Most of Black Metal are one of the worst things ever. I don't even know how can someone stand such type of music. I like Burzum and Opeth older albums but that's about it.
I mean. Compare those two:
With this garbage:
Same goes to Funeral Doom Metal. Horrible.
Death, Thrash, Prog, Sludge, Heavy and Trad Doom are the real deal.
Of course, my opinion only.
Most of Black Metal are one of the worst things ever. I don't even know how can someone stand such type of music. I like Burzum and Opeth older albums but that's about it.
Same goes to Funeral Doom Metal. Horrible.
Death, Thrash, Prog, Sludge, Heavy and Trad Doom are the real deal.
Of course, my opinion only.
In case anyone cares, the new Kamelot album is floating around. It's going to take a while to digest, but I can safely say it's better than Poetry for the Poisoned.
Holy shit, you aren't kidding. Any album recommendations to start with?Not sure if this is old news or not. Being a huge fan of Agalloch. I was estatic when I came across a band that sounded like Agalloch but better IMO.
Oak and Aspen -
Holy shit, you aren't kidding. Any album recommendations to start with?
Thanks for sharing, I love this thread so much
comparing a 2012 Burzum release and Opeth, who aren't BM to Darkthone doesn't really work
They haven't put out alot. Start with Ashen Eidolon. You won't be disappointed.
Hello all. I just checked this page for the first time in months a couple of days ago. Many people have been asking about the status of Gallowbraid and for news on potential upcoming releases. I thought I should hop on here and mention that no new releases for Gallowbraid are on the horizon right now. However, NSP is doing a vinyl reissue of the Ashen Eidolon EP, which will have a bonus track and alternate artwork (possibly along with some shirts as well).
It seems that a lot of people don't know this, but the music on the Ashen Eidolon EP was actually written back in 2006 (hard to believe it was six years ago already... where the hell does time go?). I am still actively working on music in various other bands, but nothing new for Gallowbraid will be coming any time soon. I appreciate the awesome response to the music and everyone who has bought or downloaded the EP. It's been very cool to see how well-recieved it has been overall. Unfortunately, with Gallowbraid being a project formed so long ago by a younger dude in a different mindset, I simply do not have interest in this style of metal at this point in my life. I may well return to Gallowbraid some day, but for now I am busily focusing on different things. Thanks again for the support everybody! Cheers!
I'm so jealous ;_; Orange Goblin AND Down, that's crazy! I haven't been able to see any of them so far..I hope I'll get the chance one day!Saw Down at the Roundhouse in London tonight - 5th time I've seen them and they never fail to disappoint. The set was pretty standard stuff, but with Witchtripper and Open Coffins thrown in from the new EP. They also played a cover of Bridge of Sighs, and Swan Song, which is one of my favourites from NOLA that they don't seem to play all that often. The first support band were Warbeast, who I hadn't heard of before. They were OK, but nothing really stuck for me. However, Orange Goblin fucking KILLED it. They played 3 tracks off the new album (which I went and bought from the merch stand straight after their set, The Fog is fucking amazing), a couple off the last one and a handful of old favourites. Good night all in all, here's a few crappy pictures;
I guess you had to be there when they were released. Now, after countless of black metal albums, they might not shine so much anymore.
EDIT: If you're talking about their newer releases, I think they went downhill after Under a Funeral Moon/Transilvanian Hunger.
Most of Black Metal are one of the worst things ever. I don't even know how can someone stand such type of music. I like Burzum and Opeth older albums but that's about it.
I mean. Compare those two:
With this garbage:
Same goes to Funeral Doom Metal. Horrible.
Death, Thrash, Prog, Sludge, Heavy and Trad Doom are the real deal.
Of course, my opinion only.
Hm? What's the issue?What is it with Opeth fans?
Most of Black Metal are one of the worst things ever. I don't even know how can someone stand such type of music. I like Burzum and Opeth older albums but that's about it.
I mean. Compare those two:
With this garbage:
Same goes to Funeral Doom Metal. Horrible.
Death, Thrash, Prog, Sludge, Heavy and Trad Doom are the real deal.
Of course, my opinion only.
Show me some good songs them... I may change my mind.Whoa, now! It's ok to not like a genre, the GAF Metal Thread has always been about respecting other's opinions, but let's not throw everything in a genre under the bus, though! And calling Darkthrone "garbage" in Norway would have your burned at the stake in short order. They are the pioneers, man! I've learned to appreciate black metal and am now a huge fan, with Darkthrone being close to the top. Same goes for funeral doom.
There's no such thing as any metal not being the "real deal", especially when some black metal bands, like Darkthrone, pre-date thousands of metal bands and in some cases whole genres.
depending on the dm you like
Show me some good songs them... I may change my mind.
Well yeah I love Death Metal. I love Nile, Necrophagist, Cynic, Atheist, Opeth, Obituary, Death (all phases). But I can't get into Black. I think I like Burzum because is not even like Black Metal, is more of Dark Ambient. The vocals on Umskiptar are very cool and the instrumental is good too. Or can be an band in one kind I like. For example, I love Iced Earth, but I hate Power Metal.
Melchiah suggested "Master's Hammer, Samael, Unholy, Necromantia, Rotting Christ, Nokturnal Mortum, Ascension, Funeral Mist, or Deathspell Omega". Well yeah but could you say a album to start with...
Show me some good songs them... I may change my mind.
Well yeah I love Death Metal. I love Nile, Necrophagist, Cynic, Atheist, Opeth, Obituary, Death (all phases). But I can't get into Black.
Melchiah suggested "Master's Hammer, Samael, Unholy, Necromantia, Rotting Christ, Nokturnal Mortum, Ascension, Funeral Mist, or Deathspell Omega". Well yeah but could you say a album to start with...
Like someone else said, it's kinda odd you like death metal, but shrug off black metal altogether, eventhough there are DM-like bands within the genre, like Dissection, Aeternus and Behemoth.
Dissection: Soulreaper
The last couple of Opeth records haven't done shit for me. I still keep trying to get into Watershed years later although I dig a few songs and certain bits and pieces, the songs as a whole feel forced.. same with Heritage only worse.
Before you say "Oh you just don't like progressive rock" quite the contrary I dig the same influences Akerfeldt does but his songwriting on these past two records feels strained and as if he's just going out of his way to be artsy and different just for the sake of being different.
I'll always respect them for not making the same album twice and mixing things up but I suppose I just don't like this new chapter of the band since Martin and Peter left.
Hm? What's the issue?
The Sword - APOCRYPHON was officially released today, and I must say, it's fucking amazing! Crushing riffs abound! I've listened through it once and am halfway back through, and there's really not a bad track. Unless you just don't like The Sword, then give it a go.
So far the standout track to me is Dying Earth. Dat riff....
Kinda funny, I always thought that Dissection would be a good gateway towards that 2nd wave of Black Metal, even though its going backwards historicallyIt's a good bridge between Black and Death metal.
<3 The Somberlain
Behemoth always sounded like an early Morbid Angel clone too me, but stiffer.
Been a fan since Day 2![]()
The Sword - APOCRYPHON was officially released today, and I must say, it's fucking amazing! Crushing riffs abound! I've listened through it once and am halfway back through, and there's really not a bad track. Unless you just don't like The Sword, then give it a go.
So far the standout track to me is Dying Earth. Dat riff....
I am pretty sure that Darkthrone were always taking the piss. Especially when their recordings started to sound like they were done on a tape deck in a bedroom.
No. That sound was intentional because it fit what they were going for, it was how they wanted to work (home recording with little resources), and it was a statement.
Well shit, I guess I'm a horrible person for loving the song Vampiric Tyrant by Satanic Warmaster![]()
Perhaps you're just a total pervert, like Fenriz mentioned in the interview.![]()
What the FUCK
What the FUCK
What the FUCK
That's not a sense of humor.Sense of humor. They have it.
I'm not sure about my fellow Metal-GAF warriors, but I'm incredibly blessed in that one of my absolute best friends in real life is just as into metal as I am. We've known each other since grade school, and our musical tastes just evolved in the same way.