was possibly my first taste of metal growing up. So good.
The entire OST is just made up of some fantastic riffs. Are there other games that featured some original metal? I can't think of others but they must exist, surely... right?
This was possibly my first taste of metal growing up. So good.
The entire OST is just made up of some fantastic riffs. Are there other games that featured some original metal? I can't think of others but they must exist, surely... right?
What about Frank Mullen?
As a band, Suffocation is just as influential if not more so, but there's a very specific type of growl screech growl style I'm referring to here.
This was possibly my first taste of metal growing up. So good.
The entire OST is just made up of some fantastic riffs. Are there other games that featured some original metal? I can't think of others but they must exist, surely... right?
Here's a revelation, apparently the album version of Black Sabbath's "God Is Dead?" is 17:12 instead of the 9 minutes or whatever the single is at. Maybe they clipped out the awesome part of the song?
Here's a revelation, apparently the album version of Black Sabbath's "God Is Dead?" is 17:12 instead of the 9 minutes or whatever the single is at. Maybe they clipped out the awesome part of the song?
But to me best Sabbath has always been Dio Sabbath. Never cared very much for Ozzy's voice.
Guilty Gear. The entire soundtrack is original metal.
Greetings, Metal-GAF.
I am a newbie and this is my first post in this thread. Since I'm going to hang out here frequently I just wanted to say 'hello' to everybody.
I'm a metal fan since 1996 (everything startet back then with Blind Guardian, Metallica, Manowar and the German goth band Crematory) and listen to pretty much everything from Motorhead to stuff like 3 Inches of Blood and from Rush to Bolt Thrower.
My favorite band of all time however is Iron Maiden. Only yesterday two buddies and I got wasted, watched a 'Live at Rock am Ring' concert and debated over our favorite songs.
Other than that I listened to a lot of atmospheric (black) metal in the last few weeks. Bands like Agalloch and Woods of Ypres are perfect to shut out the world and just drown in the music.
This was possibly my first taste of metal growing up. So good.
The entire OST is just made up of some fantastic riffs. Are there other games that featured some original metal? I can't think of others but they must exist, surely... right?
Greetings, Metal-GAF.
I am a newbie and this is my first post in this thread. Since I'm going to hang out here frequently I just wanted to say 'hello' to everybody.
I'm a metal fan since 1996 (everything startet back then with Blind Guardian, Metallica, Manowar and the German goth band Crematory) and listen to pretty much everything from Motorhead to stuff like 3 Inches of Blood and from Rush to Bolt Thrower.
My favorite band of all time however is Iron Maiden. Only yesterday two buddies and I got wasted, watched a 'Live at Rock am Ring' concert and debated over our favorite songs.
Other than that I listened to a lot of atmospheric (black) metal in the last few weeks. Bands like Agalloch and Woods of Ypres are perfect to shut out the world and just drown in the music.
have you listened to negura bunget? om is a modern ('atmo')black metal classic.
There's only one album, but check out Gallowbraid.Other than that I listened to a lot of atmospheric (black) metal in the last few weeks. Bands like Agalloch and Woods of Ypres are perfect to shut out the world and just drown in the music.
Friends. I have good news and bad news.
The good news: Black Sabbath's 13 is streaming in it's entirety.
The bad news: it is streaming via iTunes.
You have to have iTunes downloaded to listen to this. You should be able to find it on the album's page on the store.
Hmm, interesting. The God Is Dead? on iTunes appears to be the single version, it's still eight minutes.
Friends. I have good news and bad news.
The good news: Black Sabbath's 13 is streaming in it's entirety.
The bad news: it is streaming via iTunes.
You have to have iTunes downloaded to listen to this. You should be able to find it on the album's page on the store.
Logic says if they're going to clip a song for a single (stupid as fuck practice for metal btw) then they're going to clip the instrumental parts of the song and keep the vocal portions.
Edit: and nobody in OT cares about Black Sabbath......typical.
I love everything from the S/T up to Sabotage + Heaven and Hell (typical). Just kinda gave up on them and didn't care after a certain point for new albums, just like how I don't really care for Maiden's new material either.
From what I heard on the radio the other day, it's not bad, but i'm not excited about it.
Watain has a teaser up for their new album The Wild Hunt: All that may bleed
Sounds evelishly great I must say![]()
Yep.I still see him from time to time, but quite rarily, as he lives about 500km away.
Watain has a teaser up for their new album The Wild Hunt: All that may bleed
Sounds evelishly great I must say![]()
I just finished my first listen, might save another listen for when I get the album. It's good, and great in some parts. I'm sure I'll like more of it with further listens. Lyrically, the songs don't stand up to the classic Ozzy Sabbath anthems. They're close enough otherwise though. I doubt any of these songs will reach the status of Iron Man or War Pigs or Paranoid any time soon.
Edit: and nobody in OT cares about Black Sabbath......typical., listened to the new Sabbath. Don't like it, aside from a few nice moments. The storm/rain outro is a nice callback I guess and would seem to signify that this is it. Sabbath began with it and now will end their recorded output with it is what I take from it. Not going to buy it, frankly 13 doesn't stand with the original material on any level, nor is it even within shouting distance.
I would definitely disagree it's better or even close to Technical Ecstasy & Never Say Die!. No songs on 13 are even close to You Won't Change Me, It's Alright, Gypsy, She's Gone, Dirty Women,, Never Say Die, Johnny Blade, Junior's Eyes, A Hard Road, Shockwave, Airdance or Over To You. Then again, Ozzy's vocals are just as big a part of that classic Sabbath sound as the riffs for me and Ozzy has lost it :/
I never thought about it but it is very well possible that my first contact with metal music was through videogames, more specifically thanks to thunder force IV. I remember plugging my earplugs playing the soundtrack repeteadly because I loved it so fucking much. I don't remember doing that with many other games.
Here are some songs, enjoy!
And here's the whole soundtrack! woooo
Yes! I missed Wintersun last time they where in Chicago I'll catch them this time!Some folks here will be happy about this:
Yes! I missed Wintersun last time they where in Chicago I'll catch them this time!
Is the new Megadeth that bad?
I mean I'm a huge fan of Youthanasia and Cryptic Writtings not just Peace Sealls and Rust.
If I liked those albums would I like this? It doesn't have to be thrash/speed metal.
I have all their albums except Risk.