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The Metal Thread

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Fuck I cannot wait to see Corpse. Should be amazing

Edit: Some old Arch Enemy came out when I was at the gym, got my library on random, and man they aren't garbage, just different now. Even the earlier Angela stuff was better than today's.

I've always thought Wages of Sin was a great album. Most of the stuff after that has been hit and miss for me. I love Amott's guitar work though. I've been a fan of his since his time in Carcass.

I definitely wouldn't say they are garbage now but, to each their own I guess.


Man, I'm still amazed at the quality of Soilwork's album this year. Threw it on again this morning and it's just soooo good. It'll probably end up being my metal album of the year.


Man, I'm still amazed at the quality of Soilwork's album this year. Threw it on again this morning and it's just soooo good. It'll probably end up being my metal album of the year.

Eh...I like it, and there are some killer tracks, but there are some real duds too. *shrug*


Eh...I like it, and there are some killer tracks, but there are some real duds too. *shrug*

I guess to each his own. It's pretty perfect for me. Sure it's got some lower points, but I'd really struggle to find a dud in there at all, which is pretty crazy for a 2 disc especially in this genre.


I've always thought Wages of Sin was a great album. Most of the stuff after that has been hit and miss for me. I love Amott's guitar work though. I've been a fan of his since his time in Carcass.

I definitely wouldn't say they are garbage now but, to each their own I guess.

I saw him with Carcass a few years back. The man can shred. I still like Arch Enemy, but as you said it's very hit or miss


I just stumbled onto this pretty amazing doomy band on FB.

Irkallian Oracle - Ekstasis

Born in the year 2012 on Swedish soil, Irkallian Oracle is a musical vehicle for the Void. Drawing its art from the darkest and most horrific vaults of the Death and Black Metal tradition yet still searching ever deeper and beyond all confined artistic boundaries, it wishes to both musically and lyrically explore the ecstatic mysteries of abysmal infinitude. "Grave Ekstasis" is the first released material of Irkallian Oracle and consists of five revelations at the combined length of almost 45 minutes, and it shall function as message to all those who wish to enslave Death and Black Metal to purposeless retrospection, mediocrity and shallow ideals.

Cold thighs enclose a leap into grave Ekstasis*
Woven virtues veil howling jaws
Where my cloven tongue seek the vaulted fire
And sweep through dreams of slithering gods

The red swollen glyph is pulsating
Vomiting venom from the ancient tombs
And an eye somewhere inside stares rigid
Luring me into soul-seething swoon

Murder shrieks into halls of mildness
A hissing Horror collapsing upon hindsight
Etching distorted paths into the skin of infants
As hatched moths fly out in the Night

Angelical afterbirth conceived
Within damp caverns of oneiric fluxation
Like blooming tumors that erupt in Swadishtana
Bursts the rotten fruit of normality

Beyond the labia of lepers
And the squeals of boiling babes
Swells wondrous wounds of Scarlet Evil
A pus-anointed mystery await


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
So Varg has been released by the French authorities, no evidence of terrorist plotting. As expected. Who the hell would commit mass murder with .22 caliber rifles anyway? xD Also you had to love the Breivik comparisons, considering Breivik was a hardcore christian and Varg, well, used to burn churches.

Dude's a racist, anti-semitic nutcase and CT-mongering douchebag (seriously if you ever glimpsed at his blog, he's even more unhinged than Dave Mustaine and that's saying a lot), but the French authorities really blew it on that one. Not to mention how atrocious the reporting has been in the media, ugh.

I find it hilarious that the Varg supporters came out in drove to bitch about France being a "dictatorship" though. So, you bitch about a bunch of fascists arresting your... favourite fascist? Why, Varg should feel right at home in that country, actually. :D
I saw him with Carcass a few years back. The man can shred. I still like Arch Enemy, but as you said it's very hit or miss

I feel that people give Mike Amott way more credit than he deserves with Carcass. The meat of the riffs and ideas come from Bill Steer who has a very distinctive style whereas Amott is kind of generic. Not singling you out here, just a widespread observation when anyone talks about Amott + Carcass in the same sentence.

less talk, more fucking metal: Dekapitator - Release The Dogs


Poet Centuriate
stolen from the funny pics thread



Neo Member
Hey dudes, been lurking and keen on throwing up my band's tunes here for a while, we're like if Pantera fucked Black Sabbath and had a baby that grew up in Louisiana that turned out to be a killer riffer. We're called Diprosus and from Melbourne, Australia, check it out and let me know what you think.

http://diprosus.bandcamp.com/ Full debut EP. You can buy for $5 or download each track individually. There's also a short track called Wait For The Punchline from our upcoming 7" on there for your listening pleasure.


In case you think we're shit I'll give you some other sweet melbourne bands that are probably the coolest metal bands from Melbourne right now.

https://www.facebook.com/broozermetal Broozer - They're kind of like a tech version of the Melvins and High On Fire. The drummer in this band is crazy, hands down my favourite Melbourne band. They're album "12.04.12" isn't available online as far as I can tell, but I'm sure if you cover shipping they'll mail it out to you.

https://www.facebook.com/Motherslugband - Groovy and bluesy, just super tasty riffs flying all over the place. If you're a fan of sludge/stoner metal these are your kind of guys.

Long post, but beefy in metal content. Enjoy.
Hey dudes, been lurking and keen on throwing up my band's tunes here for a while, we're like if Pantera fucked Black Sabbath and had a baby that grew up in Louisiana that turned out to be a killer riffer. We're called Diprosus and from Melbourne, Australia, check it out and let me know what you think.

http://diprosus.bandcamp.com/ Full debut EP. You can buy for $5 or download each track individually. There's also a short track called Wait For The Punchline from our upcoming 7" on there for your listening pleasure.

This is really good. Well done. Will have to dive in properly when I'm home.

Also, MY GOD Dystopia are great. Whoever threw that one out there in this thread, damn good call, thanks!


I feel that people give Mike Amott way more credit than he deserves with Carcass. The meat of the riffs and ideas come from Bill Steer who has a very distinctive style whereas Amott is kind of generic. Not singling you out here, just a widespread observation when anyone talks about Amott + Carcass in the same sentence.

less talk, more fucking metal: Dekapitator - Release The Dogs

True, but the association with Amott is that when he came into the band and played lead guitar he brought his melodic style (generic or not) and they released their best album. Then he left and they kinda went south before they split up. Then he made AE and went from there.

I'm not saying he is the best guitar player, I can name easily five vastly better than him, but you can't deny that he can shred.

Also side note. ARSIS covering Sunglasses at Night still fucking makes me lol. I'd link it, but I'm on my phone at the moment.
True, but the association with Amott is that when he came into the band and played lead guitar he brought his melodic style (generic or not) and they released their best album. Then he left and they kinda went south before they split up. Then he made AE and went from there.

I'm not saying he is the best guitar player, I can name easily five vastly better than him, but you can't deny that he can shred.

I think the association that Amott was in the band during Carcass's "best years" is why he gets a lot of credit. Amott's presence and contributions were there, but not to the extent of what most people think. Steer just had more ideas to bounce off of Amott with the addition of a second guitarist. Carcass was and will always be Steer, Owen, Walker.

edit: Dystopia is supposed to be good? It's competent hardcore.

Take it for what it is. One of the better bands from the crust/grind/hardcore/punk days of the early 90s along with Noothgrush, Phobia, Grief, Lack of Interest, Spazz...Wouldn't be surprised if Southern Lord picked up the rights for Dystopia and re-released some limited edition 7" splits or LPs.
Does someone on Wikipedia know something that no one else does?


October 8 - Strapping Young Lad - Grotesque Necessary

Pretty sure Devin said SYL is dead, and he's too busy to have done anything in secret anyways.

From The Dev: "Just to clear things up: of course there is no new syl record in the works. Not even a riff."

Take it for what it is. One of the better bands from the crust/grind/hardcore/punk days of the early 90s along with Noothgrush, Phobia, Grief, Lack of Interest, Spazz...Wouldn't be surprised if Southern Lord picked up the rights for Dystopia and re-released some limited edition 7" splits or LPs.

I know, I've just been listening to way too many bad albums. It's been a really disappointing year for new albums, and just recommendations as well. Shit, that Tay Allyn "Mass Text" satire video was more interesting than most of the heavy music I've been recommended or were suggested on the metal threads/forums I frequent.


I think the association that Amott was in the band during Carcass's "best years" is why he gets a lot of credit. Amott's presence and contributions were there, but not to the extent of what most people think. Steer just had more ideas to bounce off of Amott with the addition of a second guitarist. Carcass was and will always be Steer, Owen, Walker.


Does someone on Wikipedia know something that no one else does?


October 8 - Strapping Young Lad - Grotesque Necessary

Pretty sure Devin said SYL is dead, and he's too busy to have done anything in secret anyways.

From The Dev: "Just to clear things up: of course there is no new syl record in the works. Not even a riff."

Probably for the better, the last album wasn't all that fantastic. SYL will always be City and Alien with some songs from the other albums in between. Plus Hoglan is doing the Dethklok thing and iirc(unless he left) he was with Fear Factory as well.

Sometimes I cannot keep up with it all lol.

And Dev, if you bring back SYL, bring back the sexy skullet


Atmosphere and vocals are incredible, but the material doesn't live up to it. It just seems like those elements are too good for the abstract doom riffs, just crushing along isn't enough.

I agree with you there. The material itself isn't anything extraordinary, but it's the atmosphere where they excel at. Something which is also pretty common with many dark ambient artists.
I think the association that Amott was in the band during Carcass's "best years" is why he gets a lot of credit. Amott's presence and contributions were there, but not to the extent of what most people think. Steer just had more ideas to bounce off of Amott with the addition of a second guitarist. Carcass was and will always be Steer, Owen, Walker.

Amott deserves credit for his time in Carcass like Marty Friedman deserves for his time in MegaDeth. Both guitarists, while not the main song writers, added an element to the band that made it better.

And before this goes any further, I'm not comparing Friedman and Amott; Friedman fucking destroys him. I'm saying they played a similar role when added to their respective bands.


Just posted this on the funny pics thread, but I think it fits here as well as the Putin-Mustaine pic, which was borrowed from my original post there.



I would kill to see Metallica like this:


No way man. Don't have a choice these days, but seeing them back when Cliff was alive, man that would have been something.

Onto some metal. Figured I would start my Saturday morning off a little old school since it has been awhile.

First Possessed

Some old Behemoth

Have to have Call of the Wintermoon in there(hell I could listen the the entire catalog)

Throw in some old Cannibal Corpse

Mix in some Entombed

With some Death

And we have a hell of a way to start a Saturday morning gentlemen. \m/

Side Note: Behemoth also covered Mayhem's Freezing Moon if you didn't know. It is actually a pretty solid cover. It is still Dead's song, but Attila is terrible when he sings this and Nergal does a good job.

Cover Here


are phones out a big thing at metal shows now? it's been years since I've been to a show and I was thinking about going to see Ghost but if my views gonna be blocked by phones I might as well stay home...
It's gotten kinda bad, but I find that I can usually sidestep it most of the time.

Most annoying thing recently was when I was front row at Skeletonwitch and some kid beside me was filming nearly the entire concert. Blocked a good bit of my view and whenever the pit would push up against us, he'd come pretty close to hitting me in the head with the phone.
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