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The Metal Thread

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Poet Centuriate
So, the other day I find myself at Amoeba Records, cause I was checking out the Haight in SF and was like "well, might as well" picked up like 4 clearance metal CDs for under $9 collectively. So not bad.

One of them I picked up though was Hugi - Solarliod. Now, you know the saying, don't judge a book by it's cover? Well that usually applies to the quality of the product and not the genre. Generally, when browsing metal, you are able roughly figure out what subgenre a record is gonna be; BM albums have a look, metalcore albums have a look, etc. So, I see this record and everything about the packaging screams "progressive metal" or "post-metal" or something along those lines; the cover is really minimalist and features a black and white solar eclipse, the CD art and the liner booklet are all covered in really stylish artwork that are basically modern astronomical/stargazing charts done up in a really cool style (like serious, it's some good looking stuff), the tracks are simply named "Solarliod I" to "Solarliod X" so on and so on. So you can kinda see why I was thinking that this would be sorta an artsy, maybe ambient-tinged, space-y metal record.

But I was sorely mistaken. It's all just some shitty black metal. Boring riffs, ultra-shitty recording production (like seriously, I know "lo-fi" is like the calling card of black metal but this shit just unlistenable), the short "thank you's" in the liner notes went out to all the "true Pagan warriors!" :)lol, k bro.), blah blah blah. Oh well, I guess there was probably a reason it was only 2 bucks.

(For the curious, the other three records were Anthrax - Among the Living, Chelsea Grin - Desolation of Eden, Born from Pain - Sands of Time)
I keep listening to the same stuff all the time, can someone recommend me something pleaseee? looking for something really raw and aggressive, "dirty" vocals appreciated. nothing polished or melodic
just fast & loud & good and filled with hate :D


Poet Centuriate
I keep listening to the same stuff all the time, can someone recommend me something pleaseee? looking for something really raw and aggressive, "dirty" vocals appreciated. nothing polished or melodic
just fast & loud & good and filled with hate :D

do you care about the genre at all? Like, "no -core" or anything like that?


Redmond's Baby
I keep listening to the same stuff all the time, can someone recommend me something pleaseee? looking for something really raw and aggressive, "dirty" vocals appreciated. nothing polished or melodic
just fast & loud & good and filled with hate :D

German trash bands like early Kreator, Sodom...


Poet Centuriate
German trash bands like early Kreator, Sodom...
thanks! definitely the right direction! need to keep an eye out for more trashy stuff like this

out of all of these I liked nails and hollow tongue the most, they're actually quite good. especially hollow tongue, kinda fast & simple with my kind of vocals
some of the other stuff was..how do I put this...too "elaborate" and at parts just too melodic for my tastes, just not my thing I guess but thanks a lot
I recommend the Grind Madness At The BBC compilation. The Napalm Death set is insane.

[URL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHoTPLR9RhA"]Paragon Impure[/URL]

Or you can always listen to Dystopia.

yesyesyesyes to all of this


aw yiss dragged into sunlight are one of my favs. GAF definitely knows how to hit the right spots. will listen to the other stuff too, thanks to everyone :)
I keep listening to the same stuff all the time, can someone recommend me something pleaseee? looking for something really raw and aggressive, "dirty" vocals appreciated. nothing polished or melodic
just fast & loud & good and filled with hate :D

Your description fits Nails pretty well I think.

I think you could like Ananda, their record Profane is really amazing, I still listen to it after many years. Almost nobody knows them, though.

Edit: I posted some Nostromo there by mistake, sorry
I keep listening to the same stuff all the time, can someone recommend me something pleaseee? looking for something really raw and aggressive, "dirty" vocals appreciated. nothing polished or melodic
just fast & loud & good and filled with hate :D

Nails is pretty cool.

Not hateful but...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2dVwtZR4M4

More heavy aggresssiooon

Or more early 90s groovy thrashy stuff:

I will re-iterate this because it's quite possibly the best recording Napalm Death ever had, and the best era as well.
also all Axis of Advance stuff is killer.

Your description fits Nails pretty well I think.

I think you could like Ananda, their record Profane is really amazing, I still listen to it after many years. Almost nobody knows them, though.

Edit: I posted some Nostromo there by mistake, sorry

Nails is pretty cool.

Not hateful but...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2dVwtZR4M4

More heavy aggresssiooon

Or more early 90s groovy thrashy stuff:

Orcustus - Of Sophistry, Obsession and Paranoia

That song is pretty representative of the whole album, one of my favorites.

haven't listened to everything but most of it and tbh I really dig all I heard so far.
xysma sound so evil and almost demonic it's wonderful :3
axis of advance have some mean vocals too, I like.
ananda and high on fire are also really nice and loaded with energy
orcustus are just fucking awesome, but they drive my cat insane haha. how the hell are they not more well known?
also that napalm death recording really was insane. I kinda regret that I missed them playing in my town a few days ago.
aw so much new stuff to listen to, thanks GAF
Saw Wintersun in London tonight and they were goddamn amazing. Totally knocked it out of the park. Only problem was the terrible venue staff threatening to kick people out for asking them to turn the air conditioning on when it was basically a sauna in there, and were unwilling to set up beer on tap after requests and instead sold bottles at more-insane-than-usual prices. Damper on the whole thing since everyone seemed to be drained and uncomfortable. So Metal-GAF; have any of you had any truly awful venue experiences?


Some of Criminal?? no one likes Criminal or Pentagram??

Come on guys!! give it a try!!

Preaching to the choir with Pentagram, dig 'em. Criminal, not so much...

New Trouble album is out. After one listen, kinda like it. Music still sounds like Trouble pretty much, going to take a few more listens to get used to Eric not singing and give Kyle a fair shake. I'm thinking it'll grow on me, album is odd in a few places!


Redmond's Baby
So Metal-GAF; have any of you had any truly awful venue experiences?
Yeah, when they refused to sell beer at all. We went out, screw them :)

And from wild days, when we were packed like sardines on Cannibal Corpse concert. They managed to get over 1000 people in hall with capacity of 650. Damn, my body was so sore, that i barely moved for whole week. But it was killer, with people stage diving at all (this was the only way to get to the door and breathe some fresh air). And even got high five from Corpsegrinder :D


Saw Wintersun in London tonight and they were goddamn amazing. Totally knocked it out of the park. Only problem was the terrible venue staff threatening to kick people out for asking them to turn the air conditioning on when it was basically a sauna in there, and were unwilling to set up beer on tap after requests and instead sold bottles at more-insane-than-usual prices. Damper on the whole thing since everyone seemed to be drained and uncomfortable. So Metal-GAF; have any of you had any truly awful venue experiences?

The only thing that has made a venue experience bad for me is either a shitty sound system or shitty security. I've seen both security who didn't give a fuck and do their jobs and security who overdid their jobs.....no moshing at a show involving Converge? Alrighty then.


man how cool are dystopia? like a band made for me.
thanks for the recommendation, I knew them before but never actively listened to them.
I mean holy shit.

I fucking love Dystopia(I'm not sure if I'm the one that recommended them to you). To me they're the most complete band when it comes to extreme music. In their music you'll find black metal, death metal, doom metal, sludge metal, and punk/hardcore influences so whenever I feel like listening to "metal" music without the labels Dystopia's my band of choice.

If you like Dystopia you might enjoy Acid Bath.


I fucking love Dystopia(I'm not sure if I'm the one that recommended them to you). To me they're the most complete band when it comes to extreme music. In their music you'll find black metal, death metal, doom metal, sludge metal, and punk/hardcore influences so whenever I feel like listening to "metal" music without the labels Dystopia's my band of choice.

If you like Dystopia you might enjoy Acid Bath.

I love Acid Bath so I guess I have to check out Dystopia, sounds really interesting. :p
I fucking love Dystopia(I'm not sure if I'm the one that recommended them to you). To me they're the most complete band when it comes to extreme music. In their music you'll find black metal, death metal, doom metal, sludge metal, and punk/hardcore influences so whenever I feel like listening to "metal" music without the labels Dystopia's my band of choice.

If you like Dystopia you might enjoy Acid Bath.

yes you did :)
and you're right! I also dig the lyrics and general attitude. just fucking perfect
oh thanks again, I'll check them out


Yeah, when they refused to sell beer at all. We went out, screw them :)

And from wild days, when we were packed like sardines on Cannibal Corpse concert. They managed to get over 1000 people in hall with capacity of 650. Damn, my body was so sore, that i barely moved for whole week. But it was killer, with people stage diving at all (this was the only way to get to the door and breathe some fresh air). And even got high five from Corpsegrinder :D

Fuck I cannot wait to see Corpse. Should be amazing

Edit: Some old Arch Enemy came out when I was at the gym, got my library on random, and man they aren't garbage, just different now. Even the earlier Angela stuff was better than today's.
man how cool are dystopia? like a band made for me.
thanks for the recommendation, I knew them before but never actively listened to them.
I mean holy shit.

Dystopia is fucking hilarious. Dino (drummer) is singing in another legendary band, who are local heroes to me, that you need to check out as well: Noothgrush - Oil Removed

Apparently this: http://www.spin.com/articles/pelican-forever-becoming-interview/

New Pelican Album, Forever Becoming, out Oct 15.

About fucking time. I was losing interest in them fast...well I kinda did after that last EP.
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