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The Metal Thread

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Passing metallic gas
Just like Opeth then.

Struggling to see Opeth in that line-up...

oh, it goes beyond that line-up.

that sentence is the epitome of why most people tend to dislike Opeth fans, it's such a cuntish, dipshit, disrespectful thing to say that it blows my mind. disgusting "you don't like what i like so what you like blows" mantra.

we could fill a 50 posts page with dancing gifs that it wouldn't even come close to that.

fuck, i didn't even mind Opeth fans before but know i see why, and support, FACE's agressiveness towards them.

Friends lets move past this. All this hostility is unhealthy.

no it's not unhealthy. you can't show up and say "you don't like that? boy, i feel sorry for you". that ain't how things work.


Passing metallic gas
Surely you fine gentlemen can agree that we had our fun here. The six of us who like metal on gaf should really try to get along.
My comment was more of a crack at Face not liking a lot of popular bands, but it got blown out of context.

i didn't even see your crack at FACE, i'm talking about this by OmegaDragon:

If you like metal and think this lineup is awful, then I feel sorry for you.

small community, not that many members, i don't need him to "feel sorry for me" cause i don't like Goatwhore or Warbeast.

rephrase it, bro:

well, it is a lineup featuring some bands with a more extreme sound, i can understand if it's not everyone's cup of tea.

see? i would quote that and respond with an "indeed, friend".


Once upon a time I was kinda into Opeth. I think I still have a copy of Still Life on CD around here somewhere.

Can't bring myself to enjoy it these days though. That and Blackwater Park kinda just make me go Zzzzzzzzzzz, never really bothered listening to anything else.

Someone who's opinions I trust told me once that the first two or three albums are actually pretty good, but I can't say I ever cared enough to bother checking them out.
Just stumbled across this on Bandcamp, sounds like some pretty good doom/stoner;



Also, another Agalloch-alike that may be worth a listen;


oh, it goes beyond that line-up.

that sentence is the epitome of why most people tend to dislike Opeth fans, it's such a cuntish, dipshit, disrespectful thing to say that it blows my mind. disgusting "you don't like what i like so what you like blows" mantra.

Oh, I agree, but I don't see how lumping Opeth fans together helps the matter. Or suggesting that they have no place in a metal thread (although, I'm going to assume that was a joke).


Guys guys let's just agree I have the worst taste in the thread and move on

New Sepultura album coming out:

Brazilian thrash band Sepultura, notorious for albums such as Arise and Beneath The Remains, have announced that they intend to release a new studio album in 2013 at some point. It has now been 2 year since the release of their previous album, Kairos, in 2011, and fans may be anxious to hear how they follow-up the first praised album the band has released in years.

The band stated on the subject that "We hope to have it released around the end of October/November on Nuclear Blast" and also mentioned “We have written most of the music already and now we are working on lyrics for the album".

More can be read on the subject here http://loudwire.com/sepultura-planning-new-album-2013/

Wasn't Kairos supposed to be decent? Then again I haven't listened to any Sepultura albums after Max and his bro left.


I think we can all agree that Opeth is, at worst, boring. Which is hardly a great offense, considering the sea of terrible, unlistenable metal bands out there.

(Fwiw, I like Opeth.)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Ah, I guess this thread was short on its weekly whining about other peoples preferences quota.
Funny, I keep hearing about how obnoxious Opeth fans are. Guess GAF bucks the trend.
Hey now, Mr. Sandman started it. :p

But I'd like to hear your reasons why this lineup is so awful. Well not FACE's, cause he doesn't like anything. So Morrigan, enlighten us.
I don't see a single really good band on that lineup and I see many mediocre and outright awful ones. I hear GWAR is "interesting" or "fun" to watch live, cause they got the costumes and gimmick and stuff but I'm not a fan, and the rest is mostly garbage sludge, deathcore and grind.

For a kick-ass line-up, this year's MDF was pretty solid.

Why are they not metal? Honest question.
Opeth is metal (I think he was just taking the piss), just terrible and boring.
I don't see why Pig Destroyer, Pallbearer, and Repulsion are getting lumped in with garbage like Down and Anselmo in everyone's dismissal of the lineup.

I wouldn't go either, but not every band on there is total trash.


MetalGaf must have a thing against awesome NOLA metal. I can understand hating Anselmo based bands, but what about Eyehategod, Crowbar & Goatwhore? Then there is Pig Destroyer, Warbeast, Pallbearer, Ancient VVisdom....awesome lineup even if you hate Anselmo.
MetalGaf must have a thing against awesome NOLA metal. I can understand hating Anselmo based bands, but what about Eyehategod, Crowbar & Goatwhore? Then there is Pig Destroyer, Warbeast, Pallbearer, Ancient VVisdom....awesome lineup even if you hate Anselmo.

The only thing i have against NOLA metal is that I'm not into that style...? Never had anything against Eyehategod, seen them a couple of times, just not really into them.

I'm having a hard time understanding why White Chapel and especially Goblin (if it's really the 70s italian prog rock band) are on the bill.


The only thing i have against NOLA metal is that I'm not into that style...? Never had anything against Eyehategod, seen them a couple of times, just not really into them.

I'm having a hard time understanding why White Chapel and especially Goblin (if it's really the 70s italian prog rock band) are on the bill.

White Chapel is on there because they're on practically every metal themed festival they can get on. Goblin is on there (if it's the same Goblin you're thinking of) because they're a legendary horror themed band and they're performing a live score of Dario Argento’s 1977 Masterpiece Suspiria. It's a horror movie festival and a music festival so they're an obscure fit.



Turned out a band that nobody knew anything about on Metallica's Orion 2013 bill named dehaan was actually....


Metallica performing Kill Em' All in it's entirety. dehaan is the last name of Dane DeHaan, the guy who stars in Through The Never.....Metallica has done "secret" shows like this before where they're billed as another band name.

Wish I could have been there.


Thats pretty sweet.

It probably sounded terrible

SUPER LATE EDIT: I've listened to the whole new Black Dahlia album and.........well.......its solid. But its not very memorable. Granted, they're so good that its hard to ever top what they've done before, but I cant say there's any great reason to praise it beyond the fact that its more TBDM.


Thats pretty sweet.

It probably sounded terrible

SUPER LATE EDIT: I've listened to the whole new Black Dahlia album and.........well.......its solid. But its not very memorable. Granted, they're so good that its hard to ever top what they've done before, but I cant say there's any great reason to praise it beyond the fact that its more TBDM.
Keep listening - I had similar feelings on the first few listens.

I think it's the least accessible stuff they've done as whole, and it takes a while to sink in (relative to something like Nocturnal).

My only issue is that the production has gone downhill since Deflorate. They really nailed it with that one, and the mix has just continued to lose its clarity since.


June 11th, Day of Metal

Black Sabbath - 13
The Black Dahlia Murder - Everblack
Children Of Bodom - Halo of Blood
Evile - Skull
Scale The Summit - Migration
Power Trip - Manifest Decimation
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Summoning - Old Morning's Dawn
Septic Flesh - Esoptron

I'm probably missing some stuff but....fuck.


The only thing i have against NOLA metal is that I'm not into that style...? Never had anything against Eyehategod, seen them a couple of times, just not really into them.

I'm having a hard time understanding why White Chapel and especially Goblin (if it's really the 70s italian prog rock band) are on the bill.

It is also a horror movie fest.


more money than God
13 is such a mixed bag in so many ways. At times, it feels like a Sabbath album, but other times, it feels like another Ozzy album. After listening to it a few times, I have to say, musically, the album is fantastic. Tony and Geezer are great, and the drumming is good too, but the problem is that there is just too much Ozzy. You barely go a few seconds without hearing him. He dominates every song. That wouldn't be so bad, but his voice is just gone. What makes it worse is that these lyrics are pretty bad. Nothing quite like early Sabbath. In many ways, they're nonsense. In the end, it's a good album, and better than many would expect, but it feels like Sabbath took a backseat to Ozzy, which wouldn't be so jarring, if it weren't for his diminished skills. Overall, good album, but there are some noticeable problems. BTW, in case anyone was wondering, it's not as good as any of the other Ozzy Sabbath albums, except TE, which I never really cared for outside of "It's Alright".
Gat damn. I'm only halfway through Deathspell Omega's closing song for "Drought". Fuck they make great last songs.

You are right on the money, sir. Both the closing track in that EP and in Paracletus are both simply awe-inducing. The slightly muffled choral track in The Crackled Book Life is simultaneously eerie and hypnotizing.
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