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The Metal Thread

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Still pissed. Put $30 into the Chimaira Indiegogo and the USPS doesn't deliver it. Tracking says they did, but they screwed something up and said better luck next time. Hopefully Chimaira or the vendor will step up.
Still pissed. Put $30 into the Chimaira Indiegogo and the USPS doesn't deliver it. Tracking says they did, but they screwed something up and said better luck next time. Hopefully Chimaira or the vendor will step up.

That sucks. Someone has to step up and help you out, I would think.


Just bought tickets to this show. Quite possibly will be the craziest show I have every seen at such a small venue.

EYEHATEGOD, Agnostic Front, Cro Mags, Final Conflict, Iron Reagan, & Coke Bust

That and anyone in the DC/Baltimore that likes doom. The two day Autumn Screams Doom fest in late October has added a pre-fest with a burrito eating contest and Mike Scheidt of YOB doing his solo work.

Friday October 25th
Dopethrone (Canada)
Negative Reaction (NY)
Weed Is Weed (MD)
Serpent Throne (PA)
Iron Man (MD)
Wizard Eye (PA)
Doors at 7

Saturday October 26th
Loss (TN)
Serpentine Path (NY)
Uzala (ID, OR)
Churchburn (RI)
Druglord (VA)
Sunburster (PA)
Doors at 7


Poet Centuriate
Still pissed. Put $30 into the Chimaira Indiegogo and the USPS doesn't deliver it. Tracking says they did, but they screwed something up and said better luck next time. Hopefully Chimaira or the vendor will step up.

that's shitty. Someone needs to step up.
New TÝR, the first song that was released was "Blood of Heroes" and the album is called "Valkyrja" first album they release with Metal Blade after they got a contract with them. My mind is blown, great Art, sick sound, and I think George Kollias did a great job in the drums and Heri's vocals are always better and better with each album.

Can't wait to listen the whole album, which will be out in September 17th.

Check it out, folks:




::slides in::

Sounds great! That's definitely TYR.


I don't know if Al Jourgensen is onto something here, or if he's flipped his lid....

he also has a futuristic novel in the works called "Mindfuck." A comic book, currently in negotiations, features an "arch enemy who's based on Ted Nugent. I fight for good, for right, and this guy just shoots deer and writes songs about vaginas."

On the musical tip, Jourgensen is preparing for the release of a DVD, "Ministry: Enjoy the Quiet -- Live at Wacken 2012," and he has projects in discussion with Lil Wayne and Trent Reznor. The latter, he says, could be an all-star affair that will "wrap a bow on the entire industrial era. It's a little contrived and conceptualized, unlike the Lil Wayne thing. I don't know what the hell's gonna happen with that one."

It's hard to tell usually with Al Jourgensen.



Kyuss aka Vista Chino will be coming to town soon and I have no friends to go with. :(

Should I go alone? Has anyone ever seen em?
Kyuss aka Vista Chino will be coming to town soon and I have no friends to go with. :(

Should I go alone? Has anyone ever seen em?
I've seen them when they were Kyuss lives. It's a cool gig, just go alone! If theres a typical stoner crowd it should be no problem to find some people to talk to before or after. ;D
Dawn of Possession is their only album that I'm a fan of.

fantastic album and for a while it's the only one of theirs I listened to. After I heard Here in After though, holy shit. I really think you should give it a few more listens. I guess some people are more keen on the more standard OSDM flavor, of which Immolation's take was still way ahead and more complicated than others'. Here in After combines the old school with a modern technicality that I believe is the pinnacle of their style.


I hope that's a joke. There's no such thing as pirate metal (except Running Wild but they're just speed metal really).

On that note isn't viking metal just death metal with lyrics about vikings?

I wasn't before clicking those and I was a happier man, I urge anyone reading this to not repeat my mistake.


On that note isn't viking metal just death metal with lyrics about vikings?
Many people would say Amon Amarth is viking metal, but they are exactly what you said. Death metal with Norse-inspired lyrics. There are some bands that actually classify themselves as "viking metal," and they usually have folk elements in them.

And I'll stick up for Alestorm as well. They're a fun band. I've seen them live a few times. I can't listen to them all the time like I can with some other artists, but they're nice to listen to every now and then, and they put on a good show.


I saw Alestorm live once (was there to see Insomnium). Their music is pretty dumb, but I have to give them credit for coming up with a gimmick that encourages them to generally not give a fuck and drink during their set. I bet the gag gets old for them, though.


I wasn't before clicking those and I was a happier man, I urge anyone reading this to not repeat my mistake.
Years ago, I listened to people in this thread warning me about a band being shitty. I avoided Mastodon for years because of it and it was big mistake on my part. I love them now, but I avoided them because a guy who's opinion I respected kept saying they were shitty.
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