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The Metal Thread

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Wow fuck yeah. This place... This thread and the GAF-HOP threads are my new best friends. I'd never know about this sort of shit if I didn't come here. This song is awesome. I am into drums so listening to that it is hard for me to imagine someone moving their arms and legs that fast and for that long. This song is great. Thanks!

May I ask where are you from? Back home hIp-hop and metal fans couldn't be more segregated, to the point there can violence between them. You are basically the first person I've seen that enjoys both, but maybe is actually more common than I thought? I personally can't stand it, metal bands that include rap or hip-hop parts in their songs immediately turn me off.


I really don't think that kind of loyalty to one genre is all that common anymore. I like metal but I listen to pretty much everything. Hell, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is probably my favorite album of all time and that's about as far removed from metal as it gets. My friends all call me a hipster though so take that for what you will.
I really don't think that kind of loyalty to one genre is all that common anymore. I like metal but I listen to pretty much everything. Hell, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is probably my favorite album of all time and that's about as far removed from metal as it gets. My friends all call me a hipster though so take that for what you will.
Is ok bro. You are just a eclectic person like me and tons of others.


May I ask where are you from? Back home hIp-hop and metal fans couldn't be more segregated, to the point there can violence between them. You are basically the first person I've seen that enjoys both, but maybe is actually more common than I thought? I personally can't stand it, metal bands that include rap or hip-hop parts in their songs immediately turn me off.

I like both. Granted, I listen to Metal a whole lot more than Hip-Hip, but I still listen to it quite a bit. I'm from New York by the way.

And are you saying you don't like Rage Against The Machine?


I like both. Granted, I listen to Metal a whole lot more than Hip-Hip, but I still listen to it quite a bit. I'm from New York by the way.

And are you saying you don't like Rage Against The Machine?

Can't stand them.

I'm not really talking about loyalty personally, is only that musically they are very different, the styles clash too much. Metal is what I listen mostly but is not exclusively what I like, I've liked medieval and classical music since I was a child, but the farthest my tastes go from metal is some electronic music.

Now that I think about it hip-hop and rap are much more mainstream in the US, which is probably why it mixes with so many other genres there, back home in Colombia hip-hop and rap are still somewhat underground.


Dude, Soundgarden concert back in the day was one of the best concerts I have ever been to, they are heavy as any other band of that time especially live seeing hail twirl like crazy

The reason I said that I wasn't sure if it was the right place was because I'm not sure I would consider King Animal as a "metal" album per se. Badmotorfinger was most certainly metal (at least compared to practially everything else from Seattle besides AIC), but the latest album is half comprised of radio rock and the other half feels like the B-Sides of Superunknown or Down on the Upside (which are about eight songs and the best of the thirteen).

I've been much more interested in Soen than anything else right now.



I listen to other genres other than metal, though they are usually somewhat connected to metal, like neofolk or metal-influenced shoe gaze/post-rock. The only hip hop I listen to is instrumental jazz/soul hip hop. I do greatly enjoy some synthpop and Swedish indie.


May I ask where are you from? Back home hIp-hop and metal fans couldn't be more segregated, to the point there can violence between them. You are basically the first person I've seen that enjoys both, but maybe is actually more common than I thought? I personally can't stand it, metal bands that include rap or hip-hop parts in their songs immediately turn me off.

In general I can't stand most kinds of Hip-Hop, and I especially cannot stand typical rap at all. That being said, RATM is essentially a combination of rap and metal and I absolutely love them. I also enjoyed quite a bit of Run-DMC, but that's about the extent of any kind of Hip-Hop I'll listen to. I don't get into Korn, Limp Bizkit or any of those kinds of metallcore/rapcore bands.
May I ask where are you from? Back home hIp-hop and metal fans couldn't be more segregated, to the point there can violence between them. You are basically the first person I've seen that enjoys both, but maybe is actually more common than I thought? I personally can't stand it, metal bands that include rap or hip-hop parts in their songs immediately turn me off.

I'm a metal first fan, but I also have guilty pleasures for Air, Goldfrapp, Grimes and other poppy electronic shit. Also I'm HUGE Kool Keith fan, especially Dr. Octagon. He even mentions Autopy, Spazz, and Gorefest in one of his songs haha. Besides most of my favorite albums being metal, Praxis - Transmutation Mutatis Mutandis is way way up there on my all time favorites.

and holy shit at Bell Witch. I will be picking this up soon.
I don't really actively listen to hip hop anymore, but I do enjoy it for the most part. Deltron 3030 is a masterpiece imo, I love that album.
May I ask where are you from? Back home hIp-hop and metal fans couldn't be more segregated, to the point there can violence between them. You are basically the first person I've seen that enjoys both, but maybe is actually more common than I thought? I personally can't stand it, metal bands that include rap or hip-hop parts in their songs immediately turn me off.

It's probably not that common. Your average metal/hip hop fan will probably have misconceptions about the other genre, but the same can be said for a lot of other genres. I have the impression that most metal fans stick to rock music outside of metal. Folk, ambient and classical also seems popular. But I don't have a lot of real life experience, my 'metal' friends are either not as into metal as I am or like a different kind (heavy/power/thrash vs black/death/sludge).

As for hip hop and metal clashing, Public Enemy showed us that you can mix it.

Somewhat related and funny
Are rap and black metal alike?
Rap: Obsessed with "keeping it real", an arbitrary set of rules
Black metal: Obsessed with "staying true", an arbitrary set of rules

Rap: Band members with fake names
Black metal: Band members with fake names

Rap: Overly concerned with making money
Black metal: Overly concerned with not making money

Rap: 100 guest appearances on every album
Black metal: 100 side projects by every band member

Rap: Musicians arrested for murder
Black metal: Musicians arrested for murder

Rap: Rips off samples from pop music
Black metal: Rips off ideas from classical music

Rap: Songs about hanging out
Black metal: Songs about hanging people

Rap: Overly concerned with appearance
Black metal: Overly concerned with appearance

Rap: Vocal style masks lack of singing ability
Black metal: Vocal style masks lack of singing ability

Rap: Bitching about being enslaved
Black metal: A bunch of bitches called Enslaved

I really don't think that kind of loyalty to one genre is all that common anymore. I like metal but I listen to pretty much everything. Hell, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is probably my favorite album of all time and that's about as far removed from metal as it gets. My friends all call me a hipster though so take that for what you will.

You can't really blame your friends, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is often mentioned by this ill-defined group of people that are called hipsters! (I should listen to it sometime)


Somewhat related and funny

Rap: Overly concerned with making money
Black metal: Overly concerned with not making money

Rap: 100 guest appearances on every album
Black metal: 100 side projects by every band member

Rap: Songs about hanging out
Black metal: Songs about hanging people

Rap: Bitching about being enslaved
Black metal: A bunch of bitches called Enslaved



I seeing a lot of people come two metal who were previously into the more esoteric form of electronic music like drum and bass and IDM -- I find that really interesting.

Just to add to the poll I am into hip hop as well, I grew up during the break dancing fad so I have great affection for the classic stuff and electro. I discovered rock and metal soon after, but then re-connected with hip hop when Public Enemy started to make some noise. I went a long time after that getting away from metal only to return to it semi-recently, but I still get into new, exciting hip hop like that Killer Mike record or that new Kendrick Lamar record.


I seeing a lot of people come two metal who were previously into the more esoteric form of electronic music like drum and bass and IDM -- I find that really interesting.

I have a friend who I met in 97 that was into Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and STP, but didn't really like much in the way of "metal" aside from older Megadeth and Metallica. He also listened to electronic/dance/rap. I tried playing some Iron Maiden for him around that time and he just mentioned how "80s" it sounded, especially the vocals. A few years later I covertly got him heavily into Iced Earth and then he finally started opening up to more styles of music (albeit very slowly). Now, after fifteen years, he wants copies of my Iron Maiden cds.

Not sure I'll ever convince him about Opeth though. He doesn't like the "cookie monster" vocals. I kind of agreed up until Opeth; one of the few bands where I actually prefer them to have some growls because they are so tastefully done. Or at least they were until Deliverance/Heritage.


My favorite genres in the world are German Power Metal and 90's Alternative. Can't say I have met anyone in real life or online who can go from Blind Guardian or Gamma Ray to Nirvana or Pixies while enjoying it like I do.

I don't consider myself a huge Rap/hip-hop fan, but I love some artists like Run DMC, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, early Eminem and Wu-Tang Clan.

Glad to see that GAF has some eclectic metalheads.


May I ask where are you from? Back home hIp-hop and metal fans couldn't be more segregated, to the point there can violence between them. You are basically the first person I've seen that enjoys both, but maybe is actually more common than I thought? I personally can't stand it, metal bands that include rap or hip-hop parts in their songs immediately turn me off.

back in grade/middle school the cliques were seperated by musical interests. frequently it does kind of have a hand in how you behave, so i get it. high school was similar, but everyone kind of liked each other so it wasn't bad. but college had people liking all kinds of stuff. i did study music and hung around the "music appreciator" types, though, so everyone was branching out.

as for me i tend to hate most things and warm up to them later. there are some genres i still have a hard time with (electronic music with the "untss untss" drum beats, pop punk, some others), but i usually get over it and find something i like. had a hard time getting into metal with harsh vocals, especially BM, and now it's one of my favorites. hated rap for nearly 2 decades, but my AOTY is lil ugly mane - mista thug isolation and a punk album being my second favorite.

i think i just tend to get bored of listening to the same thing, try new stuff until i find a new sound i dig. thats pretty much it. oh and i live in cali. i dunno if it's cali or not, but lately the people i talk to tend to like lots of stuff. they'll say they like everything, which is never true, but they'll still branch out.


I'm that way too. I'll move from genre to genre until I find what fits me at the moment. A few years ago, I wouldn't be caught dead listening to anything electronic but the past year or so has had me really delving into the genres and finding out groups I like. Now I'm back listening to Windir, which was really my first dive into more extreme music.
Im giving the new testament another spin. Liking it a lot more than i initially did.
Same here. The discussion a couple days ago about it made me want to try once more, and I'm glad I did. My expectations were completely out of sync with the final product originally, but since those preconceived notions weren't there anymore I was able to enjoy the album so much more

Also the music video for "Native Blood" cracked me the hell up

A young native american boy, picked on in youth. As he grows up, racism and prejudice plague his life. After enduring years and years of this torment, he finally snaps when a sacred native american site is about to be desecrated by a construction project. After all of this buildup, with so much of the holy metal burning brightly inside of him, our protagonist decides to...


A young native american boy, picked on in youth. As he grows up, racism and prejudice plague his life. After enduring years and years of this torment, he finally snaps when a sacred native american site is about to be desecrated by a construction project. After all of this buildup, with so much of the holy metal burning brightly inside of him, our protagonist decides to... 


This is the best description of a thing I've read all week.
I'm procrastinating on an essay by playing iron maiden songs on guitar. Even though I have a real distortion pedal, I love the raspy, awful distortion built into my cheap-ass amp.

Aces High \m/


Poet Centuriate
Thought this might possibly be of some interest to MetalGAF:


It various rock/metal vocalists reciting Edgar Allen Poe's works over ambient music.

Ambient music by Ted Kirkpatrick (Tourniquet)
Art by David Van Gough

  • Les Carsen (Bloodgood) - "The Tell-Tale Heart"
  • Frank Marino (Mahogany Rush) - "The Haunted Palace"
  • Luke Easter (Tourniquet) - "The Cask of Amontillado"
  • Eric Wagner (Trouble) - "The Raven"
  • Jamie Rowe (Guardian) - "The Masque of the Red Death"
  • Rob Beckley (Pillar) - "The Oval Portrait"
  • Warrel Dane (Nevermore) - "The Raven"
Any Circle of Ouroborus fans here? I've only heard Eleven Fingers and Tree of Knowledge.
Which releases should I check out if I'm more interested in the post-punk/death rock influenced sound they had on Tree of Knowledge than the "ethereal" sound on Eleven Fingers?
Thought this might possibly be of some interest to MetalGAF:

It various rock/metal vocalists reciting Edgar Allen Poe's works over ambient music.

Ambient music by Ted Kirkpatrick (Tourniquet)
Art by David Van Gough

  • Les Carsen (Bloodgood) - "The Tell-Tale Heart"
  • Frank Marino (Mahogany Rush) - "The Haunted Palace"
  • Luke Easter (Tourniquet) - "The Cask of Amontillado"
  • Eric Wagner (Trouble) - "The Raven"
  • Jamie Rowe (Guardian) - "The Masque of the Red Death"
  • Rob Beckley (Pillar) - "The Oval Portrait"
  • Warrel Dane (Nevermore) - "The Raven"
I can't find any place to download it. Guess I will have to buy this them


Any Circle of Ouroborus fans here? I've only heard Eleven Fingers and Tree of Knowledge.
Which releases should I check out if I'm more interested in the post-punk/death rock influenced sound they had on Tree of Knowledge than the "ethereal" sound on Eleven Fingers?

I love Circle of Ouroborus but I'm afraid I can't be much help here as I only own those 2 albums and haven't checked out any of their others yet. I know they have an extensive discography. Eleven Fingers in particular is a masterpiece imo.
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