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The Metal Thread

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Enjoy your stay!

So I finally got a chance to check out the site, aaaaaaand, there seems to be no CSS(at least from Chrome). :(

I'll wait until styles come back up to dig around the site more ;)
So I finally got a chance to check out the site, aaaaaaand, there seems to be no CSS(at least from Chrome). :(

I'll wait until styles come back up to dig around the site more ;)
What the hell... the CSS has disappeared for me as well. It must be those damn punk rockers again! :p I sent an email to website support, hopefully this black magic will be undone soon.

In the meantime, I received my first email:

"Dear Metal Santa,

I have been a very metal boy this year. Here is my MetalChristmas list!

1. Candlemass' Epicus Doomicus Metallicus 1st press vinyl
2. Marduk's Those of the Unlight 1st press vinyl
3. All the original Darkthrone demos
4. Manilla Road's Crystal Logic 1st press vinyl
5. A record player
6. A leather jacket
7. 100 beers. Exactly 100 beers
8. A new sword
9. Lots of metal patches
10. Immortality
11. Backstage Maiden passes
12. 1 year of xbox live gold
13. Invisibility cloak

Thanks Metal Santa!"


definitely an original concept you're using on the website, I like it.

So anyway, it is currently 11:30pm on Tuesday evening and I have been awake since 10am Sunday morning. extreme sleep deprivation brings a new level of insanity to a track like this: http://youtu.be/olN6UpUC6v4 so fucking good.

And I need to thank whoever it was that reminded me to check out Leviathan.
any trve dickhead that can listen to Massive Conspiracy Against All Life or The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide still say USBM is soulless is a fucking idiot.

and holy shit, the self titled Lurker of Chalice!! That album is a fucking masterpiece!
Hydra Head Records is no more:


Hydra Head Records has never been a smooth-running operation. We've spent the majority of our existence excitedly scrambling from one thing to the next, taking on more than we could ever possibly hope to achieve, and never quite finding solid footing in the midst of our self-induced whirlwind of chaos. Though not every second of doing this label has been enjoyable, it has been a very rewarding and meaningful project for me, and I hope for many of the other lives to which it has been directly connected. The fact that it has lasted close to two decades at this point is astonishing, and much has changed during that time - the lives of those directly involved with running the label, the bands and artists we've worked with, and the nature of the music industry itself. Though many of these changes have been positive, or at least illuminating, the impact of our history and current industry circumstances are culminating into a slow and somewhat painful death for the label. It certainly isn't an entirely unforeseen event, but we didn't think it would come quite so abruptly, or (perhaps naively) ever.

The decision to pull the plug has not been an easy one, and in some ways is a not a choice at all. The simple fact of the matter is we've been running on empty for a while now and cannot afford to keep our doors open for much longer. Years of imbalance between creative ideals and financial realities, personal problems amongst the label operators, an unwillingness to compromise our aesthetic standards, a tendency towards releasing challenging (i.e. unmarketable) artists, and the steady decline of the music industry in general, are amongst the chief reasons for our inability to continue. It is a harsh but undeniable reality, and one which we are attempting to confront with as much integrity and grace as is afforded by the circumstances.

For the short term we will continue to operate as we have been, effecting our first step into shutdown this December, at which point we are cutting off new releases from the label. Thereafter, we will be remain operational only in the interest of maintaining our back catalog, with the ultimate aim of repaying our rather sizable debts. Grim though this prospect is, in the midst of it all I still feel an extreme gratitude for everything that has happened and for all the wonderful people with which we've been involved over the years. We've been lucky enough to work with some of the most unique and provocative artists of the last two decades, many of which have made indelible impressions in the underground, and by extension the larger world of music in general. We've also been fortunate to have had the support of a small but loyal following, who've constituted the very essence of our life force. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and love to each and every person who contributed to making this label what it is - all the artists who entrusted us as the custodians of their work, all the people that bought or listened to our releases, and all the people who performed the various label duties at various offices (and houses) across the continent.

...and this brings us to the present moment, where in all honesty we are in need of financial assistance from anyone and everyone who's willing to throw us a rope. Though it is highly unlikely we'll be able to resuscitate the label, we do wish to follow through on the final round of releases to which we're committed and pay off our debts to our artists and manufacturers. In order to do this we are initiating a massive sell-off of everything we can dig up and produce for the next 6-12 months. This will include discounted bundles of CDs/LPs/posters/etc, represses of certain titles for which we still have parts, test pressings, and whatever worthwhile items we can pull together. For anyone that is able and willing to fund our funereal arrangements please visit our direct mailorder or webstore and pick up whatever you can. Any and all support is greatly appreciated by our remaining team, and will be put to the best use possible.

There is no way to sum up nearly 20 years of incredibly important music, experiences, and evolution other than to say a big heart felt "thank you", and that we hope this closing will provide an opening into other even more positive and rewarding experiences for all of us and all of you who have been a part of our shared experience. For now we bid you all a very fond farewell....

-Aaron Turner



The Contortionist 'Intrinsic'
If you don't know this album and you have even a remote interest in progressive metal, you have to check this out.

This is one of my favorite albums this year. It reminded me a lot of Cynic - Focus - not just because it has robot vocals and airy sections, but it conveys an emotional experience like Focus did that I really enjoyed. It's really easy for prog to get mired in its own wankery, but Intrinsic avoids that masterfully.

I sound really pretentious so I'm going to throw on the new Grave (which is also awesome) to balance shit out.


Can't say I'm surprised. Seems like they hit their peak about 5 years ago and really haven't adapted much to the changing scene.

Sadly, this is kind of true. They just put out the new Nihill album which is awesome but before that, the last release they did that I liked was Prurient's Bermuda Drain and that was well over a year ago I think.



New Dethklok headlining tour with Machine Head, All That Remains & Black Dahlia Murder. IMO, much better than the tour with Lamb Of God.

10/30 Norfolk, VA – Norva

Oh hells yea. I'm there. :)

Black Dahlia Murder is one of my favorite bands and I've never seen em live. Machine Head always puts on a great show, too. All That Remains will be great to see again if they dont play too much of their newer stuff.

Crazy that Dethklok is headlining, though, what the fuck?

I'm posting the new Parkway Drive song, because I give no fucks about your opinions on "Core".


Awesome stuff. One of the few bands in the metal/deathcore genre that dont feel stale.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Wow, I'm pretty bummed about the Hydra Head news. They were probably the single most important record label for me in terms of getting into "good" metal 15 or so years ago. Even though I bought less of them over the years, I could appreciate and respect all of their releases, some of which are all-time favorites. I probably own more records released by them than any other label.

Just looking through their discography; some of my favorites:

In These Black Days 7" series
Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Converge split LP
Cave In - Beyond Hypothermia, Until Your Heart Stops, Jupiter
Botch - American Nervoso, We Are the Romans
Coalesce - 0:12
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Calculating Infinity
Discordance Axis - Jouhou, The Inalienable Dreamless
Isis - Celestial
Sunn O))) - 00 Void
Daughters - Hell Songs, self-titled
Gridlink - Amber Gray, Orphan
Jesu - self-titled, Conqueror
Kayo Dot - Blue Lambency Downward, Coyote
Torche - Meanderthal
Pyramids - self-titled, plus the collaboration with Nadja
Khanate - Clean Hands Go Foul, Capture and Release

So much good shit. RIP.


According to my very handy stat tracking tools, TWELVE different people have accessed my website through Neogaf. And not a single nugget of constructive wisdom has been thrown down yet! I guess you all are too busy digesting the glory of the Metal Santa.

And that cover for the new Sword album is excellent. I've yet to encounter a genre that comes anywhere close to rivaling the badassery that is metal album covers.

I just checked it out. I dug the Metal Monday post. Celebrations of great tracks are always awesome. I'd make sure to lead the post or even with the title with the name of the song/band so readers know what they're getting into. Felt like that first post took a while to get to the meat of really talking about the track.

I feel like you'll probably develop these scheduled posts as you go, but my best advice for blogging is the leaner the better.

Anyway, I've added you to my RSS so I'll be reading regularly. Looking forward to more.
So my favorite metal band is Maiden, but I've heard all their songs too much (I've never been one to listen to the same music over and over) and I'm looking for something else as similar as possible. What I've tried so far:

Blind Guardian - Like them a lot.
Demons & Wizards - Too thrashy (Iced Earth influence?) but okay
Dragonforce - LOL. Also, too monotonous
Helloween - Actually like these guys a lot despite the cheesy, incomprehensible lyrics
Rhapsody - Same as above
Judas Priest - OK, but their melodies don't really grab me.

Anything I'm missing?


So my favorite metal band is Maiden, but I've heard all their songs too much (I've never been one to listen to the same music over and over) and I'm looking for something else as similar as possible. What I've tried so far:

Blind Guardian - Like them a lot.
Demons & Wizards - Too thrashy (Iced Earth influence?) but okay
Dragonforce - LOL. Also, too monotonous
Helloween - Actually like these guys a lot despite the cheesy, incomprehensible lyrics
Rhapsody - Same as above
Judas Priest - OK, but their melodies don't really grab me.

Anything I'm missing?

Judas Priest. I can't fathom how their melodies wouldn't grab you. The only reasonable explanation to me seems, that you only listened to their post Painkiller albums, and even then I'm at a slight loss.

But aside from that, this should set you up, also give a listen to Ecliptica by Sonata Arctica.
I listened to a Greatest Hits album. Maybe that was my problem. I'll give them another shot, and of course I'll hit up the bands in the post you linked.



So my favorite metal band is Maiden, but I've heard all their songs too much (I've never been one to listen to the same music over and over) and I'm looking for something else as similar as possible. What I've tried so far:

Blind Guardian - Like them a lot.
Demons & Wizards - Too thrashy (Iced Earth influence?) but okay
Dragonforce - LOL. Also, too monotonous
Helloween - Actually like these guys a lot despite the cheesy, incomprehensible lyrics
Rhapsody - Same as above
Judas Priest - OK, but their melodies don't really grab me.

Anything I'm missing?

Try Hibria, Tarot and Machine Men.


Yes, and I wish they would stop making music. Its a fucking plague on metal right now, this white washed sanitized metalcore that people listen to.
There is no plague on metal. I've listened to just as many bad technical death metal releases as I have metalcore releases this year. The current popularity for the genre means that you're hearing more about them, but that doesn't mean the music you don't like is bringing down the music you do like.


People that constantly feel the need to vocalize their dislike of metal/deathcore are basically just 'metal hipsters'. You dont like the genre, great. Listen to what you like and shut the fuck up. Stop pretending that y'alls taste in metal is any better than another person's.


Man, I knew I was treading on broken glass by posting that link but now I'm just really interested in why some of you (OK, just one dude) really have it out for the genre.

Yes, there are a lot of stale, unoriginal bands other there but like any other genre you gotta hunt for those diamonds in the rough.
Man, I knew I was treading on broken glass by posting that link but now I'm just really interested in why some of you (OK, just one dude) really have it out for the genre.

Yes, there are a lot of stale, unoriginal bands other there but like any other genre you gotta hunt for those diamonds in the rough.

I may not have it out there for the genre (just dont care about it), but i can't stand to listen to those bands. Just not my thing. I can see where some people despise it out loudly because its not "TRVE KVLT" + other things that doesn't click musically for them.

Dom Brunt


I've never known if you're supposed to be able to make out band names from logos like that. It always takes me a long time to figure out what they say but most of the time I just don't get it. What the fuck is that headliner supposed to be?

Oh and sucks about Hydra Head but I'm not really that surprised. Too bad they're in debt so badly apparently. If ordering stuff from the States wasn't such a pain in the ass I might buy something to support them a little, will have to see if there's gonna be any good deals.
Oh and sucks about Hydra Head but I'm not really that surprised. Too bad they're in debt so badly apparently. If ordering stuff from the States wasn't such a pain in the ass I might buy something to support them a little, will have to see if there's gonna be any good deals.

yea, I'm waiting for the sale to go on so i can clean out all the Jesu stuff.


Man, I knew I was treading on broken glass by posting that link but now I'm just really interested in why some of you (OK, just one dude) really have it out for the genre.

Yes, there are a lot of stale, unoriginal bands other there but like any other genre you gotta hunt for those diamonds in the rough.

Honestly, I'm pretty jaded when it comes to metal, and music in general really. I really actively dislike a lot of bands people post in this thread but I don't say anything about it because arguing the merits of a band on an internet forum is a crapshoot.

I enjoy the occasional slam death album which shares similarites with what bands like Parkway Drive do (chugging endlessly on the E string) so it's hard for me to hate too much. I understand the appeal, it's just not for me.

ex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBsWHpbJAm0 (I think I posted this song in here recently)
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