So I got a lot of new CDs, most of them were blind buys, which I rarely do. Except for one of them, I had never even heard of the bands before. Overall my haul was quite interesting, I'll post some of my impressions here. These are the CDs I liked the most (well expect for one of them). The parts in italics is the description of my mail order. Hope you like it and that someone discovers something new
Furia - Martwa polska jesien
Ghastly Polish black metal
Hmm yes. Nicely varied, great sounding black metal. Pummeling, fast paced sections can bee organically interrupted by almost beautiful clean guitars. It doesnt offer something new, but the overall package is really good. Minor complaint, it ends so abruptly. Recommended!
Furia - Plon
Grim poetic black metal! For anyone into Deathspell Omega and Shining!
I cant judge whether this is poetic, as have no idea what the lyrics are. Anyway the tagline is why I got into Furia.
The sound here seems like a natural progression of the previous album. Its more progressive than Martwa, but basically everything that makes that one good is here. The overall package isnt as impressive, maybe due the fact that its short. Its an EP with 3 songs and 15 minutes total playing time.
Furia - Halny
One 20 minute song in Furia's unqiue psychedelic and hypnotic post black metal style
Dont know what to make of this one yet. A departure towards a more experimental style, I find it lacking in coherence.
Livsnekad - Den Sociala Vanförheten
Swedish suicidal black metal, early Katatonia meets Shining!
Well this is certainly correctly advertised. Kvarforth of Shining even performs part of the vocals! Id almost say this is a slowed down version of Shining. Which is more than fine by me, cause I adore Shining.
So yeah, slow paced, doomy black metal with tormented vocals that paints a very bleak picture. A perfect album to celebrate the start of spring

Anyway I really enjoy it. One thing to note, the songs are rather long (10+ minutes) and rely on repeating the same part a couple of times. Which can make this album a bit long-winded.
Vancouver - The Moment
Ethereal heaviness like Knut, Keelhaul and Cult Of Luna!
First lets talk about the name. These guys arent from Vancouver and they not even Canadian, but Swiss. Why name yourselves Vancouver? Anyway lets talk about the music.
Like Cult of Luna you say? Sweet! It certainly can be heavy, but I wouldnt call this ethereal. It sounds like the opposite of ethereal, it sounds dirty and raw. Compact sludge/post-hardcore, bit like early Cult of Luna. Impressive.