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The Metal Thread

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
My LTD V has a floyd. I don't like it.

One of these days I'm gonna upgrade it to a fixed bridge version.

Ugh, I don't even want to think about that. Took my Ibanez with the locking trem down to drop C and it will stay there until the end of time as far as I'm concerned. My 2 FR guitars stay in drop D or standard.

I like that finish, by the way.
haha, I only have one with a floyd and my strat is in major need of setting up as since adjusting to the chunkier string gauges, I cant physically play with the 9s I have on it at the moment (I question why I even played guitar with that particular setup I mean WHAT THE FUCK), think I'll be getting some hybrid 11's or some shit, as long as I can still get it to be one mo'fuckin funky-ass beast

and thanks! I fell in love with this guitar as soon as I picked it up, really plays like a dream, great for getting those mellow tones for Pearl Jam...or Tremonti's cheesey alterbridge, but I still manage to rip out the KSE(Don't judge the new guy)
I haven't listened to their new stuff, but I still love Around the Fur and White Pony. Adrenaline hasn't aged very well, though, I don't think.

I remember hearing stories of them routinely getting booed during the Ozzfest '99 tour (which I went to — no regrets). Them and System of a Down were always the two bands that transcended the nu-metal tag that they got.
Aww mang, you must have spotify?!
Listen to some of it man

another one off the album, it's not their best but the central hook/riff is pretty fucking badass

but this is probably one of the strongest

So guys, I guess I'll introduce myself...I'm Tashbrooke, 19, british and I do occasionally like to lock myself in a room and get all my stress out by listening to fairly mainstream metal, i need a bit o' education, and I hear you guys are a bit brutal with your criticisms and shit, but I'ma try to get accepted here, innit ;)


I haven't listened to their new stuff, but I still love Around the Fur and White Pony. Adrenaline hasn't aged very well, though, I don't think.

What makes you feel that Adrenaline sounds dated? Perhaps it's because i still remember my first ever experience of the Deftones, but the opening jagged, stop-start riff of Bored coupled with Chino's meandering vocals still sounds amazing to me. It's a perfect first track for me, and i find myself returning to their first two albums more than any of their others (yep, even more than White Pony).


The new Amon Amarth is fucking AWESOME. I love AA, but even I'm somewhat shocked with how fucking good this is.

Hah, I came into this thread for the first time in a while to see what the reaction towards this album is and here it is. I know you have good taste so that sure is great.

While I'm here, could someone fill me in on the last 2 Megadeth albums? I've been kinda out of the loop when it comes to metal recently sadly and missed these two and I want to know if they are worth the time. I skipped Thir13en because it sounded OK (and quite a substantial part of it was a retread) but not much more, while what I've heard from Super Collider was absolutely terrible. Are there some tracks worth checking out?


Has any cool grindcore came out recently? I think the last stuff I heard was late last year when Pig Destroyer and Hivesmasher were floating around and I'm in the mood for it.

if you want to count nails - abandon all life, then that one.

my aoty so far, too.


Poet Centuriate
August Burns Red - Rescue & Restore


It's okay. It's not anywhere near the level that Messengers and Constellations were on, but it's better than Leveler, which is a good thing.

My perception for this album was that they were simultaneously trying to go back to the sound of Constellations but hadn't quite shaken off bits of Leveler. Strings, trumpets, and all manner of orchestral instruments permeate the album, sometimes good, other times just meh. On the guitar end of it all, it's still pretty good. A lot of clean sections throughout the album but none of that stupid mariachi nonsense from "Internal Cannon". They're still doing a few traditional metal guitar solos here and there, and I think they're a lot better than previous efforts.

Vocally...I'm not sure what to think. For the positives, Dustin Davidson (bassist/backing vocalist) has next to no stupid long solo spots on any of the songs, which is good because he's a god awful vocalist. They've thankfully relegated him back to where he should be: small call-and-responses and added texture to lead vocalist Jake Luhrs. Speaking of Mr. Luhrs, we're gonna start getting into the negatives. He's doing largely okay on this album and isn't doing a bad job at all, but this album in my opinion is not one of his strongest efforts. His lyrics are better (at least for now, I have really dug into them that much) than Leveler which I thought were really bad, but at times I feel he's getting rather whiney, especially when he gets up high. He just doesn't have that vocal punch he had on Messengers anymore. Also, twice on the album he does this thing of doing spoken word over calmer parts of songs and that wouldn't be a bad thing...if he could act worth a damn. The spoken word segments just sound horribly cheesy, as if he's almost cold reading a bad script someone handed him and said "be sad but talk fast cause we're on the clock".

Song-wise there's something to be desired, at least from my first spin on it. Good riffs all around round but the first half of the album just really didn't stand out much. There just aren't as much catchy songs as I would've expected from them. "Fault Line" is probably one of the better tracks on the album as is more what I expect from them.

Overall, not a bad album, but not one of their best. Maybe it will grow on me, or maybe certain song will, but I wasn't hooked very well. At least it's better than Leveler.

Crossfaith - Zion EP

Little limited-edition EP w/ six tracks. These guys have a really bizarre sound, but it works. On one hand you have a really good sounding metalcore group that sounds very tight and composed, but on the other, it's mixed with very trance-y synths and dubstep-distortion synths. And the electronic parts don't just sit in the background ala a lot of djent band, they really put them front and center to really play an active counterpart to the guitarist. The vocalist is pretty good, but not without issue. He's got a ton of energy live and on this record it really shows. His small spoken word parts are where his Japanese-speaking-English accent really hampers him (like on the opener "Monolith") and his lyrics at times just don't flow cohesively and sound very much like broken English.

But there is a lot to love on this EP. Ignoring the little interlude "Dialogue" (which is just a trancy number that really doesn't fit too well on the album), the songs are really fun. Lots of really sweet spots, cool riffs, and just a great overall sound for their group. Good little EP.

Hollow Tongue - Godsnakes

So again this came into my hands by rather odd means, so I had zero expectations going into this.

Genre-wise I'm...I'm not sure what to call them. I'm no subgenre expert by any means, but the best I can describe them as is equal parts hardcore punk, black metal, and sludge metal with perhaps a touch of grindcore here and there, if you can picture that. I'm not sure if that at totally accurate, but that what I'm feeling off them.

The album is pretty lo-fi and very DIY. Very dirty sounding with some very chaotic riffs and very noisy distortion. Feedback and buzz run deep through the album. They really like to jump from very noisy chaos to very heavy riffs often and do it really well. All of the song are very short, except for the last track which clocks in at 8:22. There is a definite atmosphere to this album. The vocalist is pretty good for what he does. He's kinda one note in his screaming style but he does it well.

All in all, it's surprising little find. Cool little little album from a band I've never heard of. At times they remind me a bit of Nails. These guys might have something cool on their hands and in their future.
Nice reviews/impressions. We need more of this in here, I think! I may do something similar in the following days as I discovered quite a few new stuff recently!
The new Amon Amarth is fucking AWESOME. I love AA, but even I'm somewhat shocked with how fucking good this is.

The more I listen to it the more I agree. I love it because its classic AA, but at the same time it feels like for the first time they created an album that shows they evolved as musicians. Its just so great!
While I'm here, could someone fill me in on the last 2 Megadeth albums? I've been kinda out of the loop when it comes to metal recently sadly and missed these two and I want to know if they are worth the time. I skipped Thir13en because it sounded OK (and quite a substantial part of it was a retread) but not much more, while what I've heard from Super Collider was absolutely terrible. Are there some tracks worth checking out?

Super Collider makes Thir23en look like early 90's Megadeth.

Avoid SC if you have any dignity.


What do you guys think of this?

3 Bar Ranch - Black Crow


It's a Hank 3 project called 3 Bar Ranch which is basically a mix of death metal and cattle auctioneering. I find it really hard to listen to personally, but it works out live because the guitars are heavier in the mix and it's something you can mosh to. It's really weird.


What do you guys think of this?

3 Bar Ranch - Black Crow


It's a Hank 3 project called 3 Bar Ranch which is basically a mix of death metal and cattle auctioneering. I find it really hard to listen to personally, but it works out live because the guitars are heavier in the mix and it's something you can mosh to. It's really weird.

Might be the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Might be the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Here is a different track live:


It works out more like an instrumental live because the auctioneer is drowned out of the mix usually.

It's still weird though, and hard for me to listen to.....but there are people who like it.

It's kinda weird for me because it's one of my favorite artists putting out something that I can't even begin to get into.


Thanks for the impressions, Orion. Don't take this the wrong way, but your impressions for Rescue and Restore actually pumped me up a bit. A hybrid Leveler-older stuff mix sounds great. Hopefully the songs catch me a little better than they did you.

but I still manage to rip out the KSE(Don't judge the new guy)

listening to fairly mainstream metal, i need a bit o' education, and I hear you guys are a bit brutal with your criticisms and shit, but I'ma try to get accepted here, innit ;)

There's a decent amount of discussion for metalcore and the likes around here now, don't worry too much about trying to please others with your tastes.

and KSE is still fun to play. I play Save Me enough that it's still committed to muscle memory ;)


Poet Centuriate
that review for hollow tongue has intrigued me. will definitely check them out.

That album and others of theirs are on their bandcamp. http://hollowtongue.bandcamp.com/

Nice reviews/impressions. We need more of this in here, I think! I may do something similar in the following days as I discovered quite a few new stuff recently!

Reviews and impressions in her would be excellent. I agree. Looking forward to it!

Thanks for the impressions, Orion. Don't take this the wrong way, but your impressions for Rescue and Restore actually pumped me up a bit. A hybrid Leveler-older stuff mix sounds great. Hopefully the songs catch me a little better than they did you.

There's a decent amount of discussion for metalcore and the likes around here now, don't worry too much about trying to please others with your tastes.

and KSE is still fun to play. I play Save Me enough that it's still committed to muscle memory ;)

There is definitely stuff to love on the album like I said. chances are good you'll dig it.

There's no need to be like that (even if hes might be kinda joking :p) Tashbrooke, you're more than welcome here. I'm not a huge fan of the Deftones but that's all good.
What do you guys think of this?

3 Bar Ranch - Black Crow


It's a Hank 3 project called 3 Bar Ranch which is basically a mix of death metal and cattle auctioneering. I find it really hard to listen to personally, but it works out live because the guitars are heavier in the mix and it's something you can mosh to. It's really weird.

this is as stupid as a band with the name 'Iwrestledabearonce'
Just got back from Warped Tour in Mountain View tonight.

So many bands, so little time. I got there late so I caught the very tail end of The Black Dahlia Murder. Good set.

Did some wandering and caught some of Blessthefall and Chiodos. Seemed like fun sets, if that's your thing.

Caught a really stellar set from Crossfaith from Osaka, Japan. Great band, amazing energy, really interesting electronic-metal hybrid sound. Picked up an EP and a shirt from them. Great bunch of guys. Would love to see a longer set from them someday.

Eventually made my way over to catch the end of Upon A Burning Body's set (pretty packed, crowd seemed to love it), and stuck around to catch Architects (small crowd, decent show, fun to watch) and Oh Sleeper (more fun considering I knew some of the songs. Frontman was great, guitarist/clean singer looked bored as fuck).

On the non-metal front, I also made my way over to catch the end of Reel Big Fish's set. That was a party; played all their big hits. Also caught Never Shout Never, who I kinda disliked (alternative/southern rock group, with a really boy band-ish lead singer/guitarist that all the girls were just fawning over and an almost so-heavy-it-seemed-fake southern accent) but I wanted to stick around so I could get a good spot for the next (metal) act...

August Burns Red. Got a place right up on the front rail for their set, and I loved it. Great show, amazing energy, would watch again. Picked up their new album (before you can get it in stores I think).

Caught a little bit of Bring Me The Horizon but I left early so I could beat the rush home.

All in all, good experience. Really pricey and way too many bands to take them all in effectively, but some good bands nonetheless. Going to Mayhem next week though.

Sweet, I went to the Pomona date for Warped. I had a blast but im GLAD I brought a tube of sunscreen with me.

I won some free lawn tickets to Mayhem but I really dont feel like going. I don'y know why.

Can't really say I have guilty pleases because I dont have guilt towards them lol. I'm a guy who would be blacked out, wearing a Raped By Pigs shirt, and blasting Britney Spears or Sleeping With Sirens. xD

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Bad taste, bro :(
I like them a lot. Good, catchy, soothing, feel-good metal. Their ethereal sound goes great with summer nights.
Yes! The first song that I heard was Digital Bath, which is fucking fantastic when you're high, sends me off to another place
There's a decent amount of discussion for metalcore and the likes around here now, don't worry too much about trying to please others with your tastes.

and KSE is still fun to play. I play Save Me enough that it's still committed to muscle memory ;)

and My Curse for me..... ^_^

Whhhhy I ougghta

That album and others of theirs are on their bandcamp. http://hollowtongue.bandcamp.com/

Reviews and impressions in her would be excellent. I agree. Looking forward to it!

There is definitely stuff to love on the album like I said. chances are good you'll dig it.

There's no need to be like that (even if hes might be kinda joking :p) Tashbrooke, you're more than welcome here. I'm not a huge fan of the Deftones but that's all good.
Thankyou sir!



In a rather succinct Facebook post, progressive metal musician Sithu Aye has revealed his next release. The EP, entitled 26, will be released on June 26th-- no shockers there.

The EPs tracklist will be as follows:
1. Mandalay
2. Eclipse
3. 26
4. Hypatia (Bonus Track)

Wow. That came out of nowhere.
I scanned the thread very quickly and didn't see this. James LaBrie (mostly known as Dream Theater's lead singer) posted a single from his upcoming solo album, "Impermanent Resonance."

This song is fucking awesome:

James LaBrie - Agony

(There are growls in the verses, but even if you don't like it, keep listening. The chorus and solo is terrific)

EDIT: lol, someone actually posted this two pages back, but I missed this. Oh well, it is an awesome song.


Poet Centuriate
Sweet, I went to the Pomona date for Warped. I had a blast but im GLAD I brought a tube of sunscreen with me.

I won some free lawn tickets to Mayhem but I really dont feel like going. I don'y know why.

Can't really say I have guilty pleases because I dont have guilt towards them lol. I'm a guy who would be blacked out, wearing a Raped By Pigs shirt, and blasting Britney Spears or Sleeping With Sirens. xD

I wish I had been as wise :p

In a rather succinct Facebook post, progressive metal musician Sithu Aye has revealed his next release. The EP, entitled 26, will be released on June 26th-- no shockers there.

The EPs tracklist will be as follows:
1. Mandalay
2. Eclipse
3. 26
4. Hypatia (Bonus Track)

Wow. That came out of nowhere.

oh shit. I'm down.




Yesterday's Neurosis concert was pretty massive. Easily one of the most impressive concert experiences I've had and the two friends I dragged along never expected the band to be as earth-shattering as it is, so when we went out to a couple of bars afterwards, my friends couldn't even deal with engaging the "real world" after what we had just experienced. It was pretty surreal.

I also managed to get one of the tour posters:


The setlist was somewhat identical to their gig in France


'Casus Luciferi' is my favorite by them, but I'd also highly recommend 'Lawless Darkness', especially if you like that new track.

I quite enjoy all of their work, Sworn to the Dark is great too, but the two albums listed above will really hit you with Watain goodness and will help you decide if you like them or not.


Just listened to the new Amon Amarth a couple times and I don't see why you guys think it's their best album yet. Very status quo and recycled, even for them.


Just listened to the new Amon Amarth a couple times and I don't see why you guys think it's their best album yet. Very status quo and recycled, even for them.

Kind of agree. There are some terrific tracks but it certainly doesn't jump out at me as the best Amon Amarth album.

That crown still goes to With Oden on our Side.


Has any cool grindcore came out recently? I think the last stuff I heard was late last year when Pig Destroyer and Hivesmasher were floating around and I'm in the mood for it.

Check out Wake, I really dig these dudes. Invisible Oranges just put up a stream of their new album (via Brooklyn Vegan): http://www.invisibleoranges.com/2013/06/video-wake-smolder/

Edit: Ooooh, I see they've also got a stream of the new Mumakil, another solid grind band: http://www.invisibleoranges.com/2013/06/album-stream-mumakil-flies-will-starve/
'Casus Luciferi' is my favorite by them, but I'd also highly recommend 'Lawless Darkness', especially if you like that new track.

I quite enjoy all of their work, Sworn to the Dark is great too, but the two albums listed above will really hit you with Watain goodness and will help you decide if you like them or not.
Awesome, thanks guys! I'll check these albums out within the next couple of days.

I just listened to Immortal's At The Heart Of Winter yesterday for the first time, and STONEY BALONEY IT'S AMAZING. Easily one of the best black metal albums I've ever heard. Admittedly I've only been into black metal for about nine months or so, but it's rare that any metal album these days blows me away on first listen. That one assuredly did.

The new Amon Amarth is so much better than Surtur Rising, but still not up to par with Twilight of the Thunder God or With Oden on Our Side. Probably my third favorite album of theirs though, which is still an accomplishment.

And friggin LOL at the last song on their bonus disc... "Stand Up to Go Down". It's about being sexual with a freakishly tall woman. What the hell.

Some fellas like their women short
Some fellas like 'em round
But me I like the kind of girl
That makes me stand up to go down!

Stand up! To go down!
No man will throw her around
Stand up! To go down!
When we make out I can't reach the ground

None of those songs are actual covers, right? They are just original works crafted in the style of some of the bands that influenced them? I love the concept of that. More bands should try it out. Unless I'm just an idiot and I've just happened to have never heard those four tracks before.

New Satyricon album artwork is badass. I've only ever listened to Dark Medieval Times from them, but "Into The Mighty Forest" from that album is bloody great.

As an aside, I miss being active in this thread. I still read every post, but I rarely contribute these days. I chalk it up to being so busy with being an unemployed college grad. NO FREE TIME FOR NeoGAF!

Seriously though, for months I just sort of... didn't listen to much metal. Does this happen ever to some of you guys? It's not that I have other genres I'm into either. With a handful of exceptions, metal is all I listen to. I think I burned myself out on it though, because it got to the point where none of it was exciting me anymore. After a while all of the metal tropes can start to run together to the point where the entirety of it becomes dull. "Too much of a good thing" and all that. I know this can apply to literally any piece of entertainment ever, but it was weird for me to go through with metal, since it's such a damn important part of my daily life and identity.

The past few weeks or so though I've seen a nice return to form. Hopefully I can find some unique albums I haven't listened to yet in order to keep the fire going.
Heard Extol for the first time the other day. New self-titled album for 2013 after reforming (I think?). So strange, yet so cool. I get massive current Cynic vibes from them.

It's funny how their music can actually sound "hymn-like" sometimes, which is all too fitting for their image, sure, but not so much their sound; those "happy" major progressions are really not my cup of tea in any genre. They can write some very interesting and infectious leads, though.


Extol - Faltering Moves

Chorus in this song is so rad. Great lead, vocal melody and structure.


I just listened to Immortal's At The Heart Of Winter yesterday for the first time, and STONEY BALONEY IT'S AMAZING. Easily one of the best black metal albums I've ever heard. Admittedly I've only been into black metal for about nine months or so, but it's rare that any metal album these days blows me away on first listen. That one assuredly did.

If you like 'At the Heart of Winter', do yourself a favour and check out 'Sons of Northern Darkness' if you haven't already, also a really excellent Immortal album.

Seriously though, for months I just sort of... didn't listen to much metal. Does this happen ever to some of you guys? It's not that I have other genres I'm into either. With a handful of exceptions, metal is all I listen to. I think I burned myself out on it though, because it got to the point where none of it was exciting me anymore. After a while all of the metal tropes can start to run together to the point where the entirety of it becomes dull. "Too much of a good thing" and all that. I know this can apply to literally any piece of entertainment ever, but it was weird for me to go through with metal, since it's such a damn important part of my daily life and identity.

I think this happens to everyone to some extent. Metal is hands-down my favourite type of music simply because of its scope and all the awesome sub-genres within it; but I think it's because I listen to many other types of music that I have such a strong appreciation for it. I couldn't imagine limiting myself to a single genre, there's just too much good shit out there.


Seriously though, for months I just sort of... didn't listen to much metal. Does this happen ever to some of you guys? It's not that I have other genres I'm into either. With a handful of exceptions, metal is all I listen to. I think I burned myself out on it though, because it got to the point where none of it was exciting me anymore. After a while all of the metal tropes can start to run together to the point where the entirety of it becomes dull. "Too much of a good thing" and all that. I know this can apply to literally any piece of entertainment ever, but it was weird for me to go through with metal, since it's such a damn important part of my daily life and identity.

The past few weeks or so though I've seen a nice return to form. Hopefully I can find some unique albums I haven't listened to yet in order to keep the fire going.

I binge on trance/house for a few months then come back to metal quite a bit. Leaves me reinvigorated to explore the genre.
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