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The Metal Thread

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Nuclear War Now said:
With a total disregard for human life; behold: DEATH WORSHIP
Invoked by the 'Deathlord of Abomination and War Apocalypse' (R. Förster ~ CONQUEROR ~ BLASPHEMY) on Guitars under the Watchful Eyes of the 'Nocturnal Grave Desecrater and Black Winds' (BLASPHEMY) on Vocals; DEATH WORSHIP invokes Extremist Black Metal in the Chaotic Ross Bay Tradition with no alien influences. Writing and Rehearsal Rituals have taken place over the last several months in preparation for the first studio recording by either of these Black Metal Skinheads in many years. DEATH WORSHIP will be utilizing the Inhuman Hammering of Session Drummer J.Read (REVENGE ~ CONQUEROR) for the recording. Musically, expect only the Darkness, Hatred and Unrelenting Satanic Chaos that the Ross Bay Cult is known for. DEATH WORSHIP will be locked in the infamous Fiasco Brothers Studios (New Westminster, BC, Canada) During the Month of April Recording their Debut Mini-LP/CD to be Unleashed by Nuclear War Now! Productions (USA) www.nwnprod.com later in 2013ce.

Line Up:
Deathlord of Abomination and War Apocalypse ~ AxeViolence
Nocturnal Grave Desecrater and Black Winds ~ WarCommands
J. Read ~Session DoomHammers

J.Read is a busy beaver with this, Revenge, Blood Revolt and Sect Pig.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

I'm hyped for this shit.

Please don't fuck it up. July 16th.
The songs they released so far on the split with Warbeast were atrocious bro-metal with hints of nu-core. I wouldn't get any hopes up, well, unless you like jumpdafuckup...


The songs they released so far on the split with Warbeast were atrocious bro-metal with hints of nu-core. I wouldn't get any hopes up, well, unless you like jumpdafuckup...

I'll admit, I didn't enjoy the stuff from the split, and Anselmo's production has been brutal lately, however I get hype for anything Anselmo does, hoping for the flashes of brilliance that we saw in Pantera, early Down and Superjoint Ritual.


I've been keeping an eye on Anciients since they put out a pretty awesome EP a few years ago, and their first full length just came out. If you're into Mastodon-esque prog sludge, check out Heart of Oak.


Another great band that inspired the DSBM genre is Forgotten Woods. Their first 2 albums are fantastic and they sound pretty different from most DSBM thanks to the big The Cure and Fields of the Nephilim influence.

From their first album "As the Wolves Gather":
Dimension of the Blackest Dark
Through Dark and Forgotten Valleys

From their second album "The Curse of Mankind":
The Starlit Waters / I, the Mountain
The Velvet Room

I'm going to second the recommendation for the new Cultes Des Ghoules album, good stuff.

I've heard their material some time in the 90's, but I'm not really a fan. IMO, the lower tones suit the depressive genre better, and the same goes for vocals.

On a side note, our long-planned gig, and only one this year, at Black Flames of Blasphemy IV festival in November was just published yesterday. Looking forward to play live for the first time in four years with the band.


There's quite many foreign bands this year, and 2-4 more bands yet to be announced.

Official websites:

EDIT: Here's a clip from Arsonist Lodge's last gig.
I particularly like the intro, which uses a melody from a Finnish hymn.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Ok, so since I can't stop listening to that NAILS album, someone needs to point me at other bands like that. I also greatly dig Pig Destroyer's Book Burner album, but honestly that's all I have in this sub-genre (at least I think they're the same sub-g). I stick with doom, death, and black metal, mostly, so I'm new to this type of metal that I thought I really didn't like, but turns out I do.


Ok, so since I can't stop listening to that NAILS album, someone needs to point me at other bands like that. I also greatly dig Pig Destroyer's Book Burner album, but honestly that's all I have in this sub-genre (at least I think they're the same sub-g). I stick with doom, death, and black metal, mostly, so I'm new to this type of metal that I thought I really didn't like, but turns out I do.

I think Southern Lord has some similar bands on their label.

Check out their recent releases.



Trevor Strnad ofThe Black Dahlia Murder is pleading with people to not download their record:

Facebook said:
HOW IT IS: We have almost 1,000,000 likes on here. Will we sell 1,000,000 copies of Everblack? Fuck no! The reality is that 98% of you 'fans' are going to be content to steal the album and in turn we get nothing... a laughable fragment of the 'likers' will actually be cool and pick it up. It's not about the money, the reality is that we get chump change for CD (and digital) sales BUT WE NEED TO SELL THEM TO EXIST! If there are no record sales the music industry will stomp us out like a bug and it'll be completely over... the sales show them 'how relevant' we are. If you don't buy the albums they'll determine that there is no demand for TBDM, and there won't be any more awesome concerts, tours, dvds nor new music. Sure we understand you may really love our tunes, but if you haven't paid for them, it's a total loss to us... all the love in the world isn't going to mean shit in the end. We need your support and every two years I am going to ask the same thing of you and make the same goddamn argument. Think of it like a vote... If you'd like to see us continue our reign of terror over the metal world, you'll pick up a copy of "Everblack". It's as simple as that. - Trevor on behalf of The Black Dahlia Murder

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
So they admit they make music for money, instead of for art. At least they're honest, I'll give them that.

(I buy CDs, btw, I just find their attitude hilarious. So many artists make music for the love of the music, declaring they'll stop if people download their music is just lol)


So they admit they make music for money, instead of for art. At least they're honest, I'll give them that.

(I buy CDs, btw, I just find their attitude hilarious. So many artists make music for the love of the music, declaring they'll stop if people download their music is just lol)

I read it as the label will force them to stop making music, but whatever....they also admit that they make nothing off cd sales, but need them to continue touring, ect. so they can make money. There is something wrong with that picture.
Do bands in genres like metal make any money from spotify? Since I have spotify I'm not bothering much music, only vinyls of records that I would find essential to have.

By the way, I'm on my way to Roadburn! Yaaay!


TBDM update:

Clarification for the alarmists: I’m not saying you who come to the shows and buy merch aren’t appreciated… what I am saying is that we need to sell this album because each sale means something in the grand scheme of things. WE ARENT FUCKING RICH. I don’t really care if we see ANY money from the preorders or any CD sale AT ALL… like I said…. it’s literally a fraction of a penny per album… you can fucking keep it.

WE MAKE THE MONEY WE SURVIVE ON FROM YOU ALL COMING TO THE SHOWS AND BUYING TICKETS AND MERCH. We are eternally grateful for your support in this manner. This is absolutely true and has not changed. What I am saying is that we need BOTH kinds of support… they are both integral. All I was trying to do is to rally the troops… to help them understand that selling the copies IS important to us… it was not an attempt to alienate anyone. I should have worded things better…. yes.

For those of you saying that the industry is operating on a completely archaic model… I completely wholeheartedly agree… but until things change this is how it is. – Trevor
Not one single person bought my EP I posted early. But that don't mean I will stop doing music or bitch about it. Lame attitude from this TBDM guy.


Apparently those posts have been deleted from their facebook, I don't see them anymore......but you can't delete things from the internets.
I read it as the label will force them to stop making music, but whatever....they also admit that they make nothing off cd sales, but need them to continue touring, ect. so they can make money. There is something wrong with that picture.

It makes sense that in order to do more tours, that their label needs to fund them for that, which need CD sales. If they aren't selling any CD's, the label will see them as irrelevant and drop them. So they really aren't forced to stop doing music, but it would be a crushing blow.

Digby Pearson made a really good entry about this very subject in one of his old Earache old days blog.

Granted, there are some bands out there that NEVER do tour or have tour support. Just make albums and release them. I think it would be foolish to think you can make a ton of money by just selling albums. A lot of bands that i've personally encountered make a way bigger margin of profit on merch and gigs.

And yes, please buy music from bands you like in anyway you can. I still buy CD's and Vinyl records almost on a weekly to bi-weekly basis :)


It is pretty simple. If you like music, buy music.

Speaking of which.


What have I gotten myself into?

(also got the purple Dopesmoker)
It is pretty simple. If you like music, buy music.

Speaking of which.


What have I gotten myself into?

(also got the purple Dopesmoker)

For a second there I thought it was some weird clear picture disc of Number Of The Beast, but noticed the lid, haha.

In my perfect vision of the future, everyone just has all of their stuff up on bandcamp.

Yea, lately artists/bands have set up a "donate as you wish".

Aurora Borealis has ALL of their albums for download and "donate as you wish" concept. Killer band if you like straight to the point death metal: http://www.auroraborealis.org/html/downloads.html


Ok, so since I can't stop listening to that NAILS album, someone needs to point me at other bands like that. I also greatly dig Pig Destroyer's Book Burner album, but honestly that's all I have in this sub-genre (at least I think they're the same sub-g). I stick with doom, death, and black metal, mostly, so I'm new to this type of metal that I thought I really didn't like, but turns out I do.

Have you heard Black Breath?

Diseased Yak

Gold Member

Thanks! Definitely like Nasum, will start exploring bands similar. And the Southern Lord suggestion was a good one, too, I'll see what else they offer.
The new Volbeat is good.

I never really got into them before this. I remember seeing that at Gigantour a few years back(year back?) and not really digging them.

But this new album tickles my fancy. Any album in this decade with King Diamond will tickle my fancy.


The new Volbeat is good.

I never really got into them before this. I remember seeing that at Gigantour a few years back(year back?) and not really digging them.

But this new album tickles my fancy. Any album in this decade with King Diamond will tickle my fancy.

I'm the same way. I love the album but I have been kind of indifferent on their music before this. It just has a better sound to it on this album, and that King Diamond track is killer.


more money than God
BTW, lyrically, it's another in a long line of pseudo-religious songs by Ozzy that strays the line between atheist and religious. The title is "God is Dead", but the last line is "I don't believe that God is dead."




Where's the rider??

Anyone heard the new Sabbath?


Decent, but Ozzy's voice just drags it down.

Yep, Ozzy is the weakest link and just sounds so lifeless :/ I can't listen to his albums after (and maybe including) Ozzmosis either. Going to pass on the new Sabbath unfortunately.

Oh! If any of you are in the Baltimore, MD area ZFL is playing at the House of Rock on April 26th. They're my friends and could use some support :) Take a listen to them here if you'd like.
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