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The Metal Thread

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Years ago, I listened to people in this thread warning me about a band being shitty. I avoided Mastodon for years because of it and it was big mistake on my part. I love them now, but I avoided them because a guy who's opinion I respected kept saying they were shitty.

Said poster probably didn't take your lack of taste into account :p


About to head out to the Amon Amarth/Children of Bodom show in a few minutes. Both bands have albums I like but I wouldn't say I'm a super fan or anything. I'm hoping they put on a good show. Will report back.


Poet Centuriate
About to head out to the Amon Amarth/Children of Bodom show in a few minutes. Both bands have albums I like but I wouldn't say I'm a super fan or anything. I'm hoping they put on a good show. Will report back.

Same with me when I saw them at Mayhem. They were great


ugh, wtf is this.

Not a big fan of Bloodbath, but this parody shirt fucking rules:


I kind of hate it when bands rip off other band's artwork/aesthetics for merch. Bloodbath gets a pass because they are a side project that sets out to basically copy Entombed's sound, but it's just lazy to me in most other cases.


They just put their own name above Coroner's artwork. Fucking stupid.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
On that note isn't viking metal just death metal with lyrics about vikings?
if being a Viking metal band is largely having a norse image and norse inspired lyrics, then having "pirate metal" is totally within reason.
That's not what viking metal is. Viking metal is an actual recognizable sound (the folk part of their music is a key part of that sound). Bathory (Hammerheart, Twilight of the Gods, Blood on Ice, Nordland I and II), Falkenbach, Thyrfing, Månegarm, Einherjer, Mithotyn, Storm, Vintersorg, etc. On that note, Amon Amarth isn't viking metal at all, it's standard melodeath. Led Zeppelin isn't viking metal for The Immigrant Song either. >_<
Whereas so-called "pirate metal" is just standard speed/power metal with pirate-themed lyrics. There's no "pirate" sound.


Poet Centuriate

That's not what viking metal is. Viking metal is an actual recognizable sound (the folk part of their music is a key part of that sound). Bathory (Hammerheart, Twilight of the Gods, Blood on Ice, Nordland I and II), Falkenbach, Thyrfing, Månegarm, Einherjer, Mithotyn, Storm, Vintersorg, etc. On that note, Amon Amarth isn't viking metal at all, it's standard melodeath. Led Zeppelin isn't viking metal for The Immigrant Song either. >_<
Whereas so-called "pirate metal" is just standard speed/power metal with pirate-themed lyrics. There's no "pirate" sound.

I'm literally baffled as to why you're even bringing Zeppelin into this. One themed song =/= a body of themed work and appearance. :lol

Any, just using your own site, it looks like a majority of the bands that feature pirate lyrics aren't even "speed/power metal". There's a lot of heavy and folk it looks like, honestly. Not that the Metal Archives are a great barometer, but still. And, I would say there's definitely a pirate sound added that is much analogous to perhaps southern metal: certain riffs and motifs musically (bluegrass/country-influence or chanty-derived stuff), vocals with a certain timbre or cadence (a southern twang or a pirate's "Yarrr"-ing snarl), folk instruments (banjo/lap steel/slide guitar or fiddle/fife), lyrical themes (drinking or...well drinking :p), etc.

I won't deny that it's hokey or cheesy, because it is. Though there are a lot of metal genres that fit that bill for me, too (I'm looking at you, black metal.)


Mid show update: Huntress might be the worst thing I've ever heard. The singer came out in a cape and it was all downhill from there.



That's not what viking metal is. Viking metal is an actual recognizable sound (the folk part of their music is a key part of that sound). Bathory (Hammerheart, Twilight of the Gods, Blood on Ice, Nordland I and II), Falkenbach, Thyrfing, Månegarm, Einherjer, Mithotyn, Storm, Vintersorg, etc. On that note, Amon Amarth isn't viking metal at all, it's standard melodeath. Led Zeppelin isn't viking metal for The Immigrant Song either. >_<
Whereas so-called "pirate metal" is just standard speed/power metal with pirate-themed lyrics. There's no "pirate" sound.

So viking metal is black metal with some folk metal parts? Can't we call it just that? I feel like there are way too many subgenres as it is.


Hey guys, if you're into rock I really want to get everyone together to make a competent general Rock thread to catch all of the band don't quite fit into Metal or Punk, I'm pretty up on new releases so I'd like to contribute a notable release list, but frankly I'm not as skilled at making nice looking OPs fit with banners and graphics so if anyone would like to make the thread or help make the thread let me know please : )
I kind of hate it when bands rip off other band's artwork/aesthetics for merch. Bloodbath gets a pass because they are a side project that sets out to basically copy Entombed's sound, but it's just lazy to me in most other cases.


They just put their own name above Coroner's artwork. Fucking stupid.

yea I hate it too. At least with Bloodbath it makes sense because its Entombed worship. Love the details of the Boss HM2 pedal as a tombstone and the buzzsaw innuendo "buzzsaw" sound.

Man, that Misery Index shirt is fucking lazy.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
About to head out to the Amon Amarth/Children of Bodom show in a few minutes. Both bands have albums I like but I wouldn't say I'm a super fan or anything. I'm hoping they put on a good show. Will report back.


That's not what viking metal is. Viking metal is an actual recognizable sound (the folk part of their music is a key part of that sound). Bathory (Hammerheart, Twilight of the Gods, Blood on Ice, Nordland I and II), Falkenbach, Thyrfing, Månegarm, Einherjer, Mithotyn, Storm, Vintersorg, etc. On that note, Amon Amarth isn't viking metal at all, it's standard melodeath. Led Zeppelin isn't viking metal for The Immigrant Song either. >_<
Whereas so-called "pirate metal" is just standard speed/power metal with pirate-themed lyrics. There's no "pirate" sound.

How can you listen to a band like Alestorm and not have many sounds from most songs remind you of pirates? Just about every sound coming from the keyboards sounds like something you'd associate with a pirate.

Unless you mean they aren't playing on pirate instruments, like using a wooden leg to bang on drums.
How can you listen to a band like Alestorm and not have many sounds from most songs remind you of pirates? Just about every sound coming from the keyboards sounds like something you'd associate with a pirate.

Unless you mean they aren't playing on pirate instruments, like using a wooden leg to bang on drums.

Yeah, I have no idea what authentic period instruments would be for an aspiring Captain Shred-beard, but when I first heard alestorm the instruments' melodies definitely felt fitting for a pirate theme.

Don't know shit about northern european folk music either so the only thing currently making Viking metal more legit than pirate metal in my eyes is sheer quantity of bands operating with that theme. As GLORIOUS as I find Amon Amarth to be I just think of em as melo-death.


I saw CoB in St. Louis last night. They put on a decent set. Amon Amarth played after and despite not caring about them previously, they fucking blew me away.
I recently discovered the band Intronaut and was immediately amazed. I love them, especially the bass parts on Valley of Smoke. "Above" is my new favorite song, I think. Do they deliver live? Could've seen them back in april since they played a show near me, but I didn't know them back then. Sucks.

Well, thank you for listening!


Years ago, I listened to people in this thread warning me about a band being shitty. I avoided Mastodon for years because of it and it was big mistake on my part. I love them now, but I avoided them because a guy who's opinion I respected kept saying they were shitty.

You only have to listen to one song to see if you might like a band or not. I don't know why you'd AVOID bands because of someone else's opinion.


I recently discovered the band Intronaut and was immediately amazed. I love them, especially the bass parts on Valley of Smoke. "Above" is my new favorite song, I think. Do they deliver live? Could've seen them back in april since they played a show near me, but I didn't know them back then. Sucks.

Well, thank you for listening!

I saw them about six years ago when they opened for Isis and IMO they were 1000% better live than on record.


I generally listen to at least an album. But yeah, was dumb.

Personally, what I usually do is just try out one or two songs from a band to see if I might dig them or not. Then I put them on a list of bands to listen to. When I reach them on the list, then I listen to their best rated albums. If I love those albums, then I'll give the others a shot.


So, I saw Children of Bodom and Amon Amarth last night.

Huntress opened the show and as I posted earlier, were just about the worst thing ever. Seriously, their singer is absolutely awful. She sounds like she's trying to do a King Diamond impression and failing miserably. She also came out in a cape and spent most of the show doing awkward poses on stage.

Next was Battlecross. I guess these guys are somewhat popular now? I saw a few of their shirts sprinkled among the crowd. I... don't get it. I'm not sure I could pick this band out of a lineup of 1. I wouldn't go so far as to call them terrible but I feel like everything about them has been done 100 times over. The best part of their set was when they covered Fucking Hostile.

Children of Bodom were decent but I was a little surprised by how bland their show was. They really just seemed to be going through the motions. I'll admit that I haven't heard anything from their last few albums beyond that one song that sounds like Dissection. Thankfully, their setlist had a lot of older material that I was familiar with, which was fun, but I think I'm just not into what CoB has to offer anymore.

Side note: I never noticed before last night but the resemblance between Alexi and Nikki Sixx is uncanny.

Amon Amarth was easily the highlight of the night, as they should being the headliner. The band played tight, the setlist was great, and the crowd was super into it. I was planning on leaving about half way through their set but I ended up staying for the whole thing.

Overall, pretty meh experience but I'm glad I finally got to see Amon Amarth.


Toward the end of the month, as part of a festival I'm going to I'm going to see Scott Kelly's solo project with some form of a band...not sure what this will sound like as he's never performed it with a band. It will be Scott Kelly & Noah Landis of Neurosis, Greg Dale & Mike Williams of Eyehategod doing some version of the dark folk acoustic stuff Scott Kelly does solo.

I love Alestorm, but I get why they make so many people cringe. It's jaunty and fun, and while they aren't my favorite band by any means I totally dig them.

If you don't like them, then you are sure to hate their main man's new band, Gloryhammer.


The fun is at war with the cringing cheesiness, and I think the fun is winning...

I applaud people for having the ability to do this with a straight face.

edit: I really, really like the scott kelly song linked on this page. gonna have to listen to all of this guy's solo stuff.


I love Alestorm, but I get why they make so many people cringe. It's jaunty and fun, and while they aren't my favorite band by any means I totally dig them.

If you don't like them, then you are sure to hate their main man's new band, Gloryhammer.


I love this kind of cheesyness. But it has to come with some kind of genuinity and talent. Which this band seemingly has :)

Many metal heads really need to lighten up and take a step back and get some perspective. The stance that everything needs to be "trve" and "brvtal" is kinda silly.
I've been listening to a ton of old school Thrash Metal. My buddy showed me the albums Epidemic of Violence and Extreme Hatred. Both amazing albums, check them out if you enjoy the genre. Or I'm pretty sure that most of you are already savvy enough to know of those bands, but if you haven't, there you go.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
For those interested in Bloodstock Festival but who can't attend, it's currently streamable live from Metal Archives:


First band is currently playing as I post this and they suck ass xD but the lineup gets better. Enjoy!

So viking metal is black metal with some folk metal parts? Can't we call it just that? I feel like there are way too many subgenres as it is.
Nah, that's just black/folk, which is something else. ;) The sound is different. Think Nokturnal Mortum vs Bathory. Though in some cases the lines do blur, but that happens with every genre (death/thrash, death/black, black/thrash, prog/power etc.)
I am having a little problem.

In a metal slump. I really enjoyed Testament's last album "Dark Roots of Earth" and I am looking foward to the new Avenged Sevenfold. Evile new stuff is keeping me entertained.

And I am DYING to see what Slayer has planned.

In the mean time, can anyone reccommend some good new stuff that is in that sort of wheelhouse? No harder than Slayer, Lamb of God, Evile, etc, but no softer either. That is kind of my metal taste range but I am looking for something new. Any tips?

Thank you!


Hmm. I think you might like Black Sabbath - 13.

There's a new Sodom and Suicidal Tendencies out, but I've not listened to them. They might be of interest to you however, as it seems you like a bit of thrash.
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