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The Metal Thread

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No. That sound was intentional because it fit what they were going for, it was how they wanted to work (home recording with little resources), and it was a statement.

You call it a statement, I call it a Piss-take.

Darkthrone have always straddled the line between parody and seriousness. Everything they have ever done has had at least an element of tongue in cheek about it.

There is a certain mystique which has built up around them as time has passed, but as someone who grew up in the era of the first wave of Norwegian black metal, Dark throne as a parody of themselves is not too far from being a realistic situation.
You call it a statement, I call it a Piss-take.

Darkthrone have always straddled the line between parody and seriousness. Everything they have ever done has had at least an element of tongue in cheek about it.

There is a certain mystique which has built up around them as time has passed, but as someone who grew up in the era of the first wave of Norwegian black metal, Dark throne as a parody of themselves is not too far from being a realistic situation.

That's a crazy-take. Those guys are as serious about music as anyone.


You call it a statement, I call it a Piss-take.

Darkthrone have always straddled the line between parody and seriousness. Everything they have ever done has had at least an element of tongue in cheek about it.

There is a certain mystique which has built up around them as time has passed, but as someone who grew up in the era of the first wave of Norwegian black metal, Dark throne as a parody of themselves is not too far from being a realistic situation.

There was some humor to it in the beginning ("Hank Amarillo"), and a lot more during their more recent musical career, but I certainly don't remember anything of such during the Blaze-Under-Transilvanian era. And the anecdotes about their visit in Finland in 1991, as told by the guy who accomodated them, affirm it as well.



It took me a while too. I used to mock people who listened to it.
I just thought it was a joke, but it's all I want to hear now. So many incredible bands doing it.

It looks like you've got all the scandinavian shit covered


Deathspell Omega: I am obsessed with these guys. just the most incredibly claustrophobic and punishing music I've ever heard in my life.

Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice
Fas – Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
Mass Grave Aesthetics

listen to them in that order.


Blut aus Nord: the programmed drums give an industrial sound to it. They've got a vast discography, so I'll list what I think are the best

The Work Which Transforms God
Memoria Vetusta II – Dialogue with the Stars
777 - Sect(s)
777 - The Desanctification
777 - Cosmosophy
What Once Was... Liber I
What Once Was... Liber II



Drudkh: Forgotten legends is fucking incredible.

Forgotten Legends (2003)
Autumn Aurora (2004)
Blood in Our Wells (2006)
Handful of Stars (2010)



Dodecahedron: These guys debuted with this album and it is brilliant.
the last three tracks are some god tier shit.




Weakling: These guys paved the way for all future USBM bands. Sadly they only released the one album, but it is incredible

Dead as Dreams


Wolves in the Throne Room: Aside from Krallice, these guys are what got me started on BM. It's beautiful music. Kvlt fags love to hate on wittr, but they hate on anything that isn't Darkthrone worshipping, generally.

Diadem of 12 Stars
Two Hunters
Black Cascade
Celestial Lineage


Krallice: Mick Barr and Colin Marston are two of the most gifted guitarists in the world in their own right. Having them together in one band makes for awesome music.

Dimensional Bleedthrough
Years Past Matter


Ash Borer:

Ash Borer
Cold of Ages


Leviathan: This guy is just too fucking good

The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide
Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
True Traitor, True Whore


The self titled album he released under the Lurker of Chalice moniker is one of the finest examples of atmospheric BM. A perfect album in my opinion.



There was some humor to it in the beginning ("Hank Amarillo"), and a lot more during their more recent musical career, but I certainly don't remember anything of such during the Blaze-Under-Transilvanian era. And the anecdotes about their visit in Finland in 1991, as told by the guy who accomodated them, affirm it as well.

Some of the anecdotes that I heard back in the day were contrary to that. Can't really verify the source or the legitimacy of the stories any more, but there were definitely stories which at the time (mid to late 90s) gave me the opinion that they were taking the piss in some way.

I don't have a problem with it, in fact I think it would be awesome if one of the seminal bands of the second wave of black metal were just taking the piss. It would be a nice change to the overly serious nature of most of the scene.

That is the thing that has always bothered me about black metal, the posturing and "I'm so evil" attitude. Venom, Celtic Frost and Bathory were able to straddle the line, without becoming too much of a parody of themselves (well, mostly), so why not Darkthrone?

I hope I'm not coming across as a know it all douche, i genuinely love many black metal bands and cam honestly say that I have been a fan since the early days of the Norwegian scene


*huge list*

This is an excellent list. I was trying to think back on the bands that really got me in to black metal and I think Drudkh played a huge part. Autumn Aurora and Blood in Our Wells really showed me how powerful and atmostpheric black metal can be. It is easily my favorite sub-genre of metal and probably my favorite overall genre of music period.

Agalloch is a good band to ease yourself into the sound as well. Not 100% black metal but they share elements of it.

I think most people hearing the genre for the first time seem taken back by the harshness of it. You really have to have an appreciation for both atmospheric music and dark subject matter to really get the most out of the genre. Most people aren't going to pick up a Mutiilation album and go "fuck yeah, this is awesome" right away. I think you need to develop a taste and appreciation for what the bands are trying to accomplish with their sound.

Luckily, there are a lot of current bands out their mixing in black metal elements with other genres so it's easy to expose yourself to some of the tenants without diving head first.

Black Metal ist Krieg


Does anyone here listen to Ásmegin? I was really into them back in 2008 or so and am recently listening to them a lot. I looked around back then for bands with a similar style, with the great mix of black/death vocals, solid guitar/string complements, and a very upbeat sound but never found anything. If anyone here listens to them and knows of something similar, it'd be awesome.

edit: I mainly liked Hin Vordende Sod & Sø and felt they headed in a different direction on Arv.


Some of the anecdotes that I heard back in the day were contrary to that. Can't really verify the source or the legitimacy of the stories any more, but there were definitely stories which at the time (mid to late 90s) gave me the opinion that they were taking the piss in some way.

I don't have a problem with it, in fact I think it would be awesome if one of the seminal bands of the second wave of black metal were just taking the piss. It would be a nice change to the overly serious nature of most of the scene.

That is the thing that has always bothered me about black metal, the posturing and "I'm so evil" attitude. Venom, Celtic Frost and Bathory were able to straddle the line, without becoming too much of a parody of themselves (well, mostly), so why not Darkthrone?

I hope I'm not coming across as a know it all douche, i genuinely love many black metal bands and cam honestly say that I have been a fan since the early days of the Norwegian scene

Well, if it was in the latter half of the 90's it's a different matter, as about that time Fenriz became vocal about humor in interviews, and their tone in general changed. The same can be said about the music as well. Things were very different in the early 90's though.

That being said, I'm not saying some dark and twisted sense of humor wouldn't suit BM, as in some cases it certainly does.


Deathspell Omega: I am obsessed with these guys. just the most incredibly claustrophobic and punishing music I've ever heard in my life.

Have you listened to Nightbringer? They play a style similar to Deathspell Omega but with a heavy emphasis on tremolo picking.


wow, never knew Darkthrone had laid out album names and actually stuck with it.

Metal Nirvana and BM post

We've been pretty much discussing BM for the past page or so and hit those bands you mentioned. I too sense some sort of "Metal Nirvana" that you talk about. The lack of current quality stuff always leads me back to discovering old gems. Also another reason why I love physical albums are the liner notes. Those thanks list are a goldmine for discovering a bunch of stuff, makes me work hard for it rather than following links and links of stuff online.


Speaking of which, Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse has been my favorite BM album so far by a pretty wide margin. The whole thing sounds like a haunted forest. Is the rest of Emperor's discography that good? What are some other atmospheric BM bands?


As I mentioned before Limbonic Art is pretty fantastic, some BM fans aren't big on symphonic and synths elements but since you are ok with Emperor Limbonic Art is a pretty good choice, Moon in the Scorpio and Dynasty of Death are my favorite albums.
So I'm sitting here, and it's late as shit. I'm pissed at myself because I never really looked into Riot before, despite knowing about them for a long ass time. GLORIOUS.

Riot - Flight of the Warrior

I was listening to the new Kamelot a couple days ago, an album I have been eager to check out for years, but halfway through I lost interest and threw on some Burzum instead.

I hope your lack of interest in this album is a result of your current BM kick, and not a sign of the album's quality. Sacrimony sounds fucking awesome, I was hoping the album would be that good as a whole.


Nice list, Spink.

I love that Weakling record SO SO much. It really is the blueprint for all the great USBM happening these days.
awesome black metal post

There are so many awesome bands to mention, but as far as absolutely essential shit for someone just getting into BM, you gotta listen to Ulver's first three albums. They've got a folky side to them, but it makes the black metal songs that much more exciting, amazing stuff.


Old Darkthrone is godlike. Weakling is so fucking good. Vocals sound like he is in the middle of a field burning to death and screaming the whole time. He sounds like he means it!


wow, never knew Darkthrone had laid out album names and actually stuck with it.

IIRC, their original plan was to quit after the "trilogy", which their guitarist Zephyrous apparently did. I wonder what he does nowadays, as there's no information whatsoever about his activities after that.
IIRC, their original plan was to quit after the "trilogy", which their guitarist Zephyrous apparently did. I wonder what he does nowadays, as there's no information whatsoever about his activities after that.

I would also like to know the whereabouts of John Hand from the first Death album.


I'd give my left nut for another Weakling album.

I'm sure I've said it before in this thread but, to me, you can't get more metal than "This Entire Fucking Battlefield." I bet Manowar is kicking themselves for not using that song title first.
You sound like you can use a dose of some old Negura Bunget.



from the albums om, and n crugu bradului. enjoy.

Negura Bunget is great, Om is one of my favourite black metal albums. Really recommended for those who like atmospheric metal.

The 2010 album was also nice, though not as good as Om or n crugu bradulu. I'm still looking forward to their new release. And I should check out that Dordeduh album.

Like someone else said, it's kinda odd you like death metal, but shrug off black metal altogether, eventhough there are DM-like bands within the genre, like Dissection, Aeternus and Behemoth.

Aeternus: There's No Wine Like the Blood's Crimson
(Long intro, song starts at 5:05)

Hey Aeternus. I really enjoy that album, nice mix of black/death that I can't really find somewhere else. I also give Beyond The Wandering Moon a listen sometimes.

Songs's pretty metal
"Their blood shall paint my armour
All I slay them all


Got to see Sydney Prog Metal band Ne Obliviscaris on saturday night. Your usual metal with violin tinges and hybrid clean/growl vocals.

Fucking amazing band.

If you like Opeth, or prog metal in general - get on them.

These guys are pretty rad if you're into this style of metal. Portal of I is one of my favorites from this year.

So I'm sitting here, and it's late as shit. I'm pissed at myself because I never really looked into Riot before, despite knowing about them for a long ass time. GLORIOUS.

Riot - Flight of the Warrior

The opening riff from the title track on Thundersteel is one of my favorite things ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZUysqemMmg


Passing metallic gas
The Sword new record...not sure if like. After a couple spins it just feels like one long song and not in a good way.


Redmond's Baby
Nobody talking about the new My Dying Bride? I've listened to a little of it and sounds great. A Tapestry Scorned kicks butt.

Gave it a spin today and i am surprised how good it is. Well, it is not TLTS or TDH, but better than last two albums.


Metal as a genre is so overwhelmingly varied it would be very very odd for anyone to like it all.

Sometimes it goes beyond metal itself, Dargaard has metal origins but is definitely not metal anymore, however the fanbase is mostly, if not only, made up of metal fans.
Metal as a genre is so overwhelmingly varied it would be very very odd for anyone to like it all.

Sometimes it goes beyond metal itself, Dargaard has metal origins but is definitely not metal anymore, however the fanbase is mostly, if not only, made up of metal fans.

I don't even look at metal as an isolated genre anymore.
Northern Berwick Witch Trials, Spiritual Rites, By Demons Be Driven, Wasted Years, You Suffer, Lost Sun Dance, Odyssey, Gates of Babylon, Symptom of The Universe, The Urspurper

Actually I don't even know why I did this. I just want to demonstrate how different classic metal can sound..Those were off the top of my head, not only bands I listen to. I know there are thousands of more subgenres and bands with different attitudes.

I don't regard myself a real metal fan because I'm a total snob when it comes to styles of heavy music :D I really love a couple of very heavy bands but if I could I would probably skip every second song on metal radio.


Anybody in here pick up the new Between the Buried and Me album? It's bloody mind-boggling, possibly eclipsing their brilliant "Colors".
Mmm, 'tis a good 'un for sure. Might even be a more "complete" album than Colors. I love the direction they went in with Colors and their following albums but I know it's not to everyones tastes. Currently listening to their S/T and rocking out, I do still love their old stuff.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Metal as a genre is so overwhelmingly varied it would be very very odd for anyone to like it all.

Sometimes it goes beyond metal itself, Dargaard has metal origins but is definitely not metal anymore, however the fanbase is mostly, if not only, made up of metal fans.

as long as they're not christian like devil wears prada, then whatev.
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