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The Metal Thread

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Wrath2X said:
Oh and I keep hearing how awesome Opeth are suppose to be,where should I start??

Pretty much all Opeth albums have something to offer. It depends on what you're after. Many non death-metal people start with Damnation, which is really mellow progressive rock/chillout type stuff. As for their metal albums, I'm not really sure. I started on Still Life and got hooked on Morningrise (both early/mid albums), but I know a lot of fans swear by Blackwater Park.

Honestly though, Watershed (latest album) really shows off their range.

I'd say go with Damnation, Watershed and The Roundhouse Tapes (live album with songs from every album).


Shrike_Priest said:
Pretty much all Opeth albums have something to offer. It depends on what you're after. Many non death-metal people start with Damnation, which is really mellow progressive rock/chillout type stuff. As for their metal albums, I'm not really sure. I started on Still Life and got hooked on Morningrise (both early/mid albums), but I know a lot of fans swear by Blackwater Park.

Honestly though, Watershed (latest album) really shows off their range.

I'd say go with Damnation, Watershed and The Roundhouse Tapes (live album with songs from every album).
I'll do what I did with every band,just get their whole discography:lol :lol :lol


Just came here to recommend Seventh Wonder's Mercy Falls album. I got it a few days ago and my mind was completely blown. It's prog-metal at its best, think Dream Theater's Scenes from a Memory, add some Ayreon(specially the Human Equation, they share a very similar concept/story) and Symphony X and... well that's the best description I can come up with. Either way it's amazing and any prog-metal fan should be listening to it; definitely in my 2008 top-5 now.

Listening to Jörn Lande right now. Holy shit this dude rocks.

I'm listening to that album "Unlocking the Past", which is made entirely of cover songs.
Ravager61 said:
If you are looking for a metal fest on the east coast, check out the Maryland Death Fest. One of the best lineups ive ever seen.

fuck yes, one of the best death metal line ups i've seen in a long ass time. Maryland Death Fest usually has stupid lineups, but fuuuuck. I want to go so bad just for all the Martin Van Drunen bands (Pestilence, Asphyx, Hail of Bullets). But then General Surgery, Abscess, Atheist, Boltthrower, and fucking GRIEF after all these years. Going to be epic...and tiring.

anyone went to the Scion Rock Fest? Curious to see what the whole festival was like with all those great bands.

also, Pelican signed with Southern Lord and hinted at returning to older S/T & Australasia era heaviness :)


Finally got back from Atlanta -- was tied up in the cancellations for around 36 hours.

But Scion Rockfest was a great, great show. The venue was cool. The crowd was really mature, no assholes. And the bands were fucking awesome. My only disappointment was that Nachtmystium was dropped from the line-up (purportedly because one of their early releases was on a label with white supremacist leanings). As my wife would say, "oops-r-doodles."

Anyway, the big surprise of the show for me was 1349. I now totally understand the appeal of corpse paint. I was totally won over by this band. They were a great final band.

Wolves in the Throne Room and Krallice were great back to back. Krallice of course very technical. Mick Barr, of course, looked like he hardly fit in with the metal crowd -- then proceeded to shred.

I caught Evil Army early in the day -- nice early thrash. I'll be looking into them more.

Torche were really fun, the only band I saw smiling all day.

I liked Baroness quite a bit as well.

Withered, a black metal act from Atlanta, came on before Krallice and were pretty decent.

Can't think of much else right now.


So, the new Wolves in the Throne Room album is out there for those inclined to hear it. Its definitely better then Malevolent Grain, but not quite as good as Two Hunters. I wish all the songs were about half as long and they would have 8 songs on there instead of 4. I realize they are going for an atmosphere but most of the riffs aren't interesting enough to hold my attention for 15 minutes.


Junior Member
Fireblend said:
Just came here to recommend Seventh Wonder's Mercy Falls album. I got it a few days ago and my mind was completely blown. It's prog-metal at its best, think Dream Theater's Scenes from a Memory, add some Ayreon(specially the Human Equation, they share a very similar concept/story) and Symphony X and... well that's the best description I can come up with. Either way it's amazing and any prog-metal fan should be listening to it; definitely in my 2008 top-5 now.

Thanks :D

Just listened to Welcome to Mercy Falls. The only knock is that it sounds a lot like DT, even the singer too. That's a pro or con, depending on how you look at it (variety versus more of the same awesome).


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.

Album art revealed for the new Lord Weird Slough Feg album!

They're saying it's gonna be their heaviest album yet. Coming out this May!


YYZ said:
Thanks :D

Just listened to Welcome to Mercy Falls. The only knock is that it sounds a lot like DT, even the singer too. That's a pro or con, depending on how you look at it (variety versus more of the same awesome).
The rest of the album is as good if not better :D

Well I've been kinda sick of DT for the past months (specially after Systematic Chaos came out) and this definitely rekindled some of the lost love for prog. metal I once had for albums like SFaM or The Human Equation. It sounds similar to DT, but I can definitely feel the differences in the voice (I've listened way too much to Labrie's stuff) and in style somewhat too, specially in the softer tracks of the album.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Fireblend said:
The rest of the album is as good if not better :D

Well I've been kinda sick of DT for the past months (specially after Systematic Chaos came out) and this definitely rekindled some of the lost love for prog. metal I once had for albums like SFaM or The Human Equation. It sounds similar to DT, but I can definitely feel the differences in the voice (I've listened way too much to Labrie's stuff) and in style somewhat too, specially in the softer tracks of the album.

Sounds like you need some good prog metal:

Dark Quarterer - Symbols
Ansur - Warring Factions (Warning: this one has sorta "harsh" vocals. Not really black or death but kinda sounding like a pirate. The music's fucking phenomenal.)
Sun Caged - Artemesia


Ravager61 said:
So, the new Wolves in the Throne Room album is out there for those inclined to hear it. Its definitely better then Malevolent Grain, but not quite as good as Two Hunters. I wish all the songs were about half as long and they would have 8 songs on there instead of 4. I realize they are going for an atmosphere but most of the riffs aren't interesting enough to hold my attention for 15 minutes.

I think that's the appeal of Wolves to me. They're kind of hypnotic -- they make loud riffs feel atmospheric and almost ambient. I felt strangely calm watching them live.

EDIT: Also I was a little bummed to learn that they didn't have that tour EP with them at Scion.


Insane Metal said:
Listening to Jörn Lande right now. Holy shit this dude rocks.

I'm listening to that album "Unlocking the Past", which is made entirely of cover songs.
He's a fantastic vocalist. I really like his work with Masterplan the best. He also did another side project with Russell Allen of Symphony X called Allen/Lande. It's very different than anything else I've heard from the two of them. It's sort of really light metal with a progressive twist, it's worth listening to just for Jorn's (and Allen's) voice.


Flynn said:
I think that's the appeal of Wolves to me. They're kind of hypnotic -- they make loud riffs feel atmospheric and almost ambient. I felt strangely calm watching them live.

EDIT: Also I was a little bummed to learn that they didn't have that tour EP with them at Scion.

Yeah, I understand what they are trying to do but the riffs on this new one are kinda boring so the droning aspect doesnt work as well. It works better on Two Hunters then it does on this album.


The Tyr/Alestorm/Suidakra show last night was pretty awesome.

Suidakra put on a pretty decent set, but nothing amazing.
Alestorm was a hell of a lot more fun and energetic than I expected. And I expected a lot!
We didn't stay for all of Tyr. I enjoyed the music, but the vocals were a bit too folky for me.


XShagrath said:
The Tyr/Alestorm/Suidakra show last night was pretty awesome.

Suidakra put on a pretty decent set, but nothing amazing.
Alestorm was a hell of a lot more fun and energetic than I expected. And I expected a lot!
We didn't stay for all of Tyr. I enjoyed the music, but the vocals were a bit too folky for me.

I'm sorry I missed Alestorm.


Fireblend said:
Seventh Wonder's Mercy Falls album.

Fovourite song is Destiny Falls right now.

My girlfriend made fun of me for the content/story of the album but did I ever get spine tingles at Back in Time and upon further re-listens.


Xirj said:
Fovourite song is Destiny Falls right now.

My girlfriend made fun of me for the content/story of the album but did I ever get spine tingles at Back in Time and upon further re-listens.
I just finished listening to it for the first time myself. Pretty damn good. Break the Silence is an awesome track.


So i've been giving Chaining the Katechon several listens lately, and I have to say it's pretty top notch. The whole split is my favorite entry of last year easily. I'm happy that Deathspell are cutting down on the interludes and other compositional waste matter and bringing what they do best to the table in force.


NameGenerated said:
It appears as though Cynic is opening for Dragonforce on their tour and are coming to my city. Interesting.

Id like to go see Cynic live but my hate for Dragonforce will prevent my from going.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Ravager61 said:
Id like to go see Cynic live but my hate for Dragonforce will prevent my from going.
Well I'd probably leave after Cynic went off. Unless you mean paying and supporting them on their tour.


NameGenerated said:
Well I'd probably leave after Cynic went off. Unless you mean paying and supporting them on their tour.

I do. Plus the crowd that Dragonforce would draw would not help the situation.
I've kinda been out of the loop for the past few years, can anyone reccomend me some good newish thrash bands for someone who is a fan of Testament, Megadeth & Death Angel?
Bootaaay said:
I've kinda been out of the loop for the past few years, can anyone reccomend me some good newish thrash bands for someone who is a fan of Testament, Megadeth & Death Angel?
maybe Toxic Holocasut (not the same style but really good)
I'm a big fan of Municipal Waste but they are crossover thrash

Alot of the thrash revival bands are crap, you gotta look beyond the Earache type stuff to find it.

Mercilles Death- you might like 'em

Witchhaven- these guys rock


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Bootaaay said:
I've kinda been out of the loop for the past few years, can anyone reccomend me some good newish thrash bands for someone who is a fan of Testament, Megadeth & Death Angel?
Skeletonwitch is great. Their vocals are pretty unique for the genre, more black metal-ish.

Municipal Waste is great, but like PrinceAdam said, they are more punkish/crossover.
Guts Of Thor said:
Damn! Been listening to Necrophobic-The Nocturnal Silence tracks off of youtube and I can't believe I overlooked this album! I bought the album "Darkside" many years ago and it's alright but I really want to hunt down Nocturnal Silence.

Great old school metal:


Necrophobic's "The Nocturnal Silence" was really something special. Spawned By Evil was really fucking good too. A great overlooked band.
PM me and I'll hook u up :D


I recommend Zack Stevens (Ex-Savatage) solo band their latest effort is ok but the album "Middle of Nowhere" is their best IMO.


also Burden of Truth is a good concept album.


and their 1st album Watching in Silence felt allot like Savatage on some songs.


also I've been in a Dream Theater mood these past 2 days and I've been listening on repeat to Metropolis Part 2: Scenes from a Memory



I couldn't find it on the OT but it's not like anyone would actually post about it outside of here but holy shit Varg Vikernes is finally going to be a free man, wtf.


Hey GAF- Come listen to some metal from a fellow GAFFER (me)!


To cut to the chase and listen to the strictly heavy stuff check out "Relentless" and "Condemned". I also recommend "In Darkness", "We All Fall" and "The Divide" though. :lol

We're also looking for some street team members and ideas for getting more exposure so please send me a message if you're interesed or have some cool ideas for us. Thanks guys!


P.S.- Loving the new Lamb of God. Any of you get a chance to hear it yet?


duffey said:
I couldn't find it on the OT but it's not like anyone would actually post about it outside of here but holy shit Varg Vikernes is finally going to be a free man, wtf.

I look forward to seeing what (if anything) he puts out. It will be really interesting to see what direction he takes with his music.
duffey said:
I couldn't find it on the OT but it's not like anyone would actually post about it outside of here but holy shit Varg Vikernes is finally going to be a free man, wtf.

didnt he escape a couple of times? :lol


Ravager61 said:
Once I think. They actually let him out every once in a while to visit his family. Not a very strict prison system in Norway.
Considering their "life sentence" is 21 years yeah, you're pretty much right. Anyway figured I'd write some impressions of some albums that I bought recently.

Dol Theeta's "The Universe Expands." It's basically Dol Ammad minus a choir which is what I wanted although it is a lot less... epic than Dol Ammad too. Basically if you like or think you would like electronia in your prog metal you'd like this.

Cattle Decapitation's "The Harvest Floor." Didn't like the prior album much but this one starts off much better and never really lets up. Might not end up on any top lists this year but it's pretty brutal and awesome.

Megasus' "Megasus." I'm impressed although I'd like more songs to be honest. Their drummer is a monster and having already liked the two songs that were in Guitar Hero 2 and Rock Band having more is a bonus. Definitely worth checking out.

Psyopus' "Odd Senses." I think this might be the last album I check out from them. The violin/guitar song at the end is totally awesome but the rest of the album is basically classic Psyopus so a lot of guitar wank and terrible attempts at humor. While I like tech death for the most part when it goes something like this it ends up being miserable for the most part.


They can hardly be called metal these days but I still really enjoy them so....

The Gathering announced their new vocalist: Silje Wergeland
She's been the vocalist of Octavia Sperati which 90% of you have probably never heard of but I listed to since the first album.

They also put up 3 brand new songs from their upcoming album The West Pole on their Myspace.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Oh shit, there's a new Buried Inside album. I don't have high expectations, but I'm hoping it's almost as good as Chronoclast.


Phobophile said:
Oh shit, there's a new Buried Inside album. I don't have high expectations, but I'm hoping it's almost as good as Chronoclast.

I listened to it the other day. Seemed solid. I haven't heard their previous material though. The entire thing is streaming here.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!

New DT album:

The horrible unforgivable things I would do to get my hands on this right now. Releases June 23.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
WitTR are touring with Krallice and A Storm of Light in May/June — they're playing right down the street from me at a venue that I actually like. Holy shit... I can't even remember the last time I went to a show and was psyched to see ALL of the bands. Can't wait!


vatstep said:
WitTR are touring with Krallice and A Storm of Light in May/June — they're playing right down the street from me at a venue that I actually like. Holy shit... I can't even remember the last time I went to a show and was psyched to see ALL of the bands. Can't wait!

Yeah, this tour looks great. I hope I'm still in MN so I can catch it here. If I've moved back to California by then I'll miss it.
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