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The Metal Thread

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I just stumbled onto this hilarious scan from an old zine:

True minimalistic black metal.

I just looked up their music on youtube and it's not bad actually. Sounds a bit like Varathron.


True minimalistic black metal.

I just looked up their music on youtube and it's not bad actually. Sounds a bit like Varathron.

Yep. Not bad, but nothing special either.

fucking Varathron! Havent heard that name since Walpurgisnacht.

I only remember the rather excellent Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins split album with Necromantia from them. I used to write with their vocalist Necroabyssious back in the stone age, before e-mails and internet. ;)
Sup metal thread. I love me some death/slam metal when I'm drunk(which I kind of am).

Anyone else into slam? Talking about shit like Devourment, Abominable Putridity, Gorment, etc. Basically any death metal band with a disgusting name/song titles. Breakdowns, gurgled vocals, insane drumming; it's fucking awesome.

Strange. When I am drunk all I want to hear is ska 2 tone, that ain't even metal lol.

Talking about insane drumming:


This album is a freakin masterpiece. If Ken Owen play with Carcass on the 2013 maryland festival, I would travel to the U.S just to see them.

And hey guys. Check out this video I made with Death music on the background: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4SgOhZDwoY&feature=youtu.be

Kinda silly, but it was fun lol.


Strange. When I am drunk all I want to hear is ska 2 tone, that ain't even metal lol.

Talking about insane drumming:


This album is a freakin masterpiece. If Ken Owen play with Carcass on the 2013 maryland festival, I would travel to the U.S just to see them.

I've never really paid that much attention to the drumming, but I've always loved the vocals, the sound, the riffs, and the overall atmosphere of that early Carcass. Although, I personally prefer the first, Reek of Putrefaction, more, which even today is THE most important grind/death album to me.

EDIT: A couple of examples...

Carbonized Eye Sockets:

Vomited Anal Tract:


On a side note, I find today's actions of Antifa nothing more than fascistic.

A few weeks ago there was supposed to be a gig in Germany, where our drummer's other band Maveth was supposed to play, but it was cancelled because Antifa spread propaganda, that some of the bands were nazis (supposedly because they were Burzum fans). The organizer was forced to cancel the gig, eventhough they had already paid the airway tickets, hotels, and other expenses of the bands.

The same thing happened here in Finland on this friday. One band from the festival was forced to be kicked out due to their supposed nazi sympathies.

The thing is, Antifa seems to think all black metal bands are alinged to the right, and thus are nazis by default, which couldn't be more far from the truth. What ever the artist's stance may be, and how much it may annoy someone, art or music shouldn't be censored, like the nazis did during their reign, when they deemed jazz and such profane.
I've never really paid that much attention to the drumming, but I've always loved the vocals, the sound, the riffs, and the overall atmosphere of that early Carcass. Although, I personally prefer the first, Reek of Putrefaction, more, which even today is THE most important grind/death album to me.

EDIT: A couple of examples...

Carbonized Eye Sockets:

Vomited Anal Tract:
I find this album so bad. All the other Carcass releases are masterpieces though.
Melchiah, I just want to say, even though I still don't understand your strict ideological adherence to the idea that if an otherwise completely black metal band doesn't sing about the devil they are not in fact "true" black metal, I honestly appreciate your perspective. Especially as someone just getting into the black metal scene, it's awesome to have someone with your background here on Metal-GAF :D


Melchiah, I just want to say, even though I still don't understand your strict ideological adherence to the idea that if an otherwise completely black metal band doesn't sing about the devil they are not in fact "true" black metal, I honestly appreciate your perspective. Especially as someone just getting into the black metal scene, it's awesome to have someone with your background here on Metal-GAF :D

Well, I don't want go there anymore, but that's the way I see it, and let's leave it at that. But I'm a bit worried about the recent happenings where some Finnish bands, like Horna and Baptism, are labelled as having sympathies with nazism. Which sometimes result in problems when they're doing gigs abroad, especially in mid-Europe. That being said, the way I see it; satanism = anti-christianism = anti-judaism ≠ nazism. EDIT: As far as I'm concerned politics, and racial intolerance, have nothing to do with the genre. Like I've said before, the bands that started it all came from all over the world, and had multiracial line-ups.

Anyways, it's nice to hear someone appreciates a different kind of perspective. ;)

EDIT.2: There was actually a rather interesting and volatile incident a few years back, when the Finnish Behexen & Archgoat played in Poland, together with the French Hell Militia. Two of the bands had non-caucasian members, and when they were about to leave the venue there was a bunch of skinheads waiting for them outside. From what I've heard, the band members had to jump into a moving bus to avoid getting beaten up. So, there's that side as well. Unfortunately the genre seems to attract that kind of idiotic people nowadays.


Here's a couple of pics from last night's show at Black Flames of Blasphemy III festival with Baptism, where I did some vocals as well. I'll upload and post a video clip later on.


Quoted for size.

Krypts and Swallowed are releasing their debuts early next year.
I'm really looking forward to the Swallowed full-length.
This album is a freakin masterpiece. If Ken Owen play with Carcass on the 2013 maryland festival, I would travel to the U.S just to see them.
Didn't he lose his ability to play the drums after suffering a brain haemorrhage?

Everything up to Necroticism is gold as far as I'm concerned. I don't care about anything they did after that.
Nah. It's my all-time favorite, and the album that drove me to play in a band. Personally, I couldn't care less about anything past Symphonies.
Not even Necroticism? There's still some goregrind there.

And the Wake Up and Smell the... Carcass and Choice Cuts are very good compilations too.


Not even Necroticism? There's still some goregrind there.

And the Wake Up and Smell the... Carcass and Choice Cuts are very good compilations too.

Not even that. It's too melodic for me, the sounds and the vocals are too clean, and I disliked how Bill's vocals were more of a side dish, when before they shared the vocal duties fifty-fifty. Necroticism is listenable though, compared to their later releases. Corporal Jigsore Quandary was perhaps my fave track, because Bill had a stronger role in it.

Hepatic Tissue Fermentation (the Pathological Compilation version) is the last great song for me.


On a side note, I find today's actions of Antifa nothing more than fascistic.

A few weeks ago there was supposed to be a gig in Germany, where our drummer's other band Maveth was supposed to play, but it was cancelled because Antifa spread propaganda, that some of the bands were nazis (supposedly because they were Burzum fans). The organizer was forced to cancel the gig, eventhough they had already paid the airway tickets, hotels, and other expenses of the bands.

The same thing happened here in Finland on this friday. One band from the festival was forced to be kicked out due to their supposed nazi sympathies.

The thing is, Antifa seems to think all black metal bands are alinged to the right, and thus are nazis by default, which couldn't be more far from the truth. What ever the artist's stance may be, and how much it may annoy someone, art or music shouldn't be censored, like the nazis did during their reign, when they deemed jazz and such profane.

That's pretty fucked.

Good Way to miss the whole point of your cause. Stopping fascism by exhibiting the very behaviour that makes fascism such a shit ideology.

I'm glad Australia has managed to avoid any serious threats of extreme political ideology of either side.
all this Carcass talk....I'm a huge fucking Carcass fan. Own a lot of various releases, formats, and re-releases, etc. When I was doing radio I named my shows "Symphonies of Sickness" and "Carneous Cacofinny". Wouldn't say Ken Owen's drumming is insane or anything, but its very adequate. I'd credit Ken more with creativity rather than technical abilities since he has a very eclectic background.

Anyways, I went to see Neurosis's only North American show last night in Oakland. Haven't had a chance to hear their new album yet so I was unfamiliar with most of the set. Still pretty powerful, just a bit repetitive.

Voivod and Yob also played. Voivod doing the majority of old material. Away is still a fucking beast on the drums. Didn't know, but Daniel Mongrain is playing guitars for them. He's known for being session player for Gorguts/Cryptopsy/Capharnaum and his main band Martyr.

Neurosis pic from last night.


That's pretty fucked.

Good Way to miss the whole point of your cause. Stopping fascism by exhibiting the very behaviour that makes fascism such a shit ideology.

I'm glad Australia has managed to avoid any serious threats of extreme political ideology of either side.

Exactly. The funny thing is that many BM people are somewhat aligned to the left, and liberal ways, whether they realize it themselves or not. ;)

Here's a video clip of saturday's performance with Baptism at Black Flames of Blasphemy III festival.


Quoted for size.


It appears Cobalt are playing a few shows next year, it would so fucking awesome to see them live, though I doubt they'll come to the west coast.


Of the 4 albums I bought that were released in 2012:
H.e.a.t. - Address the Nation

This is a fantastic hard rock album. It's got a couple lame tracks/ballads that I skip, but man, when it rocks, it really fuckin rocks. You should check out the album 'Bleed and Scream', by Eclipse.
What's been everyone's favorite albums from this year so far?

Whenever this question comes up I have to look at a list of yearly releases to actually remember what has been released.

Off the top of my head, the new Korpiklaani and Kamelot are my faves this year, but I know I'm forgetting some stuff. There have been quite a few really good albums as well, but I wouldn't put them up with those two.

Edit: Gonna throw Dragonforce in there too, The Power Within is fucking awesome and my favorite album by them. Great comeback after 2 mediocre/ok albums.


This is a fantastic hard rock album. It's got a couple lame tracks/ballads that I skip, but man, when it rocks, it really fuckin rocks. You should check out the album 'Bleed and Scream', by Eclipse.

I shall, thank you! Though I do like me all the balads I can get. I really do like the whole album, though my personal highlights are Downtown and In and Out of Trouble.

Edit: Gonna throw Dragonforce in there too, The Power Within is fucking awesome and my favorite album by them. Great comeback after 2 mediocre/ok albums.

I'm kind of thinking the same about Dragonforce as I do about Sonata Arctica: Their respective debuts really did and still do it for me, but from then on I sort of lost touch with them. Granted much less with Dragonforce which I can still listen to and enjoy. Anyway I think I'll have to give The Power within another spin.


My favorite albums released this year so far are:

Vesperian Sorrow - Stormwinds of Ages
Carach Angren - Where the Corpses Sink Forever
Anaal Nathrakh - Vanitas
Dordeduh - Dar de Duh
Enslaved - RIITIIR

That's pretty much it.
Sup, MetalGAF.

So far my personal musical highlights of this year have been the following records:

Deathspell Omega - Drought

Dragged Into Sunlight - Widowmaker

Graveyard - Lights Out


What's been everyone's favorite albums from this year so far?

for metal:
Deiphago - Satan Alpha Omega
Gaza - No Absolutes in Human Suffering
Chapel - Satan's Rock n Roll
Mgla - With Hearts Toward None

other stuff:
Lil Ugly Mane - Mista Thug Isolation
Satan's Satyrs - Wild Beyond Belief!
iamamiwhoami - kin
Swans - The Seer
Exactly. The funny thing is that many BM people are somewhat aligned to the left, and liberal ways, whether they realize it themselves or not. ;)

Here's a video clip of saturday's performance with Baptism at Black Flames of Blasphemy III festival.


Quoted for size.

Did Antaeus also play? Got any nice pics?

What's been everyone's favorite albums from this year so far?

Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind
Mgla - With Hearts Toward None
Ihsahn - Eremita
Deathspell Omega - Drought
Lunar Aurora - Hoagascht
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