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The Metal Thread

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This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
New Krallice material coming soon, with Vindsval/Blut Aus Nord. They plan on touring in the near future as well.

The American black metal band Krallice spent a week in the studio in July, and one of the guitarists, Colin Marston (also of Behold … The Arctopus, Gorguts and Dysrhythmia fame), took some time out of his busy schedule playing and recording to give D.U. the lowdown via email.

"The split was originally to be with Blut Aus Nord, but Vindsval—the mastermind behind BAN—has been putting out so many releases under that name that he decided maybe the split should be with a new project he’s staring, called Vjeshitza. Debemur Morti, who has released all the BAN albums over the last three years, will most likely be the label. That’s the plan, anyway.”

As for what Krallice fans can expect from their side of the split, Colin explains that “all three songs we are recording are shorter than usual for us and perhaps display more diversity. One of the Mick [Barr, guitar]-initiated songs is potentially our busiest, ‘progiest’ song yet, whereas his other song is our most restrained and simple piece. As usual, both of his songs were written a couple years ago. We’ve been developing the arrangements together for what seems like forever, changing details as we go.

“My song for this recording is part three of a loose series begun on Diotima—”Litany of Regrets” being part one and “Telluric Rings” being part two. It’s on the dronier, more meditative side, but features very active bass parts. We should end up with a pretty compelling small collection of songs, and then … who knows!?”


I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.



I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.


Just don't listen to death / melodeath / black metal then? I would look into Thrash, Traditional, Progressive, etc. Some fairly recent stuff:

Megadeth - Endgame
Symphony X - Iconoclast
Heathen - Evolution of Chaos
Machine Head - The Blackening (If you like Pantera this is a highlight)
Testament - Dark Roots Of The Earth
Queensryche - Queensryche(2013)
Baroness - Blue Album (Highlight since you like Mastodon)
Black Sabbath - 13
Exodus - Tempo Of The Damned
I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.

How about this?

Or this?

One more which I posted in case you may have missed it..
I'm a sucker for early 90's death metal production though and like a certain amount of rawness and even muddiness in my death metal.

Me too, I cant stand modern brickwalled production on death metal albums. Death metal is supposed to sound ugly and relentless, not overproduced chugging acrobatics. Still kind of having doubts on the new Carcass album because that fucker Andy Sneap is mixing it, ugh. Same with all modern thrash metal production, pretty much turned into a groovefest. No more grit in thrash.

Effigy of the Forgotten has the right amounts of rawness and muddiness, unfortunately they took the muddiness to 11 on BtS.

Pure steamrolling album almost to the point where every song sounded the same, but still love the album. And yes, Breeding The Spawn with Pierced From Within production would be fucking amazing. Despise The Sun EP had a great sound, too bad it was too short :(
I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.


I used to feel the exact same way about COB. I LOVED their music but that vocals annoyed the shit out of me.

But one day I just listed to one of their albums and the vocals didn't bug me anymore.
I used to feel the exact same way about COB. I LOVED their music but that vocals annoyed the shit out of me.

But one day I just listed to one of their albums and the vocals didn't bug me anymore.

I'm trying to recall exactly when harsh vocals eventually clicked with me. It was probably when I discovered Amon Amarth/In Flames/CoB back when I was in high school and the music was so fucking good I just kept listening til it clicked. Have zero issues with it now, obviously. It's weird even trying to remember just how much I disliked it at first though. Can't imagine it these days.


Poet Centuriate
I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.


So, like, don't listen to those subgenres that used them. I can kinda understand getting sick of it though. I mean, I like most of them, but I understand. There's still some good thrash and progressive stuff out there.

Also, you do know that Mastodon have three lead vocalists, right? They all share singing duty.


Australian metal visionaries Ne Obliviscaris have seen their song, 'And Plague Flowers The Kaleidoscope' included in a teaching curriculum at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, one of Australia's most prestigious classical conservatories. The song will undergo a compositional analysis by Professor Matthew Hindson, Chair of Composition at the conservatorium.

Matthew Hindson is a world renowned classical composer whose works have been performed by ensembles and orchestras throughout the world. His recent ballet music, for example, has been presented by such companies as the Birmingham Royal Ballet, the San Francisco Ballet and the National Ballet of Japan.

The full article can be viewed here :

The song can be viewed here :

Holy shit!
So the new Amon Amarth has me listening to their previous albums. I started with Twilight of the Thunder God. Man, I forgot how good it is. I guess Surtur Rising soured me away from them a bit. Gonna keep going back in reverse order.

Also, the new Amon Amarth has me listening to Manowar's Gods of War. Don't lie guys, some songs on Deceiver of the Gods reminded you of Gods of War :p

I'm trying to recall exactly when harsh vocals eventually clicked with me. It was probably when I discovered Amon Amarth/In Flames/CoB back when I was in high school and the music was so fucking good I just kept listening til it clicked. Have zero issues with it now, obviously. It's weird even trying to remember just how much I disliked it at first though. Can't imagine it these days.

HAHA I'm in the same boat now. Days without being able to listen of AA or CoB seem like such dark, lonely, sad days. Also workouts would be boring.

Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls (Orion Festival)

With all the pro shot videos they do for Metallica TV, why can't they release more DVDs and Blu-Rays than they do?



I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.

It probably won't help you get over it, but I always felt that growling vs. clean was analogous to distorted vs. acoustic guitar. You don't always need one or the other, but many times it just isn't right without it. Imagine COB if it were entirely acoustic. Might be interesting, but wouldn't nearly have the same effect.
So I'm jumping back into Summoning after a long hiatus. I gave them a listen a few years back, liked it, but for whatever reason haven't listened to them much since.

Old Morning's Dawn is pretty sweet thus far, definitely not something I'd listen to every day but I dig it.
I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.


Amon Amarth and Mastodon's "Leviathan" album were my personal gateway drugs from avoiding harsher vocals, to ignoring, to actively liking.

Amon amarth helped because they are so frequently legible despite the growl.

Bands with vocals so shrieky that they no longer seem like words at all also helped me transition because it didn't feel like shrieked/screamed/growled vocals, it felt like a strange different distorted electric instrument.


My gateway into harsh vocals was Opeth and Soilwork. I found that the alternating awesome, melodic clean vocals and the harsh ones really helped ease me into it all. It provided a good contrast and a logical reason for the harsh vocals to be there in the first place.
I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.


If you can use the term cookie monster vocals, forget metal.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I can understand someone not liking harsh vocals, but it annoys me when they say they "all sound the same". Not every growled vocals are similar. I find that if I take a sample of Euro flower metal singers they often have less variety than a sample of (skilled) death or black metal vocalists.
I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals. It seems every metal band sounds the same with the Cookie Monster vocals. I wish I could buy the new COB album without vocals because Alexi is Dimebag reincarnated. I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively. Mastodons last two albums were amazing to me because the dude knows when to sing clean and when to kick in the screaming where appropriate.


What about bands such as Dream Theater? Listen to songs like Panic Attack, or In the Name of God.


I can understand someone not liking harsh vocals, but it annoys me when they say they "all sound the same". Not every growled vocals are similar. I find that if I take a sample of Euro flower metal singers they often have less variety than a sample of (skilled) death or black metal vocalists.
Yeah, it's like saying all guitars sound the same.


I'm so fucking hyped for the new Carcass. Please be good.

Same here. I have high hopes. They really killed it at MDF. Also here's the album cover:



I really want to get into modern metal but I can't get over the vocals......I don't mind some screaming when it's used effectively.

It's not for me because of the power metal overtones (i have the reverse issue to you...cleans sound terrible these days) but the new album by Structure Of Inhumanity called Completion Integration might be your thing. It's got the harsh vocals you're not fond of, coupled with the riffs of Melodeath paired with a preponderance for soaring cleans thanks to ties with Power Metal acts like Pyramaze and Suspyre.
For example -

I'm so fucking hyped for the new Carcass. Please be good.

Apparently track 5 is supposed to be fantastic.


So I'm jumping back into Summoning after a long hiatus. I gave them a listen a few years back, liked it, but for whatever reason haven't listened to them much since.

Old Morning's Dawn is pretty sweet thus far, definitely not something I'd listen to every day but I dig it.

I'm surprised to see so many people in this thread saying they like the new Summoning album. It's not a very good album to my ears. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Summoning, but their new one is pretty bland.

Caladan Brood basically made a superior Summoning album with their debut earlier this year.

If you haven't heard it, here is a great track from the album:
Summoning are still fairly new to these ears, I could just be liking the new one because it's fairly fresh and haven't heard much else by them, but who knows.

As far as finding all harsh vocalists sounding the same, chances are you just aren't exposed to enough in that style. Same with all styles I would imagine.
Summoning are still fairly new to these ears, I could just be liking the new one because it's fairly fresh and haven't heard much else by them, but who knows.

Summoning has matured and slightly varied over the years. I still prefer Dol Guldur and Stronghold, with the latter being a bit more grand and operatic in scale.


I can understand someone not liking harsh vocals, but it annoys me when they say they "all sound the same". Not every growled vocals are similar. I find that if I take a sample of Euro flower metal singers they often have less variety than a sample of (skilled) death or black metal vocalists.
You shouldn't be annoyed. Its just a matter of somebody not being 'tuned' to it like we are.

Lots of people cant tell the difference between a V8 and a V12 engine.

Lots of people couldn't tell a Strat from a Les Paul based on sound.

Lots of people don't notice the difference between 720p and 1080p.

Its pretty normal to not really be able to tap into the more intricate merits of 'metal' if you're not that interested in it, and thus hardly exposed to it. The 'not liking it' part directly contributes to not really learning the distinctions within it. I mean, I hate to be a broken record, but a lot of 'true' metal fans like to say that most all metalcore sounds the same, but it doesn't. No more than all these death metal bands sound the same. But people actually interested in it get 'tuned' to it and can hear the differences.

Its perfectly normal.


I can get into harsh vocals if I don't have to pay attention to understand them, otherwise they just kinda fade into the music and become another instrument for me.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Caladan Brood basically made a superior Summoning


Never. Caladan Brood is decent, but they are not superior to Summoning in any possible fucking way. They will always be a pale copy.

You shouldn't be annoyed. Its just a matter of somebody not being 'tuned' to it like we are.
I realize that. Perhaps I should have clarified that I'm annoyed when I hear this kind of statement from someone who should know better.




Never. Caladan Brood is decent, but they are not superior to Summoning in any possible fucking way. They will always be a pale copy.

I realize that. Perhaps I should have clarified that I'm annoyed when I hear this kind of statement from someone who should know better.

I'm not saying the band is superior. I'm saying their album is superior to Summoning's new one. Classic Summoning is untouchable.


Been thinking about the clean / dirty vocals a bunch lately and the notion that singing, to the religious, is a way to praise God -- to use your voice to make beauty. I think it is totally fitting then for extreme bands to do the opposite -- to make ugliness with their bodies, to even hurt themselves, as a part of their music. It is a kind of blasphemy.

I swear I am not high.
I love dirty, growling vocals. They kind of fit my attitude...I guess. If anything I'm actually not much of a fan of most clean vocals in metal, especially the operatic kind. It works in places (for example, I like it when Dimmu Borgir does it) but, most of the time it seems to just not fit what I'm looking for.


Listening to ADTOE again has me pretty excited for Dream Theater's next album. This stuff really was a sort of return to form. Yeah the songs are still cheesy at times, but they hit the right buttons for what I want out of a Dream Theater album. I'm pretty excited to see what another album fully separated and free from Portnoy will do for their creativity. I'm also excited to hear what Mangini brings to the table.

The fact that they're doing a self-titled album now is pretty interesting, too. It's a statement of "this is us now." I have to wonder how bitter Portnoy is about that.

And on that note I'm also interested in LaBrie's upcoming solo album, since Peter Wichers of Soilwork fame is helping write.


So I haven't listened to much new metal in the last few years so I've been catching up. I'm really disappointed by the current state of some of my favorite bands: Kamelot, Scar Symmetry, and Dark Tranquility. Kamelot and Scar Symmetry seemed to have changed vocalist which in essence just changes the entire sound of the band, and I'm not a fan of the new vocalists at all. Dark Tranquility on the other hand seems to have lost the melodic part of melodic death metal...now they seem to be rhythm above anything else, which is making their latest album pretty forgettable to me.
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