And even with Black Sabbath, I can appreciate what they did for metal and all, but I cant remember the last time I actually listened to any of their albums.
You need to get right with God.
And even with Black Sabbath, I can appreciate what they did for metal and all, but I cant remember the last time I actually listened to any of their albums.
New Down streaming in its entirety
That's cool. How did you swing Matt Pike as a (guitar?) teacher?
With a backstory as epic as their name, Order of the Owl brings some of Atlantas most die-hard musicians together in one growling beast of a band. Fronted by Zoroasters Brent Anderson, the sound is decidedly metal, but drummer Corey Pallons classic rock influence and guitarist Casey Yarbroughs driving progressive chords give new life to the usual detuned fare Atlantas grown so famous for
Same with Enslaved. Apparently they are releasing a new album in October, but after the underwhelming Axio-something (and Vertebrae and Ruun), I'm just not interested anymore.
You guys are crazy. Axioma Ethica Odini was one of the highlights of their discography. Then again, I was a big fan of both their early black stuff and later progressive outputs.axioma was aaaalllllright...ruun was decent, and vertebrae was just meh. I wish they go back to the Isa/below the lights period.
Wintersun are finally releasing Time? I won't believe it until I have it in front of me.
Nice! Screw early morning, might as well open a beer now.![]()
Damn, Amon Amarth is so consistent with their releases, all of them are so great.
Sweden really does make the best Melodic Death Metal.
But With Oden on Our Side is truly a gem.
I disagree. Twilight of the Thundergod and Surtur Rising were rather disappointing. However I do agree with you about WDoOS is one of the best AA albums released thus far by them
Matt Pike gave me a demo when I was learning from him as a student. Still have it to this day
I think i get what your saying...headroom? I feel Dopesmoker has a huge soundstage, but I don't feel suffocated by it.
Seeing Vektor at a small Ethiopian restaraunt in a few hours. Any other DC GAF going?
Primordial is really good. I slept on them for too long.
That's tonight? I was thinking of going but I didn't really like the look of the venue and I have to work tomorrow.
Saw a Coheed concert on Thursday (they're borderline Metal, I know) and it was by far the loudest concert I've been to. I was in the third row and whenever someone screamed into a mic, it destroyed my ears and made me lose balance.
The ringing seems to be slowly going away, but my inner ears are still pretty sore. I hope nothing is permanent.
I learned my lesson and I already bought ear plugs for future concerts.
Seeing Vektor at a small Ethiopian restaraunt in a few hours. Any other DC GAF going?
hahaha, this sounds fucking awesome.
that's dynamic range
I'm just referring to the fact that almost every space in the music filled by the droning of the guitar/bass, so it doesnt leave much room to hear actual acoustics of the space. If you listen to shellac theres more space open to actually hear the acoustics of the instruments within the space.
Eh? dynamic range is more the range of dB on a record, headroom refers specifically to the gain that a piece of gear can take before it distorts. IE: my amp has a lot of clean headroom.
What the fuck happened to In Flames? It's like they're not the same band anymore.
What the fuck happened to In Flames? It's like they're not the same band anymore.
what you referred to there was the dynamic range of the song. the difference between the loudest and softest volumes. something that is full of droning guitars would lack dynamic range.
So over the weekend, I saw YOB, Weedeater, Rwake, Saint Vitus, and Norska in concert. To say it was awesome would be the understatement of the century. YOB is basically my favorite metal band, and finally being able to see them was the best thing just about ever. All bands rocked it out. Of particular note was Norska, a relatively new band which includes the bassist from YOB. They opened the concert at 8:30pm with some down-tuned thunder so loud it pressurized your chest. YOB finished the concert at well past 1am. Simply amazing stuff.
So over the weekend, I saw YOB, Weedeater, Rwake, Saint Vitus, and Norska in concert. To say it was awesome would be the understatement of the century. YOB is basically my favorite metal band, and finally being able to see them was the best thing just about ever.
If you haven't already, listen to this album.
Vinny is such a beast behind the kit.