there are still 3 or 4 bands remaining to be announced but maybe 2 of those will be hair metal or some sort of 80s band (guessing), it is just how Japan rolls...

I wonder who will be on drums for 1349
Somewhere in Sweden, Yngwie just shed a tear. :p

Bought the new Testament album, Dark Roots of Earth a couple days ago. Can't stop being amazed at how well has this band aged. I feared Formation... was going to be difficult to follow but this one is also a stellar effort. Gene Hoglan is the fucking man.

He may have shed a tear, but only after kicking the air and busting out a wicked solo.

The new Testament is glorious, really shockingly amazing.
Because of the recurring dark roots of the earth talk: I've never listened to testament. What albums are worth it/what do I start with?

They have good albums from almost every part of their career.

The Legacy
The New Order
Practice What you Preach

The Gathering

Dark Roots of Earth

3 different eras really, 6 great albums.


This would be awesome, but some math and logical progression shows how far off it is:

1. Threads get locked after 200 pages
2. This thread started in 2006
3. We are on page 96
4. The new metal thread shall rise sometime in 2019

At least that gives us plenty of time to make sure the OP is good

We're gonna have to post WAY more.


just reinforces that metal is the red headed stepchild of music.

Nope, that would be bluegrass (which doesn't even have a thread that I'm aware of). The genre isn't country and isn't folk or Americana so it's hard to classify in today's musical structure.
Everything except Demonic is great. Just start with The Legacy and work your way to Dark Roots.

Thank you. I've already picked up Legacy and started listening to it. Very much enjoying it so far. (Track 2 just ended)

Edit: At the end of the album, yes. Yes i do believe I shall be listening to this band again.


I haven't kept up with metal much this year at all.

I liked the new Napalm Death a lot.

LOVED the most recent Sigh album. In Somniphobia is the best thing they've done since Imaginary Sonicscape.

I'm not really counting re-releases/remasters though.
Thank you. I've already picked up Legacy and started listening to it. Very much enjoying it so far. (Track 2 just ended)

Edit: At the end of the album, yes. Yes i do believe I shall be listening to this band again.

Go back and listen to the album again. And go back and keep rewinding the solos, especially Over The Wall and First Strike Is Deadly. Listen to the solos again, then rewind the solos.

Just picked up the new Om album "Advaitic Songs" and its fucking awesome. The recording and ambience on the album blew me away. All their stuff needs to be heard on a proper sound system to fully appreciate the resonance and low end.

Om - Sinai

Go back and listen to the album again. And go back and keep rewinding the solos, especially Over The Wall and First Strike Is Deadly. Listen to the solos again, then rewind the solos.

I'm sorry, could you speak up? I can't hear you over how loud I'm blaring testament right now.

I have listened to it again, though rewinding the solos* might wait for another day.

*at this point i froze mid-post and stared off into space for a full minutes because my brain was drowning in guitar. It happened again. Can't tell if testament has broken my mind or I need to sleep more. Drug-like zoning out (yes i'm sober).

no seriously doing anything has become impossible because my brain keeps getting absorbed. Good thing I get off work in 2 minutes. so good.
I'm sorry, could you speak up? I can't hear you over how loud I'm blaring testament right now.

I have listened to it again, though rewinding the solos* might wait for another day.

*at this point i froze mid-post and stared off into space for a full minutes because my brain was drowning in guitar. It happened again. Can't tell if testament has broken my mind or I need to sleep more. Drug-like zoning out (yes i'm sober).

no seriously doing anything has become impossible because my brain keeps getting absorbed. Good thing I get off work in 2 minutes. so good.


also, Skolnick was around 18/19 when he wrote those solos on The Legacy. Still mindblowing solos 'till this day.


Just picked up the new Om album "Advaitic Songs" and its fucking awesome. The recording and ambience on the album blew me away. All their stuff needs to be heard on a proper sound system to fully appreciate the resonance and low end.

Don't know how this release went by without me knowing, I'm listening to it for the first time now and I'm digging it. Fucking love Pilgrimage, Conference and Variations, but God is Good was pretty disappointing.

New Krallice is pretty solid too after one listen through.


Here are the latest four metal albums I've listened to...

Strapping Young Lad - The New Black


Genre: Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal

Released: 2006

Rating: 4/5

Similar to their self-titled album, this is strong the entire way through yet doesn't really contain any spectacular songs. Overall, this album is a bit more restrained and more tuneful than usual for this band, which some may prefer.

Cryptopsy - None So Vile


Genre: Technical Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal

Released: 1996

Rating: 4.5/5

Considered one of the definitive Death Metal albums, this did not disappoint me. Even though the vocals don't really add much to the experience (for me at least), everything else about these songs are just so impressive. This album manages to be extremely brutal, yet technically interesting the entire time. And while some may argue the songs here are too similar, the album is short enough to not overstay its welcome.

Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime


Genre: Progressive Metal, Heavy Metal

Released: 1988

Rating: 4.5/5

If Iron Maiden added a narrative to one of their 80s albums, this would be the result. Certainly not a bad thing by any means, as that's basically what Queensrÿche does here to create one of the most influential Progressive Metal albums of all time. Most of the core songs are just well executed NWOBHM songs, while some nice interludes and an interesting narrative are sprinkled throughout.

Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon


Genre: Black Metal, Dark Ambient

Released: 1993

Rating: 3.5/5

If you're into quirky and obscure Black Metal, this album is for you. Beherit mix Black Metal, Doom Metal, and Dark Ambient to create a pretty unique album here. There are a couple tracks in the second half that are skip-able, but other than that, you'll find some very groovy and atmospheric songs. Definitely an interesting album, even if it's not executed perfectly the entire way through.
Don't know how this release went by without me knowing, I'm listening to it for the first time now and I'm digging it. Fucking love Pilgrimage, Conference and Variations, but God is Good was pretty disappointing.

Loved the recording on God is Good, but it wasn't their best album. I have Advaitic Songs on constant repeat since I got it. Loving that they're taking this whole ritual/chant groove a step above everything else they did.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Even though this thread is for "metal," this still might be out of place due to how many posts are regarding death and black metal (not necessarily my thing, although some death is okay).

Anyone like prog-metal (Dream Theater, Symphony X) or symphonic metal (Nightwish)?

Dream Theater is definitely my favorite band, and they are ridiculous instrumentalists.

Heavy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSX86zPnUkY
Mellow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se5NkM4V26I
Epic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH_9lJxeiXg
Guitar/Keyboard Solo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ5qR7zKK3c
*raises hand* I like old nightwish. Will post my favorite picture when I get home.

Haven't had time to go through this thread but does anyone here enjoy folk metal? I'm really into eluveitie and korpiklaani atm
Edit: top of the page again. Ffffffffff
Edit2: One of my favourite pics. Marco (Nightwish bassist) and myself, January 2008

Also got a pic with Tuomas
How awesome is this album?


So, so awesome.

Road Salt 1 isn't nearly as memorable to me (but I'm also less familiar with it), but Road Salt 2 is just... beautiful, genuine, and powerful. I love it.

Road Salt 1 and 2 are the only Pain of Salvation albums I've listened to, so please clue me in on which gaps in my collection of theirs I should fill in.


Best alarm melody ever? Amon Amarth - Metalwrath :D

I learned a long time ago to never use a song for a ringtone ever again. Not only will you get sick of the song, but you're hearing it at the most unpleasant part of your day, which is what you'll associate it with.

Maybe that's just me though.


I learned a long time ago to never use a song for a ringtone ever again. Not only will you get sick of the song, but you're hearing it at the most unpleasant part of your day, which is what you'll associate it with.

Maybe that's just me though.

There is some truth to that. I've been using the beginning of Revelations by Maiden for a while and yeah... Still love the song though, just need to change it to something else I think. Stock ringtones on my phone are atrocious though.
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