Flowers? For me? Why I do declare Mr. Beauregard
So is this a Gone with the Wind concept album? Why should I even care about your post? I have no idea what kind of music it is, what the album is called etc. Cmon people, try to post a little more than just the album cover, preferably a short description and a youtube link. This is the metal thread, not a generic music thread on GAF.
This also applies to posts like Ravagers latest, please don't post unmarked youtube links. I knew Ravagers link had the potential to be new and interesting, but sometimes similar posts link to Metallica or some other band everyone already knows.
Sorry about the small rant, but these things annoy me. They are very common in other threads and it really lowers the quality of those threads. I really like the Metal thread and its quality and it would be better without such posts.
about fucking time. I wish it had less of the Pysopsus type wankery and more of the wierd funky shit from the first album.
Here's a taster of Desolate Shrine's upcoming The Sanctum of Human Darkness album.
Speaking of electronics and metal, are there any bands that really push the envelopes in combining the two genres that I should know about? In particular, after your skrillex cover you posted I saw this other skrillex guitar cover, and the combination of electronics and metal sounds really awesome to me in this. Are there any bands that sound pretty much exactly like that?
The combination of electronic and metal/rock has always sounded completely awesome to me. I think in my mind if I could think of the best sounding music possible it'd be that (mixed with progressive metal maybe for best results!), but I've really yet to find decent bands that actually do this. Some throw out a few electronic things mixed in here and there, but it's never really pushed at all.
Holy shit, what a blast from the past... I forgot this even existed until just now. 15 years ago, fuck. I don't remember liking it very much save for a few songs, but it was still a cool soundtrack.
Pretty funny video...
Nekrogoblikon (Goblin Metal)
Oh man, that is probably the funniest metal video I've seen in my entire life. Absolutely hysterical.Pretty funny video...
Nekrogoblikon (Goblin Metal)
Oh man, that is probably the funniest metal video I've seen in my entire life. Absolutely hysterical.
Also, my metal site is completely ready for launch. I've been forsaking my real job all weekend to work on it, but I'm FINALLY done. I'll post it in this thread just as soon as we get to a new page. For I've worked to hard on this to have the only group of people that will actually read it at the beginning not see it because it's buried at the bottom of a page!![]()
Here's a taster of Desolate Shrine's upcoming The Sanctum of Human Darkness album.
Sounds great. Artwork looks nice too.
Abstract Black Metal band from Florida, United States; formed in 2004/2005. All instrumental and vocal duties handled by Matron Thorn. Started as a pure black metal act, recently evolved into a Black Metal/Trip-hop/Industrial project.
Born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and lead by Matron Thorn and Ascaris (both active under the black metal insignias of Benighted In Sodom), ÆVANGELIST play dark death metal to end all death metal. Like in a terrifying exorcism, the duo has extracted the very essence of the genre out of its carcass, showing it in all its putridity and disgust through the asphyxiating sounds and the growling choirs of the debut album "De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis".
There's a disturbing and totally hallucinating atmosphere haunting their songs; something that assaults and violates the senses, and that works on the subconscious in subliminal, occult ways.
Comparable perhaps to Portal, Mitochondrion, Vasaeleth and even late Blut Aus Nord, ÆVANGELIST ride on majestic black wings, dispensing chaos, darkness and fever like rotten hosts with which to feed countless agonizing souls. You won't find anything pleasant in this dark epiphany. No melodies, no nice hooks, no frills. Just ugliness and utter despair; the tortured screams of those who already inhaled the nauseating, unbereable stench of death while waiting for the horrendous vacuum of non-existence that lays beyond...
Yeah, the artwork is done by the same guy, who plays all the instruments and composes the music.
That seems to be one fo the new and upcoming standards for good music, especially for the prog-metal/djent world. Glad to see the increase in tech has allowed independent artists to make music without paying an arm and a leg, especially if they are one guy.
Pretty funny video...
Nekrogoblikon (Goblin Metal)
Wow, a lot of these are great. I absolutely love "calm" metal. I'll have to check into some of these artists more.That seems to be one fo the new and upcoming standards for good music, especially for the prog-metal/djent world. Glad to see the increase in tech has allowed independent artists to make music without paying an arm and a leg, especially if they are one guy.
Speaking of djent, I don't understand the term. It's supposed to be an onomatopoeia right? I just don't hear it the resemblance, especially in any meaningful way that would define a subgenre.
Isn't it just to denote bands that emulate Meshuggah's palm mute riffing with downtuned guitars and polyrhythms? "Djent" (the sound a downtuned guitar is supposed to make) is more of a joke term that will probably turn in into a derisive term 2-4 years from now.
Ah, okay. I didn't know this. It's interesting how subgenre titles develop. Like New Wave of Traditional Metal, which is just traditional metal but isn't from the 80s so it's, like, totally new wave man! Shoegaze is also ridiculous, but at least that name cracks me up.People just started using Djent as a genre which is stupid as fuck. The bands in the 'genre' are also absolutely terrible outside of Periphery and Meshuggah
Ah, okay. I didn't know this. It's interesting how subgenre titles develop. Like New Wave of Traditional Metal, which is just traditional metal but isn't from the 80s so it's, like, totally new wave man! Shoegaze is also ridiculous, but at least that name cracks me up.
And I've still never listened to Meshuggah. Which album is a good starting point?
Yeah, the artwork is done by the same guy, who plays all the instruments and composes the music.
EDIT: Here's another interesting one-man band of another friend of mine.
Benighted in Sodom - Chamber of Lucid Dreams
And his side project ÆVANGELIST:
There are two songs to listen to at the website.
Holy shit, you're friends with the guy from Benighted in Sodom? That's AWESOME.
People just started using Djent as a genre which is stupid as fuck. The bands in the 'genre' are also absolutely terrible outside of Periphery and Meshuggah
I wouldn't consider Meshuggah a part of the genre even though they were the big influence on the bands that gave certain elements of their sound a more mainstream appeal. And the newer Periphery stuff is all over the place in terms of influences, so I don't even think of them as part of it anymore.People just started using Djent as a genre which is stupid as fuck. The bands in the 'genre' are also absolutely terrible outside of Periphery and Meshuggah
We need to meet up at a show sometime. Perhaps at this one, if I'm able to make it! I just hate the thought of driving to Chicago in December (it's about a two and a half hour trip for me), because of the potential of snow. But I would love to see Wintersun, and of course seeing Eluveitie a third time would be a delicious treat.
I wouldn't consider Meshuggah a part of the genre even though they were the big influence on the bands that gave certain elements of their sound a more mainstream appeal. And the newer Periphery stuff is all over the place in terms of influences, so I don't even think of them as part of it anymore.
bands like Fellsilent, Tesseract, and Vildhjarta are more consistent representations of the sound
I love Browne's style, but I'm not a Monuments fan. They really butchered the mix on the new CD, and all of the old demo tracks sounded much better.Fellsilent? You mean Monuments.
I love Browne's style, but I'm not a Monuments fan. They really butchered the mix on the new CD, and all of the old demo tracks sounded much better.
And I've still never listened to Meshuggah. Which album is a good starting point?
My favorite is Nothing (the remastered version)but Chaosphere & Catch 33 are close.
Sounds pretty good.EDIT: Here's another interesting one-man band of another friend of mine.
Benighted in Sodom - Chamber of Lucid Dreams
And his side project ÆVANGELIST:
There are two songs to listen to at the website.
I wouldn't consider Meshuggah a part of the genre even though they were the big influence on the bands that gave certain elements of their sound a more mainstream appeal. And the newer Periphery stuff is all over the place in terms of influences, so I don't even think of them as part of it anymore.
bands like Fellsilent, Tesseract, and Vildhjarta are more consistent representations of the sound
well I mean none of those bands or "Djent" would exist without Meshuggah or Bulb
and those bands are all terrible. Has to be the most stale "genre" ever