I fucking love this album. I enjoy most of their records, but Black One is by far the most dynamic and "accessible" of all of them. I actually think it's a really engaging listen — not background music at all when compared to some of their other stuff.How does everyone feel about Sunn 0)))?
I just queued up Black One to rewind after work.....good background music.
I was pretty disappointed with this because I loved all their other releases. I like that they finally implemented all the orchestral bits, but then they completely crushed the dynamics of it with the mix. Occasionally when they drop the drums or guitars to let some of it shine through it sounds amazing, but most of the time you're left with a cluttered and less memorable version of their old stuff.Full stream for the new Fleshgod Apocalypse album, Labyrinth, is up, just fyi.
I fucking love this album. I enjoy most of their records, but Black One is by far the most dynamic and "accessible" of all of them. I actually think it's a really engaging listen not background music at all when compared to some of their other stuff.
I actually just read today that Southern Lord is doing a vinyl re-release of it. Neat-o.
Can we all agree to retire this tired argument? You like it. Awesome. You dont. Listen to what you do like. It really is that simple.
Can we all agree to retire this tired argument? You like it. Awesome. You dont. Listen to what you do like. It really is that simple.
Spoken like a man that likes Pantera.
Spoken like a man that likes Pantera.
Pantera had the top 3 vocalist and guitar player of all time. Period. Im open for arguing. I'll throw down Pit.
With you so far...Nu Metal is rock, not metal. Nu Metal belongs in the metal section as much as Paula Abdul belongs in the rock section. If you like the stuff more power to you, but it categorically is not metal.
Errr what? Are you saying that WASP - Animal (Fuck Like a Beast) isn't a metal song? Or Judas Priest's many sexually charged songs? Or Cannibal Corpse's? Nu-metal ain't metal, no, but it's because of how the music sounds, not because of lyrical themes... -_-Metal is guitar driven music primarily focused on themes of strife and/or self empowerment. Nu Metal is primarily rhythmic music with themes that frequently dip into sexual and/or other themes relating to self gratification. Big differences here. You won't find a metal song about how you did it all for the nookie because it simply doesn't fit the overall genre.
Well, there are certain attributes that make deathcore what it is, and I don't like them. So obviously if a band features these attributes, I'm going to dislike them, even if they also have attributes from styles I do like. I also can't stand the DJ scratching or noises, or rapping, so if a band features them I'm going to automatically hate them, even if there's a decent riff at some point. It's not rocket science.I said nothing about having to like what I do, I'm just not a fan of broad comments like that when tags don't always represent all the elements to a song/band
Who said anything about being "concerned"? Someone asked a question and I answered. And you talked about image not with regards to what is or isn't metal, but about my hating of deathcore. It appears you can't even keep track of your own argument.and being concerned about how 'metal' something is - entirely an issue of image
lolPantera had the top 3 vocalist and guitar player of all time. Period.
Doesn't really matter if the music they produced was shit.
How is that any different from what you're doing? Pot, kettle.Does it really matter if you can't produce a singe point of argument outside of personal preference?
How is that any different from what you're doing? Pot, kettle.
Genre arguing is beyond stupid. Genres should be a guide to help you find new music not a way to define your musical existence.
In my first post I was talking about all genres of music having bad examples, and deathcore was the genre in question, so I referenced a band frequently labeled as just deathcore despite having many elements outside of its stereotypical sound.Who said anything about being "concerned"? Someone asked a question and I answered. And you talked about image not with regards to what is or isn't metal, but about my hating of deathcore. It appears you can't even keep track of your own argument.![]()
Yeah, it's much better than For the Revolution and 12 Gauge. I highly recommend checking out their first few releases if you haven't already though - they still hold up extremely well.so this is really good...
glad to see some bands still paying respect to melodeath in 2013
And? What does this have to do with image? I'm talking strictly about the music. It's the same thing with many hybrid genres.And your response to the original question was "sometimes, depends on the band" - that shows concern if you have qualifiers for what is and isn't metal from within the same genre,
Because it does.and then feel the need afterwards to say it all sucks anyways.
Does it really matter if you can't produce a singe point of argument outside of personal preference? Pack it up son. Your reign of clown antic is done. You is as empty as Mustaine;s lyrics.
Youre right. It just so happens that im right. No one will ever mistake anselmo for someone else or dime for someone else.
More metal questions!
What is everybody's favorite Melodic Death Albums? I'm actually not all that well versed within the genre, considering the only albums I'm vaguely familiar with would be In Flames' The Jester Race
gr1m i think phil's work in Down is better than the entire Pantera catalog, come at me.
gr1m i think phil's work in Down is better than the entire Pantera catalog, come at me.
Down is great and NOLA is one hell of a record, but better than Pantera?
LMAO....thanks for my morning laugh.
well i think Pantera is shit, but I have some good memories of the NOLA album dating back to high school. Listened to the album recently and it holds up surprisingly well.
imo...Pantera is/was hillbilly jock rock. the only people i know that listened to pantera back in the day were hillbillies or dudebro jocks. the music was comically aggro and appealed to a specific demographic. people still championing pantera in 2013 are like metallica fans.
Holy Shit.
Remember the kids, The Truth?
Joey from Slipknot is touring with his new band and picked them to open for them.
Fucking rad.
well i think Pantera is shit, but I have some good memories of the NOLA album dating back to high school. Listened to the album recently and it holds up surprisingly well.
imo...Pantera is/was hillbilly jock rock. the only people i know that listened to pantera back in the day were hillbillies or dudebro jocks. the music was comically aggro and appealed to a specific demographic. people still championing pantera in 2013 are like metallica fans.
Oh, those kids. That's cool. Joey and Corey always seemed like cool guys.
Carcass - Heartwork, for me melodeath started and ended with Heartwork. Hyperbole aside, I'm not a fan of most melodeath.
imo...Pantera is/was hillbilly jock rock. the only people i know that listened to pantera back in the day were hillbillies or dudebro jocks. the music was comically aggro and appealed to a specific demographic. people still championing pantera in 2013 are like metallica fans.
i liked power/glam era Pantera. once they went "hard asses" it was so gimmicky. "yeah, glam's dying, look at us pretending it didn't happen". oh, fuck off.
As much as I love Carcass and the Heartwork album, it was Heartwork and Slaughter of the Soul by At The Gates that spawned a bunch of shitty bands and movement.
Says the guy whose argument was "Pantera is good because Dimebag was a good guitar player"
Thank fuck for that.
gr1m i think phil's work in Down is better than the entire Pantera catalog, come at me.
Says the man who listens to 80 percent grandma vocals metal.
I don't listen to Megadeth all that often.
How does everyone feel about Sunn 0)))?
I'm listening to Monolith & Dimensions. I still don't know if I like them but certainly they have my interest.
what are grandma vox?
Well, I don't know if this is right but, first that came to mind was Cathedral - The Carnival Bizarre. It came out in '95 though... here are some songs anyway!
Carnival Bizarre
Electric Grave (Last song on album)
Is there a Hardcore thread here?
Anyone listening to Saviour Machine?
Truth.Fully agreed. Most Pantera fans I knew of only liked Pantera, Metallica, Tool, Ozzy, or whoever was on an Ozzfest bill. These people were the most close minded and didn't venture out of that. Don't mind a couple of songs and riffs and such, but for the most part can't stand Pantera. It kinda came full circle again with a new breed in the early 2000's with bands like Lamb of God, Shadows Fall, As I Lay Dying, etc...
Yes, it's hilarious. Even sadder is that Glamtera >>>>> Pantera by a long shot. Hey seriously, Power Metal is actually a very good heavy metal album, way better than anything else they've ever done. Diamond > DimebagThis kinda fuels the fire for me too. I was never into the power/glam era Pantera, but to almost deny the existence is comical. All of a sudden they became the "tough guys".
Yes, it's hilarious. Even sadder is that Glamtera >>>>> Pantera by a long shot. Hey seriously, Power Metal is actually a very good heavy metal album, way better than anything else they've ever done. Diamond > Dimebag
Proof that Glamtera kicked ass: