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The Metal Thread

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Poet Centuriate
Can you criticise an album for being too long?
If yes, then the new Omnium Gatherum is way too long. I would have loved Beyond if it was 15 min shorter (basically cut the last song)

I don't know if I would criticize the whole album for being too long but going after specific songs for out staying their welcome is totally valid
Can you criticise an album for being too long?
If yes, then the new Omnium Gatherum is way too long. I would have loved Beyond if it was 15 min shorter (basically cut the last song)
They should have just cut "Nightwalkers", or made it a bonus track or something. Plus shorten "Luoto" by a minute, and cut a couple minutes off of "White Palace".

The album is great, but yeah, too long.


They should have just cut "Nightwalkers", or made it a bonus track or something. Plus shorten "Luoto" by a minute, and cut a couple minutes off of "White Palace".

The album is great, but yeah, too long.

Agreed. Amazing album, but some tracks needs trimming and as you said, NIghtwalkers should have been a bonus track or something.


King Diamond sounding AMAZING! This is what happens when you stop smoking.


Can't wait for a US tour.

He sounds awesome indeed, too bad that when I saw him back at 1998 iirc with Mercyful Fate here in Athens his throat was fucked up and he couldn't sing at all while the rest of the band played normally. T_T

Now what I listen to and really love lately is (thanks to all the awesome recommendations here) Goatsnake - Vol.1, Outlaw Order - Dragging Down The Enforcer, Spirit Caravan - Jug Fulla Sun and Acid Bath - Paegan Terrorism Tactics...some really great albums and groups I didn't know in there, still have a lot of stuff to check out.

Besides those I also listen to Zozobra's Savage Masters, All Pigs Must Die's God Is War and DHG's 666 International a lot too.


Poet Centuriate
of course an album can be too long. just like a movie or a book.

Yes but I think the distinction lies with the medium that we're talking about. Books and movies can be too long but they are (in most cases) one thematic event woven together; yes they have chapters and scenes and acts, but they collectively make an overarching narrative. While there are some albums that fit that, most albums are essentially just a collections of songs partitioned together with no overarching narrative, thus individual tracks can be criticized for length and the necessity for removal a lot more readily than simply saying an album on the whole is too long.
So I came across this awesome video.

Vegan Black Metal Chef

I kinda want to start a Youtube series in a similar vain, but not vegan, different metal genres, and mostly BBQ related stuff.

Anyone in the Chicago area want to create a test video in the vain of like viking or thrash metal :p

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I saw them in late 90's/early 2000's i think when they toured with Kataklysm. It was the first and last time I accidentally attended a breakdown-fest.
HAHAHA I think I was at that tour. It was actually called the "Montreal Metal Fest", in July 2000, and I went for Children of Bodom and Destruction (Destruction was headlining) at the Foufs. Unfortunately, my boyfriend got sick (some sort of weird nausea/vertigo, possibly due to the heat and the huge crowd, he almost collapsed) and we had to leave in the middle of the Destruction set, but that's okay cause I saw them again at least twice since and not part of a crappy fest too. But I remember finding a seat during Kataklysm and Dying Fetus because they were so boring, and being completely baffled at hearing "Dying! Dying! Dying!" chants and thinking, why are they chanting that shitty band's name, they're so awful! xD The band's popularity more or less exploded a few years later, to my dismay.

Oh yeah, I was technically too young to attend that show too. The Foufs is an 18+ venue, and I was 2 weeks shy of being 18. I got carded, and the bouncer wouldn't let me in, but I insisted that I didn't drink (which is still true to this day) and was only there for the bands and had my ticket, and as an argument he said "your ticket will say it's an 18+ show!". I smugly took out my ticket and showed it to him, where it said no such thing, and he just stood there dumbly, haha. He could have easily just said "well, you still can't come in" but he was apparently too stupid to argue back so he let me in. xD I got kinda lucky.

Can't wait for a US tour.
You don't say. Seen him twice but it's not enough somehow. I just love the King. And I would possibly commit murder for a Mercyful Fate tour, as the last time they played here I was too young to attend. ;_;


King Diamond sounding AMAZING! This is what happens when you stop smoking.


Can't wait for a US tour.

I saw Mercyful Fate when they toured for 9. Awesome show, and awesome album.


The wonders of disposable cameras!


I am fucking sick of hearing Super Collider during that god drat Youtube ad.

That is some Risk level shit man.
Just thought I'd share this. One of my favorite metal youtube vids.


"Pete. Pete what are you doing? That's too fast man..."

Also, bonus Mike Browning around 2:30

haha, I have a bunch of these Florida death metal rehearsal videos on VHS. Someone seriously needs to do a documentary on all the rehearsal space in that public storage area. There were TONS of Florida death metal bands that played there.


The new Dark Tranquillity is all kind of awesome. What do people here think of Construct?
Its not as heavy as I would like. Fiction and Damage Done are two of my favourite Metal album and those two were heavier, but otherwise, its an amazing
Thanks again to everyone who threw those non-metal recommendations my way. As fate would have it, I started to comb through some of them before realizing that the rekindled metal flame in me has grown into a full-blown wildfire. I compiled a list with every single suggestion you guys threw at me though, and next time I'm running low on enthusiasm for metal that will be the first place I'll go to start branching out.

Now, onto one of the best albums I've heard so far this year:
I hadn't heard of this band up until this release, but apparently they formed in 1979. This is pure retro NWoBHM, and it is executed flawlessly. It wouldn't be completely apt to call this a throwback album, since these guys were helping form the scene back in the 80s, but rarely do these modern day old-skool records kick so much ass.

Satan - Siege Mentality


haha, I have a bunch of these Florida death metal rehearsal videos on VHS. Someone seriously needs to do a documentary on all the rehearsal space in that public storage area. There were TONS of Florida death metal bands that played there.

I think there is something about it in Choosing Death. I can't really remember how much because its been a while since I've read it but I remember it talked quite a bit about the Florida scene and Morrisound Studios. Great book.
So, half the year is up pretty much. What are your guys favorite albums so far?

For me, in no particular order:

  • Helloween - Straight Out Of Hell
  • Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
  • Children Of Bodom - Halo of Blood
  • Black Sabbath - 13
  • Volbeat - Outlaw Gentlemen and Shady Ladies
I think there is something about it in Choosing Death. I can't really remember how much because its been a while since I've read it but I remember it talked quite a bit about the Florida scene and Morrisound Studios. Great book.

Yea I have that book. It mentions the briefly about the public storage space rehearsals, but mostly talks about all the death metal bands out of Florida.

There's a video out there that talks about it to an extent, maybe 15 minutes. Shows Morbid Angel, Nocturnus, Iced Earth, and I think Malevolent Creation rehearsing in those public storage places. Then they also talk briefly about the "meeting" place for all Florida death metal bands at the public market space where there is a music store that James Murphy worked at, haha.


Poet Centuriate
Mudface - Anti-

Picked up for $5 at Mayhem. Not bad for a full-length album. I was honestly really surprised by this album. Despite the really generic, low-budget packaging, the album has some really quite good audio production values. The guitars are really really crunchy and have that really fuzzy roar to them. Vocals are crisp. Drums sound really good.

The vocalist is kinda in the same boat too. He's got a lot of energy which really comes through well, but he's just kinda a generic thrash vocalist. He honestly sounds at times a little like Phil Anselmo. He also will occasionally switch from his thrashy shout to these weird occasional pitched flourishes. Not sure what to think about them because he's not a bad singer but they just feel out of place. He has this nice clean vocal bridge on "Warbeast" that isn't all that bad or out of place, though it's really bad on "I Am The Temple". But he's honestly not that bad by any means.

Overall, some really good, straight up thrash metal. Fun, inventive riffs abound though this album. A lot of the riffs have this really groovy bounce to them. The drummer doesn't seem to be anything special but he definitely does his job well. It's very tight and holds the band together well. "Killshot" and "Knuckles" are some really fun songs with some fun choruses.

We Gave It Hell - EP

No cover. Basically, it was a CDr with some stuff printed on it and in a cheap paper sleeve.

Picked 4-track EP/demo this up for $1 at Mayhem. Young group in their 20s from Las Vegas.

It's more or less your standard metalcore fare. Lots of breakdowns, bass drops, and clean choruses. Some of the choruses are honestly rather catchy, specifically "The King Will Fall" and "Dead to Me," but the other are honestly just kinda awkward. As are the lyrics. Very immature in terms of their lyrically talents, but there is some promise there.

The guitars are kinda generic in sound and riff, but they do have the occasional little lick that makes you perk up. Really awkward electronic and piano bits pop up here and there, too. The vocalist pretty run of the mill; good at what he does, but kinda cookiecutter. Their clean vocal segments also I think there are some pitch correction studio tricks? I noticed they had trouble hitting the clean section live vocally, so maybe. Still kinda catchy at times. Drums are actually really good though.

Production-wise, I was honestly expecting a lot worse. The harsh vocals really shouldn't have been recorded with that much reverb, but that's really about it. Drums and guitars sound pretty good for an indie metal group.

Distances - Ages

Found this for free on bandcamp doing a little exploring. Post-metal/sludge group from Albuquerque, NM.

At times, very reminiscent of ISIS. At times very atmospheric, very slow, very heavy. At others, fast, chaotic, and very aggressive without losing the artistic atmosphere of the album. I'm a sucker for albums that play off thematics and motifs and this has it. The opening, intermission, and closing tracks all play off similar riffs and evolve off each other. That was cool too hear.

Some kinda subpar production though. Very lo-fi. Guitars are really fuzzy, which for parts of the album work, but when they should probably be very smooth and shimmering, they tend not to be. The cymbals on the drums are kinda buzzy too, though the drums themselves are really quite good. Vocals though, are really buzzy and distant sounding and sound like they were recorded on a really cheap microphone.

Speaking of vocals, their main vocalist isn't all that good. He's not that bad, but very one note. The weakness of both his vocal skills They put the vocals back in the mix, like I would expect them too, but the buzzy recording makes it hard to tell the vocals "trees" from the guitar "forest." Their bassist comes in with some female harsh vocals now and again too. Same issues with recording, but she add some nice texture and change of pace vocally, though she's not as good as the lead singer. Bass is rather quiet in the mix too, but just adds to the "wall of sound" approach at parts.

The riffs are really bass heavy and crushing. The riffs are really smart and, at least to me, they seem to get even smarter the farther into the album it gets. They are seriously some really fun riffs strewn throughout the album. The even use a lot of effect pedals to really great lengths. The drummer is really quite good too. He knows when he just need to let the songs breathe and give space in the tracks really well. They are honestly really strong at the slower, less distorted moments; its here where they really remind me of ISIS, rather than the heavier sections where they remind me more of a hardcore-ish metal band. "Sans Wander" is a really sick track.

Overall, not a bad album at all. If you're a fan of ISIS or the like, this would be a good album to pick up.


First post in the metal thread yay, I just listened to black breath - home of the grave and it gave me flashbacks of buying entombed's to ride.. sooooooo good.
if anyone has any other good related songs let me know

T.M. MacReady

So, half the year is up pretty much. What are your guys favorite albums so far?

For me, in no particular order:

  • Helloween - Straight Out Of Hell
  • Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
  • Children Of Bodom - Halo of Blood
  • Black Sabbath - 13
  • Volbeat - Outlaw Gentlemen and Shady Ladies

You and I are proving great minds think alike. Excellent picks.

Halo of Blood especially. After two bad Bodom albums, to hear a more raw, aggressive album is so great. And "Shape Shifter" on the new Amon Amarth is a song I cant stop playing. It embodies everything I love about that band.


Neo Member
So, half the year is up pretty much. What are your guys favorite albums so far?

Rough order
  • Ghost--Infestissumam
  • Amon Amarth--Deceiver of the Gods
  • Avantasia--The Mystery of Time
  • Rotting Christ--Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy
  • Children of Bodom--Halo of Blood

I feel like DotG and TMoT are better albums than Infestissumam on a musical level, but I've been listening to Infestissumam so much more. It's a more enjoyable record.


Favorite metal albums so far this year, no order:

  • Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods
  • The Black Dahlia Murder - Everblack
  • Ghost - Infestissumam
  • Kylesa - Ultraviolet
  • Power Trip - Manifest Decimation
  • Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories)
  • Volbeat - Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies
So, half the year is up pretty much. What are your guys favorite albums so far?

More or less in no order:

The Black Dahlia Murder - Everblack
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Persefone - Spiritual Migration
Autopsy - The Headless Ritual

Honestly, I think that's all I've listened to. I need to pick up Kylesa's new album among other things.


Good metal albums this year:

The Living Infinite - Soilwork
Coal - Leprous
Wisdom of Crowds - Bruce Soord and Jonas Renkse
Spiritual Migration - Persefone
All is one - Orphaned Land
One of Use is the Killer - The Dillinger Escape Plan
Circle - Amorphis
Halo of Blood - Children of Bodom
Old Mornings Dawn - Summoning
Heart of Oak - Anciients
Altered State - TesseracT
Infestissumam - Ghost
Construct - Dark Tranquillity
Beyond - Omnium Gatherum
Vertikal - Cult of Luna
Bloodsvept - Finntroll

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn
Cauchemar - Tenebrario
A Pale Horse Named Death - Lay My Soul to Waste
Orchid - The Mouths of Madness
Blood Ceremony - The Eldritch Dark

Uh... that's it? I guess I need to hear the new Satan, Månegarm and Autopsy, though....


Whenever the album name is put first instead of the band name, I always start thinking to myself: "I don't know any of these bands."
Which song do you guys think is the best one?
For me it's Vindication. It really feels like old Queensrÿche through and through.

My personal fave is probably Where Dreams Go To Die. What an absolutely wicked comeback album, it's way better than I expected it to be.

So, half the year is up pretty much. What are your guys favorite albums so far?

Stratovarius - Nemesis
Queensryche - Queensryche
Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
Helloween - Straight Out of Hell
Finntroll - Blodsvept
Avantasia - The Mystery of Time

So far, at least. And an extra special "fuck you" to Super Collider for being the biggest piece of fecal waste ever.


[*]Kylesa - Ultraviolet
lol randomly decided to check out a band from your list (not really up to date with metal this year, kinda stuck in listening old stuff over and over again idk why :( )

only listened to the first song that came up on youtube (unspoken in this case) and really liked it
talk about blind luck finding a good band ^^

also sen 2 people mention the new volbeat, really that good then?
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