Seriously though, for months I just sort of... didn't listen to much metal. Does this happen ever to some of you guys? It's not that I have other genres I'm into either. With a handful of exceptions, metal is all I listen to. I think I burned myself out on it though, because it got to the point where none of it was exciting me anymore. After a while all of the metal tropes can start to run together to the point where the entirety of it becomes dull. "Too much of a good thing" and all that. I know this can apply to literally any piece of entertainment ever, but it was weird for me to go through with metal, since it's such a damn important part of my daily life and identity.
The past few weeks or so though I've seen a nice return to form. Hopefully I can find some unique albums I haven't listened to yet in order to keep the fire going.
Seriously though, for months I just sort of... didn't listen to much metal. Does this happen ever to some of you guys? It's not that I have other genres I'm into either. With a handful of exceptions, metal is all I listen to. I think I burned myself out on it though, because it got to the point where none of it was exciting me anymore. After a while all of the metal tropes can start to run together to the point where the entirety of it becomes dull. "Too much of a good thing" and all that. I know this can apply to literally any piece of entertainment ever, but it was weird for me to go through with metal, since it's such a damn important part of my daily life and identity.
The past few weeks or so though I've seen a nice return to form. Hopefully I can find some unique albums I haven't listened to yet in order to keep the fire going.
She looks like a princess, but sings like a heavy metal warrior! Brother and sister duo Aaralyn & Izzy sing their original song, "Zombie Skin."
Interesting, I'll give it that thus far. I actually quite like it, but they are clearly drifting away from their original folky stuff.
Bongripper = so heavy
Wow, that was beyond awful.
Awesome, thanks guys! I'll check these albums out within the next couple of days.
I just listened to Immortal's At The Heart Of Winter yesterday for the first time, and STONEY BALONEY IT'S AMAZING. Easily one of the best black metal albums I've ever heard. Admittedly I've only been into black metal for about nine months or so, but it's rare that any metal album these days blows me away on first listen. That one assuredly did.
The new Amon Amarth is so much better than Surtur Rising, but still not up to par with Twilight of the Thunder God or With Oden on Our Side. Probably my third favorite album of theirs though, which is still an accomplishment.
And friggin LOL at the last song on their bonus disc... "Stand Up to Go Down". It's about being sexual with a freakishly tall woman. What the hell.
None of those songs are actual covers, right? They are just original works crafted in the style of some of the bands that influenced them? I love the concept of that. More bands should try it out. Unless I'm just an idiot and I've just happened to have never heard those four tracks before.
New Satyricon album artwork is badass. I've only ever listened to Dark Medieval Times from them, but "Into The Mighty Forest" from that album is bloody great.
As an aside, I miss being active in this thread. I still read every post, but I rarely contribute these days. I chalk it up to being so busy with being an unemployed college grad. NO FREE TIME FOR NeoGAF!
Seriously though, for months I just sort of... didn't listen to much metal. Does this happen ever to some of you guys? It's not that I have other genres I'm into either. With a handful of exceptions, metal is all I listen to. I think I burned myself out on it though, because it got to the point where none of it was exciting me anymore. After a while all of the metal tropes can start to run together to the point where the entirety of it becomes dull. "Too much of a good thing" and all that. I know this can apply to literally any piece of entertainment ever, but it was weird for me to go through with metal, since it's such a damn important part of my daily life and identity.
The past few weeks or so though I've seen a nice return to form. Hopefully I can find some unique albums I haven't listened to yet in order to keep the fire going.
6-Year-Old Aaralyn screaming at America's Got Talent.
Personally my favorite AA album is Versus the World
Yeah, well this was supposedly on the lighter end of the spectrum from the album so there's that. They also said in an interview thatm if anything, they were drifting away from the massive orchestras and towards a more raw energetic sound similar to that which they feel when playing gigs.
Definitely going to be an interesting one to watch. I've been listening to Stand Up and Fight for a while now and that album is seriously good, seeeeriously good.
Maybe I'm mostly saddened by the lack of Netta (the female accordion player) from the lineup. Definitely adds to the dwindling folk theme in the band.
New song from Oathbreaker. They're signed on Deathwish so you know what to expect. Weird that no one talks about oathbreaker here, they're awesome.
Has anyone listened to Orphaned Land's latest album? It's so good.
A lot more focused than their previous one.
Has anyone listened to Orphaned Land's latest album? It's so good.
A lot more focused than their previous one.
Is there any album worth to pick next month?
New Autopsy album
New song from Oathbreaker. They're signed on Deathwish so you know what to expect. Weird that no one talks about oathbreaker here, they're awesome.
I binge on trance/house for a few months then come back to metal quite a bit. Leaves me reinvigorated to explore the genre.
I have times when I veer more to my outlaw country, americana and roots music leanings than metal. I'm all over the place sometimes really. This has been a down year for me in metal....but the releases I have been into have been good.
There was a time when I listened to nothing but classical, trip-hop, ambient and hip-hop. I'm glad I did, I discovered so much new stuff. Erik Satie, Chopin, Massive Attack, Boards of Canada, Aphex Twin, Nujabes, Coeur De Pirate, Nas, Mos Def, Black Star, Wu-Tang Clan, Raekwon, GZA and more.
Don't be afraid to branch out, it's funnnn
Metal heads are usually true music fans. Im a not so closeted Jazz fan.
I have spells like that. I like to listen to electronic music, classical, classical/rock hyrbid, and soloists (ie, Vai, Satriani, etc) during those times. Metal is my favorite genre but, it's not the only one I like.
That's kind of how I am for both of my big genres. I'll go into a period where I don't want to listen to metal for quite some time (I had more than a year where I really wasn't into it as much once), like you. I just get a bit burnt out on it. That same thing happens with progressive rock. For the most part I do kind of bounce back and forth between the two and it helps make the other genre a bit more fresh when I go back to it. I'll go on a huge metal kick after a big progressive kick, etc.
I do listen to a good amount of other stuff, but those are the two that I really go back to time and time again and get into those big kicks. They're also the two that I can kind of get really burned out on because of that.
Man, would any of you (or anybody else in this thread) fine fellows be willing to recommend me some good albums in other genres? I WANT to experience other types of music, and I can appreciate any style that has genuine talent behind it, but I am just lost as to where I should start. I tried getting into hip-hop a couple weeks back (I was listening to Kanye and Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz and Wacka Flocka Flame) but almost 100% of the songs were either about fucking bitches, making money, or doing drugs (usually a combination of the three). It just felt gimmicky and shallow and I couldn't really find the motivation to keep exploring.I went through a weird fix for about a week and a half where I just dug up all my old rap albums and listened to them lol. I was getting down and then I just stopped listening to them and went back to metal.
One time I went through a classical binge. Just happens.
Man, would any of you (or anybody else in this thread) fine fellows be willing to recommend me some good albums in other genres? [...]
Anyway, I have an inherent trust of the musical opinions of people in this thread so I'd welcome anything outside of the realm of metal that anyone would be willing to throw my way.
Man, would any of you (or anybody else in this thread) fine fellows be willing to recommend me some good albums in other genres? I WANT to experience other types of music, and I can appreciate any style that has genuine talent behind it, but I am just lost as to where I should start. I tried getting into hip-hop a couple weeks back (I was listening to Kanye and Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz and Wacka Flocka Flame) but almost 100% of the songs were either about fucking bitches, making money, or doing drugs (usually a combination of the three). It just felt gimmicky and shallow and I couldn't really find the motivation to keep exploring.
Anyway, I have an inherent trust of the musical opinions of people in this thread so I'd welcome anything outside of the realm of metal that anyone would be willing to throw my way.
It would probably be best if this was done via PM though, as to not derail any conversation here. Thanks in advance to any amigos willing to help me out!
I need recommendations for southern tinged metal... in the vein of He Is Legend, Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster... anyone?... thanks in advance.
The southern-style is gonna differ to different degrees for these. "Southern" is usually mixed with another style (metalcore, thrash, groove, sludge).
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
The Sign Of The Southern Cross
Southern Whiskey Rebellion
Redneck Rampage
Once Nothing
The Showdown
Twelve Gauge Valentine
Hank Williams III
Man, would any of you (or anybody else in this thread) fine fellows be willing to recommend me some good albums in other genres? I WANT to experience other types of music, and I can appreciate any style that has genuine talent behind it, but I am just lost as to where I should start. I tried getting into hip-hop a couple weeks back (I was listening to Kanye and Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz and Wacka Flocka Flame) but almost 100% of the songs were either about fucking bitches, making money, or doing drugs (usually a combination of the three). It just felt gimmicky and shallow and I couldn't really find the motivation to keep exploring.
Anyway, I have an inherent trust of the musical opinions of people in this thread so I'd welcome anything outside of the realm of metal that anyone would be willing to throw my way.
It would probably be best if this was done via PM though, as to not derail any conversation here. Thanks in advance to any amigos willing to help me out!
Man, would any of you (or anybody else in this thread) fine fellows be willing to recommend me some good albums in other genres? I WANT to experience other types of music, and I can appreciate any style that has genuine talent behind it, but I am just lost as to where I should start. I tried getting into hip-hop a couple weeks back (I was listening to Kanye and Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz and Wacka Flocka Flame) but almost 100% of the songs were either about fucking bitches, making money, or doing drugs (usually a combination of the three). It just felt gimmicky and shallow and I couldn't really find the motivation to keep exploring.
Anyway, I have an inherent trust of the musical opinions of people in this thread so I'd welcome anything outside of the realm of metal that anyone would be willing to throw my way.
It would probably be best if this was done via PM though, as to not derail any conversation here. Thanks in advance to any amigos willing to help me out!
Edit: I'll send a PM instead
Does the track Hel have a guest vocalist or is that the AA vocalist? If so, he should do more songs with that voice, its a nice change of flow.
And Stand Up To Go Down is fucking awesome lol.
Is Satan Rising meant to be the Iron Maiden tribute? I didn't get an IM vibe from that song at all.
I was thinking Sabbath for Satan Rising.
Or early crazyshitjazz fusion, Mahavishnu Orchestra! Inner Mounting Flame is an essential album!