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The Metal Thread

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I'm with ya 100%. The 'head bob' factor means much more to me than complexity in arrangement or pure speed. Some bands incorporate both very well but I think the majority dont.

I dont listen to a ton of death metal, but of that I do, its usually more groove orientated stuff like Kataklysm or Deicide rather than Morbid Angel or Nile.
Yeah, there's a time and a place for each.

You won't find me working out to something like Spawn of Possession, but it's definitely a treat to kick back and soak in.
Sooo fucking excited for this show. I've seen Moonsorrow and Korpiklaani before, both absolutely slay and are on opposite sides of the Folk Metal genre. I love both, it's gonna be great to see them together.

TYR and Metsatoll are just icing on the cake. But really, really awesome icing that you look forward to because it's almost as good as the cake.

I just got the new Ensiferum as well, and while it's not bad I think it may be their weakest. The first two, especially the S/T album are god damned INCREDIBLE. The other albums with Petri are great too.

Also, our tastes in genres mesh rather well. Good stuff.

I missed Metsatoll unfortunately.

Tyr is a lot better live than they were last time I saw them a few years ago. Dude they were so tight. The Lay of Thrym is perfect live material too, I wasn't into that album but it is intense live. It's now my favorite Tyr album.

Moonsorrow was paranormal. I got right up front, first time I've done that in awhile. The band was so into it. Moonsorrow are the ultimate metal gods to me, so it was a spiritual metal experience. The setlist was great, and they played just long enough.

I was pretty worn out after all the mead and Moonsorrow, and it was damn hot in Cleveland that night, so I was pretty out of it for Korpiklaani. They are undeniable though, they were both heavier and more fun than the last time I saw them.

As far as the new Ensiferum... the first few songs are great. I've been suspicious of unworthy Ensiferum ever since Jari left, and I thought Unsung Heroes was legit. Better than the last album and Victory Songs imo, from what I heard.


I missed Metsatoll unfortunately.

Tyr is a lot better live than they were last time I saw them a few years ago. Dude they were so tight. The Lay of Thrym is perfect live material too, I wasn't into that album but it is intense live. It's now my favorite Tyr album.

Moonsorrow was paranormal. I got right up front, first time I've done that in awhile. The band was so into it. Moonsorrow are the ultimate metal gods to me, so it was a spiritual metal experience. The setlist was great, and they played just long enough.

I was pretty worn out after all the mead and Moonsorrow, and it was damn hot in Cleveland that night, so I was pretty out of it for Korpiklaani. They are undeniable though, they were both heavier and more fun than the last time I saw them.

As far as the new Ensiferum... the first few songs are great. I've been suspicious of unworthy Ensiferum ever since Jari left, and I thought Unsung Heroes was legit. Better than the last album and Victory Songs imo, from what I heard.

Yeah, they're really awesome live. Saw them twice so far, apart from them the lineup of the second event consisted of Ensiferum, Korpiklaani, Tyr and Eluveitie. What a glorious evening that was.

So in two months and a few days Wintersun's new album will be released, I'm excited. Just noticed that they had started recording even before FF13 Versus was announced.
Yeah, they're really awesome live. Saw them twice so far, apart from them the lineup of the second event consisted of Ensiferum, Korpiklaani, Tyr and Eluveitie. What a glorious evening that was.

So in two months and a few days Wintersun's new album will be released, I'm excited. Just noticed that they had started recording even before FF13 Versus was announced.

Wintersun is going to be in Cleveland with Eluveitie in October, can't wait for that!

One of the best parts of the Moonsorrow show, a few minutes into Kuolleiden maa right when the quiet part started, the crowd was all yelling over the clean guitar part. Ville shushed the crowd and it was instantly like dead silent in Peabody's. That song killed so hard.


Neo Member
Just impulse purchased the new Ensiferum CD. The cover art got me combined with mentions here. Good starting point? Heard no previous entries. Cant wait.

(PS: Loved metal since the 80s. Really love folk/power metal, traditional metal and black metal {darkthrone, moonsorrow, enslaved}).

I think that the album is very.... unique, like, k, I think is a mixture between Iron and From afar, and if you listen to songs like Pohjola, is one of those songs that takes yous from a scenario to other in seconds, the textures and melodies change very oddly but not in a bad way.

I really enjoyed Celestial Bond, the girl's voice is truly amazing and the music, lyrics fit so well.

The intro reminded me a lot to Ad Victoriam, from Victory Songs.

I was truly disappointed by the video clip for "In My Sword I Trust" it was like a very cheap slideshow, like when I saw the behind the scenes and that Groupa 13 would make it I had very high expectations, as they did a fantastic job for people like Sonata Arctica, Amon Amarth, etc. but it was so damn awful. What a shame!


A friend of mine just posted this on FB.



This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Saw Sunn O))) last night. It wasn't quite as memorable as when I saw them play Altar with Boris, but it was still an awesome show. Just two straight hours of deafening, chest-shattering vibration, simultaneously discomforting and relaxing. I've certainly never "felt" music like that before. I actually nodded off a few times (the show was in a theatre and everyone was seated) due to the trance-like state I was in — certainly not out of boredom — and I heard a lot of other people did as well. Also, Attila's performance is unreal, and probably the highlight of the whole thing for me. He was so restrained for most of the set, and relatively low in the mix, until letting out this bloodcurdling scream the likes of which I'd never heard. It made my skin crawl.

Overall, it was a pretty awesome experience to see them in a little theatre in my neighborhood. Hopefully they don't take another five years to come back.
So a certain metal website that may or may not have been mentioned by me several times in this thread is launching on Monday...


Feels good man. There have been many many hours sunk into the project so far, I can't wait for it to start paying off


So a certain metal website that may or may not have been mentioned by me several times in this thread is launching on Monday...


Feels good man. There have been many many hours sunk into the project so far, I can't wait for it to start paying off

Congrats mate, hope it goes well
Thank you, my fine metal gentlemen!

The site has a very unique brand and hook. Is it nerdy? Hell yes it is. But I am incredibly happy with how it is turning out.

It's starting off as an avenue for me to share the music I love, but I'm definitely planning on building off of that in the future and expanding into more creative territories. Still, I'm very eager to get feedback and constructive criticisms from whomever takes the time to browse it. My main concern at this point is figuring out how to get a decent number of people to give it a legitimate shot. I have a few good ideas as to how to build an audience, but I'm all ears if anybody else has suggestions. I will be supremely disappointed if after all of this passion and hard work and money it doesn't achieve any more readers than I could have gotten with a free google blog or something.


Content is king.

Get that right first and you will be able to build an audience.

If you bring an audience to your site and there is no content, you will have a hard time bringing them back


more money than God
Thank you, my fine metal gentlemen!

The site has a very unique brand and hook. Is it nerdy? Hell yes it is. But I am incredibly happy with how it is turning out.

It's starting off as an avenue for me to share the music I love, but I'm definitely planning on building off of that in the future and expanding into more creative territories. Still, I'm very eager to get feedback and constructive criticisms from whomever takes the time to browse it. My main concern at this point is figuring out how to get a decent number of people to give it a legitimate shot. I have a few good ideas as to how to build an audience, but I'm all ears if anybody else has suggestions. I will be supremely disappointed if after all of this passion and hard work and money it doesn't achieve any more readers than I could have gotten with a free google blog or something.
Can't wait. I'll be there.


Loser slave of the system :(
Here's a cool inside look at this year's Obscene Extreme which my band played at. We're talked about a bunch of times throughout the video (Creative Waste from Saudi Arabia). We've already been invited to the next Obscene Extreme taking place in Mexico in 2013! We had a blast in Czech this year. Nasum absolutely DESTROYED. I was right at the tip of the stage (backstage) while they were performing and the crowd was going absolutely nuts. Great experience. We ended up taking a picture with them afterwards and gave them a copy of our album. Anders is an EXTREMELY quiet dude.

Obscene Extreme Festival 2012 Inside Look
Thank you, my fine metal gentlemen!

The site has a very unique brand and hook. Is it nerdy? Hell yes it is. But I am incredibly happy with how it is turning out.

It's starting off as an avenue for me to share the music I love, but I'm definitely planning on building off of that in the future and expanding into more creative territories. Still, I'm very eager to get feedback and constructive criticisms from whomever takes the time to browse it. My main concern at this point is figuring out how to get a decent number of people to give it a legitimate shot. I have a few good ideas as to how to build an audience, but I'm all ears if anybody else has suggestions. I will be supremely disappointed if after all of this passion and hard work and money it doesn't achieve any more readers than I could have gotten with a free google blog or something.

Don't worry man, if there's a will there's a way and you'll have all of MetalGAF sharing it around for sure. I always wanted to start a blog but never found the drive to and really admired your effort here. Good luck!

Okay, so I'm going to see Eluveitie in a few months and I'm not really clear on who they are. Any suggestions/thoughts?
Thank you, my fine metal gentlemen!

The site has a very unique brand and hook. Is it nerdy? Hell yes it is. But I am incredibly happy with how it is turning out.

It's starting off as an avenue for me to share the music I love, but I'm definitely planning on building off of that in the future and expanding into more creative territories. Still, I'm very eager to get feedback and constructive criticisms from whomever takes the time to browse it. My main concern at this point is figuring out how to get a decent number of people to give it a legitimate shot. I have a few good ideas as to how to build an audience, but I'm all ears if anybody else has suggestions. I will be supremely disappointed if after all of this passion and hard work and money it doesn't achieve any more readers than I could have gotten with a free google blog or something.

Out of curiosity, what did you use to build it?
I missed Metsatoll unfortunately.

Tyr is a lot better live than they were last time I saw them a few years ago. Dude they were so tight. The Lay of Thrym is perfect live material too, I wasn't into that album but it is intense live. It's now my favorite Tyr album.

Moonsorrow was paranormal. I got right up front, first time I've done that in awhile. The band was so into it. Moonsorrow are the ultimate metal gods to me, so it was a spiritual metal experience. The setlist was great, and they played just long enough.

I was pretty worn out after all the mead and Moonsorrow, and it was damn hot in Cleveland that night, so I was pretty out of it for Korpiklaani. They are undeniable though, they were both heavier and more fun than the last time I saw them.

As far as the new Ensiferum... the first few songs are great. I've been suspicious of unworthy Ensiferum ever since Jari left, and I thought Unsung Heroes was legit. Better than the last album and Victory Songs imo, from what I heard.

I've seen Moonsorrow before, and yes... it's pretty much a religious experience. Fairly certain I never stopped headbanging last time.

Gonna have to give the new Ensiferum a few spins to let it sink in.

So a certain metal website that may or may not have been mentioned by me several times in this thread is launching on Monday...


Feels good man. There have been many many hours sunk into the project so far, I can't wait for it to start paying off

Can't wait to see it, dude!
Content is king.

Get that right first and you will be able to build an audience.

If you bring an audience to your site and there is no content, you will have a hard time bringing them back
I'm slightly conflicted as to how to start this off. Obviously at first there won't be much content, because the site hasn't had time to acquire it. I'm shooting for having an entry completed for each of my six (possibly seven) sections when it launches, but I'm not sure how to go about posting them. Should I have everything completed posted on the site when it launches and then have a lull for a few days, or should I post things gradually throughout the week so I have something new to share each day right at the outset? We'll see I guess. But I will of course be updating it every week, usually more than once I'm sure.

Don't worry man, if there's a will there's a way and you'll have all of MetalGAF sharing it around for sure. I always wanted to start a blog but never found the drive to and really admired your effort here. Good luck!

Okay, so I'm going to see Eluveitie in a few months and I'm not really clear on who they are. Any suggestions/thoughts?
Thanks man! I <3 my metal GAF brethren.

As for Eluveitie, I've seen them twice and both times they put on a fantastic show. I'd start with the album Slania, because it kicks ass. Everything Remains As It Never Was and Helvetios are also very solid, but they are both essentially more of the same. Which is fine with me, because Slania is so damn awesome.

I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention their acoustic album, Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion. It's a concept album sung completely in the dead Gaulish language, so unfortunately all of the interlude and narrative tracks really break the flow of the album, particularly since I still haven't found a translation as to even the basics of the plot. Without those filler tracks though, the rest is great. For about a year that would always be the album my metal bro and I would spin on the way home from concerts, as it's a good one to unwind to.

Out of curiosity, what did you use to build it?

I used SquareSpace. I have no coding, graphic design, or web development knowledge. SquareSpace is incredibly user friendly, so I was able to do all of it myself. The site still looks simple compared to other music sites I've been looking at for comparison, but it has a unique flavor which is more important to me anyway.

Can't wait. I'll be there.
Can't wait to see it, dude!

Thanks guys! I'm already much more excited and motivated about it now that I see how supportive everyone here is being. It means a lot, and will make my excommunication from this thread all the more hilarious for lurkers reading this when everyone ends up hating my site :p


Okay, so I'm going to see Eluveitie in a few months and I'm not really clear on who they are. Any suggestions/thoughts?

I see Eluveitie and Wintersun are touring together in North America soon. I might have to see one of the New York shows....



Passing metallic gas
I agree. War Pigs is perhaps my favorite Sabbath song (with "Satan laughing, spreads his wings... OH LORD YEAH!" one of my favorite metal lines ever), and the FNM cover is fantastic. Kudos to your excellent taste good sir.

They played it live when i saw them at ozzfest quite a long time ago. Blew the roof of the joint (even though it was an outdoors event).
As for Eluveitie, I've seen them twice and both times they put on a fantastic show. I'd start with the album Slania, because it kicks ass. Everything Remains As It Never Was and Helvetios are also very solid, but they are both essentially more of the same. Which is fine with me, because Slania is so damn awesome.

I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention their acoustic album, Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion. It's a concept album sung completely in the dead Gaulish language, so unfortunately all of the interlude and narrative tracks really break the flow of the album, particularly since I still haven't found a translation as to even the basics of the plot. Without those filler tracks though, the rest is great. For about a year that would always be the album my metal bro and I would spin on the way home from concerts, as it's a good one to unwind to.

This is super helpful, I'll check it out. They're just the opening act but I always like to investigate. You're really knowledgeable, this site is gonna kick ass.

I see Eluveitie and Wintersun are touring together in North America soon. I might have to see one of the New York shows....


Aw dang, I'm seeing them in the UK with Sabaton and I'd totally love to have seen Wintersun. Hopefully they come around here soon and don't just stay over there!


Slipknot's Shawn Crahan reacts to charges against Paul Gray's doctor
Gray on Wednesday was listed as the most recognizable name on a tragic list: Des Moines physician Daniel Baldi was charged with involuntary manslaughter related to the deaths of eight of his patients, including Gray.

Slipknot has persevered in the wake of Gray’s death on May 24, 2010, in a hotel room in Urbandale. The Polk County medical examiner determined cause of death to be an accidental overdose of injected morphine and fentanyl.

That's messed up.
We need to meet up at a show sometime. Perhaps at this one, if I'm able to make it! I just hate the thought of driving to Chicago in December (it's about a two and a half hour trip for me), because of the potential of snow. But I would love to see Wintersun, and of course seeing Eluveitie a third time would be a delicious treat.


I've always had a lot of Ozzy songs, but now I've finally listened to the albums...

Ozzy Osbourne - Blizzard Of Ozz


Genre: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock

Released: 1980

Rating: 4/5

Half of this album consists of some of Ozzy's best and most memorable songs, while the other half is solid classic metal, but nothing too special. The intro to "Mr. Crowley" is such a cool moment, that I wish Ozzy explored that sound more on this album.

Ozzy Osbourne - Diary Of A Madman


Genre: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock

Released: 1981

Rating: 4/5

Randy Rhoads' guitar playing is more developed and less raw here. Every song is very solid, so this is more consistant than its predecessor, but the album never quite reaches the heights of the debut.

Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears


Genre: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock

Released: 1991

Rating: 4/5

Zakk Wylde makes this a bit heavier and more modern than the first two albums I listened to. Since this album sports more songs than the other two, some of the songs, while still good, feel a bit unnecessary. However, this album also includes some of Ozzy's best work, such as the title track, which is my personal favorite Ozzy song.


Some potentially good news on touring though, Helloween and Gamma Ray are teaming up again for a world tour!


I saw their first Hellish Rock tour and it was absolutely awesome. Hope they come around again.

YES! I missed the first Hellish Rock because of my poverty and I'm really looking forward to whatever new things Gamma Ray is playing next year. Now that Hansen played lots of Hard Rock with Unisonic I'm expecting faster, heavier stuff from the Rays. I liked Land of the Free II but to be honest, To the Metal was one of their weakest albums, Kai needed some time to refresh his ideas.

Edit: apparently Dan Zimmerman left the band, how sad. He was, easily, the best Power Metal drummer around and probably the most charismatic since Ingo Schwichtenberg.
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