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The Metal Thread

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Randy Blythe made a long post on his blog today that is too long to repost in full, but he makes some good points.


If you are in a band, remember what has happened to me, to Daniel, and to his family. If you are playing a show, make sure that security is adequate and that barricades are properly placed. A dead fan of my band would still be alive today if those two things had been in place in Prague that night in 2010. I never saw that stage before I set foot on it, and I wish I could go back in time, inspect that nightmare set up, let the people in charge know that they did not fulfill a vital part of the contract we sent out, tell my crew to pull our gear out of there, and leave that town. But I cannot go back in time, I never had the chance to see that stage, Daniel is dead, and I can only warn you band guys and girls to make sure the venue and promoter are holding up their end of the contract. Do not settle for less. This is a matter of life and death, as I can sadly attest.

If you are a promoter or club manager/owner, make sure your security and barricades are sufficient for the event you will be having on any given night. Security is there to protect the band, the fans, and your business. If you cannot provide a safe environment for a show that requires security and barricades, do not have it. You have no business playing around with people’s lives for a few extra dollars. No amount of money is worth the risk of someone dying in your establishment. Your club will probably shut down anyway, because no one will want to play there. All of us in bands talk amongst each other, and if you’re shady, we will all eventually know.

If you are a fan coming to a Lamb of God show and are planning on stage diving, know that in no uncertain terms you are not welcome on our stage. Some bands encourage fans on stage- I know a few, and that is their prerogative. As a band we have never allowed or encouraged fans to come onstage- it’s impossible to play and dangerous for us and the fans if someone is running all over the place knocking into us and the equipment. Now, with all that has happened, this policy is in place more than ever. Absolutely no one is welcome on the stage if we have not invited you up there, and unless you are a small child or in a wheel chair, that is not likely to happen. Please respect this. If you do take the stage, we will immediately stop playing, you will be removed from the stage with great swiftness ,and thrown out of the show with no refund, no questions asked. I do not care one bit if anyone thinks I’m being a jerk for writing this or feels I am being harsh. I have been through hell over the last year, I did my best to do the right thing, I am still trying my best to do the right thing, and anyone who cannot understand why we as a band feel this way is a complete and utter idiot who probably shouldn’t be allowed to leave their house anyway. So try not to ruin everybody else’s good time, ok? People pay their hard earned money to see a show, not you interrupt a band’s set while you make jackass out of yourself. You buying a ticket does not entitle you to get on stage.

If you are a fan and are going to a lamb of god show or ANY SHOW where there will be moshing, crowd surfing, etc.- know that what you are doing carries a risk. Use your brain- if it is too rough for you, get out before you get hurt. If you are wasted on whatever, please realize that you are not a stuntman, sit your ass down at the bar, and relax. Being obliterated is not conducive to injury free concert activities. Also, for Pete’s sake, if you are moshing and someone falls down, PICK THEM UP. We have stopped shows before because people have been getting hurt, and we will do it again. This is our community, and we should take care of each other. A show is a place we are supposed to be together, having a good time, supporting one another. The real world will beat you down enough- we don’t need to get stomped on at a show. Give each other a hand.

If you want to crowd surf, know this- if someone drops you, you could die. Instantly. That’s just the truth. I don’t know any other way to say it.

Please don’t drive home if you are drunk. Assuming you don’t die, you could kill someone else and wind up in prison. Prison is not a fun place to be. Just take my word on it, ok?

I am not writing all of this to tell people to not have fun, to not get out aggression in a healthy way, or to be a joy kill. I’m not telling you what to do (except to stay off our stage), because that does no good. Plus, I have more scars and badly healed aching bones from shows than I can count. I am just like you, a fan of this music who loves to have a good time at a show. I’m just begging you please to use your head and to be respectful of others. I love the energy of a good show, I love providing the fans with the same cathartic release I’ve gotten from watching bands so many times, I love leaving it all on the floor for the people. It’s what I do, and I love it.

Personally, I've never been a fan of pits, moshing, stage diving or crowd surfing. It distracts from the show. One of the worst experiences I've ever had at a show was a small club in NOLA for The Sword. I was up front head banging, and jamming to the band when a bit broke out right behind me and I got the wind taken out of me after getting slammed into the waist high stage. I went over to the side of the club after that, not really enjoying the show much the rest of the night. It's just not much fun having to worry about getting slammed into the barricade by a mosh pit, getting kicked in the face by a stage diver or worse when you're up front at a show. This is why I make it a point to never go to hardcore shows....if I go to a show, I want to see the band not some crazy pit with the band somewhere in the middle of it. One thing Randy points out that I don't see a lot of is that bands need to watch out for their fans. I've seen bands on stage that looked like they couldn't give a fuck what happens out there.....and probably didn't. And I've also been at shows where bands actively had guys kicked out because they were fucking with people and security missed it. I for one am for safer metal shows, and even though I'm not a fan of Lamb of God that much, I respect Randy Blythe for this.
hello MetalGAF, I'm new here. this seems like the only permanent music thread that I'm interested in, since PopGAF to me looks more about celebrities than music... and it's strange that I can't see an IndieGAF or some general rock thread.

I'm not really a metalhead, to be honest I'm realizing that I find most metal either boring or just not interesting (and sometimes worse than that), but I do like a lot certain bands and albums.

Anyway, going back a few pages I've seen a certain lack of bands like Neurosis, Isis and Mastodon when it came to list favourite bands and albums... needless to say they are among the ones I appreciate the most, and I think that post-metal and the post-Neurosis sludge of the 00s are maybe the best metal trends of the recent years.
So I'm curious, what's the opinion about them here? Boring? Overrated?


Poet Centuriate
hello MetalGAF, I'm new here. this seems like the only permanent music thread that I'm interested in, since PopGAF to me looks more about celebrities than music... and it's strange that I can't see an IndieGAF or some general rock thread.

I'm not really a metalhead, to be honest I'm realizing that I find most metal either boring or just not interesting (and sometimes worse than that), but I do like a lot certain bands and albums.

Anyway, going back a few pages I've seen a certain lack of bands like Neurosis, Isis and Mastodon when it came to list favourite bands and albums... needless to say they are among the ones I appreciate the most, and I think that post-metal and the post-Neurosis sludge of the 00s are maybe the best metal trends of the recent years.
So I'm curious, what's the opinion about them here? Boring? Overrated?

I voted ISIS as my favorite band in this thread, y'know? ;)

MetalGAF is pretty diverse in tastes, honestly. Some really like the thrash stuff, some like it more mainstream, some love death, some like a healthy dose of punk mixed in; and that's all good.

I really like slower, introspective, atmospheric stuff more than probably most of the others here, but I can't really speak for others. Personally I like the feeling of the songs. Riffs and "gotta go fast and chromatic and loud" are fun sometimes, but I think there is a real technique and skill in learning to play slow, to paint with a broad tonal palette, and to let the let the atmosphere and emotion of the song come through.
hello MetalGAF, I'm new here. this seems like the only permanent music thread that I'm interested in, since PopGAF to me looks more about celebrities than music... and it's strange that I can't see an IndieGAF or some general rock thread.

I'm not really a metalhead, to be honest I'm realizing that I find most metal either boring or just not interesting (and sometimes worse than that), but I do like a lot certain bands and albums.

Anyway, going back a few pages I've seen a certain lack of bands like Neurosis, Isis and Mastodon when it came to list favourite bands and albums... needless to say they are among the ones I appreciate the most, and I think that post-metal and the post-Neurosis sludge of the 00s are maybe the best metal trends of the recent years.
So I'm curious, what's the opinion about them here? Boring? Overrated?

Everyone here adores Neurosis. At least the ones I don't have on my ignore list.


MetalGaf is one of the more sane music communities in these parts.

PopGaf is all about celebrities and gifs......oh god the gifs.

MetalGaf doesn't really do gifs. We're rebels.
Anyway, going back a few pages I've seen a certain lack of bands like Neurosis, Isis and Mastodon when it came to list favourite bands and albums... needless to say they are among the ones I appreciate the most, and I think that post-metal and the post-Neurosis sludge of the 00s are maybe the best metal trends of the recent years.
So I'm curious, what's the opinion about them here? Boring? Overrated?

I like Neurosis and some Isis. I'm a big fan of Cult of Luna and Pelican though. I'll admit that it took me a while to appreciate those post/sludgy bands, sometime during that whole revival a few years ago. I like a lot of those bands though like Rosetta, Red Sparowes, Russian Circles etc. I kind of got burned by a lot of the stuff though.

Neurosis and Isis are generally liked here in this thread though.


I like Neurosis and some Isis. I'm a big fan of Cult of Luna and Pelican though. I'll admit that it took me a while to appreciate those post/sludgy bands, sometime during that whole revival a few years ago. I like a lot of those bands though like Rosetta, Red Sparowes, Russian Circles etc. I kind of got burned by a lot of the stuff though.

Neurosis and Isis are generally liked here in this thread though.

I am still struggling to connect with Neurosis. Saw them at Scion Rock Fest in Atlanta and felt a little disconnected. Would love a great suggestion as an entry point into their material.


I am still struggling to connect with Neurosis. Saw them at Scion Rock Fest in Atlanta and felt a little disconnected. Would love a great suggestion as an entry point into their material.

I'm also struggling with Neurosis. I actually enjoy Scott Kelly's dark folk solo act more than I do the band.


Poet Centuriate
Don't forget about hashtags and posts with copious amounts of the word "haters" on them.

something something shade something something "they're jealous of us" :lol

I am still struggling to connect with Neurosis. Saw them at Scion Rock Fest in Atlanta and felt a little disconnected. Would love a great suggestion as an entry point into their material.

I'm also struggling with Neurosis. I actually enjoy Scott Kelly's dark folk solo act more than I do the band.

"Through Silver in Blood" is easily their best album, that's where I would start you at. Their newest albums "Given to the Rising" and "Honor Found in Decay" were pretty good too.


something something shade something something "they're jealous of us" :lol

"Through Silver in Blood" is easily their best album, that's where I would start you at. Their newest albums "Given to the Rising" and "Honor Found in Decay" were pretty good too.

On it. Thanks!


"Through Silver in Blood" is easily their best album, that's where I would start you at. Their newest albums "Given to the Rising" and "Honor Found in Decay" were pretty good too.

Listened to the first track of Silver In Blood, I dunno.....just not my kind of band. I think it's the vocals more than anything.

In related news, Kyuss was on the related links in youtube, so now I'm listening to Welcome To Sky Valley.
I am still struggling to connect with Neurosis. Saw them at Scion Rock Fest in Atlanta and felt a little disconnected. Would love a great suggestion as an entry point into their material.

Definately Through Silver in Blood. My favorites from them are the ones right before that album, Souls At Zero and Enemy Of The Sun.

Neurosis is definately not something you can do in passing, it wont click right away.


hello MetalGAF, I'm new here. this seems like the only permanent music thread that I'm interested in, since PopGAF to me looks more about celebrities than music... and it's strange that I can't see an IndieGAF or some general rock thread.

I'm not really a metalhead, to be honest I'm realizing that I find most metal either boring or just not interesting (and sometimes worse than that), but I do like a lot certain bands and albums.

Anyway, going back a few pages I've seen a certain lack of bands like Neurosis, Isis and Mastodon when it came to list favourite bands and albums... needless to say they are among the ones I appreciate the most, and I think that post-metal and the post-Neurosis sludge of the 00s are maybe the best metal trends of the recent years.
So I'm curious, what's the opinion about them here? Boring? Overrated?

I love Neurosis and Mastodon! I haven't checked out ISIS yet, but I'm sure I'd like 'em.

New Dark Tranquility Music Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BolGeBNPK1w&feature=youtu.be


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Anyway, going back a few pages I've seen a certain lack of bands like Neurosis, Isis and Mastodon when it came to list favourite bands and albums... needless to say they are among the ones I appreciate the most, and I think that post-metal and the post-Neurosis sludge of the 00s are maybe the best metal trends of the recent years.
So I'm curious, what's the opinion about them here? Boring? Overrated?
Well, since you asked... boring and overrated sound just about right. Not the worst trend in "metal" right now (that would be turds like djent and deathcore *shudders*), but post-corewhatever can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.

Everyone here adores Neurosis. At least the ones I don't have on my ignore list.
Guess I'm going on ignore, then. It was nice to meet you. :p

...Wow. Well, good thing this band has been dead to me for a while, or I'd be crushingly disappointed by this limp-wristed soulless garbage.
Funnily enough, I was listening to The Gallery earlier. Such a fantastic and powerful album. (Those riffs... *drools* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DecqLoCFBXE ) How the mighty have fallen.

In other sad news, the former In the Woods... guitarist, Oddvar A:M, passed away:
Well, fuck. Heart of the Ages and Omnio are among my favourite all-time albums. R.I.P.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
This is a real ad xD awesome:
Anyway, going back a few pages I've seen a certain lack of bands like Neurosis, Isis and Mastodon when it came to list favourite bands and albums... needless to say they are among the ones I appreciate the most, and I think that post-metal and the post-Neurosis sludge of the 00s are maybe the best metal trends of the recent years.
So I'm curious, what's the opinion about them here? Boring? Overrated?

Did you miss the Neurosis love fest a couple of pages back? But as you noticed, those bands and the associated genres are quite well liked over here. My favourite from that genre is Cult of Luna. I'm not too into Neurosis yet, but I like them. Not too fond of Isis thought and I'm not really sure how Mastodon fits in.

To be honest, I can't think of a metal genre that isn't well liked and talked about over here. I depends a bit on the mood I guess how well represented certain genres are.

What the heck is "post-metal"?

Mostly it's atmospheric sludge, but we need more vague, ill-defined genre names!

Hydra Head Records owner and Isis frontman Aaron Turner originally termed the genre "thinking man's metal"

Eluveitie are here next week. I'm so excited. They do such a great show

They are one of quite a few bands who have this great persona but then you see behind the scenes stuff and the illusion gets ruined.

Having said that, I am totally jelly. I've been digging them lately.
Randy Blythe made a long post on his blog today that is too long to repost in full, but he makes some good points.


Personally, I've never been a fan of pits, moshing, stage diving or crowd surfing. It distracts from the show. One of the worst experiences I've ever had at a show was a small club in NOLA for The Sword. I was up front head banging, and jamming to the band when a bit broke out right behind me and I got the wind taken out of me after getting slammed into the waist high stage. I went over to the side of the club after that, not really enjoying the show much the rest of the night. It's just not much fun having to worry about getting slammed into the barricade by a mosh pit, getting kicked in the face by a stage diver or worse when you're up front at a show. This is why I make it a point to never go to hardcore shows....if I go to a show, I want to see the band not some crazy pit with the band somewhere in the middle of it. One thing Randy points out that I don't see a lot of is that bands need to watch out for their fans. I've seen bands on stage that looked like they couldn't give a fuck what happens out there.....and probably didn't. And I've also been at shows where bands actively had guys kicked out because they were fucking with people and security missed it. I for one am for safer metal shows, and even though I'm not a fan of Lamb of God that much, I respect Randy Blythe for this.

I read this as well, it's a great read. While I am decidedly pro-moshing (I'm an angry individual; not something I can really do much about), things can get out of control. I've seen, and been in, pits where people leave bloodied and with broken bones.

You speak the truth about some bands not giving a shit. I was at a Shadows Fall show and some dude tried to stage dive. Instead of diving, he just ran across people's heads after he jumped. It was dangerous for him and the unsuspecting people he did it too. The band just laughed at it though. That's just one example off the top of my head, I could probably come up with at least 10 more that I've seen.

It's interesting that he's putting this out there. I can't think it will help much but, it's a start to a safer end game I guess.


Yikes, that new Dark Tranquility song was pretty boring. Unlike them, really.

3 Years since the passing of the fucking MAN. Hail the King.


I am currently going a bit old school with my listening. I got Rush's 2112.
It's pretty cool and I'm not a super proggy guy.

A few years ago I listened to those Rainbow albums when I still had Zune Pass.
Pretty awesome stuff.

Heh, sometimes I get my history mixed up. I always picture Judas Priest as a NWOBHM band, but they were a lot earlier.

I have used this site for years to learn about bands. Mighty useful before wikki. The top tens are incredible great for digging up old shit.
Starts at 1970.

BNR Metal Pages


Since Al Cisneros set forward on a path from Sleep to Om, the band has been on a fascinating trajectory. Now the band will revisit their hypnotic-classic Conference of the Birds which is divided amongst two tracks, the first of which is “At Giza”, clearly a nod to the great pyramids at Giza. The band have announced that they will play all of a version of the track “At Giza” in what may be one of the most perfect of locations, on July 19th in front of the remains of the Temple of Dendur at the Metropolitain Museum of Art. Sounds unmissable if you are anywhere in the NYC area, tickets are on sale.

hilariously awesome.

that's my favorite song from them, I'd love to be there.

As for best/worst metal video, definitely merauder master killer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES9IzkdNTo0&feature=youtube_gdata_player

And the worst/best Fury of Five Do or Die
(please pay attention at the Asian guy expressions in the video, priceless)

Oh man, my childhood


Who's going?

Slayer have announced the details of a public memorial taking place later this month to honour the memory of Jeff Hanneman, who tragically passed away earlier this month.

Taking place Thursday, May 23 at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles from 3:30 – 7:30PM, the event will be open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis and is open to all ages.
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