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The Metal Thread

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Song; Neon Knights.

I'll have to think a bit more to pick a favorite album.

I listened to Heaven and Hell per your recommendation. Outside of H&H, Neon Knights, and Children of the Sea, the album doesn't hold up that well for me, but those 3 songs are glorious.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't care for Malmsteen so I don't know if they sing differently with him, but out of those vocalists Mats Levén is probably my favourite. Guy has insane range and talent.
Probably Graham Bonnet. I'm not the biggest Malsteem fan (though I don't criticize him for a lack of soul like some wannabe music critics do), but I enjoy his music from time to time. Out of all of those vocalists, that dude.


Yes, I am giant.
I'm a monster.
Breaking windows in houses, buildings of glass.
Rebel, rebel.
Holy outlaw.
Ride together.
Don't try it; the power's in one.

Favorite Song: I

Favorite Album: Master Of Reality


Vulture Industries put the title song of their upcoming album on Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acZ_pm7R22Q

I like it, but hope Bjornar screams on some of the tracks on the album. The lyrical content is right up my alley, which is lucky.

For comparison, here is a track from their previous album - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeGiZLHk2vI

If you haven't heard of them (I don't think they're very popular and the last time I mentioned them I got no bites), they're sort of like Arcturus but darker and with (even) more of an Edgar Allen Poe vibe and flair for dramatics. Their albums are loosely tied together conceptually, the first one being about individuality/dystopian future, second being about justice and crimes of the good side, and based on the song above, the third album may be about consumerism or consumption.

Plus their singer is in Black Hole Generator, whom I dislike, but hey maybe that'll get someones attention.


Speaking of metalcore, I was to a Walls of Jericho-concert last weekend. That was probably in my top ten of great concert-experiences. None of the tough guy hardcore mosh, but just big smiles all around, yelling our lungs out and smashing into eachother. And holy shit their lead singer can move. Jumping back and forth all around the stage, and generally just looking like the whole band was having a blast playing.
The crowd was, after the concert, just a sea of approving nods and knowing smiles to eachother.


Speaking of metalcore, I was to a Walls of Jericho-concert last weekend. That was probably in my top ten of great concert-experiences. None of the tough guy hardcore mosh, but just big smiles all around, yelling our lungs out and smashing into eachother. And holy shit their lead singer can move. Jumping back and forth all around the stage, and generally just looking like the whole band was having a blast playing.
The crowd was, after the concert, just a sea of approving nods and knowing smiles to eachother.

There's a metalcore band called Walls of Jericho? IS NOTHING SACRED?!




While I don't like much metalcore, I certainly wouldn't label it a shitty genre by definition as one of my favorite metal albums ever is Unearth's In The Eyes of Fire.

Yeah, I don't listen to much Metalcore, but Unearth is a solid band, no doubt. 'The Oncoming Storm' has a special place in my heart. One of my first screaming albums. It helps that the vocals aren't as emo as other Metalcore bands.


Poet Centuriate
New Jesu record comes out in a month, new Pelican record in October. Gonna be some good times. Also, Crossfaith's new album was supposed to drop last week but i guess it got pushed back to Sept. 4th, so there's that.


Their gig is the only one I've ever needed ear plugs in. One of my friends felt physically ill there, and my girlfriend said she felt the vibrations down there. =)

As someone whose ears are permanently fucked up (hyperacusis) from a concert with bad acoustics, I hope these bands take that stuff seriously, no matter how hardcore they want to feel.
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