oh, it goes beyond that line-up.
that sentence is the epitome of why most people tend to dislike Opeth fans, it's such a cuntish, dipshit, disrespectful thing to say that it blows my mind. disgusting "you don't like what i like so what you like blows" mantra.
we could fill a 50 posts page with dancing gifs that it wouldn't even come close to that.
fuck, i didn't even mind Opeth fans before but know i see why, and support, FACE's agressiveness towards them.
Oh boo hoo. I never implied that what you like blows (fyi I think you like power/speed metal, I don't, at all). Read my entire post and check the lineup again. Is
that an awful line-up? Of course you have your preferences and that's fine. But it seems to me you have to dislike quite some bands/styles if you don't see
anything of value. Hell I even think you'd appreciate Pallbearer for example.
As for, I wouldn't go to it. My main interest would be Repulsion and Pig Destroyer, everything up to Pallbearer (well not Whitechapel) would be nice to see.
And your little "lol Opeth fans are stupid amirite" is also totally irrelevant. You're just raging at a group that doesn't exist here.
June 11th, Day of Metal
Black Sabbath - 13
The Black Dahlia Murder - Everblack
Children Of Bodom - Halo of Blood
Evile - Skull
Scale The Summit - Migration
Power Trip - Manifest Decimation
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Summoning - Old Morning's Dawn
Septic Flesh - Esoptron
I'm probably missing some stuff but....fuck.
That Septic Flesh release is a rerelease. Hope noone got too excited reading this and then getting disappointed.
Edit: Well let's post some music. Recently a nearby record store went bottoms up, so I grabbed some black metal for cheap.
Sacramentum - After the Sun
So I recognised the cover, but never heard anything from them. Dissection-ish melodic black metal, it's pretty neat
Melechesh - Sphynx
Middle-eastern black/folk metal, I quite like them.
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Skye
No commentary needed