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The Metal Thread

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MetalGuardian, if you find a way to order one, let me know, I need this.
It looks like I'm going to have to wait, as my finances are a little lower than anticipated. I'm already preparing for the fact that it will be sold out when I have the funds

Speaking of the best band every though... listen to this shit from The Hobbit soundtrack.

Song of the Lonely Mountain

I've listened to it at least 30 times in the past few days. At first it didn't grab me much, but it has REALLY grown on me. It's very much in the same vein as a Blind Guardian acoustic track. I might even send them an email begging them to do a cover at some point.

And the very first two words in the song sound almost EXACTLY like Hansi is singing them... "Far over". That's more of a tease than anything else, because I can't listen to it without imagining how glorious the band's take on it would be.


8 years ago today, when this man was taken from us, a true genius.

*listens to Flood*

That's fine but for the love of god, don't push people in the back. And no hands. Shoulders, and if absolutely necessary, elbows.

This is especially a problem at punk shows, which are idiot magnets unfortunately. Running start back smashes and flailing morons are typical of just about every hardcore or punk show I go to. Even when I'm not up front, if there's any room behind me I have to be cognizant of someone who might want to take a running start at me, or violently shove me into the pit.

A lot of the metal bands I go to see these days are more intellectual, or have a more sophisticated audience so there's a lot less bullshit standing up front for those.


This is a dumb thing to say.
No dumber than this:
Ravager61 said:
I don't want to sound like a dick here, but stand in the back or to the side if being bumped into really bothers you.

There are many ways to participate in a show that are more passive and won't disrupt the people around you, such as singing along or throwing up the horns. The only thing dumber to see at a concert than moshing is hardcore dancing, but at least they don't run into people or knock each other over while doing it.
you should definately check out Portal. Not the death metal band Portal. But basically post-Cynic. It's the closest thing to Cynic after the Focus album. Masivdal/Reinert/Gobel/Kringel (original Cynic bassist) + a female singer. I believe it was recorded right after Focus.

Portal - Endless Endeavors

There's also Gordian Knot which was just session players and a lot more prog-rock. It was more Sean Malone's project + Reinert.
Gordian Knot - Rivers Dancing
Man this is so good. Cosmos is my fav now.


Eh, anyone mind listening to any/all of these songs and tell me how you would classify this music? I know not everyone (hopefully someone so that they can help!) here will like it even if I do :p Help would be really appreciated :)
It's my buddy's band and I'm trying to set up a bandcamp page for them. I'm drawing a blank on 'Genre Tags', I tend to think of things simply as Metal (Heavy/Trad, Thrash, Doom, Black, Death at most) and that's about it. Having a hard time coming up with something since they don't seem to neatly fit into any of those :/ It's heavy, it's metal and it's groovy and I've used all of those terms already :D



I'm not too big on classifying things, but it has a groove metal sound to it. You don't want to go too deep with the genre, because then you'll alienate fans.


So Groove Metal is a thing then? That's good to know I guess since it's going to be a tag haha. Would like to have at least one more though if possible for people who search the site for new music :)


Not that I go to too many live shows anymore (ears are fucked), but I generally stay toward the back where I can get the best sound.

If some idiot decides to start bumping me and making me uncomfortable, then I am likely to start punching.

Enjoy your moshing in the clearly designated area and leave those who are too old, tired or interested in the music to their own devices.

In short, don't be a cunt and everyone can enjoy the music in their own way.

Edit: forgot to mention that anyone who decides that they want to stand stock still in the middle of a pit and get mad at anyone who bumps them is just as much of an idiot and deserving of a beating


No dumber than this:

There are many ways to participate in a show that are more passive and won't disrupt the people around you, such as singing along or throwing up the horns. The only thing dumber to see at a concert than moshing is hardcore dancing, but at least they don't run into people or knock each other over while doing it.

Why is it dumb exactly? Let the people who enjoy it do it. If you don't like it, don't stand near it. Not everyone likes to stand in place and do nothing at shows. I could listen to the record in my apartment for free.

Edit: forgot to mention that anyone who decides that they want to stand stock still in the middle of a pit and get mad at anyone who bumps them is just as much of an idiot and deserving of a beating


edit: Again, to clarify, I am only an occasional mosher but I love crowd movement. Pushing, jumping up and down, headbanging, stage diving, etc, goes a long way.
There are many ways to participate in a show that are more passive and won't disrupt the people around you, such as singing along or throwing up the horns. The only thing dumber to see at a concert than moshing is hardcore dancing, but at least they don't run into people or knock each other over while doing it.

That's a very anti-metal thing to say actually. Let people enjoy the music as they wish.

BTW, there are ways to avoid pits at shows and still be up front.


That's a very anti-metal thing to say actually. Let people enjoy the music as they wish.

BTW, there are ways to avoid pits at shows and still be up front.

I'm not against anyone's enjoyment at a show, as long as it doesn't impede my experience. I haven't been up front in a while, but from past shows I've been to, those people get squished against the barricade pretty often.

I usually end up standing near the back or try to stay near a balcony so that I get a nice unimpeded view of the band.


That's a very anti-metal thing to say actually.

Really? And I don't just mean that "that's a very anti-metal thing" should not be part of an intelligent discussion. But even if I went down that road, I would think respect for others does actually play a part in our subculture.
Really? And I don't just mean that "that's a very anti-metal thing" should not be part of an intelligent discussion. But even if I went down that road, I would think respect for others does actually play a part in our subculture.

Which would be why I said it. To say someone is dumb for enjoying things their way is counter intuitive to what this all means when you look at it from a broad scope; at least to me. It's a subjective thing open to interpretation by each individual however.

I have friends who mosh. I have friends who don't. I don't see how either one is acting dumber than the other. They both are getting their groove on to the brutal assault laid before them when we're at shows.

I'm not against anyone's enjoyment at a show, as long as it doesn't impede my experience. I haven't been up front in a while, but from past shows I've been to, those people get squished against the barricade pretty often.

I usually end up standing near the back or try to stay near a balcony so that I get a nice unimpeded view of the band.

Squishing against gates occurs frequently. On a related note, I was front row at an Arch Enemy show and a dude hit me in the head with an elbow at least 5 times throwing up the horns. I barely noticed because I was too busy watching the Amott brothers (it was when Chris was in the band) harmonizing tapped sequences together. I sort of just roll with it I guess. I used to mosh but, now I'm older and I stay back because I really, really enjoy watching the musicianship and love to take in the entire scene.
Bongripper news:



1. Hail
2. Satan
3. Worship
4. Doom
5. Sex Tape
6. Hate Ashbury
7. Fisting
8. Worship
9. Reefer Sutherland
10. The Great Barrier Reefer (segment)

Bongripper is an instrumental doom band from Chicago. Founded in 2005. Recorded live at the Roadburn Festival in Tilburg in April 2012. Bongripper played two sets: Sunday the album Satan Worshipping Doom, the other a 'normal set'. This was the first time Bongripper played in Europe.

Releases 14 December 2012
Daniel O'Connor, Dennis Pleckham, Nick Dellacroce, Ronald Petzke.
Mixing and mastering: James Plotkin

Always quality stuff from Bongripper. And with James Plotkin having a hand on it is a bonus.


So Morbid Angel is playing a concert here soon, has anyone been to one of their latest concerts? Just wondering if they are playing a lot of stuff from their new (badly received) album...

Update: I went to the concert, it was great.

Fueled by Fire + Nile + Morbid Angel + Kreator.

Going into the concert, the one I looked forward to the most was Nile, but Morbid Angel and Kreator blew me away. Morbid Angel in particular exceeded my expectations, they were simply fantastic live.

This is an ongoing tour here in Europe, so I recommend any thrash/death metal fan to make it to one of the remaining tour dates if you can.


This is a dumb thing to say.

All depends on the band. I'm not into moshing as much these days and a lot of the shows I go to oftentimes have kids (morons) hardcore dancing. Many venues in Toronto have a 19+ drinking area which is good times if you just want to chill and watch the band, without random fists and high kicks.
I wouldnt mind a YOB Roadburn 2012 double CD set

YOB is fucking amazing live. Caught them at the Neurosis/Voivod show in Oakland a couple weeks back.

I would also like to hear the Justin Broadrick/Godflesh stuff from Roadburn. Would probably make my amps and speakers smoke.


Poet Centuriate
Went to a Christmas Party. We had a white elephant gift giving.

Basically. I gave this girl a copy of Enslaved's "Frost"


Nothing says Christmas more than Norwegian Black Metal.


Went to a Christmas Party. We had a white elephant gift giving.

Basically. I gave this girl a copy of Enslaved's "Frost"


Nothing says Christmas more than Norwegian Black Metal.

I have no idea what white elephant gift giving is, but going by the gift you gave, it means that you give fucking awesome presents to people.


I could use some new recommendations MetalGAF.

Anything similar to Graveworm or 2 Times Terror. I really want more Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal and Industrial/Dance Metal.
I could use some new recommendations MetalGAF.

Anything similar to Graveworm or 2 Times Terror. I really want more Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal and Industrial/Dance Metal.

dont know who Graveworm or 2 Times Terror are, but first thing that comes to mind for:

Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal:
Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards
Emperor - Loss and Curse of Reverence
Summoning - The Rotting Horse On The Deadly Ground
Summoning - Nightshade Forests

Summoning are a bit more folk, but its still pretty symphonic i guess.

For Industrial Metal/Dance, look no further than Godflesh's Slavestate/Pure era:
Godflesh - Slavestate
Godflesh - Someone Somewhere Scorned
Godflesh - Pure
Godflesh - Baby Blue Eyes

not dancy, but a close clone of early Godflesh is Dead World:
Dead World - The Machine


Poet Centuriate
^^^ oh man, thats perfect.

Thanks, man! :)

I have no idea what white elephant gift giving is, but going by the gift you gave, it means that you give fucking awesome presents to people.


You put a wrapped gift into pile and people get random gifts from that pile. How the gifts get given out can change depending on how the group does it, but someone random will get a random gift.

White Elephant gift are 99% of the time humorous in some way, and usually holiday related, but not necessarily.


dont know who Graveworm or 2 Times Terror are, but first thing that comes to mind for:

Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal:
Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards
Emperor - Loss and Curse of Reverence
Summoning - The Rotting Horse On The Deadly Ground
Summoning - Nightshade Forests

Summoning are a bit more folk, but its still pretty symphonic i guess.

For Industrial Metal/Dance, look no further than Godflesh's Slavestate/Pure era:
Godflesh - Slavestate
Godflesh - Someone Somewhere Scorned
Godflesh - Pure
Godflesh - Baby Blue Eyes

not dancy, but a close clone of early Godflesh is Dead World:
Dead World - The Machine

Awesome post. I love me some Summoning and Godflesh.

If you are looking for symphonic black metal, try Nazxul. Iconoclast is awesome.


Moshing is the lowest common denominator appreciation of live heavy music. I'm there to watch the band, not the fools in the crowd. Now if I'm up front and it's so intense that a pit naturally breaks out, then fine. It happens. The most intense pit I've been in was a Smashing Pumpkins show before the band even hit the first note of the first song. But when a few people think that's what should be going on and try to start shit when there is no mood for it in the crowd, that's just lame.
There's usually always a mood for it at the type of shows I go to. I enjoy it. The main reason I like metal is because of the energy, and when I go to a show, I usually get an energy overload, kinda like a cat that freaks out, and moshing is a fun way to get it out. Its not like just standing around allows me to appreciate the music anymore. I'm still listening and feeding off the music in a pit.

I dont really do it anymore, though. Getting a bit older and I broke my finger the last time and I'm kinda done with getting injured at shows. lol


Thanks for the suggestions! I used to listen to Godflesh a long time ago, forgot about them.

Another question: Where do you guys do your band merch shopping online? It's hard to find some of the bands I listen to. I really need some new hoodies.
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