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The Metal Thread

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Poet Centuriate
So what does metal experts think of Red Lottery by Megasus? I know many people hated it after Guitar Hero 2 but I just assumed it was because they didn't appreciate the raw sound.

I really like it myself.

I wouldn't call myself a metal expert (nor did I play the early guitar heroes so I don't know the song), but I don't find it really appealing. Vocals are all over the place and just bad, pretty simplistic drumming, and the riff are just kinda okay. I think the raw guitar helps but not too much.
Anyone listen to the new Suffocation? I never really listened to them before, but I really like the new album(death metal usually isn't my thing).

What other albums of theirs should I listen to?


Finally a track from VHÖL - VHÖL - Grace

Mike Scheidt (YOB)-Vocals
John Cobbett (Hammers of Misfortune, ex-Ludicra)-Guitars
Sigrid Sheie (Hammers of Misfortune)-Bass
Aesop Dekker (Agalloch, Worm Ouroboros, ex-Ludicra)-Drums
Finally a track from VHÖL - VHÖL - Grace

Mike Scheidt (YOB)-Vocals
John Cobbett (Hammers of Misfortune, ex-Ludicra)-Guitars
Sigrid Sheie (Hammers of Misfortune)-Bass
Aesop Dekker (Agalloch, Worm Ouroboros, ex-Ludicra)-Drums

Came to post this. Fucking amazing so far.

Getting a Voivod vibe from it, both in the cover and the sound.

Hellcannon-Armor from Hell


Anyone listen to the new Suffocation? I never really listened to them before, but I really like the new album(death metal usually isn't my thing).

What other albums of theirs should I listen to?

Here's your standard Pierced from Within/Effigy of the Forgotten recommendation, someone else can handle their other stuff.


Anyone listen to the new Suffocation? I never really listened to them before, but I really like the new album(death metal usually isn't my thing).

What other albums of theirs should I listen to?

Effigy Of The Forgotten
Breeding The Spawn
Pierced From Within
Despise The Sun


Didn't realize the new Stratovarius album is coming out tomorrow. Some of the early impressions seem promising, but good lord what is up with that album cover?


Greetings from an at-times metalhead. Right now I'm on a Persuader/Savage Circus binge (power metal bands is probably the best description). I highly recommend them! The vocalist Jens Carlsson is in both bands and he might've become my favourite singer in metal.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_np0qN3s4s - The Return
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBYmRtYYhNI - Strike Down

Savage Circus:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgQby-1Gyu0 - Born Again By The Night
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwwvS4bx-mk - Evil Eyes

I hope some of you will find them interesting. :)


Greetings from an at-times metalhead. Right now I'm on a Persuader/Savage Circus binge (power metal bands is probably the best description). I highly recommend them! The vocalist Jens Carlsson is in both bands and he might've become my favourite singer in metal.


Savage Circus:

I hope some of you will find them interesting. :)

Kinda reminds me of Symphorce (who aren't quite as speedy, more melodic with a slightly raspy high register singer) a tad bit I think, Power Metal isn't a main point of interest for me :p

Twice Second
Fun fact, the opening of this song/album uses the same whale sounds sample that Katatonia used in the song Deadhouse.


Greetings from an at-times metalhead. Right now I'm on a Persuader/Savage Circus binge (power metal bands is probably the best description). I highly recommend them! The vocalist Jens Carlsson is in both bands and he might've become my favourite singer in metal.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_np0qN3s4s - The Return
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBYmRtYYhNI - Strike Down

Savage Circus:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgQby-1Gyu0 - Born Again By The Night
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwwvS4bx-mk - Evil Eyes

I hope some of you will find them interesting. :)

I dug their stuff, a shame the second Savage Circus album is terrible compared to their great debut.

And Jens sounds nearly identical to Hansi Kursch, just a little grittier :p
Saw OM last night in SF. So amazing live. Always an awesome experience to see OM. Their 3rd touring member definately adds a little more depth and he also looks like Django :X


Tonight, February 22, friends of mine are arranging a streamed gig, which might interest some of you.


Farewell to Rubble

We will lose our rehearsal place in a couple of weeks, so we decided to throw a party. We've asked our closest friends to see our bands play live, but we also thought it would be cool to give it out to all the rest of you, too! So, the whole thing will be streamed to the Internet.

Due to the fact that this happening doesn't produce money, we will have to use fairly primitive ways to stream it. Everything will be sent though mobile network, so you may experience lag, audio corruption, or total outage of the stream. The guys handling the technology are the ones playing in bands, so if everything goes down, it will go down in a huge way. So, if you see it go down, try again later. We'll try to fix things between the gigs.

Then again, it may all go smoothly, and you'll get to see a nice live festival straight from your sofa. The image quality is guaranteed to be shit, but audio should be pretty good! After all, it's about the music, not some fat dudes standing in a very small room. The streams will be also viewable in Youtube after the show until the end of times. The whole thing will be recorded with other cameras and audio equipment, too, so if it all fails, we'll upload the gigs for you to see in the net afterwards!

All bands will play a 20-30 minute set. Some of the bands play covers, but you can expect to see mostly original material.

The preliminary timetable

The live stream will be split into two separate ones, due to technical limitations. The whole happening will be between 18:05 and 22:15, UTC+2 (Helsinki time). See here when it all happens in your time zone. The streams will be viewable on this page, and in Youtube (links will be provided later).

Live stream 1
  • 18:05 Aben Erikois Housu Miehet
  • 18:40 Standard Whore
  • 19:15 Blind Men of Doom
  • 19:50 Cypher Acid

Live stream 2
  • 20:15 Winterwolf
  • 20:50 Demilich
  • 21:40 Jess and the Ancient Ones

If you watch any part of this show

...and have an Android phone, please consider adding yourself to the Google+ event and activate the party mode when it shows in your phone. That way we (and everybody else) will get to see what you were doing while watching us play live. Yes, you. You sick, sick people.

The technical specs

  • Audio: Zoom H-2
  • Video: A basic webcam, as the tests showed the image quality is bad due to good audio settings. Another computer will be recording the video with Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 USB, and there are several other cameras just in case we release the happening later as an edited version.
  • Distribution: Google Hangout On Air ("studio" audio setting).
Tonight, February 22, friends of mine are arranging a streamed gig, which might interest some of you.

Yes, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES TO JESS AND THE ANCIENT ONES. I was introduced to this band a week ago, and I've listened to Sulfur Giants about thirty times since. I was, and still am, planning on a full write up on how freaking brilliant the song is, but I'm too drunk to do it right now.

Suffice it to say everyone that it is MANDATORY listening to check that song out several times with headphones on. The entire album is fantastic, but Sulfur Giants in particular is incredible. Some of the best prog metal I've ever heard, and the vocalist is amazingly emotional in her delivery.

So damn good


Yes, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES TO JESS AND THE ANCIENT ONES. I was introduced to this band a week ago, and I've listened to Sulfur Giants about thirty times since. I was, and still am, planning on a full write up on how freaking brilliant the song is, but I'm too drunk to do it right now.

Suffice it to say everyone that it is MANDATORY listening to check that song out several times with headphones on. The entire album is fantastic, but Sulfur Giants in particular is incredible. Some of the best prog metal I've ever heard, and the vocalist is amazingly emotional in her delivery.

So damn good

Digging Jess very much.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Haha, what the fuck, I just found out Brutality is back together. Are there any bands that just stay dead anymore?


Yes, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES TO JESS AND THE ANCIENT ONES. I was introduced to this band a week ago, and I've listened to Sulfur Giants about thirty times since. I was, and still am, planning on a full write up on how freaking brilliant the song is, but I'm too drunk to do it right now.

Suffice it to say everyone that it is MANDATORY listening to check that song out several times with headphones on. The entire album is fantastic, but Sulfur Giants in particular is incredible. Some of the best prog metal I've ever heard, and the vocalist is amazingly emotional in her delivery.

So damn good

Not really a fan of the genre I have to say, excluding some songs from the 60's Coven and Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats.

EDIT: A couple of examples...

Coven: Black Sabbath

Uncle Acid and the deadbeats: Ritual Knife

fucking DEMILICH arrrgghhhhhh.

Yeah! One of the few classic early 90's Finnish DM bands still alive. I think I'll check their gig at least.
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